Comments on Profile Post by spwath

  1. purr1n
    Maybe Bob Dylan since he has so many records where one or two songs were good and the rest were total garbage. He had a lot of garbage records.
    Dec 26, 2020
    Syzygy, Huhnkopf and spwath like this.
  2. Lyander
    Tossing in Bon Jovi and Journey for consideration (but Slippery When Wet and These Days are a good counterargument for Bongiovi)
    Dec 26, 2020
  3. SoupRKnowva
    Journey was gonna be my suggestion too lol
    Dec 26, 2020
    LetMeBeFrank, spwath and Lyander like this.
  4. Merrick
    UFO, Golden Earring, and other b or c-level ‘70s/‘80s bands would disagree. Also some bands were just better at singles than albums. Singles Going Steady by The Buzzcocks is a great example.
    Dec 26, 2020
    crazychile, Lyander and Biodegraded like this.
  5. Merrick
    The Rolling Stones comp The Singles Collection: The London Years doesn’t entirely obsolete their pre-Beggars Banquet catalog, but it also offers a comprehensive view of their growth as a band that no single album of the period ever could.
    Dec 26, 2020
  6. spwath
    Ok many good points, I just had a bunch of whiskey and decided to talk shit. But for the most part, my point still agrees
    Dec 26, 2020
    Hammy likes this.
  7. DigMe
    I know what you mean, man. I’m an album guy too. Also, greatest hits albums always seem like such a question mark as to what the audio quality will be.
    Dec 26, 2020
  8. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    The Kate Bush one, composed by Kate Bush sounds like a comprehensive story. Also the bonus track is one of my favourites...
    Dec 27, 2020
    Syzygy, DigMe and crazychile like this.
  9. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    The best Bob Dylan songs/albums were recorded by someone else anyway
    Dec 27, 2020
    LetMeBeFrank and DigMe like this.
  10. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    ...Preferably, The Band :)
    Dec 27, 2020