Upper management forgot to check the calendar. They needed me to do some work on Friday and then all of our backups failed on Saturday because of an update. They freaked the f**k out because I didn't answer my phone when they called on Friday because I was on an airplane. It was only an internship really but I am still rather upset that they were really unprofessional about it.
Internships are a learning experience for sure. Putting up with certain kinds of crap are part of it, but it sounds like this is the kind of crap up with one must not put.
Sorry to hear it, man. Strangely, it is almost always the case that being forced to go look for another job is the best thing that can happen to your career. I suspect before long you'll be looking back and saying "Thank god they let me go!"
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I think it will get better. I got a plan to work with my school and get some help on updating my resume for the IT career field.
Sorry about the shitty situation, but I agree with others that it's probably for the best. Plenty of better opportunities out there if you know where to look. Best of luck with the search.
The big bummer is the loss of a reference. If they let you go over a planned trip and their mistake, then you don't want anyone calling them and asking about you...
Sorry to hear this Ryu. If you advised the company about your trip it's up to them to find someone to fill the gap. It sounds to me like those guys are a bit dysfunctional.
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