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Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
Sep 26, 2015
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Friend, Male, from Northern Colorado


Apparently even walking through a store is enough for sars v2- K3 variants to find you and infect. Weak flu like symptoms, not too bad. Jul 26, 2024 at 9:34 AM

bixby was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
    1. bixby
      Onkyo name revived from the ashes, Klipsch sub to sell Sharp made electronics under Onkyo / Integra names.
      1. Azimuth
        Thank goodness it was released from the clutches of Henry K. from Gibson. I still can't believe I worked there while he was there. A real crap show.
        Aug 11, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    2. bixby
      You saw my Olympics sig (stoopid idea for 2021) for most of the year, let's hope NBC does not try to pipe in crowd noise like nfl.
      1. Cryptowolf and DigMe like this.
      2. jexby
        waitaminnit. crowds at Oly events make noise instead of hush-hush? since when.
        Jul 9, 2021
      3. bixby
        well maybe for tennis, haha............ a bit of noise for the worlds fastest in the 100 meter though, would have been nice.
        Jul 10, 2021
      4. Cryptowolf
        Related, America’s Top Dog pipes in dog barks and it drives me bonkers. I care deeply about dog vocalization as part of sports.
        Jul 10, 2021
    3. bixby
      PayPal- Going UP!- Help me find alternative. Aug 1st -3.588% or $17.94 on $500
      1. Walderstorn likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bixby
        Yes, you are correct I missed that more Paypal haircut for selling on ebay, it is all buried in their exorbitant fees, haha.
        Jun 29, 2021
      4. bixby
        Is google pay or apple pay a cheaper alternative to accepting paypal on other sites like here and headfi??
        Jun 29, 2021
      5. Walderstorn
        Thanks for the heads up, jesus christ 3.6 %...
        Jun 30, 2021
    4. bixby
      With full range drivers many times you gotta scoop out a big, I mean BIG chunk of midrange eg.500-3500, but when you do, oh yea. & sub
      1. Priidik, Cryptowolf and ogodei like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cryptowolf
        Hmm, I have an Omega 2.1 system. I fully agree with the use of a sub. I’ll have to try scoping out the mids once I get a Loki.
        Jun 24, 2021
      4. Priidik
        What about a neat regular xo to tame it a bit? This or plxo would be my choice, when approacing true high end. Phase response would be a massacre after pistonic response (3..4 kHz) anyway.
        Jun 24, 2021
        bixby likes this.
      5. bixby
        @Priidik - Actually I have been thinking about that as well as perhaps adding an ambience tweeter. But then it gets all frankenspeakerish and my head says just get another speaker design. One thing these big FR drivers do is big sound that no 5.25 in two way bookshelf match. At least not the under $700 ones I have tried.
        Jun 24, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Priidik like this.
    5. bixby
      Vanatoo owners?- Reliable?-Good enough for simple TV 2.0 low volume?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zerodeefex
        FWIW, I am going to do a soundbar because I like having plants around and don't like obtrusive speakers, etc in my living room.
        Jun 19, 2021
      3. bixby
        @zerodeefex - Really? Must be an expensive soundbar to be worthy. Care to share what is on your shortlist?
        Jun 19, 2021
      4. zerodeefex
        It's just for kids watching movies on the couch. Needs to prioritize dialogue. Probably the Klipsch cinema 600. For videogames, I use headphones
        Jun 19, 2021
        bixby likes this.
    6. bixby
      Elac-teasing with new speaker announcement for Monday. More disastrous coax based ones like the horrible UB-51?
      1. philipmorgan likes this.
    7. bixby
      Green Tea -Need rec for decent tea in bags avail in any grocery, target. Wally, etc.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        If you have a really hard time lmk I'll see if I can send you some. Pm if needed, etc. I can send you some loose leaf teas w/ brewing instructions as well etc.
        Jun 3, 2021
        bixby likes this.
      3. Cryptowolf
        Bixby, I’m also a tea fan and agree with the above. I buy my tea from Mandala Tea or Camellia Sinensis online. the latter offers quality bagged tea.
        Jun 4, 2021
      4. Cryptowolf
        if you want to sample some loose tea, DM me and i’ll gladly send some along. I have about 20 varieties on hand at the moment.
        Jun 4, 2021
        bixby likes this.
    8. bixby
      Knowing you have an aversion to 3.7khz peaks or 3.7 khz rich music has profound effects on how you listen to and perceive equipment.
      1. bixby
        Yes, it happens when you analyze to death a 1 meter nearfield setup, cuz it and your main setup set you off when it comes to whacked sax, cymbals, voices, etc. And you find the culprit frequency that is making lots of marginal recordings sound even crappier.
        Jun 1, 2021
    9. bixby
      Lifehacker-was lamest site that came up as an answer to some of the simplest google searches, now gone thanks ublacklist
    10. bixby
    11. bixby
      Anyone have rec for best free cookie manager for chrome browser? Prefer you guys vs lists via goog search.
      1. bixby
        Already tried 3 editors and am stopping for now. None address searching and shredding stored cookies. Is it that hard?
        May 24, 2021
    12. bixby
      I've been against adapters (given a choice), but "fixing" a problem of low level noise caused by 1/4 to RCA adapters is pretty amazing.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
    13. bixby
      oK, I'll say it... 240 LB. Sturgeon that may be 100 years old, dude, that's clickbait, but real
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth and CBC like this.
      2. Erroneous
        Reminds me of a Primus song. Fish on!
        May 14, 2021
        rott, Azimuth and DigMe like this.
      3. Azimuth
        "Dad caught a hundred pound sturgeon
        On twenty-pound on"
        May 15, 2021
        Boops and Erroneous like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I caught a fish once. It was this big:



        And I had to get a local fisherman to take it off the hook and throw it back in the harbour for me. Never fished again.
        May 15, 2021
    14. bixby
      Recs for Frequency Analyzer app for Android, free is best. I have used Audizer but it has a built in bump at 7khz.
      1. Biodegraded
        Audizr also smooths the low octaves too much. Tried Spectroid? Free, good variety of settings.
        May 4, 2021
        bixby likes this.
      2. bixby
        thanks, I will give it a go.
        May 4, 2021
    15. bixby
      Listening to clean version of album on Qobuz vs master on Tidal. I did not realize how crappy some Master titles are on Tidal.
      1. Imraan, Cryptowolf, nishan99 and 4 others like this.
      2. Bitter
        It's like every time they want to clear the background noise or whatever and It's ending like crap.
        Apr 26, 2021
    16. bixby
      Hey Ted, isn't karma a bitch or is it that pesky non existant little virus?
      1. Azimuth, jexby, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
      2. Ringingears
        Denial is a bitch sometimes. He probably thought he had cat scratch fever.
        Apr 20, 2021
        Azimuth, obsiCO, Merrick and 6 others like this.
      3. DigMe
        Man, how many stories have we seen now about people who scoffed at COVID/denied it and then either got really sick or died from it, I’m so sick of the science denialism.
        Apr 20, 2021
    17. bixby
      1. Azimuth, Jinxy245, ergopower and 6 others like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Visuals are much more impressive if you skip back to nighttime (it was 10am local when I tuned in live)
        Apr 11, 2021
        Lyander, Jinxy245 and bixby like this.
    18. bixby
      Mechanical lots of negative reviews on one site, anyone have okay experience? Need to order a Leopold keyboard.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SSL
        I've had two okay experiences with them. Leopold keyboards are good.
        Mar 31, 2021
        Cryptowolf, bixby and Sqveak like this.
      3. penguins
        Not recent but ordered 3 about 3 years ago without issue. Had no issues with returning the one I didn't want either. Which reminds me - it looks like they resell their returns for IIRC ~10% off.
        Mar 31, 2021
        bixby likes this.
      4. bixby
        Thanks guys, I appreciate the info.
        Apr 1, 2021
    19. bixby
    20. bixby
      What's your favorite $100 speaker amp? Looking for a desktop replacement for some small bookshelf speakers. Used or new.
      1. philipmorgan likes this.
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      3. philipmorgan
        I got a Crown x1000 , used of course, for around $100. Solid value I think.
        Mar 25, 2021
        bixby, Azimuth and DigMe like this.
      4. bixby
        I've owned Indeed tda7498e w/30 v supply, not bad but thin. Looking at tpa 3251 or 3255 non BT. Using a Sonance 260 (class ab) that is a bit too fuzzy up top. Nad 316bee was crap and way over budget, Dayton ap150 sounds decent, but above budget. May be pulling trigger on Peter Daniels Lm3875 for main setup so maybe that could work if I up my budget. Keep the ideas coming.
        Mar 25, 2021
        Azimuth likes this.
      5. fraggler
        I've read good things about the TPA325x chips as a good step up from the 3116. There are a billion clones but apparently 3eaudio on ebay and aliexpress are a cut above.
        Mar 25, 2021
        bixby likes this.
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