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Oct 8, 2024 at 10:44 AM
Sep 25, 2015
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Jun 1, 1974 (Age: 50)
Irvine CA

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Measurbator - Admin, Male, 50, from Irvine CA

Staff Member Pyrate MZR

If anyone is interested in an SR1 Audio Analyzer, long term loan or purchase. Let me know. I don't use it. All proceeds donated to SBAF :) Feb 9, 2024

ultrabike was last seen:
Oct 8, 2024 at 10:44 AM
    1. ultrabike
      Back from Portland. Liked the Voodoo Donuts! Coffee is great. Portland Zoo is awesome!
      1. FlySweep, Merrick, Mikoss and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. FlySweep
        The NW Pacific coast (Oregon coast, more specifically.. WA's coastal drive is meh for the most part) is absolutely majestic. Not saying this as a homer/Oregonian, either.. plenty of 'worldy' friends of mine have said the same thing. Very unique and varied in terms of vistas and flora.
        Oct 19, 2016
        Mikoss likes this.
      4. ultrabike
        It's not only that. The culture is IMO fairly different from what I'm used to in SOCAL. Better. More open. Kind of the opposite of Arizona.
        Oct 19, 2016
        Mikoss likes this.
      5. ultrabike
        Their metro works. Loved the good old bookstores. The outdoors are real outdoors. It's awesome. But then again. I only was there for like 2.5 days. Many years ago I was there for business, and it was much more brief.
        Oct 19, 2016
    2. ultrabike
      f**k you Jot. I like you on paper and I liked you out of @Bill-P lil setup. Time will say.
      1. lm4der likes this.
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      3. ButtUglyJeff
        Prepare yourself for the want...
        Oct 13, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
      4. insidious meme
        insidious meme
        Nah, @ultrabike has been around all sorts of gear, and managed to stick with the O2 all this time.
        Oct 13, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
      5. ultrabike
        Yup. But I do see the value of the Jot.
        Oct 13, 2016
    3. ultrabike
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        That is pretty cool.
        Oct 2, 2016
    4. mrweirdude
      Hey, you or any of the other SBAFers with verified rigs wanna measure/listen to a K612? I have one coming and can send it around for a bit given they won't get much headtime with the amount of headphones I have ATM.
      1. ultrabike
        I would be interested in giving it a try.
        Sep 28, 2016
      2. mrweirdude
        PM me
        Sep 28, 2016
    5. ultrabike
      Trump's fact checking in the debate was clear, strong and solid: "I did not say that".
      1. Pyruvate and brencho like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ultrabike
        True. He probably took his blood pressure meds. He really needed a massive dosage of Adderall though. But then it wouldn't be Trump. And it wouldn't be fun.
        Sep 27, 2016
      4. bazelio
        We're d00med. But at least one of the two candidates realizes that a U.S. government default on its debt is inevitable and is willing to broach the subject.
        Sep 27, 2016
      5. zonto
        Sep 27, 2016
        shotgunshane and bazelio like this.
    6. Wfojas
      The Utopia to follow those should be something, also!
      1. ultrabike likes this.
      2. ultrabike
        Yep :-)
        Sep 13, 2016
    7. ultrabike
      Koss Porta Pro (black beauty) in the house. They are the real deal. Sound good.
      1. ultrabike
        These are really good! I haven't measured them but they rock. A bit more laid back than the KSC75s me thinks. Much better build construction and portability. And it's black!
        Sep 13, 2016
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        I wanna try them too. But I'm kinda holding out for a new color. I know, I can't look at them while listening...
        Sep 14, 2016
      3. ultrabike
        On ebay they have all the colors. Minus the black with the nylon cable. I might recable mine with nylon. It's not expensive. I will measure proly tonight, but IMO they sound good.
        Sep 14, 2016
    8. Ryu
      1. ultrabike likes this.
      2. ultrabike
        Thanks. Problem is space. I could put together a small HTPC. But later. I will have to convert some space in the kids toy room and put in there a small desk. Which may happen soon.
        Sep 8, 2016
      3. BrettMatthews
        You could also go down to mini ITX to make the footprint even smaller.
        Sep 9, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
    9. ultrabike
      1. aufmerksam likes this.
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      3. ultrabike
        I know! WTF are all those people thinking! Black man. Black! I mean even Red + Black doesn't looks that bad.
        Aug 24, 2016
      4. rayfalkner
        Black-Gold! Well the White-Gold render is nice too...
        Aug 24, 2016
      5. swamp
        Oh, this reminded me that I have to send in my old portapros from 2009 for a replacement. Left driver cut out a while back and I still haven't gotten to it yet.
        Aug 24, 2016
    10. ultrabike
      Back from taking the family to DC. Lots of stuff to see there!
      1. gaspasser likes this.
    11. ultrabike
      Created a 2000 tap FIR using LMS and HD600 FR. Applied using Foobar2k. f**k! utterly revealing. Brighter than I'm used to.
      1. firev1 and Smitty like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ultrabike
        OMG! This is awesome. Will post about it later. A few weeks.
        Aug 6, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
      4. Smitty
        Nice, can't wait to see your write up.
        Aug 7, 2016
        TMoney likes this.
      5. ultrabike
        It's going to take time. Life gets in the way, and details as well. I was using an old set of measurement files which perhaps do not reflect well how I'm hearing things. Used new ones and the LMS needs adjusting. Not an excuse. It will get done. But family comes first.
        Aug 7, 2016
        Smitty and JK47 like this.
    12. ultrabike
      Equalizing my bedroom is a BITCH! Might have to do it again for the 100th time!
      1. Hrodulf
        Do it once and only bring girls with similar body volume and absorption properties!
        Aug 1, 2016
        Huxleigh and ultrabike like this.
      2. ultrabike
        LOL! Nah here is the dealio, reverberation in my bedroom is pretty bad :-) . Even Guitar Center looks like an anechoic chamber relatively speaking. So I smooth things out to 1/12 and target flat. Algorithm does crazy shit. Then miniDSP apps act up. Finally get things going crossed at 80 Hz... and now the sub is not detecting sometimes, so might have to take it to 100 Hz again. f**k! Might start a thread.
        Aug 1, 2016
    13. ultrabike
      Back from a Duran Duran concert. These guys rock!!! Niles Rodgers was there as well and did some "Get Lucky" stuff!
      1. Merrick, JK47, FlySweep and 3 others like this.
      2. JK47
        "Wild Boys"
        Jul 31, 2016
      3. ultrabike
        Yup. "Wild Boys" was performed.
        Jul 31, 2016
    14. ultrabike
      Measured a bunch of monitors at Guitar Center. Those guys are kool!
    15. ultrabike
      3rd time at Universal Studios in a month. Tired. Very tired today.
      1. Huxleigh likes this.
      2. Huxleigh
        Heh, your kids must delight in punishing you. ;)
        Jul 18, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
      3. ultrabike
        LOL! It's all for the kids. It's the right age. But it's hard work.
        Jul 18, 2016
        Huxleigh likes this.
    16. ultrabike
      MR5 MK3 is getting pushed out of Guitar Center. Will try to evaluate it more closely. Maybe do some JBL 305 compare. It's a shame.
    17. ultrabike
      Anybody have experience with the Parts-Express Solstice? Looks like an interesting TL design (extended bass), w pretty high end drivers.
      1. ultrabike
        Meh. Different design (bass reflex), but the Amiga seems to have similar F3, though a little lower sensitivity. About same size and less than half the price. Wife said no, cuz Mackies. :(
        Jun 21, 2016
    18. ultrabike
      Lego Saturday. Ninjago ride was sort of meh. Kids still had fun though.
    19. ultrabike
      Back from yet another cub scouts camp. Tired.
      1. brencho likes this.
      2. BioniclePhile
        I can't wait for Bartle this summer
        Apr 10, 2016
      3. Smitty
        Did you at least get a t-shirt to show that you survived the camp?
        Apr 10, 2016
      4. ultrabike
        Nah. No t-shirt. Just a good time :)
        Apr 11, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
    20. ultrabike
      1. Mikoss likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Read it, worth it. The article made me think about this hobby.
        Mar 17, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
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    Jun 1, 1974 (Age: 50)
    Irvine CA