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Almost "Made", Male

Gold Planar GL1200 measurements: https://imgur.com/a/GKozo5J Jan 9, 2025

Ti_Leo was last seen:
Viewing member profile purr1n, Feb 13, 2025 at 8:53 PM
    1. Ti_Leo
      Things I saw made me question myself: "OG HE560 had lush and thick mids." "Ananda sounded too thin."
      1. crenca likes this.
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      3. crenca
        Just question yourself as to why you were reading random reports ;)
        Feb 18, 2024
      4. crenca
        Without a common reference and descriptive language, SQ reports really are worthless
        Feb 18, 2024
      5. Ti_Leo
        I'm China, people love using vague sentences here, acting as they are more "profound"
        Feb 18, 2024
    2. Ti_Leo
      My favourite Hifiman could be BW600, it just sounds good, for ~$6, and it's sensitive to EQ. But I don't know if it's available abroad
    3. Ti_Leo
      My medium volume headphone impression: Lcd-4, meh, plain and boring. It shines when ears nearly bleed.
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      2. Vansen
        The only way I like the LCD-4 is with @rhythmdevils mods. It goes from “meh,” to “I want to buy one.”
        Feb 6, 2024
        rhythmdevils and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        @Vansen - yep, RD's version is absolutely my favorite headphone. It's the sole reason I've held on to my LCD-4.
        Feb 6, 2024
        rhythmdevils and Vansen like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I hope I can make these for you all soon. So frustrating. Beauty that cannot be is the worst!!
        Feb 7, 2024
        Ti_Leo, yotacowboy and Tchoupitoulas like this.
    4. Ti_Leo
      Oh my, I tried Audeze LCD-4, tried not to like it: "nope, too fancy for me". But that sound, I didn't know I needed it...
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      2. Ti_Leo
        I'd say that the "suspension headband"? That both Hifiman and Audeze currently using are fine, and the latest ZMF and Meze (IIRC) headbands look even better.

        But hey, guess who's been struggling with this on-head weight problem too? Apple.
        Jan 28, 2024
      3. wbass
        I thought the weight would bother me, but it's been basically fine. I wear them for at most an hour to an hour and a half at a time, as I just listen in short sessions to pretty much all HPs. So, I can see them getting uncomfortable over longer periods. But I've not felt any discomfort for myself.
        Jan 28, 2024
      4. Ti_Leo
        One thing I find myself is that I'm OK with heavy headphones, IF the headband is alright (not old Audeze ones ugh). I guess it's just me wearing headphones a lot and play VR games (mostly Beat Saber) sometimes, and I think these two actions helps with each other
        Jan 28, 2024
    5. Ti_Leo
      Got a pair of dusty and disintegrating Audeze LCD 2.1(?), hollow and muffled sound, bad Audeze lottery? No, 1/4 jack half plugged in
      1. Cryptowolf, Merrick and zottel like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Just what happened to me a week or so ago. And I checked a heap of things before getting to that damn plug.

        What I don't understand it's that it sounded ok with YouTube speech content: it was only when I switched to music that it turned crap.
        Jan 22, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    6. Ti_Leo
      I've got some impression of a modded and broken-then-fixed Erzetich Deimos amp that no one asked for. Check comments
      1. zottel and lithium like this.
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      3. Ti_Leo
        That's it. How did I wrote that much?

        I'm a lonely man.
        Dec 31, 2023
      4. joch
        No, all good bro. But you might wanna create a thread on this instead.
        Dec 31, 2023
      5. Ti_Leo
        @joch Thanks but... This comparison is based on two broken / modded amps, I don't think it's that valid? Besides, no one is really considering that €4000 amp, right?
        Dec 31, 2023
    7. Ti_Leo
      This is stupid: ear pads for Ananda BT are different from the ones for normal Ananda and other egg? kidney? shaped Hifiman headphones.
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      2. Ti_Leo
        It's like there are even more mounting clips on BT. Yep, I counted them, 12 vs 9 on normal ones. Maybe they went for better seal on BT, if taking off the pads were not a PITA...
        Dec 29, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. joch
        Do the 9 clipped pads fit in the other? Because you can use other stuff to seal the pads better.
        Dec 29, 2023
      4. Ti_Leo
        Nope, first look was like the arrangement of the clips were flipped upside down, but due to egg shape of them, I couldn't force the smaller end into the bigger end, then I found the numbers were then different.

        Maybe it's the PCB, chips and batteries in BT made the mounting screw holes moved a bit, then some of the original clips hole were too close to some screw holes causing structure vulnerability, maybe?
        Dec 29, 2023
    8. Ti_Leo
      1. Ti_Leo
        Maybe Ananda needs more power to drive, as it just sounds a bit off. Deva Pro sounds much better timbre-wise.

        And maybe it's better detail retrieval, or just more pronounced in that frequency, I think Ananda is "good" at picking up low level electric noise, I guess it might not be wise to pair it with some noisy Bluetooth source. Oh, wait...
        Dec 23, 2023
      2. Ti_Leo
        And it's my current No.1 "speaker-like" headphone, it's so transparent, I can hear everything outside and it sounds the same listening from the back of the headphones... (Reminder: I took all the back damping material off (A PCB window with black cloth mesh))

        Anyway, it should be great for PC use, like gaming? 3D printing cat ears now!!!!!
        Dec 23, 2023
    9. Ti_Leo
      Huge plus for HE6SE V1 vs V2: I can glue cat ears onto the metal frame!
    10. Ti_Leo
      with modding, SJY Starry Night sounds great (and looks great)
      1. joch likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        I applied some sound damping material and some felt in the cup, solved the treble peak (I think), then changed the headband, since my pair is V1, the OG headband sucks...
        Dec 16, 2023
      3. Ti_Leo
        Oh, I forgot, also, pads swap...

        The good thing about these headphones is that they have some bloated bass, making music fun, kinda reminds me of TH-X00 Purpleheart, not to that much bloated, but they are just more fun than HE6SE V1 (and I think I've made HE6SE a bit bloated already)
        Dec 16, 2023
    11. Ti_Leo
      It's strange: applying sound damping material to the inner wall of the back of HE6SE V1 muffles highs in vocal
      1. Ti_Leo
        I was playing around with my recent-found dynamat-like material, I applied some strips of it to the inner wall, but I just didn't like the metal sheet of the material, so I put some sound damping foam on in, so I made two layers of rings.

        Then I found that the vocal was quite muffled. I didn't think my boring mod would make any sense, but after taking the foam off, the liveliness of vocal was back.
        Nov 29, 2023
        joch likes this.
      2. Ti_Leo
        It's a great experiment to me, because I did want to tune down the highs a bit, so now I left 1/3 ring of foam in, and I'm happy. (other changes to my HE6SE: ZMF suede pads with bassports, 3D printed grill. Yes, I'm sensitive to treble peaks)
        Nov 29, 2023
    12. Ti_Leo
      I don't know much about terms and measurement in audio gears, but I do want a "plankton-meter"
      1. Cryptowolf, theveterans and Gazny like this.
    13. Ti_Leo
      Why do I always feel the vocalists sound more moving and nuanced in reaction videos?
      1. Ti_Leo
        Ok, 13 minutes later, I came up with a theory: because the treble was compressed more in reaction videos so relatively, mids got more pronounced.

        Warmpoo FTW!!!
        Oct 27, 2023
    14. Ti_Leo
      To me, Hifiman Deva Pro is just a Warmer HE400SE. If you don't need the fancy Bluetooth thingy compatibility, get the HE400SE
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      2. Ti_Leo
        = Equal points:
        = Same painful headbands.
        = Same build.
        = Same cable.
        = Same overall feeling of sound. (Sorry I really don't want to dive deep on these two headphones.)
        Oct 13, 2023
      3. Ti_Leo
        - points for Deva Pro:
        -- I can't use my freaking 3.5mm balanced cable due to the freaking Bluetooth thingy compatibility.
        -- Bad earpads compatibility, not the normal Hifiman ring type pads mounts... Sigh.
        - More expensive for ~ same sound.
        - I don't think I can do easy grill mod on this one.
        Oct 13, 2023
      4. Ti_Leo
        Oh, one more thing (or two), both HE400SE and Deva Pro are the "Stealth Magnets" version. The magnets... are not that D-shape in their promoting materials. It's just like the designer made the bevel width 3x, and that's it.

        I don't know how hard it is to work on magnets, but that doesn't feel "stealthy" enough to me.
        Oct 13, 2023
    15. Ti_Leo
      Hello~~ Has anyone had any experience with GoldPlanar GL1200 headphones? Yes, the ribbon ones. Online reviews are... quite limited...
    16. Ti_Leo
      Sometimes I just want to warp my gears with RGB lighting strips.
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      2. Riotvan
        I'll stick to the VU meters.
        Oct 8, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Qildail, zottel and 4 others like this.
      3. Gazny
        Cat eyes are next level
        Oct 8, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Where's the dislike button ...?
        Oct 8, 2023
    17. Ti_Leo
      I wonder: why do I need other headphones since I've had modded HD800. Then the fatigue kicks in, damn it.
      1. Lyander likes this.
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      3. Ti_Leo
        Still, could be my half broken Rag, but everything else sounds OK, except some known issue to me. Yea, maybe need to look elsewhere. (ESP 95X is goooood!)
        Oct 3, 2023
      4. Armaegis
        Do you have any other amps to test on? or pick up something popular on the used market so it's easy to resell.
        Oct 3, 2023
      5. Ti_Leo
        Ok, I blew the dust off my Vali 2+, and plugged it into my system.

        HD800 sounds smoother on Vali 2+, and I just feel little fatigue, definitely bearable. But it also just sounds a bit plain, while it sounded much more assuring on Rag.

        Come to think of it, the pain could even be caused by higher volume on Rag? Because it was really good, I needed more!

        Guess HD800 + Rag is not a good match, here at least.
        Oct 4, 2023
    18. Ti_Leo
      1. Azimuth, Cspirou, Lyander and 2 others like this.
      2. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        That's a Piety + EC ZDT Jr.! Love that. Thanks for sharing!
        Sep 21, 2023
        RestoredSparda, Lyander and Ti_Leo like this.
      3. Ti_Leo
        Oh my, a Piety? Galactic Mind!
        Sep 21, 2023
        CEE TEE likes this.
      4. Cspirou
        The headphones with that setup makes me sad
        Sep 21, 2023
    19. Ti_Leo
      Bought a cheap power conditioner, noise killed. Bought a more expensive one, noise is back. WTF?!
      1. Riotvan, Tchoupitoulas and joch like this.
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      3. Riotvan
        Sep 16, 2023
        Ti_Leo likes this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        Sorry guys, I really tried to take them apart, I even unplugged everything and put my screw driver out. But living in China, I need to do OT, sigh.

        The noise should be from a cheap voltage adjustable PSU. I swapped it to a fixed V one, and the noise was much lower now (but still auditable from Ragnarok V1 -> E-mu Teak only. HD800, HE6SE and even ifi iESL -> KOSS ESP950 sounded OK)
        Sep 17, 2023
      5. Ti_Leo
        Sep 17, 2023
    20. Ti_Leo
      Noticeable noise on right channel from my office setup and slight noise on left channel from my home setup, so it's unbalanced?
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
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