Golden Schlong Awards 2024 - Nominations

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2024.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    We haven't had these for a while? Nominations? (Please include a sentence or two).


    Campfire Audio Astrolith IEM - E
    I haven't been so smitten for a while. Sure not neutral, but instead a slight V with more emphasis on the lows than highs. The Astrolith really shows what a planar can do. Resolves as well as the best DDs such as the Sennheisers but has planar sensibilities with liquidity, clarity, and articulation. Loaner for SBAF crew is pending. Not cheap.

    Pi2 Design Mercury 3 Streamer - VLE
    I'm throwing in longevity because the V3 is an evolution (added Noise Nuke) of what was already a good incremental improvement over the Pi2 AES. V because inflation made everything pricey, but somehow Pi2 Design has been able to reduce their pricing as parts costs and availability issues have resolved.

    ZMF Caldera Closed - E
    Almost want to give in a L because so many people have heard it. What closed planar exists that doesn't sound all wonky and hit? This is the only one that I am aware of. Not only that, nearly hits all the capabilities of the "nano" diaphragm planars but without their downsides. 90% of the speed and articulation with 0% the timber oddities and plenty of bass slam. Not cheap.

    Wiim Pro Streamer - Brown Starfish
    But this if its a secondary system, need something for the patio or workout room, you don't care, or you really want to gimp your nice DAC. Unless the USB output which I am due to test comes out to be halfway decent.
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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
  2. Tchoupitoulas

    Tchoupitoulas Friend

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    ETA Ada - V

    It came out in 2023 but we didn't have any schongs that year, so Mjolnir 3 - VE?
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  3. Aklegal

    Aklegal Friend

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    I second the Mercury (VLE) and MJ3 (VE).
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  4. HotRatSalad

    HotRatSalad Friend

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    Pietus Maximus is the newest thing I've heard and spent time with that's worth mentioning. Not sure if it got shlong award yet.
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  5. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    I haven't heard it yet, but if reports are to be believed, then it sounds like Gungnir 2 fits in this list somewhere. (can't wait to compare the ?upcoming? loaner to my MIB)

    I second the vote for Mercury (EV) - I have a V2 that is a good step up from my Pi2aes's. Looking forward to hearing (or not hearing) improvement that V3 may (or may not) bring to the table (should see the loaner v3 sometime next week).

    Pietus Maximus for V - I have one paired with an old modded MMB1 (which I prefer over the internal ESS card).
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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
  6. wkw

    wkw Facebook Friend

    Mar 18, 2018
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    I would like to 2nd this. I love my PM. not too expensive. fantastic sound with my OG BF2 and Nitsch JAR600. I listen to this combo at work all day, day after day. No fatigue. Lovely sounds. Presents alot of sonic information without being a total dick about it.


    edit: also L because mine is a keeper.
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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
  7. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Caldera Closed - E
    Mjolnir 3 - VE
    Pietus - V
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  8. Slade01

    Slade01 Almost "Made"

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I'd nominate Vali 3 for Value for sure.
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  9. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Holo Red - E
    This is the gold standard of streamers for many people here, and while I know some prefer the Mercury, it's worth recognizing the Red given how prevalent it is among many here.

    Campfire Darkstar - E
    I'm probably the only one here who has heard this but it really is so good. Excellent all rounder and the bass is on a whole other level.

    ETA Ada: V
    The best mids in the entire headphone game as far as I’m concerned, and a bargain to boot!

    I second the Astrolith nomination. Don't think I've heard anything else that's new this year that I'd nominate for anything.

    Not from this year, and I don't know who else here has heard either, but willing to throw these names into the ring:

    Darlington Labs Phono Preamps - EVL
    Darlington has been quietly making powerhouse phono preamps for a while. I know several here heard their first releases, the MM-5 and MM-6 and while they didn't destroy $1k+ phonos they were good value for money. Since then Darlington has released the more versatile MP7 (currently on a B revision) and the MP8B, both of which I feel do punch well above their weight. I had the MP7 and upgraded to an MP8B, and to me they sounded better than virtually any phono I've been able to try under $1500. Clean, clear, well defined sound that just lets a turntable sing.

    Edit: Turns out of the MP8B specifically is from this year, January of 2024 to be exact. However since I'm nominating the general lineup I won't say it's a this year nomination exclusively.

    Nagaoka MP-500 Phono Cart - EVL
    This flagship Nagaoka MI cart is my personal vinyl endgame. It costs around $650 when you buy it from Japanese sellers and I'd put it up against any cart. A big, dynamic, highly refined sound that isn't afraid to open up and let the music rip when called for. Has as much resolution and detail as any MC I've heard and the muscular presentation of great MM carts. Because it's MI it has removable/replaceable stylus so you don't have to deal with the hassle and cost of retipping as you do with MC. The replacement styluses are around $250, a total bargain compared to other high end carts. It also doesn't require any step up on the voltage output so you can pair it with any phono pre out of the box. Once I got the MP-500 I stopped looking for other carts. It's that good.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
  10. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Anyone have a 2024 value IEM to nominate? The cheap stuff has come a looooong way in recent years.
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  11. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    7Hz Salnotes Zero 2 gets V for the cheap IEM front. For $25 you get really great DD sound quality for the price that doesn't sound like poo.

    7th Acoustics Supernova gets an E for doing a BA IEM right with a great agreeable sound signature and effortless sound tuning.

    Pietus Maximus/Big PeePee gets an V/E/L. Crazy how close it can sound to bigger amps while giving value if you get the built in ESS card. Can be with a setup for years.

    One OG still gets the L for me: OG Bifrost 2. It's snaps hard like my dick and/or the slapping my fiancé's butt.

    Brown Starfish is the Schiit Toilet Paper aka the Schiitroll.
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  12. TomNC

    TomNC Friend

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    Apos-AT R70X Refined headphones for V/E (very enjoyable). I would recommend these, but it probably makes little sense because they are a limited run. I do hope they can make this model a regular product and also make the headband more accommodating for individuals with a large head.
  13. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    I don't have a lot of experience with other dongles (only RU6, RU7 and loaner iFi Gobar Kensei) but I'd like to nominate the iBasso DC Elite - E

    This dongle recombobulated my thinking on the need for a $$DAP to get near-desktop level audio on the go. It drives everything I own, both IEM (save for Moonrover) and over ear dynamic driver in a way that nearly convinced me to dump a bunch of niche-ish non-multi-tasker gear. And it also upped my interest in the ROHM dac chips - I'm very interested to hear some other implementations.

    I'll also second the Vali3 for value, it's truly an overlooked gem.
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  14. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    Dec 6, 2018
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    Agree with the nominations for Pi2Design Mercury V3 (VE), Schiit Mjolnir 3 (VE), and ZMF Caldera Closed (E). Pietus Maximus (V) if more runs are planned.

    My nominations:

    ETA Ada: Kicks ass for the price. Easy V nomination. Only hesitation I have on my nomination is that I do not know if they are still being made (or if it is planned to produce more).

    DNA Supernaut: Nomination for E. A KT66 tube amp that somehow captures the nuance, resolve, and magic of triodes while still sounding like a tetrode. Not a sound for everyone sure, but still DNA house sound.

    Schiit x Nitsch Magni Piety: Nominated for V and L. While it's not technically superior to the other Magnis (technically on par, Unity might surpass it), the Piety somehow has this tubey sound in the mids and overall is just excellent. Relatively easy to pair with a variety of chains.

    ZMF Verite: Nominated for E and L (mostly the latter). Polarizing, sure. But technically excellent and is still the best expression of the ZMF house sound. Super resolving, and for those who like ZMFness it's haunting, tucks at the heartstrings.

    ZMF Atrium: Nominated for E. With the more open Atrium mesh or Aeolus mesh, this thing SLAMS and conveys sonic textures beautifully. I sold my Code-6 because this headphone did everything the Code-6 did but better.

    JAR HD600: Nominated for L. Still relevant, still excellent. So so few sins at all, both in commission and in omission.
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  15. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Didn't Piety already get a Golden Schlong in 2022?
  16. ColdsnapBry

    ColdsnapBry Friend

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Portal Pro Wireless 2.0 - What a feat this headphone is and well worth the wait. Easily the best thing I've heard all year and I've owned most things listed on this thread.
  17. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    That's why I also nominated it for longevity (L)
  18. joch

    joch Friend

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    the other side of the big ocean
    Pietus especially with the ESS module. This is the transportable for travel. I would like a Vali/Modi stack, but if you add the wallwarts they're oversized and overweight compared to the Pietus.

    The Crin X Zero:2. It's just a very decent IEM you can toss around for $25 (retail). They are light and comfortable (for me). $30 cable swap and $25 alternate tips make them slightly better, but I still reverted to stock.

    I haven't had too much listening time with the Soekris 1221, but it's definitely a value since it occupies the no-man's land of R2R at $500. Probably need more listening and experimentation with the power source to see if this punches even more.

    I thought about the R70X Refine, but it's limited edition.

    Long-term value for me: the original Gaudio Nair. You can probably get these as pre-loved for cheap now. I used these on a recent flight that was 15+ hours long. I had these in my ears most of the time. If you don't like NC, these isolate pretty well with the right tips, and the sound is waaay better. The on-flight movie dialogues were crystal clear, and as I said they isolated fairly well that I kept them on and fell asleep. I don't know if it's the bomb-proof build or what, but they worked for me.
  19. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    We do plan on keeping Ada in our line up. Though it would come back with some enchantments to parity our releases planned for 2025.
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  20. Sqveak

    Sqveak Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    NSW, Aus, Terra, Sol.
    Bifrost 2 OG for L
    4 years now and nothing has yet to temp me away from it.

    Pietus Maximus for V and E
    This thing punches up like the SW51.
    As for the above comparison, this is the first and only amp to have sidelined my SW51.
    The BF2 an SW51 had been paired since new.
    The Maximus split them up for over 6 months.
    Nothing else lasted more than a few weeks before it was back in action.

    I get that this doesn't exactly explain why the V and E but I know that some of you will get the significance of disrupting a long term set-up. One with staying power.

    Also big appreciation for the Vali 2+(+) for an easy L.
    So easy to just not give a f**k when listening with one.
    Remains true no matter how many hot new things there are.
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