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MOT:, Male, from Seattle, WA


When I see audio sites getting all frothed-up about phrases like "PTSD", I can only assume they mean "Post Tequila-Shots-Disorder" ... Oct 4, 2018

    1. Torq
      A little Scotch, the Oxygene trilogy, a stunning view of Elliot Bay. Just going to sit until, well, the music stops or the glass is empty.
      1. Case
        Life can be a beautiful thing. Enjoy your evening!
        Apr 26, 2017
        Torq likes this.
    2. Torq
      "44kHz recordings mastered to 48kHz/24bit" ... what the ... and more to the point WHY? (HD Tracks, Jarre, Electronica 1)
      1. JayC, TRex and cizx.6 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. cizx.6
        I agree. HDTracks should just rebrand as LosslessTracks and stop the bullshit marketing and digitally manipulating the music and customers.
        Apr 24, 2017
        Torq likes this.
      4. Azteca
        Properly done resampling (especially when upward) should really not effect things too much but it is dumb. Just give the source. I wonder if they made the 24/48 for a DVD-Audio release.
        Apr 24, 2017
        Torq likes this.
      5. Torq
        Hard to say, but it's not going to improve anything either ... nor is it anything that I can't do myself if I want it, so I'd rather they leave it alone.

        As ever, when this shit crops up, I just order the CDs, rip them, bitch while doing it (which is more about having to store more physical crap), and then move on ... ;)
        Apr 24, 2017
        cizx.6 likes this.
    3. Torq
      Bleh ... "work" means no trip to 64 Audio today ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zachchen1996
        U18 Tzar is probably out of the running for me because I'm a semi basshead and listen to way too much electronic music relative to other genres haha. I think Jack Vang of Empire Ears might be working on prototypes for a new flagship so that might be something to keep in mind as well.
        Apr 21, 2017
        Torq likes this.
      3. Torq
        I hear ya! I wouldn't call myself a basshead (semi or otherwise) but there's something about the way the W900 does the lower registers that is just fantastic.

        My natural impatience means that I can barely deal with waiting for stuff that IS shipping ... let alone something that might be coming ... so the EE stuff will have to wait!
        Apr 21, 2017
      4. zachchen1996
        LOL I'm also an exceedingly impatient person! xD That's a huge reason why I just can't deal with CIEMs anymore, too long of a process and waiting time for reshelling / refits = big no no. I'm so glad there are so many totl universals to choose from these days.
        Apr 21, 2017
    4. Torq
      Funny when changes in my regard for any given DAC seems to get a certain group all worked up (2 guesses which; you'll only need 1). IJARAWAO
    5. Torq
      Phi upgrade: 14 weeks out. W900: 8 weeks out. A18/Tia: 4 weeks out. Nice glass of Scotch: 4 hours out.
      1. Xecuter, Case, Panohm and 2 others like this.
      2. jowls
        W900 is totally worth it. I will be interested to hear your thoughts v. Tia.
        Apr 19, 2017
      3. mrweirdude
        Ima guessing the W900 HF loaner was that good for you to buy them off of that huh...
        Apr 19, 2017
      4. Torq
        They're pretty impressive. Waiting until after I hear the A18/Tia tomorrow though, since it's going to be an 8-week wait once I order. Entirely possible I'll buy both.
        Apr 20, 2017
    6. Torq
      Patience is so not my thing. I wonder if Amazon can ship me some same-day ...
      1. Thad E Ginathom and cizx.6 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Kattefjaes --- "That's how the site works"

        Could have a whole conversation about Massdrop.

        But, in this instance, I am talking about the time from *despatch* to delivery; not the time from an order placed before the drop closes. And I'm making allowances for overseas, India, customs, stuff...
        Apr 18, 2017
      4. Kattefjaes
        Oh don't get me started- my first order (the oh-so-pretty HD6xx) went fine, except the UK leg used Yodel, who lost the package for about a week, until I started going social media nuclear on their asses- and then it became mysteriously "unlost".

        Can't blame Massdrop for that bit, mind- most carriers seem to bite the wax-fattened tadpole. At least they used better carriers for the Noble-X.
        Apr 18, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. zerodeefex
        Apr 18, 2017
        CEE TEE and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    7. Torq
      Looking like I'll have the AAW W900 and W500 IEMs on hand to play with starting tomorrow.
      1. Aleatorius, jowls and TRex like this.
      2. TRex
        I wish you had access to Andros.
        Apr 13, 2017
        Torq likes this.
      3. Torq
        At some point, they'll show up in stock, or I'll find a suitable used set, and I'll grab a pair.
        Apr 13, 2017
      4. jowls
        Nice. W900 surplanted Andromeda for me.
        Apr 14, 2017
    8. Torq
      I am not looking forward to my upcoming serious-listening sessions with the fully warmed-up Audio-GD Singularity 19 ... ("I don't wanna!").
      1. landroni and Dino like this.
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      3. Torq
        I could skip it ... but not skipping it is mostly about "doing it properly" so if/when the fanboys get all upset, the methodology and consideration has been consistent.
        Apr 13, 2017
        landroni likes this.
      4. purr1n
        The fanboys will find something else wrong with your methodology. Then AGD will release Singularity 19.14159265
        Apr 13, 2017
      5. landroni
        I still hope the S19 will make it to the loaner. We should have it proudly displayed at the museum, right next to a Modi Multibit as excellent examples of how not to, and how to do things...
        Apr 13, 2017
    9. atomicbob
      Let me know when you think I should schedule time for the S19 measurements.
      1. Torq
        I expect to be done with the S19 by EOD Friday. Might be possible to drop it off this weekend, but certainly no later than Monday.
        Apr 12, 2017
      2. atomicbob
        sounds good. Sun or Mon. Sat family will be celebrating multiple birthdays at our place.
        Apr 12, 2017
      3. Torq
        Let's plan on Monday then, as I'll be tied up with family on Sunday!
        Apr 13, 2017
    10. Torq
      Gungnir MB landed ... which completes the set ...
      1. atomicbob likes this.
      2. atomicbob
        Welcome to the complete Schiit MB club.
        Apr 12, 2017
        Torq likes this.
    11. Torq
      Audio-GD S19 arrived ... and then my Gungnir MB shipped as well ... should make for an interesting week.
      1. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        Shipping straight from Schiit? So they are trickling out now?
        Apr 11, 2017
      2. Torq
        Yep, straight from Schiit.
        Apr 11, 2017
    12. Torq
      Apparently the duck in the bathroom IS mine: (my sweet fiancé saved it from a storm drain).
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        You could get a chick to go along with and go full Friends...
        Apr 7, 2017
      3. DigMe
        @Thad E Ginathom In a lot of places it's simply against city ordinances to keep certain animals in a residential neighborhood. This is to keep people from starting farms next door, keep down smells of herds of animals etc.. If you live outside of the city limits it usually wouldn't be a problem.
        Apr 7, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. DigMe
        @Thad E Ginathom I would guess there's more to the story of the bear guy than just "he saved a bear cub" but I don't know. "nearly got prosecuted" could mean a lot of things but if he ended up not being prosecuted then all's well that ends well. I have a friend that rescued two grizzly bear cubs when he lived in Alaska when I was a kid.
        Apr 7, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    13. Torq
      I got the fish! I'm not gonna die! I'm not gonna die!
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Can we expect a thread with full reviews and comparisons of different fish?

        From the duckling's point of view, of course!
        Apr 7, 2017
    14. Torq
      Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub!
      1. Garns and pedalhead like this.
      2. Kattefjaes
    15. Torq
      New Woo WA33 (balanced, 2A3 tubes)? Intrigued. Though if I upgrade my tube amp it'll either be the WA234 or something nice from EC.
      1. Xecuter likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Xecuter
        Thats the thing. The wa234 is not optimised for any single tube/transformer synergy. It's a Jack of all trades, master of none imo.
        A lot more thought went into the transformers of this amp from what i heard.
        Apr 9, 2017
      4. Torq
        The WA234 did a better job with 300Bs (still my preferred tube) than my WA5-LE. So without the flexibility of being able to run all three types, I'd likely go with the EC Studio. (If I still had the space, I'd just add a 2A3 amp to what I have.)
        Apr 9, 2017
        Xecuter likes this.
      5. Xecuter
        I felt the same that the wa234 beats out the wa5 marginally with 300b. But i just dont find either nearly as resolving as the studio.
        Apr 9, 2017
    16. Torq
      Speaker and vinyl rigs fully re-instated in the new place. And damn glad I have a proper Room Compensation capability!
      1. TRex, Merrick, Case and 3 others like this.
      2. zerodeefex
        How are you tweaking? REW? Dirac live?
        Apr 3, 2017
      3. Torq
        My source is a Linn Akurate DSM/1 which has Linn's "Space Optimization" (which is room correction) built-in.
        Apr 3, 2017
    17. Torq
      Friend recommended "Bliss" for curating/fixing library metadata. Tried it. Absolutely awful (poster child for "how not to do paid software")
      1. k4rstar
        Sadly the best way to fix library metadata seems to be some German freeware (mp3tag/Kid3) and a whole lot of free time/elbow grease.
        Mar 31, 2017
        Vansen and Torq like this.
      2. Torq
        Fortunately mine is in great shape, was more of an experimental thing to see what it could do on a "bulk" basis if I wanted to, say, wholesale switch the sizes of my embedded album art.

        Unfortunately what I found is an ungainly, confused mess that isn't nearly as flexible as it'd need to be to be useful even if it wasn't an architectural and UX nightmare.
        Mar 31, 2017
      3. Changeling
        @k4rstar I desperatly tried to get along with MP3Tag. I felt it was kind of cumbersome to get the settings right. I think Roon has come a long way when it comes to metadata.
        Apr 3, 2017
    18. Torq
      EAT-C table is a lot more substantial looking in person - especially the tonearm. Very pretty as well. Will likely audition "just because".
      1. bazelio and Merrick like this.
      2. bazelio
        Interesting. At first glance... Pros: Aluminum platter, Cons: Thin plinth, 9" arm. It'd be great to find a viable TT option at roughly 50% the cost of a Classic 3 (that isn't VPI). The Classic 1 fits the bill pricewise but fails the parenthetical.
        Mar 31, 2017
        Torq likes this.
      3. Torq
        It's definitely not on my "potential buy" list (it'd probably be more of a sidegrade if it were), but since my local dealer has it setup I figured it'd be worth a listen just for reference.
        Mar 31, 2017
      4. Merrick
        What's the cost of a new Classic 3? The George Merrill Polytable comes in at $2K before cartridge and has a 10" tonearm. There's an upgraded version with digital speed control and a 12" tonearm for $3k.
        Mar 31, 2017
    19. Torq
      "Day job" office rig upgraded to Ragnarok.
      1. Merrick likes this.
      2. brencho
        nice man! i'm sorta debating about raggy vs. mjolny at the moment for some planars. what's your take on the rag vs. whatever you had before it?
        Mar 27, 2017
      3. Torq
        I like the Ragnarok better than the Sagaheim + Lyr 2 setup I was running before ( But I'm just re-purposing existing hardware after my move/consolidation. Both have been feeding LCD-2.2c and HD650.
        Mar 27, 2017
      4. brencho
        cool. i'm thinking of amps for a CodeX, which likes power (but not HE6 power haha).
        Mar 27, 2017
    20. Torq
      Damn, the power feed in my new place is incredibly clean!
      1. Wfojas, TRex, zonto and 5 others like this.
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      3. zonto
        Good find. I'll probably get something like that when (if?...) I ever buy property. Looks like the Entech and Alphalab test for EMI (some tests I've watched had radio stations audible over the power lines using these devices), whereas the SureTest has a "distortion" test. Not sure details on that: Shunyata uses the ASCC test to show their DTCD results.
        Mar 27, 2017
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Just remember not to wash your hands with it!

        Mar 27, 2017
      5. Wfojas
        @LauSing2 I think you may other issues there, but I've never had line noise issues, just RF. And no power, mostly. I do have an Entech and its 110 Volts, too
        Mar 29, 2017
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  • About

    Seattle, WA
    Gear List:

    Abyss AB-1266 Phi & Phi CC, Focal Utopia (x2), Audeze LCD-4, Sennheiser HD800S, Sennheiser HD820, Sennheiser HD650, Sennheiser HD660S, Sony MDR-Z1R, Focal Clear, Focal Elear, Fostex TH900 Mk2 (EG), ZMF Eikon (Paduak), Fostex TR-X00 (Ebony), AKG/Massdrop K7XX (Red), Focal Elex, Focal Clear, Massdrop HD6XX

    IEMs (etc):

    Empire Ears Zeus XR (ADEL), Etymotic ER4-XR, Bose QC20i, 1More Triple Driver (Lightning)


    Sony MDR-1000X, Jaybird BlueBuds X, Apple AirPods

    Headphone Amps:

    Woo Audio WA234 MONO Mk2 [WE 300B NOS/Takatsuki 274B, RCA 13EM7 CB NOS, SPL Phonitor x (w/ DAC), iFi Audio Pro iCAN, Massdrop x Cavalli Tube Hybrid, Massdrop Cavalli Liquid Carbon X


    Chord DAVE, Linn Akurate DSM/2 (Katalyst), Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2, Chord Hugo 2, Meridian Explorer 2, AudioQuest Dragonfly Red, Sony NW-WM1Z, Massdrop x Airist Audio R-2R DAC, RME ADI-2 DAC

    Streamers/Audio Interfaces:

    Raspberry Pi w/ Digi+, RME ADI 2.0-Pro FS, Arturia AudioFuse, Schiit Eitr, Schiit Jil, Focusrite 2i2 (2nd Gen)

    Speaker & Vinyl Rig:

    Linn Akurate DSM/2 (Katalyst), Project RPM 9.2 Evo w/ Dynavector 10x5, Linn Exakt Akudorik (Katalyst) speakers, JL-Audio Dominion D108

    Office Turntable:

    Rega Planar 3 (2016)/Elys 2, Groovetracer Reference Subplatter + Clamp


    AudioQuest Wind, AudioQuest Colorado, Radioaktiv Isotope Protium, Radioaktiv Fusion, Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling, Maze Audio Ref4 Carbon Alloy AC Power Cord (10 Ga/Furutech), Emotiva CMX-2, Furutech E-TP60 Audiophile Power Distribution Block, Akiko Mk2 AC Tuning Stick*

    Retired & Sold (but familiar with for reference):

    Linn Akurate DS/1, Linn Akurate Kontrol/1, Linn Majik Isobarik (Aktiv), Linn Akurate 4200, Peachtree iDecco, Meridian 506.20, Schiit Bifrost "4490", Schiit Bifrost MB, Schiit Modi MB, MHDT Stockholm 2, ALO Audio International+ Optical Edition, RSA Intruder, Schiit Lyr, Schiit Lyr 2, Schiit Vali 2, Schiit Jotunheim (w/ phono board), Schiit Saga, Woo Audio WA6, iFi Audio Micro iDSD Black Label, LH Labs GOV2+ Infinity, Chord Mojo, AK120, HiFiMAN HE-500, AKG Q701, AKG K7XX, Etymotic ER-6, Etymotic HF-2, Fostex TH-X00 Purpleheart, HeadRoom Supreme, HeadRoom AirHead, Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 - Circumnaural, Focusrite RedNet 3, Focusrite RedNet D16AES, Sony WM1A, FiiO X5 (3rd gen), Empire Ears Zeus R (non ADEL), Audeze LCD-2.2c, Shure SE846, Schiit Gungnir MB, Holo Audio Spring DAC L3/KTE, Auralic Aries, Schiit Ragnarok, Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital, Singxer SU-1, Abyss AB-1266, AAW W900, Sonore Sonicorbiter SE, Woo Audio WA5LE Mk2 (w/ parts upgrade)