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Friend, Male, from Croatia

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tool I found very usefull - Feb 23, 2024

Ardacer was last seen:
Aug 21, 2024
    1. Ardacer
      Mosquitoes are the ungodly joint fabrication of every evil deity and malevolent force of creation in the multiverse.
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      2. drgumbybrain
        don't like them, but The male mosquito does not feed on blood. Instead, he survives on the sugars present in plant nectar. As a byproduct of his actions, he helps to pollinate those same plants. In subarctic climates such as northern EUA,Canada and Russia, mosquitoes play a major role in plant pollination.
        Oct 28, 2018
        JustAnotherRando and Jinxy245 like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @purr1n "Mosquitoes I kill without hesitation."

        I was always like that. Picking up a larva, searching for the food plant it fell off. India turned me into a mass murderer. Mosquitoes. And sometimes ants.

        (But I don't kill cockroaches. I don't see any harm in them, as long as they are outside. So I scoop them up and put them there)
        Oct 28, 2018
      4. Ardacer
        Little porkers refuse to die off, it's very warm for what's practically november...
        Oct 29, 2018
    2. Ardacer
      Can find only vanatoo t1's in europe, no t0's :/ Anyway thx @zerodeefex, one hell of a recommendation
      1. A1Gear, ultrabike and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. zerodeefex
        I prefer the zeroes to the original Transparent One. The Transparent One Encore took what they learned from the Transparent Zeroes and added it back the bigger speaker.
        Oct 8, 2018
        Ardacer and A1Gear like this.
      3. Ardacer
        Transparent zero's tick so many boxes.. for that money, it's an instant buy, if I could find them, that is.
        Oct 8, 2018
    3. Ardacer
      1. JustAnotherRando likes this.
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      3. Ardacer
        All you said's true. I meant biologically inert in a sense that it's in its metallic form, not ionic in a liquid. You can eat it drink it whatever. Mercury... has a vapour pressure. And while small, it's very toxic. So ... not a good idea.
        Oct 1, 2018
      4. Ardacer
        Also, yes, aqua regia is a nitric/cloric combo, but 2l of bleach and 2l of hcl for a grand total of 2 bucks works exacly the same if you can deal with clorine gas. Or inhale it all, like me!
        Oct 1, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        So, if I was to *drink* the bleach, and then eat the gold, that wouldn't be so good, as it would be meeting bleach plus HCl (not H2SO4; thanks) in my stomach.

        I'll try to remember not to do that!
        Oct 2, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
    4. Ardacer
      What's better? Make 6 liters of antiparasitic drug and flush that down the drain, make a very little bit of metal cake or grow some azurite?
      1. GoodEnoughGear
    5. Ardacer
      1. JK47 likes this.
      2. DigMe
        Thar be gold in them hills.
        Sep 30, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. OldDude04
    6. Ardacer
      I've dissassembled/processed a fair amount of scrap components. Will try to extract gold for fun. :)
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Interesting. Not that I'm planning to do this, but always interested in the howto of things. Off to google/ youtube to find out!

        (I imagine you *don't* use mercury as a solvent, and then drive off the mercury in your kitchen oven. Not if you want to stay alive and out of prison!)
        Sep 30, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. Ardacer
        HCl, air bubbler and bleach. All the water soluble metal waste precipitates with lye into a paste which can be superheated to form metals again, or delivered to the waste disposal. Gold percipitates with alkali metadisulfides (wine protection chemicals). No need for mercury at all. :)
        Sep 30, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Historically, amalgam was used in the gold 'plating' of silver salt pots. I think the process killed plenty of workers!

        I just noticed your profession. As a scientist, I guess you'll stay safe with the chemicals --- and use the right eye protection! :)
        Sep 30, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
    7. Ardacer
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hrodulf
        Have fun! It's a truly stellar set of speakers.
        Sep 27, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. westermac
        Woah, I wasn't familiar with this previously. Badass. Looks like the makings of an excellent weekend!
        Sep 27, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      4. Ardacer
        Heheheh it would be fun and it would be a great weekeng if I wasn't broke as fu k right now cause of this :D
        It will be a fun weekend in a week or two :D
        Sep 27, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom and westermac like this.
    8. Ardacer
      Again ... ordered 4 drivers (expensive seas subs) and only 2 arrive, this time from Netherlands and no note saying more are on the way...
      1. Ardacer
        Everything here phew
        Sep 27, 2018
    9. Ardacer
      Not to stir the SJW can of worms again, but Ciri is baem now. Good job Netflix. Now make Geralt a pink skin furry alien or I won't watch.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ardacer
        Are you implying that a big muscular black man can't be a better white little girl than a white little girl? Sounds bigoted... (emma would be amazing adult Ciri, but they are looking for a 12yo kid, I was thinking hitgirl)
        Sep 25, 2018
      3. BillOhio
        I was making a reference to her role in Aloha where she played an Asian for some reason.
        Sep 25, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      4. Ardacer
        Didn't know that. That's also really silly, as if there aren't plenty enough capable asian beatiful actressess to pick from. Also, for the role of Ciri, the casting call specifically said they don't want white actresses. So much for picking the best actor for the role.
        Sep 26, 2018
    10. Ardacer
    11. Ardacer
      I'm considering buying 3 more active studio monitors and setting up a 7.1 for movies/gaming
      1. Deep Funk and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. Ardacer
        I want to hear dragon /spaceship /dragonspaceship flying over my head
        Well whatever I'll probably build 7 small ultrabike style speakers myself then use those and sell my krks.
        Sep 19, 2018
      4. LetMeBeFrank
        I'm a huge fan of surround for movies and casual gaming. When it comes to competitive multiplayer games, where you need those sound cues to be precise, headphones are much better IMO.
        Sep 19, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      5. Ardacer
        I've got things covered in the headphones department :)
        This is just for movies(sometimes) and casual gaming.
        Sep 19, 2018
    12. Ardacer
    13. Ardacer
      I definitively needed to read more, been reading Linkwitz's site lately. What a treasure cove. Any other recommendations?
      1. Brad Tombaugh likes this.
      2. Ardacer
        I'll check his links too.
        Sep 15, 2018
      3. Serious
        Have you already read Troels Gravesen's site?
        Sep 15, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      4. Ardacer
        No, but I know what I'll be doing the next few weeks, or months? I've seen one of his 4-ways that intrigued me, but I never knew where it was from! Thanks!
        Sep 15, 2018
    14. Ardacer
      I like to share what has given me satisfaction and enjoyment. -SL
      1. Ardacer
        "A loudspeaker is to me not a piece of furniture but a transducer. As such it has an electrical input and produces an acoustic sound-field as output. I do not sell loudspeakers but offer construction plans for DIY duplication. I like to share what has given me satisfaction and enjoyment." Imagine the world if more people shared this sentiment.
        Sep 14, 2018
        murray likes this.
      2. murray
        Is that you with SL? That must have been great to have met him. I would like to build one of his speaker sustems, but being realistic will have to wait some years until retirement. (Edit: missing word)
        Sep 15, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. Ardacer
        That's Russ Riley, Linkwitz-Riley :)
        Unfortunately, he died in 2010. I too wanted to meet mr. Linkwitz :(
        Sep 15, 2018
    15. Ardacer
      Pulled the trigger. Soon all 12 seas drivers should be here, + 2 dayton sealed subs, for a 5 way active system. My speaker endgame.
      1. 9suns, Thad E Ginathom and Azteca like this.
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      3. Azteca
        Damn, based on earlier posts, a Linkwitz design? Would love to have system with active correction for each speaker with Acourate or similar. MitchCo at Computer Audiophile wrote great guides.
        Sep 13, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      4. Ardacer
        I use arta and rew to do all my work, rew generates dsp filters too. Amazing stuff.
        Yep, subs are my design but Linkwitz transformed, will be used as omni's for 15-35 Hz, the rest is lx521.4, with aditional dsp smoothing. :)
        Can't wait to do it
        Sep 13, 2018
      5. Ardacer
        Actually I'm not sure if I'm gonna Linkwitz transform them or mod them into ported, cause at those frequencies, centered around 20 Hz, it's just lfe basically.
        Sep 13, 2018
    16. Ardacer
    17. Ardacer
      Paid 8 drives from falcon acoustics for lx521. Woofer (100gbp) missing. Small heart attack. Found note, "another u22 coming from warehouse"
    18. Ardacer
      Linkwitz gave his last speaker the name lx521, because he found the best baffle shape on 21st of may. That also happens to be my birthday.
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      2. Azteca
        I want to hear Linkwitz speakers, the 521 in particular, more than just about any hi-fi setup. Why? Because I'd actually consider saving for them.
        Sep 4, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. Ardacer
        I'll buy the rest of the drivers I need for them soon! Can't wait :)
        Will be posting about them when I'm done making them.
        Sep 4, 2018
        Azteca likes this.
      4. Ardacer
        Cardioid sub + constant directivity horn is another option I'd like to have.
        Sep 4, 2018
    19. Ardacer
      "Dr. Manfred Schroeder, not to be confused with Schrödinger, the dude who discovered that a cat explodes if you put it in the microwave."
      1. drgumbybrain and Jinxy245 like this.
    20. Ardacer
      Just ordered 6 drivers for the top part of lx521. Still debating with myself whether to go seas or dayton for the subwoofers.
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      2. Priidik
        Some ribbons/planars might do it. I don't think the baffle size is the main issue here. The direct energy from back reflections that the baffle would eat is minimal. It needs to be open back with ideally same symmetry on back as front (very little in the way of obstructions), but in this sense, yes ideal one doesn't exist, probably.
        Aug 31, 2018
      3. Ardacer
        well, the diameter should not be more than 2-3 cm. if you know of any ribbon, planar or estat like that I'm sold
        Aug 31, 2018
      4. Ardacer
        I've even considered turning my mini tesla coils into plasma tweeters but I don't like ozone so...
        Aug 31, 2018
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