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Feb 15, 2025 at 2:03 AM
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Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
London, UK

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Friend, Male, 45, from London, UK


"He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling? Jan 20, 2025

wbass was last seen:
Viewing latest content, Feb 15, 2025 at 2:03 AM
    1. wbass
      What's the best basshead HP you've heard? (That still does an okay job on everything else.)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        The best I've ever heard a double bass sound? Atrium.
        Jan 3, 2023
        Joshvar, Jinxy245 and wbass like this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        ESX900 also awesome; the Fostex/Denon closed backs as @Lyander notes are great.
        Jan 3, 2023
        Jinxy245 and wbass like this.
      4. edd
        Aeolus with Aeolus pads
        Jan 3, 2023
        Jinxy245 and RestoredSparda like this.
    2. wbass
      What are your go-to albums/tracks for dense, detailed mixes? Mine:
      1. wbass
        Nine Horses--Snow Borne Sorrow
        Joe Henry--Scar
        Royal Canoe--Today We're Believers
        Dec 27, 2022
      2. lagadu
        Swans - To be kind
        Dec 27, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    3. wbass
      Nice evening w/HD58X Phonitor SE. Apparently, Voltair design outputs most power at 250 ohms. Cd be why the SPL works ok with high Z Senn?
      1. wbass
        If, that is, you like the Phonitor sound. I hear it as quite linear, a touch lean, detailed, but not necessarily bright. Someone pointed out the unusual power specs to me, recently. I guess it's an unusual design?
        Dec 22, 2022
    4. wbass
      First time trying convolution EQ filters via Roon DSP. Was daunted by it, but it seems to be as easy as pointing Roon at the right wav file.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. zottel
        Installing AutoEq, you can create your own stuff that doesn’t use Harman as a target. And also convolution WAVs for higher bitrates, though Roon will convert the ones you have as necessary, too.
        I used to create EQ settings (and convolution WAVs) with AutoEq to make certain HPs sound like others (tonally, not technically, of course). :)
        Dec 14, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Working my way through HPs and IEMs I have with me, trying filters. Never really been into EQ before, but I can see how you can get lost in this. Suddenly makes frequency response seem much less important than technicalities.
        Dec 15, 2022
        zottel likes this.
      5. wbass
        Though tuning to Harman curve seems to suck a bit of life out of things, it does tighten up, in particular, the bass response. OG Andromeda biggest change thus far. Much cleaner for better or worse. I'm sure everyone knows about all of this already.
        Dec 15, 2022
    5. wbass
      Piety landed in London! Initial listen positive. Goal of warming up the Elex and fattening bass a bit seems likely. IEM tests to come.
      1. zottel likes this.
    6. wbass
      B/c of pretty silly good Black Friday prices, I've got HD58X and LETSHUOER S12 on the way. Esp. curious about these cheap planar IEMs.
      1. zottel likes this.
    7. wbass
      Thanksgiving email from an online dealer: "Thank you for sharing our affliction." Yep.
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
      2. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Affliction...with affection. Hahaha.
        Nov 24, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    8. wbass
      "Living out of a suitcase" system growing to include a pr of OG LS50 wireless. Great BF price, and I won't go w/o 2ch for another 6 months.
      1. zottel, RestoredSparda and Qildail like this.
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      3. wbass
        No, I'm in a temporary flat in London. A suitcase worth of clothes, steadily amassing more hifi...
        Nov 24, 2022
        zottel likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Was gonna say, that's a heavy suitcase if you're traveling around with it.
        Nov 24, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        Okay, these LS50 wireless sound damned good. For not much more than the cost of a Sonos something. Here's to last gen bargains.
        Nov 26, 2022
        zottel and zerodeefex like this.
    9. wbass
      Piety ordered. We'll see when it lands in London and my "out of a suitcase" system, which has grown to include a Phonitor SE and Neo Stream.
      1. wbass
        I like the SE thus far, but it is very linear, and the Elex could use a bit of warming up in the mid-bass especially. Hopefully the tube-y qualities of Piety shine through in this use-case.
        Nov 20, 2022
    10. wbass
      Just when I think I have it narrowed down to the HE1000SE and Susvara, along comes the Caldera.
    11. wbass
      Heard a bunch of HPs over recent weeks. From the hip: LCD-X: Audeze makes neutral cans now. LCD-5: v good, but closed-in and so-so comfort
      1. Qildail, Tchoupitoulas and Lyander like this.
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      3. wbass
        No doubt, but the suddenly no longer current model often gets discounted. I tend to stick with things I like, so put a fair amount research in first.
        Nov 2, 2022
      4. penguins
        My own opinion - I actually really like the LCD-2 and 3 although not for "accuracy" of sound and would still own my 3 if I got my Cavalli LC before I sold the LCD-3.

        Otherwise, the only LCD-X I've ever liked was the @rhythmdevils tuned one. Even at Audeze HQ, I didn't like the X, even off of their King amp (which made every other Audeze I heard sound amazing).
        Nov 4, 2022
        Tchoupitoulas and wbass like this.
      5. wbass
        Yeah, I've got my LCD-2F I've had for a while. Not much rated here, but I really enjoy them. They're dark and closed-in, but they do electronic music beautifully. Sort of a specialty sound.

        I'm semi-sad that Audeze seems to have moved away from their older house sound.
        Nov 4, 2022
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
    12. wbass
      Anyone using Bakoon 13R or Enleum 23R? They're repped for Susvara, but wondering how they'd do w/ Utopia or HD800 or sensitive speakers.
      1. yotacowboy likes this.
      2. yotacowboy
        This is a loaner I'd be super jazzed to hear.
        Oct 24, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      3. netforce
        We work with Enleum quite a bit, let me see if I can make anything happen
        Oct 26, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    13. wbass
      Anyone using the mid/high-end Hifiman planars? I see some folks running the Susvara, but anyone repping the Arya and/or the HE1000 variants?
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      2. netforce
        Susvara I would say definitely wait till you can have a nice full setup for it if you really want to go down the powering Susvara rabbit hole. Its fun but certainly not cheap lol
        Oct 18, 2022
        JeremiahS and wbass like this.
      3. wbass
        Lot of folks saying the Sus is the best thing going these days. Would love to hear it. But, yeah, adding a speaker amp to the mix may not be likely for a while. Never mind the $$$. Or rather £££.
        Oct 18, 2022
      4. dubharmonic
        The egg shaped models tend to have a wider stage and are softer, with highly detailed, yet less refined treble. When Susvara has enough current it's not soft.
        Oct 19, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    14. wbass
      The badder the villain, the more byzantine the plan.
      1. Qildail likes this.
      2. Case
        Unless you're Homelander
        Oct 14, 2022
      3. wbass
        The Boys remains really quite good. And has ended seasons in more interesting ways than some other shows I could name.
        Oct 14, 2022
        Case likes this.
    15. wbass
      *Very* crude system matching thought: Dynamics can be dry, so like warmth of tubes. Planars can be wet, so like the linearity of SS.
      1. nishan99 likes this.
      2. wbass
        I'm sure there are a hundred examples to contradict this.
        Oct 9, 2022
    16. wbass
      What are your favorite sub $1k HPs or IEMs? Mine, roughly in order: Elex, HD600, OG Andromeda, LCD-2F, iSine 20, JVC FDX1.
      1. Justin S, CEE TEE and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. wbass
        Would love to hear some more folks on this, even though this is a corny "what's best?" post. I see that you can get the HD8XX for $899 now, so that'd probably be my GOAT under $1k.
        Oct 8, 2022
      4. Jinxy245
        Anything I've heard from ETA beats anything else I've heard sub 1K. I'd even include Senn.
        Oct 8, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      5. Erroneous
        GOAT = the right HD580. Many others are amazing but I find myself using the 580. This also has everything to do with my choice of music and my system.
        Oct 8, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    17. wbass
      Well, now I have three SS amps incoming. SPL Phonitor SE, SMSL SH-9, and FiiO K9. This started out as an attempt to maximize IEM listening.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        In case you've not heard the warnings about the dangers of shorts, always stop music playback, turn the volume down completely, and/or have the amp on "mute" when plugging any headphones in or out of the single-ended connection.
        Oct 2, 2022
      4. wbass
        Yeah, good shout. I recall that this killed someone's Phonitor a while back. Thankfully, I pretty religiously turn the volume down before jacking in/out anyway. Thanks for the reminder though, particularly on this amp.
        Oct 2, 2022
      5. wbass
        There still seems to be the open question as to whether any of the current SPL Phonitors are truly balanced. The SE has the same power rating as the others, which leads me to think that they're straightforward in saying that the SE, X, and XE all sound/perform the same.
        Oct 2, 2022
    18. wbass
      So, are the various SPL Phonitor amps all the same? Phonitor 2 = X = XE = E = SE? Just with different features and inputs/outputs?
      1. Tchoupitoulas
        Sep 29, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      2. wbass
        Good to know! I'll be especially curious what you think about the Andromeda via the X and if there's any hiss.
        Sep 30, 2022
    19. wbass
      Two IEM blasts from the past: Drop x Noble X and Aurisonic Rockets. Threw both in the suitcase before this however-long stint in London.
      1. shotgunshane, Jinxy245 and Sqveak like this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        @wbass - I've got two pairs of Quad ESL 57s. They were my father's, & I inherited them. Both pairs went back to Quad in the late '90s for a checkup. One pair's not been used in more than a decade; the other hasn't been used for 4+ years. All are in fine condition. I'd be happy to sell a pair to you, if interested.
        Sep 25, 2022
        wbass and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Tchoupitoulas
        Sep 25, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        Hey, thanks @Tchoupitoulas ! I might well contact you about that closer to X-mas.
        Sep 25, 2022
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
    20. wbass
      Anyone ever mess around with Bakoon's various amps? I remember Tyll writing about one of them. And that they were good for orthos?
      1. crenca likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    London, UK