headphones can't stage like speakers and speakers cant push detail in your face like headphones. Not that either option is bad - its interesting to hear the same song both ways. Overall, i just prefer the experience of sound coming to you rather than sound around your head
Yeah for me it’s a couple things; the size and scale of the soundstage and the ability to envision the performance/performers in front of you (rather than in your head) and the other is the visceral feeling of sound pressure energizing the room.
I think I've actually felt this so much stronger since the Yggdrasil has been in the 2-channel chain. So damn 3-dimensional, it blows my mind how much detail it can put out
Yeah Yggdrasil really takes things to the next level in a speaker system, 100% agree. Paired up with speakers that can stage and image well and can pass though all that resolution and those transients is a spine tingling experience that I’ve never come even close to with headphones (although admittedly a modest headfi rig).
I'm REALLY digging the setup as it is with the Yggdrasil-saga-vidar-ls6f. Amazing staging, depth and imaging in this smallish room.
Even my vinyl rig is so damn good. I need to upgrade from the nagaoka mp110 sometime this year and expect it to show me what its full potential is
You almost have the same system I did, but with Freya+ and eventually Vidar monoblocks (and the LS6 bookshelfs) and a Rel sub. I LOVE that system when it was setup properly. Unfortunately a new kid and wife working at home all the time now, so the speakers haven’t been used for some time. But my nearfields are here - hoping they will bring back a bit of that magic.
I can see why, and for me the modi to Yggdrasil step opened the music from a relatively 2D plane between the speakers to a 3D stage backwards and also forwards. They feel completely different and its very addictive.
I wonder if you think that your LS6s present their sound from further away with your Yggdrasil once you try a modi in your chain haha (even though the modi is also really good, for the price its insane!)
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