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Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
Sep 26, 2015
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Friend, Male, from Northern Colorado


Apparently even walking through a store is enough for sars v2- K3 variants to find you and infect. Weak flu like symptoms, not too bad. Jul 26, 2024 at 9:34 AM

bixby was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
    1. bixby
      Samsung Fridge TV ad during Voice, yes I watch it, with tv panel in it. Are we inventing uses for freaking tech, stupid!
      1. ButtUglyJeff
        In 5 years, the fridge will work fine, but the door will be
        Mar 13, 2018
        bixby and Elnrik like this.
    2. bixby
      how loud? Measuring tonight on two apps on my speaker setup ave 74 db max 89 db. funny my sons talent show ave 90 db
      1. Elnrik likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        My son screaming was 98db at the dinner table. I wear hearing protection while eating.
        Mar 7, 2018
    3. bixby
      bye now, more walking before the winds
    4. bixby
      Colorado Karma- after asking 20 folks if they had jumper cables, woman had a portable battery and went home charged it and came back to save
      1. Elnrik, zonto and JK47 like this.
      2. Elnrik
        Call me next time.
        Feb 26, 2018
        bixby and BillOhio like this.
    5. bixby
      gotta like a voice, text, and data plan that comes in at $10.22 a month.
      1. Elnrik likes this.
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      3. imackler
        Feb 22, 2018
        gaspasser likes this.
      4. bixby
        Use RedPocket over the T-Mobile LTE-4 network, they even have access to Band 12. 500 min,txt, and mbs. and since I use a computer for voip at home never even get close to using all of it.
        Feb 22, 2018
      5. ButtUglyJeff
        Wow that's lower then Republic that I use for the kids...
        Feb 23, 2018
    6. bixby
      wow ,what a great shootout, us women win gold in hockey. congrats to canada
      1. DigMe, Colgin, Elnrik and 2 others like this.
      2. imackler
        Thrilling game. USA really pulled it together in the third for an amazing game.
        Feb 21, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
      3. Ray
        Awesome game.
        Feb 22, 2018
      4. Colgin
        So tired this morning from staying up past 2 a.m. (NY time). Great game. I am partial but USA really deserved this one. US had Canada on their heels most of third period and OT but just couldn't get past Canada's goalie (who was amazing). I hate shootouts but glad we won.
        Feb 22, 2018
    7. bixby
      Need better free VST EQ for Foobar- TDR Nova is clipping with very mild bass shelf
      1. Taverius
        Sounds like you want an EQ that automatically drops input volume to create headroom, but I'm pretty sure all the good ones expect you to set headroom manually? Atomicbob's crossover stack starts with a volume reduction for that exact reason.
        Feb 8, 2018
        bixby likes this.
      2. bixby
        Found that a parametric with bass bump has no issues so using that instead.
        Feb 9, 2018
    8. bixby
      If most adult male ears are 65mm+ top to bottom, why are most over ear headphones smaller?
      1. Thad E Ginathom, Elnrik and 9suns like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 9suns
        Yeah that's an awesome question! I suposse it is for acoustic reasons/sound quality in relation to a specific driver design.
        Feb 4, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. 9suns
        I feel extremely lucky because my 2 favourite headphones, the HD650 (70mm) and the SR-007 (66mm height in the EP-007 pads) are a bit taller and wider than my ears (65mm) :D
        Feb 4, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. skem
        Because most adult males like a tight fit?
        Feb 4, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    9. bixby
      The most used phrase on HF: I have not heard it but from what I have read...............
      1. Azimuth
        I used to read the same reviews over and over on a piece of gear an still not understood what it sounded like. Then I would finally get or hear this gear, then a few days go back those same reviews and think, "Exactly!"
        Jan 25, 2018
      2. Priidik
        Hahaha, yes. But, on scale of BS in Head-Fi these phrases are relatively harmless. Noise is better than mis-info.
        Jan 26, 2018
      3. DigMe
        Yeah, it would be better if everyone at heAD-if that recommended gear they hadn't heard would use the same preface because I'm sure it happens a lot.
        Jan 26, 2018
    10. bixby
      The right material in a ferrite in the right place can make a nice difference in SQ, yet in the wrong place can really muck things up.
    11. bixby
      Marvelous Mrs. Maisel- yes, I remember Jack Paar, Carson, etc. Very well done, Ep #6 so far-any show w/Lenny Bruce as a character, well..
      1. Cspirou and Dino like this.
      2. scapeinator1
        That show kind of reminds me of bewitched stylistically. It's pretty great, i like it a lot too.
        Jan 22, 2018
    12. bixby
      vali 2 vs magni 3 this weekend with hd-600s
      1. Elnrik, FlySweep, Merrick and 4 others like this.
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      3. Kattefjaes
        You're right, it doesn't change a whole lot with different tubes, usually. Mine did, though, as the stock tube supplied was clearly a bit shagged. If it was merely non-boat floatalicious rather than awful, you're probably right though.
        Jan 20, 2018
      4. jexby
        bixby dammit i told you the stock tube can't be used to verify Vali2. selling that fast reminds me of MattTCG churning gear and you'll buy back Vali2 one day if your HD600 cans change. not saying you are wrong that HD600 should be a great pairing with Vali2, but by the gods man let the damn thing burn in with a legit tube.
        Jan 20, 2018
        bixby and Elnrik like this.
      5. bixby
        The Vali 2 kinda hit a nerve with me like the Jot with dac (not same sound, just off for me). And not willing to chase tubes for that extra special sound. But hey I sold and rebought Senn 650s, so yea you may be clairvoyant, maybe the Vali 2 comes back some day.
        Jan 21, 2018
    13. bixby
      Hey Boulder Folks! Who has a Valhalla 2 I could listen to for a night or a drop by where I can compare with my Magni 3?
    14. bixby
      Anyone got an El Amp they want to part with? Or am I crazy Pm me.
    15. bixby
      Cheap Topping D30 dac can't handle low bass notes without distorting like an amp clipping.
      1. Kattefjaes
        Crummy power design/supply?
        Dec 20, 2017
    16. bixby
      Bjork Utopia arrived today, wow!
      1. DigMe likes this.
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      3. Kattefjaes
        How's the channel matching? Did you pad roll?
        Dec 5, 2017
      4. bengo
        Dec 6, 2017
        Kattefjaes likes this.
      5. Kattefjaes
        I f'ing love her. It'd def. be necessary to invent her, if she didn't exist. She stays true to her own type of generous and joyful weird, it's glorious.
        Dec 6, 2017
        bengo likes this.
    17. bixby
      Charles Hansen of Ayre Acoustics has Passed- RIP
      1. 9suns
        Nooooo :(
        First Arnie a couple of days ago and now Charles, 2017 was a terrible year for music and also audio
        Dec 2, 2017
      2. Grahad2
        Wilson of Wilson audio has gotten cancer as well.
        Dec 2, 2017
      3. powermatic
        That sucks. He's been a regular at Audio Asylum for years, seemed like a good guy. He was paralyzed due to a cycling accident years ago, maybe a contributing factor. At any rate, may he rest in peace.
        Dec 2, 2017
    18. bixby
      Anyone interested in a pair of lightly used Beyer DT-150s?
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Riotvan
        Very underrated closed headphones.
        Dec 2, 2017
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Actually yes. PM me for the details.
        Dec 2, 2017
    19. bixby
      RIP: AC/ DC Malcolm Young
      1. Dino, jexby, Grahad2 and 7 others like this.
    20. bixby
      https login on chrome not working. even http login not working, switch to edge and http login works, what am I doing wrong?
      1. monacelli
        This is just a guess, but you might try clearing your cookies and site data on Chrome. I use the Click&Clean extension for this. Sometimes helps!
        Nov 11, 2017
      2. bixby
        Turns out it was LastPass, what piece of shit. Broke pages with Edge, now on Chrome it fills in a wrong password. Had to paste it manually to get it to login. I guess I got what I paid for, haha,
        Nov 11, 2017
        monacelli likes this.
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        I've been using LastPass for years without issue fwiw.
        Nov 11, 2017
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    Northern Colorado