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May 31, 2024 at 8:16 PM
Sep 27, 2015
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On planet
acoustic research scientist

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dScope Yoda, Male, from On planet

Pyrate BWC MZR

If anyone ever receives a dislike from me it is most likely aging eyes, trembling hands, fat fingers on a mobile device. May 30, 2024 at 3:55 PM

atomicbob was last seen:
May 31, 2024 at 8:16 PM
    1. atomicbob
    2. atomicbob
      After the weekend SSD disruption SSD health appears good, data intact, apps functional except Benchvue. Support contacted.
      1. Thad E Ginathom and Cspirou like this.
      2. atomicbob
        For those interested:

        Top-level Exception
        Type: System.TypeInitializationException
        Message: The type initializer for 'System.Windows.Media.Fonts' threw an exception.
        Source: PresentationCore

        Inner Exception1
        Type: System.IO.FileFormatException
        Message: No FontFamily element found in FontFamilyCollection that matches current OS or greater: Windows7SP1
        Source: PresentationCore
        Jan 22, 2018
      3. atomicbob
        Found the problem. MS .net Jan 2018 monthly "quality rollup" created the fault : Fix recommended restores proper operation. Also received a prompt response from Keysight with the very same information. Benchvue crash reporting system is awesome. Back in business.
        Jan 22, 2018
      4. atomicbob
        Wonderful to have several problems develop simultaneously, apparently related but are actually independent. Story of my life. Like unmuting FOH master fader and some asshole drops a crate offstage at just that moment.
        Jan 22, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    3. atomicbob
      Bad way to start the day - primary lab computer took a ssd dump. Diagnostics and recover in process.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        During my SSD failure some corruption of BenchVue licensing has occurred which will require attention. This will impact the USB cable measurements update. Other than that, lab computer is running again. SSD appears to be fine, though an overnight run of chkdsk is in order.
        Jan 21, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Grahad2
        After hearing enough ticks of doom I keep everything important on SSDs. Which still do fail, but typically last (wayyy) long enough past their 0 MWI mark that you really should have backed it up.
        Jan 21, 2018
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It does not go by components. Somebody should write a song called "Fifty ways to loose your data!"

        My cycle is weekly. Sometimes it stretches to two, but it includes an off-site copy swap. Even if the house burnt down (its been flooded, but I kept the PC dry) I would not loose my entire digital life.
        Jan 22, 2018
        atomicbob likes this.
    4. atomicbob
      Happy to see so many find the FFT visual tutorial worth their time to peruse. Please let me know of any errors or improvements to be made.
      1. Lyander, A1Gear, yotacowboy and 2 others like this.
    5. atomicbob
      Yeehaw! It feels so good when it quits hurting. Episode over. Back to being a NC again.
      1. Luckbad
        I need more like buttons than are available.
        Jan 18, 2018
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
      2. atomicbob
        Thank-you all. Today is starting out well. As Cyrille Aimee sings, "It's a Good Day".
        Jan 19, 2018
        Luckbad likes this.
    6. atomicbob
      sometimes I feel guilty ... then again sometimes I selfishly just enjoy the music ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Melvillian
        Nothing selfish about it. You already do more than 90% of us combined.

        Right channel on my crack hasn’t been working for a while. I really miss listening to it. Will have to spend the time and figure out what’s going on with it
        Jan 15, 2018
      3. atomicbob
        Thank-you all. I was a little down after recently sustaining a 76 hr afib episode. The "selfish" part is partly tongue-in-cheek. Enjoying the music should remain top priority for everyone. I check out the what are you listening to now thread regularly and have been adding new music at an unprecedented rate, well for me anyway.

        @Melvillian - fix that Crack. You will be glad you did.
        Jan 16, 2018
        Dino likes this.
      4. Melvillian
        I really do need to fix it. I think I’ll start with rewiring the amp. It’s a complete mess from all the mods I’ve bolted on. Probably good to revert the amp back to its simple form and see what happens.
        Jan 16, 2018
        atomicbob likes this.
    7. atomicbob
      Beginning 2018 feeling Thick as a Brick. CRS interfering with what measurements have / haven't been made or posted. Back to Tull for awhile.
      1. Ringingears likes this.
      2. Dino
        Make sure to listen to every song in the correct order. :)
        Jan 3, 2018
        Ringingears and atomicbob like this.
    8. atomicbob
    9. atomicbob
      Data quality vetting done. Putting together outline now. There will be additional graphs given some interesting attributes of the ZDT Jr.
      1. obsiCO, jexby, Dr. Higgs and 6 others like this.
      2. Ringingears
        Thanks for doing the measurements. Really curious to see what you found.
        Dec 17, 2017
    10. atomicbob
      Shit! that feeling you get when realizing an afternoon of measurements have been shot to hell ....
      1. atomicbob
        because the 30R measurements were made with the plug in the High impedance jack. Will have to redo all those measurements after dinner.
        Dec 16, 2017
      2. jowls
        Ugh. I can’t imagine the amount of time it takes for such comprehensive measurements, as you consistently provide. Thanks again.
        Dec 16, 2017
      3. atomicbob
        Data quality vetting done. Putting together the outline now. There will be additional graphs given some interesting attributes of the ZDT Jr.
        Dec 17, 2017
        jowls likes this.
    11. atomicbob
      ZDT Jr 300R measurements in the can today. Tomorrow will be 30R measurements and pictures. Maybe some data posted on Sunday.
      1. gaspasser, Vansen and dmckean44 like this.
    12. atomicbob
      So here I have some very expensive and great sounding headphone amps, but what am I drawn to this evening?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FlySweep
        Big BIG fan of the SB'ed Crack w/ the Tungsram E80CC. I wish I heard one that was specifically biased for that tube.. cause even non-optimized for it, it was terrific. Amperex 5085 is indeed dope.. might still have it in my tube stash.. will send it to you @atomicbob if I find it. Tungsram's 12AU7 is a fav in the Crack for me, as well.
        Dec 2, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. Melvillian
        Dec 3, 2017
        FlySweep likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        @FlySweep - I replaced the bias resistors with a 10 turn precision resistors. Must be careful about initial setting but with a DMM it is easy to rebias appropriately. Can get exact voltages desired this way. Probably better to have a small series resistor with the precision resistor to set an absolute minimum resistance and thus maximum current to avoid letting out the magic smoke.
        Dec 4, 2017
        FlySweep likes this.
    13. atomicbob
      One measurement post partially complete. 5 or 6 to go over the next several weeks (hopefully.) So far behind.
      1. zonto, Dino, jexby and 6 others like this.
      2. jowls
        Great to see you back Bob. I hope your health is on the improve...
        Nov 28, 2017
      3. atomicbob
        Thank-you, overall better but still have cardiac episodes. They are shorter in duration when they occur for now.
        Nov 29, 2017
        Dino and jowls like this.
    14. atomicbob
      Five days of family Thanksgiving events. Both enjoyable and exhausting.
      1. Dino, Case, Cellist88 and 1 other person like this.
      2. Cellist88
        Now after a short break, you gotta worry about christmas!
        Nov 26, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        Nov 28, 2017
        Cellist88 likes this.
    15. atomicbob
      I am disgustipated ... set aside time for measurements and posting on a Sunday afternoon only to discover the kitchen faucet leaking ...
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bengo
        The neighbour helped me find the leak and fix it! Any mistake which doesn't kill you is an opportunity for learning. :) So now I know what a "Jubilee clip" is and why the washing machine hose should have one...
        Nov 20, 2017
        atomicbob and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. atomicbob
        LadyLux3 was a PITA to uninstall and consumed a couple of hours. Several major components had siezed. Moen install was approx. 45 min. Kitchen functional again, wife happy. Thanksgiving back on track.
        Nov 22, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The one quarter-turn mixer tap (faucet. That word puzzled me for years) that has never even dripped, let alone caused us any other problem, is the cheapest, non-branded, one that we have. When we asked about service, the guy who sold it to us said, "Throw it away and buy a new one." And this is a kitchen tap so it gets heavy use.
        Nov 22, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
    16. atomicbob
      I'm in for a ZDT Jr. Hoping it will deliver substantially similar auditory delight to my Zana Deux SE in a more transportable format.
      1. Aleatorius, Merrick, Case and 5 others like this.
      2. Ringingears
        I’m in too. Just now. Hoping it will give me the ZD sound without all the heat.
        Nov 18, 2017
        atomicbob and Case like this.
    17. atomicbob
      Have a lot of catching up; lots of data in the can. Hope to improve the SNR a bit.
      1. Dino, Serious, Neal and 19 others like this.
    18. atomicbob
      Recovering from this season's first round of rhinovirus / crud. Wife is worse than me with her asthma. Several measurement posts pending.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bixby
        Mushroom soup for vitamin d, speedy recovery!
        Oct 18, 2017
        atomicbob and GoodEnoughGear like this.
      3. Dino
        I hope you and your wife feel better soon. Measurement posts and etc can wait.
        Oct 18, 2017
        atomicbob and Elnrik like this.
      4. atomicbob
        Now undergoing the second round of rhinovirus / crud. This time I have it worse than my wife, thankfully. Respiratory ailments are quite challenging for asthmatics.
        Nov 15, 2017
    19. atomicbob
      Wow, take a few days away from the forum for corporate work and some measurements and look what happens ...
      1. atomicbob
        It appears several inDUHviduals arrived, kicked over the buffet table, took a shit in the punch bowl, pissed off a lot of folks and generally decreased the S/N ratio.

        They would never dare do that in real life, say upon entering a biker bar. After the thrashing they'd find themselves stuffed in the garbage out back.
        Oct 10, 2017
        Luckbad, FlySweep, jowls and 9 others like this.
    20. atomicbob
      Coincidence? I've had two SMPS wall warts malfunction within the last 24 hrs. Both were being used normally, not subject to experiments.
      1. ultrabike likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Elnrik
        They were jealous of the Meanwell + Noise Nuke and committed suicide.
        Sep 29, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Revenge of the wall warts!
        Sep 30, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        Revenge of the Wall Warts - I like it. Could be a song or even a movie along the lines of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
        Sep 30, 2017
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  • About

    On planet
    acoustic research scientist
    Gear List:
    See information section for my opinions
    My enjoyment of particular recreational music systems is inextricably intertwined with my personal preferences. The following lists are representations of my tastes in music, components and listening levels. The section on music is only a sample of my library but should provide sufficient insight into my musical preferences. I am rigorous and exacting with component measurements. That doesn’t automatically make my opinions worth anything without context. Use the following information to decide how well your own preferences converge or diverge with mine when I make comments about equipment in the forum. DO NOT blindly assume a positive comment from me about some component or headphone will automatically translate to auditory happiness on your part. Likewise you may find yourself enjoying something that I don’t. Consider (learning) your own personal preference.

    50s, 60s & 70s jazz
    Louis Armstrong, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Cannonball Adderly, Les McCann & Eddie Harris
    Recorded by Columbia (Frank Laico, Fred Plaut), Bluenote (Rudy Van Gelder), Contemporary Records (Roy DuNann)

    More recent jazz artists
    Wynton Marsalis
    Dave Grusin
    Dave Brubeck
    Bela Fleck
    Chick Corea
    Christian McBride
    Wycliffe Gordon
    Ingrid Jensen
    Steve Treseler
    Terell Stafford
    Ronnie Earl
    Steve Gadd Band
    Charlie Haden
    Brad Mehldau

    Medeski, Martin & Wood
    Medeski, Scofield, Martin & Wood
    Ill Considered
    Snarky Puppy
    Pat Metheny

    Artfully deviant
    Steve’n’Seagulls - Thunderstruck
    Two Cellos - Thunderstruck

    A class by himself

    60s & 70s rock
    Emerson Lake & Palmer
    Blood Sweat & Tears
    Pink Floyd
    Jethro Tull
    JJ Cale
    Little Feat
    Dave Matthews Band
    Cat Steven – Tea for the Tillerman
    Grateful Dead
    Lead Zeppelin

    Tangerine Dream
    Bruce Becvar
    Gary Stroutsos

    Classical composers

    Canadian Brass

    Listening Levels dBSPL
    60~70 quiet, background listening
    70~80 recreational and critical listening
    80~90 rocking out, often with libations at hand
    90~100 Santana Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen, ELP Tank - drum solo

    I tend to listen at quieter levels where electroacoustic transducers exhibit greater linearity. Higher levels are more likely to have greater distortion and require higher power amplification. The result is substantial deviation in opinions by listeners attempting to compare headphones when they are listening at different levels.

    Holo Audio KTE Spring2
    Schiit Bifrost2
    Matrix Audio X-Sabre Pro
    Lavry DA11

    Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Schiit Gungnir MB A2
    Soekris 1421

    Work (recording, editing, acoustic measurements)
    Lavry DA11, AD11
    RME ADI-2 Pro

    Rather not listen
    Auralec Vega
    Resonessence Labs Concero
    Topping D30
    Objective DAC

    Universal Turd
    Audio-gd S19

    Eddie Current Studio B
    Eddie Current Zana Deux SE
    ECP Audio DSHA-3F
    ECP Audio T4
    Shortest Way 51+
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson

    Cavalli Liquid Platinum
    Schiit Lyr3 with PSVane 6SN7
    EC ZDT Jr after hum reduction modifications
    BottleHead Crack (PS modified, no speedball, e80cc driver)
    Cavalli MCTH
    Schiit Magni3+
    Schiit Vali2 with 6CG7
    Project Sunrise with 12BH7 and Linear Power Supply

    Rather not listen
    Objective 2
    Topping anything


    Sennheiser HD800-Jmod
    Focal Stellia
    Sennheiser HD600

    Sennheiser HD650
    Focal Clear
    HiFiMan HE-500

    Rather not listen
    Most anything planar except for the HE-500

    I developed a VST chain dubbed Immersion Virtualization System which I employ for my recreational listening. This has a substantial influence on my perception of component performance. See the IVS descriptions in the following links:




    Organizing chaos for seven decades.