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Feb 6, 2025
Oct 5, 2015
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Nov 7, 1995 (Age: 29)

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Friend, Male, 29


Just got offered a Cavalli Liquid Crimson for $3k. Reasonable offer? Jan 17, 2024

Ryu was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025
    1. Ryu
      Finished the speed ball upgrade and installed the new potentiometer. Sounds great but I fucked up something up because there is a low hum.
      1. bazelio and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. bazelio
        Just unfuck it, and you'll be good. ;-) Suspects include a bad tube (try different tube(s)), bad filter cap. I'm not sure what the speed ball upgrade is, but if the hum responds to the volume control then you can isolate it to a circuit that you changed before vs after the volume pot in the signal path. Etc.
        Nov 17, 2016
        JoshMorr likes this.
      3. Ryu
        I am 100% certain it's my volume pot circuit. Will work on it today and let you guys know.
        Nov 17, 2016
    2. Ryu
      Anna Kendrick a cute.
      1. Mikoss
        Haha so let's see... Black and white and facing the same way as my girlfriend. Verrrry interesting Ryu :P
        Nov 12, 2016
        ibzrg1570, brencho and Ryu like this.
      2. Ryu
        As soon as I saw it I knew.
        Nov 12, 2016
      3. brencho
        i'll have to find a similar picture of a girl but audrey is taken already. i'll see what i can do.
        Nov 12, 2016
        bazelio, Ryu and Mikoss like this.
    3. Ryu
      Let go from my job because of this weekend. Not sure how I feel right now.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Case
        Blessing in disguise perhaps, internships can be traps. I know you got skills and friends here when you need them. Remember to breathe.
        Nov 7, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
      3. purr1n
        That sucks. Sounds like they are blaming you for their own incompetence. It happens in life and it's a good lesson in CYA and company politics.
        Nov 7, 2016
        Smitty, ultrabike and Kunlun like this.
      4. Mikoss
        boo-urns! Hope someone better picks you up as their IT nerd, then you can finally afford those K1000's ;)
        Nov 7, 2016
        Deep Funk, Smitty and Ryu like this.
    4. Ryu
      Massdrop with the clutch shipment! Just got my RE-00 just in time for the weekend.
    5. Ryu
      Renewed my Gym membership. Worked out for the first time in 5 months and I feel alive again.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BrettMatthews
        My main issue with crossfit is way to often I see people prioritizing more reps vs proper form.

        But have fun at the gym, it helps when you enjoy it. Set some goals and knock them down. The biggest problem area for most (including myself at times) is diet. Once you lock that in though you are set!
        Oct 31, 2016
        FlySweep likes this.
      3. Azteca
        Hell yeah, this does good stuff for you physically (brain chemicals as well as your muscles) and psychologically. Keep it up. I lapsed for a couple months, time to re-up my rec membership as the cold months approach.
        Oct 31, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
      4. JayC
        good stuff! i need to get back too - the last year has been full of only jiu jitsu (not a bad thing at all, but ive lost some muscle..)
        Nov 1, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
    6. Ryu
      Just listened to "Siamese Dream" by Smashing Pumpkins. Rather good album if I do say so myself.
      1. Ryu
        Well I can't really say something for someone else... Ergo, said so myself.
        Oct 22, 2016
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      2. jowls
        Throwback to teenage angst. I'm almost certain it was the first album I owned on CD...
        Oct 23, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
      3. Case
        I think Billy Corgan played all the instruments on that album. Have you heard Soundgarden's Badmotorfinger?
        Oct 23, 2016
    7. Ryu
    8. Ryu
      Mr. Robot is an amazing show. Check it out if you like technology and plot twists.
      1. Case likes this.
      2. take
        Have you seen Season 2 yet? I thought it was lacking compared to S1, which was incredible.
        Oct 15, 2016
      3. Ryu
        Watching it now. I am 3 episodes from completion and its been a minute since I've seen season 1. From what I recall it's hard to compare season 1 to 2. Season 2 is focusing more on the fallout and might not seem as exciting as the execution.
        Oct 15, 2016
    9. Ryu
      There are some wounds that only Pink Floyd can heal.
      1. Case
        Listen to Fearless off of Meddle
        Oct 7, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
      2. Ryu
        Wish You Were Here has to be my favorite song by them. Followed by the entire Dark Side of the Moon album in a close second.
        Oct 7, 2016
        Case likes this.
    10. Ryu
      Finished RAM. Now onto the legendary 2112 by Rush. First time listening can't wait.
      1. Deep Funk, badf00d and Case like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ryu
        Is the 40th anniversary remaster acceptable or do I need the original Vinyl rip?
        Oct 3, 2016
      4. Lightbulb Sun
        Lightbulb Sun
        Personally prefer Sean's 40th, but the original vinyl is good/different as well. Recommend avoiding the mp3/m4a rips, the Sector boxed set, and the 1997 remasters.
        Oct 3, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
      5. Merrick
        I agree, the 40th anniversary remasters are as good as these albums have ever sounded.
        Oct 3, 2016
    11. Ryu
      Revisiting Random Access Memories while working today. Really gets the blood pumping especially in the morning.
      1. Deep Funk and Mikoss like this.
    12. Ryu
      At school... :(
      1. Case
        On a Saturday? Damm
        Oct 1, 2016
      2. Enigmatic
        Reminds me of the days when I was 10~12 y/o where I needed to wake up at 7:30AM during Saturdays to go to school for extra classes as I was a competition rep - Missed shitloads of Digimon episodes then. Sigh.
        Oct 1, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
    13. Ryu
    14. Case
      Get better soon!
      1. Deep Funk and Ryu like this.
    15. Ryu
      Sicker than a dog. This is the worst! Entire head is congested which means bad listening experience.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ryu
        Sep 28, 2016
        ultrabike likes this.
      3. ultrabike
        I love those teas as well. Cheers! :)
        Sep 28, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
      4. pedalhead
        Bugger, you too? It's spreading across SBAF like the plague! Get well soon!
        Sep 29, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
    16. Ryu
      My favorite thing about the Bifrost Multibit is the power switch. Turning off that annoying LED is really nice at night.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ryu
        Is this some form of inside joke? If so give me the hookup.
        Sep 27, 2016
      3. brencho
        oh haha. just mean that Bifrost Multibit, Gungnir Multibit, Yggdrasil all sound at their best when they're nice and toasty warm and left on 24/7. Modi Multibit is small and heats up pretty quickly but i just leave it on all the time as well.
        Sep 27, 2016
      4. thegunner100
        Not at all. Just cut some electric tape and put it over the light.
        Sep 27, 2016
    17. Ryu
      Just got back from the Tycho concert. There's something magical about seeing one of your favorite artists live.
    18. Case
      Started listening to Tycho, which I think you recommended- great stuff, reminds me of Boards of Canada
      1. Ryu likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ryu
      4. Case
        Sep 19, 2016
      5. Azteca
        It's nothing groundbreaking but I think it is great when I need to get some work done or relax a bit while still being "in the zone." Soothing but motivating at the same time.
        Sep 20, 2016
        Ryu likes this.
    19. Ryu
      New potentiometer shipped and I should have it in 3 days. Can't wait to install the Speedball as well!
      1. Dino, Smitty and Case like this.
    20. Ryu
      Any recommendations for a travel case for my headphones? Looking to bring my HD650M to the meet in November.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ryu
        I was JUST looking at that guys. I think I am going to pull the trigger on this. Thanks for reaffirming my thoughts.
        Sep 14, 2016
      3. Ryu
        I must have good taste. I was looking at that one as well. I got sidetracked and started looking for a Sennheiser official one because I didn't buy mine new from them.
        Sep 14, 2016
      4. JK47
        Sep 14, 2016
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  • About

    Nov 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Gear List:
    Bifrost Multibit -> Bottlehead Crack+Speedball -> Modded HD650


    Bifrost Multibit -> Bottlehead Crack+Speedball -> HD650M