I always have a running list of things I want and what I consider a good deal for them. This year, it resulted in a 4k bluray player and a bunch of 4k disc's as I start collecting my favorites on physical media again.
Last few years, it's been a nice opportunity to pick up some LPs I've been after. And I was on the hunt for a PC with a decent GPU for HQP. But, yeah, there wasn't much appealing.
the new nvidia gpus are supposed to be announced in January, so you may be able to find some deals in the next couple months when old stock is getting phased out - black friday definitely isn't what it used to be though, I didn't buy anything
I bought a Klipsch Detroit BT speaker for listening in the bathroom and around the house/on the terrace. Surprisingly good for what it is, and especially for the price. € 213,– well spent.
Alpine Stars commuter back pack. Water resistent material and very good quality bag for Dutch weather conditions. Hiking/Winter sports or motorcycle gear is really good if you want durability without the "look-at-me" saving the planet B.S.
Stuff for most of my other hobbies usually only goes on sale 1-2x a year with one being BF. Got a decent but not huge amount of miscellaneous things I had been holding off on for a while.
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