Verum: Doing The Right Thing

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Ryanr1987, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    We all value free speech. But how free should free speech be?

    Thorny question. We all know there are limits.
  2. mitochondrium

    mitochondrium Friend

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    A Cell

  3. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    @Stuff Jones just got cancelled. He was dubious about moral superiority and wanted the benefit of discussion. I think his questions might be within limits of a philosophy forum and not a customer service complaint thread.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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  5. eugenius

    eugenius New

    Dec 20, 2015
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    BTW, this wasn't only about Igor and Ukraine.

    It was also about Westerners who proudly shot themselves in both feet to fight racism and are now limping towards oblivion.
  6. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    So what you're saying is, racists Easterners are now winning at life?

    Also, since you're obviously an authority on race matters, please provide a list of the races ranked from best to worst. As a bonus please enlighten me about how the worst races are sending us to oblivion.
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023
  7. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Amazing! You seem to have made some sort of sense from the post. I didn't think there was any.

    Do you think that @eugenius might be a proponent of eugenics?
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  8. Northwest

    Northwest Friend

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    Are you saying this or are you saying that people from Verum were saying this?
  9. Tachikoma

    Tachikoma Almost "Made"

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Yes, clearly it was the fight against racism and not systemic corruption that led to the fall of the west.

    I mean, Russia fought against Nazis and lost right?
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  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I don't see that. Instead I see progress. It's slow. Sometimes it even goes backward. Today I see many things that have surprised me because of my own prejudices in the past. The fight against racism has zero negative impact on the success of any one particular group or culture. I'd say food supply, energy, and population distribution have greater impact.

    He's implying black and/or colored people are sub-species of human, revealing that he is a racist, and thus should be cancelled. I don't have a problem cancelling racists.

    @zerodeefex or @shotgunshane, please do the honors.
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023
  11. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    eugenius --- clever pun in a horrible sort of way.
    I don't either.
  12. IssacHunt

    IssacHunt Verum Sock Puppet or Watched Danny Ritchie's Video

    Mar 2, 2023
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    I expect that the bullies on this site will be straining at their chains to savage this post but I am shocked at the holier than though attitude struck by ‘those without sin” who bellow their indignation about the creator of the Verum Headphone.

    I came here to see if there was any rational debate about an extraordinary hand-built headphone which is still being made in extremely difficult circumstances in eastern Ukraine, only to find that he’s been cancelled because of his inappropriate reponses to correspondents.

    I ordered a Verum 1 in April 2022, as events unfolded I doubted that I would ever see the headphone arrive, the city was under direct attack by the real monsters in this scenario; soldiers who were murdering and raping thousands of innocent civilians.

    At first I was ashamed that I had ordered a pair of headphones when such a conflict had already begun but I am now proud of the fact that I supported a producer and a country in such dire circumstances.

    After 4½ months…..
    during which time I didn’t think it appropriate to contact him;

    “Hi, Sorry about the bombings and all that but when are you going to ship my headphones?”

    I decided that if I was able to throw £320 at a pair of headphones which I didn’t need then I must be wealthy enough to kiss goodbye to the money.

    ….. I received an email,


    Yesterday I've finally shipped your headphones.

    Tracking: RD610240735UA

    My country is at war and my city Kharkov is in the epicenter of russian invasion.

    Kharkov is heavily damaged, bombing and missile attacks every day. Civilian and soldiers are dying every day.

    Despite this I do my best to deliver headphones to clients.

    Thanks for understanding and support!

    p.s. It'll help me a lot if after receiving Verum 1 you'll share your impressions about our product through forums, youtube comments, facebook, instagram etc and your other social medias.


    Verum Audio

    Somehow the headphones made their way out of the country and arrived in a simple cardboard box plastered with over 40 stamps!

    I don’t know if this statement from Igor has been viewed by many people, I suspect that reports of his crimes have prevented much investigation once judgement had been passed but I think it’s only fair that his response and apology be presented.

    Apology & Explanation regarding controversy surrounding Verum

    Hello. My name is Igor and I'm the guy who created Verum Audio and I want to explain my behavior that took place 2 years ago and since then generate controversy each time my name is mentioned in social medias.

    First of all I want everybody who is reading this text to understand a few things about myself - I was born in the Soviet Union, not an ideal state to say the least (but what state is ideal after all?). But one thing about USSR is undeniable: in a country that was formed by 15 republics, each with its own dominant nation, racial and ethnical equality was unquestionable. Systematic racism never existed in the country where I was born - that was a core basis of USSR. And jokes about national differences is in a core DNA of all Soviet people.

    So when BLM protests took places in the USA and the vast majority of European countries, I must confess that all this looked for me comical. Especially when people that were never slave masters apologized and took a knee to people who were never slaves after police murdering recidivist criminal.

    So 2 years ago, indeed I've made several very insensitive, off-colour and as I now understand disgusting jokes. After that, I've received a furious backlash from some members of the audiophile community. Since then, I've educated myself, have better understanding about what has happened and still have a place in western society and really ashamed of myself and apologize for the words I've said and to people whose feeling were heart.

    I never had any intention to contribute to racism, racial inequality or to humiliate people based on their ethnicity. I've waited 2 years to have a platform to say all this and a sign that I've understood my mistakes that during those 2 years I haven't generated any controversy and simply trying to do my work honestly.

    But what upset me most that from unknown reason random people are connecting my name without any evidence to the things I've never said or did and spreading different types of lie about me:

    1. Homophobia - I've never in my life even wrote a line of anything even remotely connected with LGBT. I don't know what I need to write more? If I'm wrong - show me my messages.

    2. Antisemitism - that's my favorite. I'm a Jew. I hope I also don't need to comment anything further.

    3. Threats after a bad review to YouTuber that is called MAX SETTINGS. That's a nonsense. If I've ever made a threat after a bad review, then please find a bad review of Verum 1 after which I supposedly should be mad. In fact, in now deleted review on his channel I've received the best possible review I can dream - he said that Verum 1 is a poisonous for market because of low price\high quality combination. And when I've discussed that review with some guy at Discord I've joked that if Verum 1 is a poison then Verum 2 will definitely will be an anthrax and I need to verify If that "Max Setting" is immune to it.

    There was no direct or indirect threats of any form. Hell! I didn't even speaked with that YouTuber after review.

    And I've received direct threats in PM about DOXX-ing, beating my ass etc. I don't think it's interesting to community but all screenshots and emails are saved.

    Frankly speaking, for a single-man company who is writing my real home address as return address on boxes with headphones those threats caused some anxiety.

    In conclusion I want to say that I'm thankful to everyone who read all of this, and I hope that despite my limited English I've explained myself and convinced you that I've understood my mistakes, changed my attitude and never had any evil intentions.


    As for the headphones; they are wonderful, I’ve never heard such a step up in sound quality with my ho-hum budget equipment and modest means, I no longer listen to any of the other 5 headphones and I won’t be buying any more.

    So this is me fulfilling Igor’s email request, I’ve never written about them before now.

    To err is human, to forgive Devine. (Alexander Pope)
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  13. scblock

    scblock Friend

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    You joined today, didn't get a feel for the site at all, didn't read the rules, and didn't introduce yourself. Instead you came straight to this post to what? Stir shit?
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  14. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    Ok let's imagine that all the racist shit across multiple sites was a "misunderstanding". Was telling customers "I hope your family dies of cancer" a misunderstanding as well?

    And thanks for the ethical and logical lesson: Russians are evil for invading so that makes the racist vile asshole a good guy.

    f**k off.
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  15. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    f**k off sock puppet
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  16. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis

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  17. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Since this thread was resurrected from the dead, it's continued to be a shit show and full of lies. If this thread had a modicum of sanity to it after its resurrection, I might have been receptive to letting Igor slowly return (meh, probably still not though). Even in the quoted section, things don't add up. If you go back a few pages, you'll see Igor claiming that an employee of his was making some of the racist and offensive comments and was fired for it. Perhaps the company downsized to a single person, but something still does not add up and Igor still doesn't seem to get it.
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  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I am going out on a limb, but I will give Igor a second chance because all people deserve a second chance. I'm not forgiving him because I can't, but I am willing to see what happens over the course of time. This is not excusing his past behavior and I will totally get it if many of you guys won't give him a break. I will review and discuss his headphones with fairness if I get the opportunity.


    He should never have been canceled because social media is new and doesn't count. (Despite the fact that even children today know that what is said on social media is "forever" and that social media can have a massive amplifying effect).


    Western civilization is obviously doomed because you spend too much effort trying to stop racist behavior, protect gays, etc. (Common "the west is in decay" trope in Russia)


    I came here to talk about Verum headphones only to find out he's been cancelled. (Huh? What did I say above).

    For those defending Igor's behavior, you guys have a done great job of f'ing him over and making sure he will never be received well on SBAF, never being able to be given a second chance.
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    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
  19. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is a small community where everybody knows each other. Think of it as local pub with regulars. It doesn't sit well when a vendor tells a customer, who is also a member here, that he wishes that the customer and customer's family dies from cancer. You tell me who has been bullied.

    Most members here are fairly young or if they are old like me, have less rigid minds. As such, this community will be more "activist" than others. Although, I have to admit that HF banned him before we did.

    Igor has not been cancelled on SBAF. This is not the official SBAF policy. Official SBAF policy is that review of discussions of Verum products are allowed. This was a recent change. However, there are some individuals who will never overlook Igor for his actions. They have every right to do so.

    If you wish to discuss his headphones, there are appropriate threads for discussion of Verum products.

    I don't think even discussion of Verum is permitted on HF or ASR, so I am totally going out on a limb here.

    No one here as far I know posts racist stuff on social media (if someone did, I'm sure I would find out). Some people here have posted stupid stuff in the past, but they've made amends. The community can be forgiving when it comes to stupid stuff provided apologies and explanations are felt as authentic and without qualifiers. People can tell. People can make up their own minds.

    Who are you to judge without even knowing us - this in your first post? This is very rude of you. I should remind you that it was SBAF that put Verum on the map a few years ago. Jude on HF would never had done this because HF requires tribute for products to be discussed and promoted.

    Has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Many people here sympathize with the situation in Ukraine. Many members have sent substantial donations there for either weapons or humanitarian assistance.
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    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
  20. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Criticizing the race or ethnicity of people who buy your boutique, unnecessary audio products is a no no. The only boutique audio products I can truly recommend are handmade cables because they're usually better and cheaper than what you can get in a store.
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    Last edited: Mar 3, 2023

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