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Oct 10, 2022
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February 15
Kirkland, WA
Staring at screens in disbelief

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Almost "Made", Male, from Kirkland, WA

BWC Contributor

Reviewing RD-X. How good is it? I joined the waitlist. Jul 1, 2024

rfernand was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 5:29 PM
    1. rfernand
      OK. RS1x is the Grado GOAT.
      1. MellowVelo likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rfernand
        This is all it took, yes. What gave it away? Portable CD players?
        Sep 28, 2023
        Gazny likes this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        RS1x is the only headphone I'm interesting in hearing / owning right now.
        Sep 28, 2023
      5. rfernand
        Sep 28, 2023
    2. rfernand
      Well, Schiit. Skoll looks cool.
      1. gsanger and RestoredSparda like this.
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      3. joch
        Phono pre-amp
        Sep 27, 2023
        gsanger and roshambo123 like this.
      4. roshambo123
        Watched the replay. Yeah, bal preamp. And Midgard looks like improved Magnius
        Sep 27, 2023
        Gazny, gsanger and joch like this.
      5. Tchoupitoulas
    3. rfernand
      MJ3 in silver now…
      1. roshambo123 likes this.
      2. roshambo123
        Geralt: How do you like that silver?
        Sep 25, 2023
        rfernand likes this.
    4. rfernand
      Professional Series no longer listed in 4ourears.com -> imminent x driver upgrade coming?
      1. Vtory and MellowVelo like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. joch
        I just saw that when rfernand mentioned the site. I’d jump on those if I had known.
        Sep 21, 2023
      4. rfernand
        “Sony guts, it’s good”
        Sep 21, 2023
        Boops and joch like this.
      5. Cspirou
        seems overdue
        Sep 22, 2023
    5. rfernand
      The MHA200 is either under-rated, ignored, or neglected. This thing is bonkers.
      1. Azimuth and RestoredSparda like this.
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      3. zonto
        No matter how good it sounds, I don't know if I could ever buy McIntosh gear. It looks so gaudy to me. Same with Chord.
        Sep 18, 2023
      4. rfernand
        This thing does not have VU meters, if that's what you're reacting to. Just green LED-lit tubes.
        Sep 18, 2023
      5. Azimuth
        I mean is Mc-amp. It better knock your socks off...and your wallet.
        Sep 20, 2023
        rfernand likes this.
    6. rfernand
      Traveling. Just discovered the Bathys use the mimi hearing test now. Interesting (sounded good - on a plane anyway). Any other users?
      1. zottel likes this.
      2. Qildail
        I haven’t updated mine yet. @zottel is another Bathys user. He wrote about it extensively a bit further down.
        Sep 17, 2023
        zottel and rfernand like this.
    7. rfernand
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        Well increase the resolution, refreshrate and or length of the cable and you start running into problems. I've bought 4k 120hz cables that couldn't even do 4k at 60hz. Lot's shit out there that doesn't meet spec. LTT and others did some video's on it. Once you run into limitations fibre optic is not bollocks, go over 5m with 4k@120hz and you pretty much need these.
        Sep 10, 2023
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Sorry, didn't mean to imply that! Fibre is totally not bollocks. I used to have 8Mb/sec broadband: along came fibre and now it is 200.

        And maybe it is the case that case that html, as it is now, needs to be history. And a fibre-based system would be so much better.

        My cynicism kicked in due to the super-marketing-language talk.

        Sep 10, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Riotvan like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "The THX mission is to empower high-fidelity entertainment"

        Eh? What? Funny, though, that the guy's name is Jason Fiber!

        So I probably missed out on learning about a good thing because of... my prejudices.

        It happens.
        Sep 10, 2023
        Riotvan likes this.
    8. rfernand
      MHA 150 is discontinued? Is there an SS replacement coming up? Does anybody know?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jexby
        what 1% of ORFAS used the MHA 150 as a headphone amp?
        Sep 7, 2023
        zonto and RestoredSparda like this.
      3. netforce
        Back when I was at TSAV, usually the clientele ordering the MHA150 skewed older and their use-case was getting the unit to work with their headphones and 2 channel setup. Friends with used MHA100 I know liked using speaker taps with their planars. At msrp, I wouldn't cop MHA150, half off? Better price
        Sep 8, 2023
        Cryptowolf and jexby like this.
      4. rfernand
        If they sell one without a dac at mha200 price , maybe.
        Sep 8, 2023
    9. rfernand
      KANN CUBE. Stuck in pre-Android 6 with no updates. Services like Qobuz impossible to update. Still, good to travel with. Plenty of power.
      1. rfernand
        Don't take me wrong, very frustrated. I wish they just updated it. Seems like expensive abandonware at this point.
        Sep 4, 2023
      2. scblock
        This is the fate of any Android based player. I bought more than one. Seemed great at first and now I wish I hadn't.
        Sep 4, 2023
        Syzygy, zottel and YMO like this.
    10. rfernand
      Farewell, MIL. You looked great on paper. #thunderdome
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. caute
        rip, and my condolences, your mother in law im sure will be missed.
        Sep 1, 2023
        rfernand and Riotvan like this.
      3. Riotvan
        Long live the MIL-F god damn we really are a bunch of 7 year olds.
        Sep 1, 2023
        rfernand likes this.
      4. rfernand
        Sep 1, 2023
    11. rfernand
      Rumor mill says Giles Martin's latest Beatles remaster will be announced this week. Rubber Soul?
      1. Inoculator likes this.
      2. Qildail
        Quite likely. He's hinted as much in previous interviews. It's the one the critics will eat up, but I secretly hope he gets Magical Mystery Tour done at some point soon.
        Aug 26, 2023
        Case likes this.
      3. rfernand
        Well, the week came and went… so maybe no Beatles record this holiday season.
        Sep 2, 2023
    12. rfernand
      In tube heaven. Urd + Folkvangr + PS500e present: The Beatles in Mono.
      1. Syzygy, Qildail, Slade01 and 13 others like this.
    13. rfernand
      1. gsanger, Pocomo and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. rfernand
        What the hell drug are you on? It’s sarcasm. f**k off.
        Aug 25, 2023
      4. caute
        it's a speech from good will hunting lol, chill, my man, it was supposed to be funny...
        Aug 25, 2023
        gsanger likes this.
      5. rfernand
        How do YOU like ‘em apples?
        Aug 26, 2023
        caute likes this.
    14. rfernand
      Rooners: Do you use Volume Leveling? Hearing good results at -14 LUFS on remasters from the mid 2000s onward. Seems it isn't dropping bits.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Inoculator
        I do not, but that is just nervosa. It can be handy and seems Roon handles it well. I have put it on during parties when playing playlists for background music. I do know of some folks I have chatted with that used it religiously though, but when they actually sat down to compare they heard the difference and ditched it. That being said, if it sounds good to you and it is handy, rock on and keep using it.
        Aug 24, 2023
      3. rfernand
        “Death Magnetic” CD and the current streaming master sound the same to me with VL, which surprised me. I thought the CD was beyond salvation.

        Will keep listening…
        Aug 24, 2023
      4. scblock
        It's important when recording mixtapes so your mix volume doesn't jump around. Similar when letting a system play or shuffle tracks automatically. I don't use it when listening to single albums. -14 LUFS is a reasonable compromise.
        Aug 24, 2023
    15. rfernand
      Still unsure about Urd? Consider this: you will rediscover your CD collection and say “I don’t remember it sounding this great!”. Promise.
      1. zottel, sheldaze, Soups and 3 others like this.
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      3. rfernand
        We also hear different things - I can’t say I like LCD-X with the Kann Cube (the ESS brightness kills me!) but 325x and 6xx overcompensate just enough.

        Amps, same thing. Eddie Current Studio B (I think) was so surgical and sterile and super black… and I loved it with DCA Stealth. But Focal Utopia nope, I got to the pain threshold very quickly…
        Aug 22, 2023
        Claritas likes this.
      4. Claritas
        Thank you for telling me your experiences. I'd guess that's synergy. I know from experience that synergy can improve the sound of a set of equipment. But I've also seen synergy used to supplement the defects of the equipment. I think every piece of equipment should sound accurate on its own. And synergy should be sought only to augment that, if possible—to "tie the room together," like the Dude's rug.
        Aug 23, 2023
      5. rfernand
        I’ve come to terms with the fact nothing sounds accurate. Everything (DAC, amp, speakers, etc.) has an opinion on the sound (distortion).

        To me the hobby is about putting together the things that reproduce sound the way I like it (and instruments I know in a “realistic way”).

        Alas, like The Beatles sang… nothing is real and nothing to get hung about :D

        (Unless it sounds like ass)
        Aug 23, 2023
    16. rfernand
      Gungnir + goldpoint SA1X + Genelec 8010As (on pedestals) = near field nirvana. I can work here all day.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail and Justin S like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Those 8010As are beauty and image like a laser. If you add the little 7040 sub it makes a big big picture.
        Aug 19, 2023
        rfernand likes this.
      3. rfernand
        @Justin S : I’ve never owned a sub for music! Maybe it’s my choice of genres? But I will keep the 7040 in mind.
        Aug 21, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        The 7040 is a nice small sub. It really changes the staging (deeper) and reenforces the bottom end.
        Aug 22, 2023
    17. rfernand
      Super Best Audio Friends - Error This action is available via POST only. Please press the back button and try again.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. shotgunshane
        Try to make posts now and reply back here with results.
        Aug 18, 2023
        Kernel Kurtz likes this.
      3. rfernand
        ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ. woohoo
        Aug 18, 2023
        shotgunshane and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        Works now. Thanks for your assistance!
        Aug 18, 2023
        shotgunshane likes this.
    18. rfernand
      Diversity is a beautiful thing. Mjolnir 3 is out, looks great on paper. Alas, with a Folkvangr and a Mjolnir 2 at home, not for me.
      1. RestoredSparda and gsanger like this.
      2. rfernand
        But dying to know what people think about its sound - extravagant choices made, to say the least!
        Aug 17, 2023
      3. gsanger
        I placed my order this AM. My interest was piqued ever since it was first teased months ago.
        Aug 17, 2023
    19. rfernand
      Folkvangr + HD 660S2 is a crazy, crazy good pairing. Low gain, no impedance multiplier.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail, jexby and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rfernand
        It's surprising how well this thing drives a lot of headphones. I thought it would struggle a bit with the Stealth, but at high gain it proved to be a lot of fun.

        Peak Folkvangr is achieved with the PS500e :D
        Aug 13, 2023
      4. Qildail
        I love the amp with almost everything except Focal Clear. I just don't like tubes with Focals in general, and even the mighty Folkvangr can't seem to help that.
        Aug 15, 2023
      5. rfernand
        @Qildail : The Utopia, on the other hand, eats it up with gusto
        Aug 15, 2023
        Qildail likes this.
    20. rfernand
      TIL: Don’t post in the Twilight Zone. You’re not on a mission to civilize.
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  • About

    February 15
    Kirkland, WA
    Staring at screens in disbelief
    Gear List:
    Audeze LCD-X, Dan Clark Audio ÆON 2 Noire, Dan Clark Audio Stealth, Focal Utopia ‘22, Grado 325x, Grado PS500e, Grado GS1000e, Massdrop HD6xx, Sennheiser HD600, Sennheiser HD 600S2, Schiit Folkvangr, Schiit Jotunheim 2, Schiit Mjolnir 2 (Phillips Miniwatt), Astell & Kern KANN Cube, Meridian Explorer2, Schiit Bifrost 2, Schiit Gungnir Multibit, Schiit Yggdrasil A2, Bowers & Wilkins 606, Genelec 8010A, Klipsch Heresy IV, Nucleus, Pro Ject Essential III (Grado Timbre Master3), Pro Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra, Rega Brio, Schiit Aegir, Schiit Freya+, Schiit Mani 2, Schiit Ragnarok 2.
    I read the news today, oh boy…


    A species that can produce The Beatles and Beethoven is a species worth saving.