Comments on Profile Post by yotacowboy

  1. Ksorota
    No x 500. ;)
    Feb 21, 2024
    Qildail, bixby, yotacowboy and 3 others like this.
  2. JK47
    Only if the hotdog is cut in half, each half split lengthwise, then put between two flat pieces of bread
    Feb 21, 2024
  3. ChaChaRealSmooth
    I don't know, let me feed both to my dog Teddy and ask for his opinion
    Feb 21, 2024
  4. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    Well, a submarine is apparently a sandwich. A hot dog is just a sub with different fillings, so I'd say yes. Obviously a burger is a sandwich as well. Now a donair or a shawarma I don't think would qualify, but I feel this could be part of the next great culture war in any case.
    Feb 21, 2024
    Thad E Ginathom and yotacowboy like this.
  5. rlow
    Now I’m hungry…
    Feb 21, 2024
    crenca and yotacowboy like this.
  6. Cspirou
    If a hot dog is a sandwich, than so is a taco
    Feb 22, 2024
  7. roshambo123
    A sausage or hotdog can be made without bread but not a hoagie or cheesesteak. Unless bread is fundamental it's not a sandwich.
    Feb 22, 2024
  8. yotacowboy
    scenario: I want a ham and cheese croissant. I go to the fridge and grab ham, gruyere, and dijon mustard. I then open my pantry only to find I am out of croissants. I improvise by placing the gruyere slice between two ham slices and add a smear of mustard. I take a bite of the contraption and am satisfied, but not enthralled. Confused, I exclaim, "Is this, or is this not a sandwich???"
    Feb 22, 2024
  9. yotacowboy
    Also, what to make of lobster rolls??? Sandwich, hoagie, or other? What trait of a roll is, well, rolled? If I take a lobster roll and remove the lobster salad, and replace it with a hot dog, has the sandwich essence of the lobster-roll-as-sandwich been compromised?
    Feb 22, 2024
  10. yotacowboy
    Lastly, if I wrap a hotdog in Pillsburry Grands Crescent Rolls and bake it in the oven, is it still a hotdog? Or have I transcended to uber/ultimate-pigs-in-blankets??
    Feb 22, 2024
  11. Claritas
    This is a matter of convention. Neither hot dogs nor burgers are sandwiches. A sandwich is made with slices of bread or with a club roll (or something similar: baguette, ciabatta, &c.). As enjoyed by my favorite “Twin Peaks” characters:
    Feb 22, 2024
  12. Ksorota
    Using a similar convention as a lobster roll (not a sandwich) maybe we need to give a hotdog in a roll a new name. Though it is assumed it will be in a roll, it’s not required. So depending on the hotdog protein we could have a pork tube roll, a beef tube roll, or a pork/beef tube roll!

    To add some clarity to the discussion. Your ham/gruyere/mustard contrsption is just a snack in my book. :)
    Feb 22, 2024
    yotacowboy likes this.
  13. rlow
    It’s only a sandwich, if you BELIEVE it’s a sandwich.
    Feb 22, 2024
  14. Tchoupitoulas
    "open-faced sandwiches" are not sandwiches. They're bread with toppings. Hot dogs are open faced.
    Feb 22, 2024
  15. joch
    A hotdog is a hotdog.
    Feb 22, 2024
    Thad E Ginathom and Cspirou like this.
  16. Slade01
    I'm with @JK47 and @Tchoupitoulas - The key is the bread. It's gotta be two separate pieces. Hot Dog buns is technically one piece of bread if still joined. Sandwich = 2 pieces of bread. The Bun is just 1 piece, creative cut down the middle but still joined. Hot Dog is not a sandwich!
    Feb 22, 2024
  17. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    I think a taco is more like a shawarma or gyros, but a hoagie is a sandwich, isn't it? It's basically a sub. I'd say a lobster roll qualifies too, but I did not expect such strongly held opinions LOL. A pig in a blanket of course is neither a hot dog nor a sandwich, and the ham without bread is just charcuterie.
    Feb 22, 2024
    rlow likes this.
  18. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    Now one of my favorite sandwiches is the Monte Cristo, but it begs the question, is French toast really toast?
    Feb 22, 2024
    crenca and yotacowboy like this.
  19. yotacowboy
    according to the menu of the cafe in my building, French toast is "fresh fried eggy bread" (i'm not making this up!)
    Feb 22, 2024
    Kernel Kurtz likes this.
  20. crenca
    If mustard is involved it's a sandwich, unless egg is also involved - then it is a salad.
    Feb 22, 2024
    Claritas likes this.
  21. Cspirou
    my list based on feeling (yes/no)

    hot dog-no
    italian hoagie-yes
    philly cheese-yes
    lobster roll-yes
    croque monsieur-yes
    sushi roll-no
    bagel lox-yes
    Feb 22, 2024
    crenca likes this.
  22. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    @crenca I like a dash of mustard in my egg salad, er, sandwiches.
    Feb 22, 2024
    crenca likes this.
  23. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    @Cspirou how can a burger be a sandwich but not a McMuffin? This is all becoming too subjective. We need Amir to weigh in with some actual measurements.
    Feb 22, 2024
  24. zottel
    I read “SBAF: A hotdog or a sandwich?”, which I understood as the question which food SBAF was. And was mildly confused.
    Feb 22, 2024
  25. Biodegraded
    Measurements, yes! The key one will be aspect ratio; anything above a certain height/length spec will not meet the definition imposed by Appetizing Sandwich Reviews, even if constructed from 2 small slices of bread either side of a really really thick filling.
    Feb 22, 2024
    yotacowboy, zottel and Kernel Kurtz like this.
  26. rlow
    This thread is too pseudo-intellectual for me. I’m out.
    Feb 22, 2024
  27. roshambo123
    I think he was joking
    Feb 22, 2024
  28. rlow
    So was I ;-)
    Feb 22, 2024
    JK47 likes this.
  29. yotacowboy
    re: montecristo, croque madame/monsieur, hot brown, etc. How is this a different concept than a chili dog? I'm starting to believe I may need to form some kind of "hot dogs are sandwiches, too!" advocacy group.
    Feb 22, 2024
    Kernel Kurtz likes this.
  30. Cspirou
    Feb 22, 2024
  31. Cspirou
    If there’s a hill I’m going to die on it’s that a patty melt is not a simply a cheeseburger with toasted sandwich bread. It’s closer to a grilled cheese where the sandwich is assembled while it’s on the pan.
    Feb 22, 2024
    Kernel Kurtz likes this.
  32. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    It's all just roll play.
    Feb 24, 2024
  33. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    May 18, 2024
    yotacowboy likes this.
  34. yotacowboy
    I saw that! now I'm wondering if ethnic origin flips this all on its head!
    May 18, 2024
    Kernel Kurtz likes this.
  35. Cspirou
    the torta exists through
    May 19, 2024
  36. yotacowboy