Look for something personal that shows her that you know her taste well. But also something timeless that shows that you have good taste of your own. Remember you're showing her that you're serious about staying married even when everything isn't easy.
Remember too that rings get damaged, break and get lost or stolen. Make it something where you can maintain the symbolic value, and not get too upset, if the physical object changes.
Insurance is your friend! Trust me, my ex left her ring in the car during full serve car wash and days later could not find it. Insurance paid for the whole thing. Be sure to add it to your homeowners.
She knows sbaf exists but I’m not worried.. she isn’t the type to obsess on how to get music to sound better so she's not going to see this. She’s more the type that just enjoys it. Already my better half in a way I suppose
In my case I have a graduation ring on my pinky that happened to be the same size as her ring finger, so that made it easier. Or you can shuffle through her jewellery box when she's not looking and record the measurement somehow (make the impression in a piece of soap prison style).
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