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Almost "Made", Male

He's at it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s5cGdgpx3A Nov 21, 2024

Ti_Leo was last seen:
Dec 5, 2024 at 8:50 AM
    1. Ti_Leo
      Why... I sold my HE6SE v1, and took out my HE6SE v2 (I have issues). Slapped the same simple mods on v2, and it sounds plasticky... No!!!
      1. Philimon likes this.
      2. DigMe
        Jan 5, 2023
      3. Philimon
      4. Ti_Leo
        @Philimon Dang it... Really thought they were the same. Pad rolling on V2 was like just 30% effective comparing to V1, so my cheap-fake-Beyer-pads-bass-cannon mod wasn't a success on V2. #buyV1sellV2
        Jan 9, 2023
        Philimon likes this.
    2. Ti_Leo
      Is it possible to change the sockets of HD800 into 3.5mm ones, or something more common without drilling? Those tiny pins are such PITA.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. RestoredSparda
        Yeah, those connectors fraggler linked are super easy to work with.
        Jul 24, 2022
        yotacowboy and Ti_Leo like this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        Yes, these thick ones look so much better and I see the possibility of using thick cables! Nice! Thank you all!!
        Jul 24, 2022
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      4. RestoredSparda
        Here are a few photos of my cable with them. You have a built in cable crimp to keep it steady while you solder the two pins. Super easy and the connector screws off and accommodates fairly thick cables.

        Jul 24, 2022
        Ti_Leo, gixxerwimp and Biodegraded like this.
    3. Ti_Leo
      Airist RDAC + ZDT Jr. + HD600 sounds really good!
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      2. Merrick
        I find the RDAC bass to be mostly neutral, not massive slam but not lacking slam either. Modi Multibit has more immediate and obvious slam to my ears.
        Jul 5, 2022
        Ti_Leo likes this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        @Tchoupitoulas I don't know, to me it might not be that hard hitting (but of course, hard enough), but there's something about the sound or timbre or texture of the bass that makes it really good to my ears. I didn't really heard that with RDAC + Liquid Platinum. Maybe it's "synergy"?
        Jul 6, 2022
        Cryptowolf and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        @Merrick I can't recall the bass difference between RDAC and MM when I did comparison on Liquid Platinum... But I'm not really sure it's just "bass force" or volume that made RDAC + ZDT Jr. sounded great to me, there's something like chewy texture that made the bass shined. Sorry I just don't know the right term for this...

        But then, MM sounded really "3D" with LP, that's like the only thing I remember...
        Jul 6, 2022
        Merrick and Cryptowolf like this.
    4. Ti_Leo
      Rando's thought: Be quite silly choosing Liquid Platinum over ZDT Jr. for 2 years
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      2. Ti_Leo
        @CEE TEE Hahaha, I'd say it's more of an acquired taste, as there was a time that I thought ZDT Jr. was too tubey...
        May 30, 2022
        CEE TEE likes this.
      3. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Ah, gotcha! Well, glad you are getting used to it now…
        May 31, 2022
        Ti_Leo likes this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        So good, now I want more, MORE!!! (another unit for home use maybe?) (Yep, I know it's hard to get one now.) Any way, thank you!!!!
        May 31, 2022
        CEE TEE likes this.
    5. Ti_Leo
      Silly question again: what can I use to temporarily attach drivers to the frames?
      1. Ti_Leo
        I guess tapes wouldn't work, how about a little hot glue?
        Apr 6, 2022
      2. Walderstorn
        Apr 6, 2022
        Jinxy245, Ti_Leo and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        Really? Can't think of a better solution, thanks!!
        Apr 7, 2022
    6. Ti_Leo
      Put some sound effects in my video tonight. Came home and realized I was using AQ Nighthawk... Might need to do some adjustment tomorrow
    7. Ti_Leo
      Happy Chinese New Year! The year of Tiger, wow, if I knew there's any difference.
      1. DigMe
        Jan 31, 2022
        Ti_Leo likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        新年快乐!!(It's "Xin", not "Xi", which I'm afraid of)
        Jan 31, 2022
      3. DigMe
        Haha! Typo
        Jan 31, 2022
    8. Ti_Leo
      Newb question: why would I get channel imbalance caused by cable?
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      2. Ti_Leo
        @Hrodulf Oh... That makes sense! So it's like half disconnected balanced half as powerful, right? I'll check the cables, thanks!!
        Nov 1, 2021
        Hrodulf likes this.
      3. señorhifi
        I once made a cable that ended up having severe channel imbalance. The culprint was a big solder blob on one channel on the 3.2mm conector (vs the other left cable which had a more even amount of solder). It ends up acting as a resistor and lowers the volume.
        Nov 1, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        @señorhifi Well, that could definitely happen to me, as my soldering skill sucks... But my case should be faulty balanced connection, since at least my preamp used to work just fine.
        Nov 2, 2021
    9. Ti_Leo
      I think I kinda fixed my broken ZD SE, and now I'm very happy!
      1. yotacowboy likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        The ZD SE came with broken right channel, my guess is that the heating circuit was gone, as the big tube barely glowed and not as hot as the working one. So... I decided to apply some thermal isolation onto the right side...
        Oct 10, 2021
        tommytakis likes this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        Now it really works! With a little channel imbalance, but bearable. I know I'm definitely a bad bad example of how not to fix your stuff...
        Oct 10, 2021
        tommytakis likes this.
    10. Ti_Leo
      HE560 V4 sounds pretty good, could be perfect for daily use on PC, except the itchy flurry new pads and pressure sensitive drivers
      1. Ti_Leo
        IIRC, the OG HE560 sounded quite spikey on treble, didn't like it.
        HE560 V2 sounded dull, boring (2.5mm socket).
        V3 was just a headband lengthened version of V2 with 3.5mm connection.
        Now V4 sounds a bit warm and more... musical? It could use a bit of more subbass, but good enough.
        Sep 27, 2021
        FlySweep likes this.
    11. Ti_Leo
      I like the sound of RCA 6CG7 clear top in ZD SE, sweet!
      1. Azimuth likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        I can't do AB comparison, as my amp is broken, if I swap tube, the right channel will be off.

        From my limited time with the 6CG7 (used), it sounds sweeter, a bit wetter, maybe low end rolls off a bit, but it's OK. I just need that bit of sweetness to make ZD SE sounds a bit relaxed. Good!
        Sep 16, 2021
      3. Azimuth
        One of my favorite tubes!
        Sep 16, 2021
        Ti_Leo likes this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        @Azimuth great, now you set my mind at ease, as I don't need to think about tubes in the near future.
        Sep 16, 2021
        Azimuth likes this.
    12. Ti_Leo
      I'm anxious to hear how good Holo Spring L3 (but not KTE, because it's CN version) is, I put a mouse pad on it, then ZD SE on the top.
      1. Ti_Leo
        But I'm wondering: what if I put or glue a heating desk mat under the DAC? It should speed up the warming up process, right?
        Aug 10, 2021
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        I can't imagine this was remotely a design consideration. Read the manual, I'm guessing if this were a good idea it'd be in there.
        Aug 10, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Gazny like this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        Aug 10, 2021
    13. Ti_Leo
      Living without a DAC for ~60 days. Driving my AAA 789 (meh), LP (good), ZD SE (yeaaaah) using a GSX 1000, yes, that Sennheiser gaming thing.
      1. Walderstorn likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        Modius stuck in the CN customs, can't get a (used) Bifrost 2 here. Only old stuff on used market, like Spring 1, Yggdrasil A1, Gungnir Multibit A1. Otherwise, Audio-GD, Denafrips or some weird DIY stuff if I don't want DS DACs, sigh.
        Aug 2, 2021
      3. DigMe
        Going on 17 months now! Thanks a lot, COVID!
        Aug 2, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        And as vaccination rates going up, Delta variant enters the chat. Ugh.
        Aug 2, 2021
        DigMe likes this.
    14. Ti_Leo
      Bought a cheap ZD SE from a sketchy seller. One of the 6C33C-Bs barely lighted, but the sound seemed to be fine, or actually, amazing.
      1. tommytakis likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ti_Leo
        @thegunner100 My unit has a different problem I think: The seller broke one of the rectifier tubes, so I guess it took something in the right channel with it. But I can use both of the channels after "warming up" the tubes, and the volume on right channel stays, or even the it sounded a bit loud or brighter to me. Anyway, thank you all the same, and glad to see your amp is working now.
        Jul 18, 2021
      4. thegunner100
        Ahh sorry to hear that. It was worth a try :(
        Jul 18, 2021
      5. Ti_Leo
        It's OK, I bought this unit hoping it's just a broken tube problem, but planned for much worse, like there's only bricks in the package. (I'm in China, so...) I guess the broken is not toooo big? At least one of the channels still works, so I can use it as reference. Time for me to learn some real electricity!
        Jul 18, 2021
    15. Ti_Leo
      Hi, a silly question: does Pi2AES support touchscreen via HDMI +USB? Thanks!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Michael Kelly
        Michael Kelly
        I stand corrected! I was only thinking of HDMI or DSI displays. SPI displays and parallel rgb displays are blocked, but I2C displays can be used as we have those signals on the 16-pin header on our pi2aes.
        Jun 8, 2021
      3. Woland
        @Michael Kelly Probably not what @Ti_Leo had in mind either... but I have one of those dispalys, and it seems to be unusable with any audio HAT.
        Jun 8, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        @Woland Yea, I just wanted get a cheapo small screen from Taobao, normal one is enough for me, and I don't even know what you two were talking about, hahah.
        Jun 9, 2021
    16. Ti_Leo
      Accidently sold both of my DACs while the replacement still has 2 weeks to arrive... Hello, Chifi cheapo R2R DAC my old friend...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Biodegraded
      3. Cspirou
        Github is cool
        May 26, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        @Biodegraded No no no, the DAC I'm looking at is just a board, I even need to find some psu for it. Which made me hesitated. @Cspirou Yeah, it's like an approval to me, but the board is not 100% copy so I don't know... Sigh.
        May 26, 2021
        Biodegraded likes this.
    17. Ti_Leo
      Ashamed to admit I'm super happy using AQ Nighthawk with velour pads for 1 week now. It'd be perfect if someone could bring the mids up...
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      2. Ti_Leo
        @Lyander Yes, I thought about HP-3 also, as both of these headphones are (rumored) using Fostex drivers. Yes, HP-3 feels better than NH, but, it's twice more expensive than NH in China, so... I think I'm fine with NH?
        May 2, 2021
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        Ah true, I'd never have bought the HP-3 for retail price (also, the original pads are USD100... each, BEFORE shipping and taxes). On the upside apart from being excessively murky I did rather like the NH, not to mention they're significantly more comfortable to wear!

        Definitely stick with whatever works for you. While I crap on the stock NH a lot personal preferences do matter :P
        May 2, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        It's funny that I'm actually having my own NH OG on sale, as I didn't like the OG sound. It's like I had to try very hard to extract the emotion from the bass cloud, but then the slightly peaky treble kicked in and I could only cry for my ears.

        Last week I saw a NH Carbon, with the microsuede pads and cheaper than mine, so I "bought the competition", and found the microsuede pads worked surprisingly well.
        May 2, 2021
    18. Ti_Leo
      Hard to get a Bifrrost 2 in China makes me want to cheap out on some Chinese R2R board. (Don't!)
      1. DigMe likes this.
    19. Ti_Leo
      Lost my AES cables while moving, now I'm using optical in + SE out on Modius, worst possible option?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sqveak
        No good. Did you feel this way about it prior to using the optical input? What is your source? Have you compared it to the USB input?
        Apr 20, 2021
      3. Ti_Leo
        OK, I found a coaxial cable! So, quick comparison: optical input sounds more two dimensional, mids seems thinner, and the bass seems less also... But coaxial input gives me more congested feeling, seems like it generates some sense of depth by pulling the vocal closer while optical sounds more laid back. I prefer coaxial input on Modius.
        Apr 20, 2021
      4. Ti_Leo
        Oh, my source is Pi2AES, and I didn't use USB input for long, as it generated noise over time, replugging USB cable resolved the problem for some short time, but it would come back. I guess the problem was more on my PC.
        Apr 20, 2021
        Sqveak and Michael Kelly like this.
    20. Ti_Leo
      Vintage DT990 with worn black pads sound dark and mids centric, with good bass, I like them a lot. Wonder how Beyer became like this.
      1. Cryptowolf
        I still listen to a recabled DT880 250 ohm. It may not have the best overall sound signature, but I enjoy it for an everyday open headphone.
        Jan 18, 2021
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