Comments on Profile Post by ultrabike

  1. ultrabike
    f**k! If the anus is a sexual organ, might as well make the armpit a sexual organ too!
    May 18, 2020
    In the hierarchy of proposed sexual organs, I believe feet should be recognized before we accept the armpit.
    May 18, 2020
    Biodegraded likes this.
  3. ChaChaRealSmooth
    Sounds like the sex ed program is ass
    May 19, 2020
  4. songmic
    Now there's another reason to go get a bidet, gotta keep those sexual organs clean.
    May 19, 2020
  5. jowls
    ‘Might as well make the armpit...’ I have never felt so marginalised. By the way; I didn’t choose axilism. Axilism chose me.
    May 19, 2020
    ultrabike, Jinxy245, Kunlun and 2 others like this.
  6. YMO
    More California jokes?
    May 19, 2020
  7. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    "How many f'ing genders are there."
    Two years back I had a conversation with a friend who is head of a major part of a University in UK. He told me that they have to recognise and respect *five* sexualities and sexual inclinations. He said that, whilst recognising everybody's right to do whatever they want with whoever wants to do it, /as a biologist/ it just doesn't all make sense to him.
    May 19, 2020
    rott and ultrabike like this.
  8. E_Schaaf
    As a bisexual and genderfluid person with queer friends spanning a variety of ages and nationalities, rest assured these aspects of human behavior and identity have not changed or come into being recently, just the language we use to describe these things is gaining exposure. Education about consent and protection can only be a good thing, though it may seem unfamiliar or inapplicable to most.
    May 19, 2020
  9. E_Schaaf
    I don't talk about it much here because it shouldn't matter in terms of how I interact with this community. But I do wish I had better sex ed than what I got in my private Christian TX high school. Abstinence only policy - wasn't remotely helpful in preventing teenage pregnancies.
    May 19, 2020
  10. Josh83
    Yeah, as a straight dude who got horrible sex ed in Catholic school and had to learn stuff by reading a friend’s copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves *in college*, I think the above sex ed sounds good. Calling people by their preferred pronoun doesn’t strike me as onerous or even political, either. It’s just being a kind person.
    May 19, 2020
  11. Superexchanger
    I also don't see this as a kind of egregious category error or anything. "Sex organ" probably classifies along common behavior, reproductive organ along biological function. Seems fine to educate along behaivoral lines for a sex-ed class, no?
    May 19, 2020
  12. ultrabike
    There is not one type of lesbian, one type of gay, one type of straight. Everybody is unique. But when it comes to gender, to me there is only two: woman and man. A woman may like a specific or broad type of women or men or both. But whether she loves it of hates it, she is a woman.
    May 20, 2020
  13. ultrabike
    Furthermore, the anus is not a genital. Is a defecation organ. If we make it a genital because one can derive sexual pleasure from it, then might as well make the mouth, breast, hands and even feet, genitals.
    May 20, 2020
    Thad E Ginathom likes this.
  14. ultrabike
    Deriving sexual pleasure from whatever random body part does not make it a genital. Genital organs are reproduction organs. Which the anus is not.
    May 20, 2020
  15. ultrabike
    It may all be semantics. I personally don't care, because what a paper or presentation say does not change the facts. But it confuses the hell out of kids that barely know how their body works.
    May 20, 2020
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  16. Biodegraded
    Logical progression or reductio ad absurdum: the skin is a sexual organ.
    May 20, 2020
    ultrabike likes this.
  17. Claritas
    Would it have killed them to leave the lad to his own devices, so he could learn about buggery the old-fashioned way, from a copy of Hustler?
    May 23, 2020