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Jul 22, 2020
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Jun 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
Parts Unknown

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HD700 ruined my ear holes, Male, 45, from Parts Unknown


best $2k+ amp i've ever bought of any type. Mar 31, 2021

Ruined was last seen:
Jul 24, 2024 at 5:36 AM
    1. Ruined
      best $2k+ amp i've ever bought of any type.
      1. bilboda likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Senorx12562
        Jot 2. Oh, wait, that's a $2400 amp.
        Apr 1, 2021
      4. Ruined
        @ChaChaRealSmooth Rotel rb-1090, parasound hca-2205a both of which i bought new like 15-20yr ago for ~$2k+ and i still have/use; most expensive HP amp i bought prior was oppo ha-1 ($1199) which sucked and I sold; also had the MF MX-HPA ($999) which was good for darker headphones but a bad hd800 match, and LP as you know, plus other random integrated hp stuff like parasound zdac2, yamaha, etc that was cheaper.
        Apr 3, 2021
      5. Ruined
        Apr 3, 2021
    2. Ruined
      The Liquid Platinum is replaced. This is a sad time for me because it was a great deal, but there is no room for it next to the Starlett.
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth
        If your experience is anything like mine, the Starlett will make you forget about the Liquid Plat real quick
        Mar 26, 2021
        roshambo123, Ruined and HotRatSalad like this.
      2. Ruined
        @ChaChaRealSmooth already has haha. if i had to describe, it retained a similar artful presentation of the sound, but added missing highs (again artfully) and vastly expanded the soundstage which is very important to me personally. Plus a little magic in there.
        Mar 27, 2021
    3. Ruined
      The HD700 is gone. This is a sad time for me, but I couldn't justify it w/ both the HD800S&HD820. Farewell old friend, long may you run!
      1. Deep Funk, obsiCO, Hammy and 5 others like this.
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      3. JK47
        Oct 12, 2020
        Ruined likes this.
      4. Senorx12562
        Senorx12562 the opposite direction.
        Oct 12, 2020
      5. obsiCO
        This is like seeing Frodo finally dropped the ring into the fire. Good for you!
        Oct 13, 2020
        Senorx12562 likes this.
    4. Ruined
      I just kinda realized the only headphone I own that I 100% like is the HD820
      1. Cakecake and Deep Funk like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ruined
        Unfortunately the board software doesn't allow one to delete profile post when accidentally update instead of comment.
        Sep 19, 2020
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        You need a Koss PortaPro. It is not perfect but for the money, it makes more sense than most things in audio.
        Sep 19, 2020
      5. Ruined
        I had a Oculus Rift CV1 a while back and it had portapro headphone drivers built in

        They weren't bad but at that size I liked the PX100 better. But I lost my px100 and they don't sell it anymore :[
        Sep 19, 2020
    5. Ruined
      Just installed the french mod...
      1. Biodegraded
        Shouldn't it be black, not red?
        Sep 19, 2020
        Ruined likes this.
      2. Ruined
        The black beret is for the SHARPY "S" model only
        Sep 19, 2020
    6. Ruined
      How could you not love a face like this?
      1. Gazny and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    7. Ruined
      Meet SHARPY, my special headphone mascot!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. pure5152
        Glad you can have a sense of humor about this whole hd700 thing, I love the new profile image haha. Like Lyander says, it’s cursed but has an odd charm to it too.
        Sep 18, 2020
        Ruined likes this.
      3. Ruined
        Sep 18, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom and pure5152 like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "HD700 ruined my ear holes"

        you could try...

        "HD700 sucked my brain out"
        Sep 19, 2020
        Superexchanger and Ruined like this.
    8. Ruined
      It doesn't sound like a $484 amp though. it sounds better than some $1100 amps I've used - and tubes can be moved to another device.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. tommytakis
        is this the cap modded liquid platinum that I've been hearing about?
        Sep 4, 2020
      3. Ruined
        I haven't tried cap mod yet, apparently that helps open it up/increases detail on some headphones. I am using HD8xx series so dont need any additional opening up/increased detail :) But might be helpful for HD650 etc. On HD8xx the LP works really well stock (which is a feat within itself).
        Sep 4, 2020
        Superexchanger likes this.
      4. Ruined
        Sep 4, 2020
    9. Ruined
      Back to stock tubes :[
      1. Gazny and Cakecake like this.
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      3. Ruined
        I would like to try more stuff there just ain't much that fits my oddball needs haha and I've tried most of it that did, other than schitt because hd800 owners said Schitt stuff (even tubed) had grainy treble and was a bad match

        LP is by far best match I've found thus far that fits my use case.
        Sep 4, 2020
        mk801 likes this.
      4. e.schell
        SW51+ FTW. Looking forward to finally hearing one... mine is in the current batch being assembled. ogodei has two amps for sale in his Ampocalypse that are generally well liked with the HD800 series. EC ZDS and Woo WA5.
        Sep 4, 2020
      5. Ruined
        The wa5le comes the closest to what i would be looking for w/ Balanced I/O
        & Chassis split up into 2 smaller pieces I could rearrange instead of 1 giant one.

        And I knew about this one but the price is off the hook starting at $3700. A $484 LP and some premium tubes is still less than 1/5 the price of this, and I'd rather spend that much money on headphones etc. Don't want to > $2k on amp and do want balance I/O
        Sep 5, 2020
    10. Ruined
      Anyone know of a good stain remover for metal & plastic?
      1. Cakecake likes this.
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      3. Ruined
        Nothing to see here, move along :]
        Sep 3, 2020
        Cakecake likes this.
      4. Ruined
        I mean doesn't everyone booby trap their equipment in case an unauthorized user attempts to touch it?
        Sep 3, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. YMO
        Sep 3, 2020
        ChaChaRealSmooth and Ruined like this.
    11. Ruined
      I think Monoprice soldered my right tube socket on crooked :[
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gixxerwimp
        Just "roll" the tube so it's vertically aligned. I would think the pins should still make good contact. Still, rather annoying just knowing it's crooked.
        Sep 1, 2020
      4. Ruined
        Ah it don't really bug me was just goofing around w/ my profile pic :) Plus if you look at the LP stock photo on the left tube is crooked, so maybe its a feature heh
        Sep 1, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        That's why we need balance controls back on amps.
        Sep 1, 2020
        Ruined likes this.
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  • About

    Jun 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    Parts Unknown
    Gear List:
    PC listening station
    HD820 / HD800S 75th / Hemp / GSP500 / HD25 / KRK Rokit 8;
    Musical Fidelity MX-DAC; Monolith Liquid Platinum; SPL Volume 2; EVGA NU AUDIO;

    Theater & midfield 2ch [under construction]
    PSB Stratus Gold-i / PSB Stratus C6i [to be replaced by another gold] / PSB Image S5 Side & Rear / CS500 x4 Ceiling;
    Marantz AV8802A / Rotel RB-1090 [mains] / Parasound HCA2205A [center/surr/rear] / Parasound 275 v2 x2 [ceiling] / Panasonic UB9000 / Oppo UDP203;

    LG V40 + HD25

    Sitting in a box:
    PSB Stratus Mini
    PSB Image T6
    A third pair PSB Image S5