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Jan 23, 2016
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Sep 7, 1971 (Age: 52)
Pretoria, South Africa
Management and Engineering Professional

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Almost "Made", Male, 52, from Pretoria, South Africa

Krell, Wilson, Transparent system inbound. Straight from a mid 90's hi-fi show. 30 year old dream come true as I can eventually afford this. Apr 30, 2023

Scubadude was last seen:
Jul 16, 2024
    1. Scubadude
      Krell, Wilson, Transparent system inbound. Straight from a mid 90's hi-fi show. 30 year old dream come true as I can eventually afford this.
      1. Pocomo, Philimon, yotacowboy and 14 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Scubadude
        @Poleepkwa Tweak Technologies lists Wilson on their web page - starting from half a million ZARs. They had a used W/P 8 for R240k not long ago.
        May 1, 2023
        Poleepkwa likes this.
      4. Scubadude
        @Thad E Ginathom yeah you may be right about big room audio. However I recall a Stereophile review at the time saying it is not that room sensitive ... but that was before room treatment got big. Doubtless it will require some from treatment to get the most out of it. Or parametric EQ ...
        May 1, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Scubadude
        For shits and giggles, I converted the 90's list prices to 2023 USD's ... 50878 of them. Boy, am I glad end game hi-fi has strong depreciation!
        May 1, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    2. Scubadude
      Lehmann BCL S/N 7xx inbound ... Less than a new chifi toy. Should be interesting.
      1. Sqveak and zottel like this.
      2. Scubadude
        Very impressed with this long slab! Need some more listening but definitely in the running for best I've heard.
        Feb 6, 2023
    3. Scubadude
      Susvara on Burson Soloist X3 and AGD R7 (?) at a mate's house last night ... Staggering performance. Authoritative but not overbearing.
    4. Scubadude
      Tried Dragonfly V1 with HD800 - thought it sounded decent. Until I switched to Wadia / Phonitor ... Yeah, that's why we spend $$ on head-fi!
      1. Azimuth and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. rhythmdevils
        No worries I’m just being persnickety
        Aug 22, 2021
      4. Armaegis
        Oh wow, I used to have a Wadia 121 dac ages ago. I don't remember much about it other than it didn't last long before I recycled it for other gear.
        Aug 22, 2021
      5. Scubadude
        121 is the one. Also have DF, DIYINHK 9023, Modi 2 , Aune, Nuprime uDSD and vintage Theta. 121 is not last word in slam and resolution but is neutral and transparent enough to look for variety in other parts of the "head-fi" hobby. When I crave a higher-end DAC I realize I will have to spend an order of magnitude more. That and the compact form factor has kept the Wadia on its perch for 6 years.
        Aug 22, 2021
    5. Scubadude
      Dusted off Senn HD560 Ovation II ... didn't give these a fair shake 1st time around. Boody good actually, provided amp is warm of neutral.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. Syzygy
        I saw "fair shake" and "booty". What are we talkin' bout?
        May 14, 2021
      3. Scubadude
        Should've been "bloody" not boody :)
        May 15, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    6. Scubadude
      Meier Corda Swing impresses on 1st listen. Doesn't leave everyhing in a squashed and/or etched mess like the latest crop of budget amps.
      1. obsiCO, shambles, Cryptowolf and 2 others like this.
    7. Scubadude
      Meier Corda Swing inbound. Curious purchase of a 10yr old budget wonder. Wonder if it is still wonderous.
      1. Claritas and Cryptowolf like this.
    8. Scubadude
      More incisive, driven, detailed, transparent replacement for Wadia 121, maintaining neutral tone and balance. Answers on a postcard please.
    9. Scubadude
      HE560 loves thick, organic amps. PS Audio GCHA match made in heaven!
      1. Cryptowolf, FlySweep and Azimuth like this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        I wonder how mine will pair with a Kenzie Ovation, once I get it. Of the available amps I have, the HE560 prefers my Cavali Liquid Carbon over my CTH.
        Feb 17, 2021
    10. Scubadude
      Raal Requisite SR1a + Jot R now selling under $3k on the used market. Feel an itch coming on ...
      1. Syzygy and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. Scubadude
        @Hammy my preference is to have everything above the subbase range immaculate ... My daily drivers include HD800, L500, K1000, HD540. None of these are bass monsters but I will happily sacrifice some or all of the bottom octave for what they do right further up. Even my 2 channel setup (AE1's) reflect this. Somehow I think the Raal is right up my alley.
        Jan 30, 2021
      4. Vtory
        More and better bass than K1000. Go for it.

        Honestly, I believe Raal is a sbaf-must reference experience no matter whether you end up with liking or hating.
        Jan 30, 2021
        Scubadude likes this.
      5. Hammy
        I'm after natural acoustic bass, but with extension down to the depths. If the natural acoustic bass works for me then the Daft Punk bass will also work. I just need to hear the SR1a to find out if it will do that to my satisfaction. I'm super happy with Audeze bass. It's hard to go with less extension than that after hearing it. Once this Covid thing is over I'll get to hear the SR1a at a meet and make a decision.
        Jan 30, 2021
        Scubadude likes this.
    11. Scubadude
      After months of vacillating like a vibrator I pulled the trigger on a BNIB SRS-5100 ... local stock so should have it early next week!
    12. Scubadude
      Forgotten FOTM Loxjie P20 inbound ... found it quite dull a year ago, so let me try "full" balanced operation this time around.
      1. purr1n likes this.
      2. purr1n
        LOL. Loxjie.
        Jun 15, 2020
        Scubadude likes this.
    13. Scubadude
      Decision time. 2170 in the collection last 2 yrs. Love the baby Stax! Should I buy L700 & SRM-353x (unheard because lockdown)?
    14. Scubadude
      Nicely built Bottlehead Mainline with some smart valves at 50% of kit cost worth a punt?
      1. Poleepkwa likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MisterRogers
        Yea, at half price I'd consider it a great deal - if well built.
        Jan 23, 2020
      4. Scubadude
        Jan 23, 2020
      5. fraggler
        Holy crap, that wiring! Wow.
        Jan 23, 2020
    15. Scubadude
      Picked up a Lotoo PAW 6000 DAP ... My goodness is plays well! Most responsive UI I've seen.
      1. EagleWings, hikergrl and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Any sonic impressions? Was tempted by this as an upgrade from the ZX300.
        Jan 20, 2020
      3. Scubadude
        Posted some notes in the DAP talk thread. Don't know the ZX300 but soundwise he 6000 is just under pinnacle DAPs like R2R2000 and Paw Gold Touch.
        Jan 21, 2020
    16. Scubadude
      Proper office for the first time in years! Setting up PS Audio GCHA and HD600 today, packing Nuprime uDSD just in case the DAC is a turd.
    17. Scubadude
      Picked up a Krell KSA-5 clone in China. Serious clout, speed and detail but not harsh or bright. Did someone say that sounds like a Krell?
      1. hikergrl likes this.
    18. Scubadude
      Bought PS Audio GCHA at a whim. Gorgeous detail and scale from whisper to thunder levels. Zero ear fatigue. Great amp, DAC just so-so.
      1. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        Interesting, I'm a fan of how the gain cells (gilbert cell) works, amplifying from 0-100 instead of attenuating 100-0 for vol control. The full-detail at low vol is so good. (use a ya2-->modded Trio100 in my 2channel system)
        Jun 7, 2019
    19. Scubadude
      1. Jinxy245
        You're on your period?
        Apr 6, 2019
        JustAnotherRando likes this.
    20. Scubadude
      Tempted by a very sweet deal on AR M2 DAP and Sennheiser IE800 ... don't have much of a usecase but damn this combo sounds so good!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 7, 1971 (Age: 52)
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Management and Engineering Professional
    Gear List:
    Wadia 121, Nuprime uDSD, Schiit Modi 2 Uber, Fiio X3, Fiio X3 Mk III, Lotoo PAW 6000, Pi3 + Kali + Piano, Perreaux SXH2, SPL Phonitor, custom Hobkirk-Bouwman 6EM7 SET OTL, PS Audio GCHA, Krell KSA-5 Clone, Bottlehead Mainline, Meier Audio Corda Swing, HD800, HD650, HD600, HD540 Reference II Gold, HD560 Ovation II, HE-560, de-fazored LCD2F, AKG K1000, Stax SRS2170, SRS 5100, IE800, RE-400
    Management, engineering, manufacturing and supply chain practitioner. Father of four kids and happily married for many years ... Poligamy for me is more than one pair of headphones. Enjoy scuba diving (no one saw that coming), wine and the great outdoors.


    Enjoying my cans in sunny South Africa!

    Current kit: JRiver MC 23 || Nuprime uDSD / Wadia 121 / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / Aune X1s || Perreaux SXH2 / SPL Phonitor 2730 / Hobkirk-Bouwman custom 6EM7 OTL SET / PS Audio GCHA / Krell KSA-5 Clone / Bottlehead Mainline / Matrix HPA-3B / Meier Corda Swing || HD800 SDR / HD650 / HD600 / HD560 Ovation / HD540 Ref Gold / LCD-2 De-fazored / HE560 / AKG K1000 / DT880 Pro / Technics EAH-820 / SRS-5100 ... oh and some mobile bits ... Lotoo PAW6000 / Fiio X3 Mk III / Hifiman RE400 / IE800