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Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
Sep 26, 2015
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Northern Colorado

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Friend, Male, from Northern Colorado


Apparently even walking through a store is enough for sars v2- K3 variants to find you and infect. Weak flu like symptoms, not too bad. Jul 26, 2024 at 9:34 AM

bixby was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
    1. bixby
      Spent All Day With Google- Great event learning about their Cloud Computing, cool stuff. Now officially unretired.
      1. jexby
        now get ready for Azure indoctrination with Cray HPC, or AWS services that cover every possible need. well, almost- except food, water and beer.
        Nov 9, 2017
        bixby likes this.
    2. bixby
      New Dac in the house- Under $2k sounds great no pre needed,. Prism Sound Lyra 1.
      1. Thad E Ginathom and ButtUglyJeff like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bixby
        Sorry K4rstar not the Crane Song Solaris, it is Prism Sound Lyra 1. Pretty happy with it so far.
        Nov 3, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. jexby
        @bixby looks like it was designed for 1979. you aren't using Lyra1 as a headphone amp?
        Nov 3, 2017
        bixby likes this.
      5. bixby
        I could care less if it looked like a Buick Aztek, haha, it sounds great, and no I use something even more absurd for cans, haha
        Nov 4, 2017
    3. bixby
      What the heck happened, formatting of the site is all effed up on Firefox.
      1. monacelli likes this.
      2. monacelli
        True also for Chrome (Win 10 anyway). I think it's serving the mobile version of the site to desktop browsers
        Oct 16, 2017
    4. monacelli
      Thanks for the shout out, Bixby! The FS52 seem like a great fit for home theater applications. Surprised Pioneer discontinued them
      1. bixby likes this.
      2. bixby
        It's kindof funny, I sold some nice stands and fancy PSB bookshelves and got both towers new for $110.
        Oct 10, 2017
        monacelli likes this.
    5. bixby
      Folks in Cali, be safe.
      1. elguapo and Case like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Pyruvate
        Oct 9, 2017
        shaizada likes this.
      4. shaizada
        We are evacuated, but took up some hotel rooms. We are's been a rough day. But I am thankful.
        Oct 9, 2017
        Pyruvate likes this.
      5. bixby
        Sad to hear of the scale of loss.
        Oct 10, 2017
    6. bixby
      RMAF tidbit -Focal Clear quite lower treble centric with Prism Sound Calia, improved with Naim dac/amp.
      1. FlySweep likes this.
    7. bixby
      RIP: Tom Petty
      1. Case, Deep Funk, elguapo and 3 others like this.
    8. bixby
      Anyone hear the Cranesong Solaris dac?
    9. bixby
      Price Drop on my deHavilland UltraVerve 6SN7 line preamp.
      1. purr1n
        Sep 25, 2017
    10. bixby
      If you listen to speakers- Do something to your room acoustics. Makes more difference than worrying about what new dac or amp to buy!
      1. monacelli
        What have you found provides the biggest bang for your buck as far as room treatments go?
        Sep 23, 2017
        Dino likes this.
      2. bixby
        Biggest is placement, to avoid peaks and nulls based on listening position, second is taming first reflections off side walls. I use some big canvas framed paintings (no glass) with quilt thrown over it. One on each side wall approximately where first reflection would be. I raise them off the floor with wood plank to get their centers in line with tweeter height.
        Sep 23, 2017
        A1Gear, Dino and monacelli like this.
      3. A1Gear
        @bixby May I ask for you advice on...
        How important is it to fix & what to do about the: First Reflections on Hardwood floors, Ceilings, as well as directly behind a properly positioned & toed-in Rear-ported Bookshelves, in a small room? Thank you!
        Sep 25, 2017
    11. bixby
      Wow - Intense smoke outside today, cannot even stand outside to water the lawn. cough cough.
      1. zerodeefex
        In longmont? Woah.
        Sep 4, 2017
      2. Elnrik
        Yeah, visibility is under 4 miles. I couldn't see the mountains all day, and the allergies are going nuts.
        Sep 5, 2017
    12. bixby
      The divorce sale has begun, check the for sale area for stuff I have to sell. You may find something that interests you!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kunlun
        Sorry to hear it. Hope it's for a better future for you.
        Sep 4, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom and Case like this.
      3. bixby
        thanks for the support guys, way of the world I suppose. Kids are fine, just need to skinny down some things.
        Sep 4, 2017
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Sad. End of a chapter... move on to the next. Which, of course, is easy to *say*

        But,,, all the best anyhow.
        Sep 4, 2017
    13. bixby
      I have listened to way too many 6sn7 tubes this weekend.
      1. A1Gear likes this.
      2. bengo
        Hope it was worth it. (Multiple choice decisions are hard. Or maybe I'm just indecisive) Will you be posting a write-up?

        I thought @Marvey - nemesis of all tube rollers - bought all the 6SN7s in existence from ebay during the week before Saga and Freya launched.
        Aug 23, 2017
      3. bixby
        Aug 30, 2017
    14. bixby
      Interesting to see the dislike button and tallys gone, not that I ever used it
      1. gaspasser likes this.
    15. bixby
      Listened to Andrew Jones and the new Elac Adante AS-61 stand mount speakers. Viewed the Elac Miracord Anniversary turntable, pretty!
      1. JayC and Scott Kramer like this.
      2. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        I think there's something about speakers that can go 30+ KHz*... my UB5's highs are really at a different level (when the digital front end is really good.) Go back to my energy veritas & they sound grainy until you get used to them again!

        * Well that, the concentric drivers, internal driver / ext passive & Andrew Jones :D
        Jul 16, 2017
      3. JayC
        What was the adante like? As impressive as the hype train suggests?
        Jul 17, 2017
      4. bixby
        @jayeshrc Adante was a bit too warm for me. Not something I would like in my system.
        Aug 18, 2017
    16. bixby
      If you use a laptop as your source you are crippled from the start.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vansen
        That's okay. I have an Audio-gd S19 that weighs 3.5x as much as my MacBook to take care of that issue.
        Jun 5, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      3. Grahad2
        Already crippled before I plug anything in... ;)
        Jun 5, 2017
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Are you Timmy from South Park?
        Jun 6, 2017
    17. bixby
      enjoying my new dirt cheap iem for on the go, RHA MA-350 powered by LG V-10. Finally a phone that sounds a bit better than most.
      1. Garns and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Garns
        ^^ Word for word what Thad said. Pair ordered!
        Apr 22, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. bixby
        Wonder why I cannot see Thad's comment in this view but I can see it in his profile?? Yea, now that the little ma-350 has a new regular price of under $30, I had to grab it. A bit on the bassy side but while walking it is appreciated. Now if I only knew where I put my spinfit tips?
        Apr 23, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. bixby
        Ordered a second pair, certainly came from a different run/factory, about the same sound, though
        Aug 18, 2017
    18. Grahad2
      1. DigMe
        Mar 16, 2017
      2. DigMe
        Probably dating myself with that Bixby reference.
        Mar 16, 2017
        yotacowboy likes this.
      3. bixby
        funny Bixby's was the name of a retail audio, photo, video, computer store I helped start in Seattle in the late 70s, talk about dating ones self, haha. I started using that moniker on audio forums decades ago. Interesting that Sammy picked that name for their Siri, Google, Watson clone.
        Apr 21, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    19. bixby
      Got to hear the Focal upper crust, Utopia nearly perfect and Elear, great effort! KT66 w/ Senn 650s via Elekit, excellent synergy!
      1. JK47, Psalmanazar, jexby and 3 others like this.
    20. bixby
      1. Case and ultrabike like this.
      2. ultrabike
        Beautiful dots and tildas. The regularity. The periodicity. So beautiful.
        Oct 21, 2016
      3. ultrabike
        Matilda is hot.
        Oct 21, 2016
      4. ultrabike
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    Northern Colorado