Deep Funk
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May 14, 2024
Sep 27, 2015
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Deep Funk

Deep thoughts - Friend, Male, from Amsterdam


If you want to know about Amsterdam and NL, well I am too tired to care these days. Too many issues, too many idiots. Finally enough sleep. May 13, 2024

Deep Funk was last seen:
May 14, 2024
    1. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Strange start of Spring. Oh well, the sun is back after some cold weeks...
      1. Jinxy245, JayC and Cryptowolf like this.
    2. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      After a rough Sunday and terrible week "Mondo Bizarro" by the Ramones was much needed. That is some good music...
      1. robot zombie, Jinxy245 and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Good pick. I'm feeling that.
        Apr 11, 2021
    3. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Learning to talk about money and finances, you go from kid to adult and check your wallet.
      1. Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
    4. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      When only Kyuss makes sense, you play Kyuss. No words, just blissful fuzz and grooves...
      1. shambles, Jinxy245, Poleepkwa and 2 others like this.
      2. Poleepkwa
        Apr 4, 2021
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        "Demon Cleaner" and "Gardenia," sometimes you need to clean up and go outside...
        Apr 4, 2021
    5. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      In NL religious people are finally noticing how it doesn't make sense to keep churches open. Large groups are large groups. Idiots...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        @Merrick I was able to influence only a few amongst those Orthodox sects in America and in Israel, who would otherwise have joined in their communities' desecration of God's name.
        Mar 31, 2021
      3. Lyander
        The unfortunate reality of things is that many use religion and God as a means to affirm their own ideals and invigorate their biases. "Pastors" that demand tithes while claiming COVID was punishment for humanity's gross excess are at the front of my mind and frankly, it's disgusting.
        Mar 31, 2021
      4. Merrick
        @Claritas I’m Jewish too, and I wasn’t trying to imply I’m holding you responsible for that behavior. I could have worded my response better.
        Mar 31, 2021
        Claritas likes this.
    6. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Some people say that patience is a virtue. They forget that impulse control is the hard work that gives you the stamina to be patient...
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      2. dllmsch
        Impulse control is a huge part in puppy training, and I find myself learning a lot from it as well. You can't teach what you don't already have learnt, and dog logic is not so different from human logic.
        Mar 27, 2021
        robot zombie and Deep Funk like this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        The last 12 months. I am done with too many things that annoy me. Even if the world burns you can only put out your own fire first. Society can plunge itself into stupidity and consumerism. I am going to focus on what I really value. Music is one of the few things that keeps me sane...
        Mar 27, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Yes man! That was me coming out of election/pandemic-induced blackpilling.

        I dunno... I am a pretty worldly person.I always want for things to be better than they are, for everyone. If everyone is happier, I am happier, because my world is actually happier.

        It's hard to watch. I can't not see them as victims on some level.

        But as they say, charity starts at home.
        Mar 27, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    7. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      The iPhone crowd keeps amazing me. "Portable charger? My phone lives forever until it dies. AirPods, oh I need to charge those." Seriously.
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      2. Merrick
        Or was this a jab at people who neglect to consider the battery life of all the devices they use? In that case, sure.
        Mar 25, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Dude, in my daily experience most iPhone users do not bring their own cable and or charger. They ask me or someone else. The Android users, well it hardly happens. What is it with the consumer cult of Apple worshippers? Do their phones work on magic?
        Mar 25, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Merrick
        I don’t know, I don’t speak for all iPhone users. *shrug*
        Mar 25, 2021
    8. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Dutch elections. I detest Dutch politics right now. Not sure if my vote will count, even so I will vote for some kind of change...
      1. Jinxy245, luckybaer and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. PTS
        What are the big issues in the NL right now?
        Mar 14, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Covid-19, student scholarships, student debt, looming recession, healthcare costs increase, industrial pollution, sustainable energy, retirement, falling education standards, E.U. issues, privacy, housing market, tax-heaven status, increasing costs of living and some more. I need a coffee...
        Mar 15, 2021
        Jinxy245 and PTS like this.
    9. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      The new Gojira track is epic. If I can go to Gojira and Ghost this year, I would be quite happy. Yes, Ghost too...
      1. JayC, Cryptowolf, HotRatSalad and 2 others like this.
      2. Hrodulf
        I'm suppose to see IGORR and Drumcorps on November. Fat chance.
        Mar 12, 2021
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I am going to be a careful optimist. Life is too short...
        Mar 13, 2021
    10. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      First quarter of 2021. Vola and Soen already release new singles. This can be an exceptional year for music...
      1. JayC, Jinxy245 and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JayC
        wait, didn't Soen release Imperial (album) this year?
        Mar 8, 2021
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I will look that up. I have been busy lately.
        Mar 9, 2021
        JayC likes this.
      5. JayC
        I enjoyed the album, and if you liked the singles you will too!
        Mar 9, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    11. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Spring is near. My air ways will suffer but f**k it. Sun light and warmth make life better...
      1. ergopower
        3 years ago I got hooked up with a good pulmonologist. He helped me identify an allergen I could eliminate (cats, no offense); and put me on several medications that significantly help with the pollen.
        Mar 5, 2021
    12. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      New parliament elections in NL. I am preparing for headaches. Extra propaganda in the next 2 weeks...
      1. Jinxy245 and crazychile like this.
      2. crazychile
        In the US it’s a solid 4 months of that BS. Midterms are about 2 months. You’re lucky.
        Feb 28, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Well with the orange man it was constant propaganda. Thankfully that is over.
        Feb 28, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    13. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Almost a year into measures now. Politicians are sounding more like idiots by the day. Rules are for the commoners, politicians: no rules.
      1. Syzygy, dasman66, 9suns and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 9suns
        So true. The saddest part is that the situation could be even worse...this virus loves idiots, that's why it is so dangerous.
        Feb 26, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. dasman66
        but you act like this is new... this has been the SOP of the ruling class for as long as I can remember
        Feb 26, 2021
        Deep Funk and E_Schaaf like this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Part of me wants to be an optimist and say "we have learnt from the past and things are better" but that part of me is decreasing...
        Feb 27, 2021
    14. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      For all my fellow dorks with hay-fever and dust allergies: take care. Keep yourself clean and drink enough water.
      1. Josh83, Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and 4 others like this.
      2. DigMe
        We’re coming out of juniper pollen season here in central Texas which is typically pretty brutal. Glad it’s on the outs for now.
        Feb 23, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    15. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      The best thing about tea: it is not coffee. Drinking less coffee every once in a while...
      1. Jinxy245, Gazny, Cryptowolf and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penguins
        Drink both. Or even better, find a coffee and tea that mix well together - various black and red teas are usually a good place to start for this.
        Feb 21, 2021
        Deep Funk and Lyander like this.
      4. Skyline
        @Deep Funk , I was just being goofy. I enjoy both. Coffee in the morning and tea in the evening.
        Feb 21, 2021
        Jinxy245 and Deep Funk like this.
      5. Gazny
        Tea doesn't make me have to go to the bathroom like coffee. Super annoying trying to be productive and going out for a "break"
        Feb 21, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    16. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Reconquered my second golden owl on DuoLingo. It took months. French grammar is hard work. Time for number 3 and yes, it is a hobby...
      1. Merrick
        C’est tres bon! Magnifique!
        Feb 14, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    17. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      When learning Mandarin (yes, not joking) at one point you have to ditch the "pinyin", it does not help. Learn the pronunciations by heart...
      1. aamefford and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Tachikoma
        Tricky thing about pinyin is that the actual pronunciation can change with context, e.g., two "second tones" in a row.
        Feb 12, 2021
        Deep Funk and DigMe like this.
      4. DigMe
        The thing about tones is you need to get to a flow. If a mandarin learner is slowly pronouncing every word with its standalone tone it is harder to be understood IME. Another thing that those who grew up only speaking non-tonal languages can have a hard time understanding is that tone is just as important for meaning as pronunciation. Sometimes moreso.
        Feb 12, 2021
      5. DigMe
        Just a couple of things that I have learned from visiting and living in China on and off since 1996.
        Feb 12, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    18. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      The snow and ice are melting. I hope Spring will be pleasant...
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      2. jnak00
        -26C here right now, and I think we're the "warm" spot in the province!
        Feb 9, 2021
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Well in NL we have a short week of snow and everybody was stuck for 24 to 48 hours. Cold feet are not pleasant...
        Feb 9, 2021
      4. luckybaer
        “Real” winter just started here in the US. Fun!
        Feb 9, 2021
        Deep Funk and Syzygy like this.
    19. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Curfew until March. Daily life is going to be so quiet...
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. crenca
        How is the vaccine rollout going there? What percentage of population have been vaccinated so far, and what's the goal by March?
        Feb 8, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        NL is lagging behind like a coal train chasing a Japanese bullet train. The Dutch numbers are not to be trusted because the minister in charge keeps changing his plans/strategies. I am disgusted...
        Feb 8, 2021
      5. gixxerwimp
        Feb 8, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
    20. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      The cultural sector in NL is slowly collapsing. The moment life returns to pre-2020 I will support the culture and education a lot more...
      1. Gazny and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I have weird hours. About noon to 10 P.M. Therefore I cannot follow as many events compared to my previous job which was 7/8 A.M to 4/5 P.M. Oh well...
        Feb 5, 2021
      4. Cryptowolf
        Oh well. It’s also Bandcamp Friday where the service fees charged go direct to artists. Maybe pick up some favorite music?
        Feb 5, 2021
        Deep Funk likes this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        2 Minutes To Late Night and the covers by Kawehi.
        Feb 6, 2021
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Gear List:
    HD600 + Vali 2, PortaPro + Fulla 2, Siemens Halske tubes, CD-player, Tidal on PC or Tidal on phone.
    I am a passionately curious person.

    Sometimes I need coffee and sleep.

    Coffee is important...


    "What ever will bewilder me..."