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Jan 23, 2016
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Sep 7, 1971 (Age: 52)
Pretoria, South Africa
Management and Engineering Professional

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Almost "Made", Male, 52, from Pretoria, South Africa

Krell, Wilson, Transparent system inbound. Straight from a mid 90's hi-fi show. 30 year old dream come true as I can eventually afford this. Apr 30, 2023

Scubadude was last seen:
Jul 16, 2024
    1. Scubadude
      Fresh HD800, HD650 and Elear in the house! Three courier deliveries in 24 hours. I like!
    2. Scubadude
      Found a neat HD800 for a fair price and swopped my old one for Elear with Elex pads and some aftermarket cables Good deal?
    3. Scubadude
      Bagged a Stax SRS 2170 starter set, new in box, for less than $500. Haven't been this excited about an audio purchase for a long time!
      1. Thad E Ginathom, Deep Funk and Case like this.
      2. Kattefjaes
        Prediction, you will be wowed by the speed and detail, plus the airyness. However, it will sound thin and not linear. Whether you're hooked enough to push through to an amp with a CCS that sounds more linear is the question. It's a weird mirror world. Enjoy!
        Sep 11, 2018
        Scubadude likes this.
      3. Scubadude
        I've heard high end Stax but expectations were high and I left disappointed that cherubs did not pee into my ears. More benign expectations with these ... I would like to hear the "ethereal" quality and faster HD600 with more bass extension that I've seen people describe. And compare back to back with K1000 which is said to be the closest you can get to Stax without actually being Stax.
        Sep 12, 2018
      4. Scubadude
        So this arrived 24 hours after being sent off. Condition is NIB which is surprising and impressive. So is the sound.
        Sep 13, 2018
    4. Scubadude
      Lehmann Black Cube Linear still worth a try for $200?
    5. Scubadude
      Picked up a pair of AE1's to run with Theta DS Pro Progeny and Plinius 8150 as 90's retro system. Excited to get it up and running!
      1. murray and Elnrik like this.
    6. Scubadude
      Ayre Codex, as new, $750. Good buy or good bye?
      1. Cellist88 likes this.
      2. sheldaze
        I assume you already know D/S sound, though not "thrashy" through the Ayre filter. Codex was much better balanced vs 1/4" phono or RCA outputs. As strictly a DAC, I still preferred my PSAudio PWD MKII.
        Aug 4, 2018
    7. Scubadude
      HD800 sounds oddly warm, slow and compressed on the Bottlehead Crack. T1, HD600, HD540 all sound sublime.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jowls
        Aug 2, 2018
        Lasollor and zonto like this.
      3. 9suns
        Too high (120 ohms) output impedance? HD800 has a high bump seen in the impedance graphs, so maybe that and the BH Crack high output impedance are the reason for the slow, compressed sound.
        Aug 2, 2018
      4. Priidik
        HD800's game is 'uncompressed and agility', entry level otl will strip it from these traits.
        Aug 2, 2018
        Scubadude and FlySweep like this.
    8. Scubadude
      Bought a RPI3 plus Allo Kali / Piano 2.1 DAC as part of a bundle. What can I use it for?
      1. Cspirou
        Jul 22, 2018
    9. Scubadude
      This is getting tired! Tyll's sample was a dud. Jood's sample was a dud. Review samples had wrong damping materials. Get it right 1st time!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kattefjaes
        Jul 17, 2018
        Jinxy245 and BenjaminBore like this.
      4. BillOhio
        I think there is a difference between silently revising a product vs. releasing a product that was just built wrong or has a high rate of malfunction.
        Jul 17, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      5. Jinxy245
        Damn that actually answers a question I put on HF (and was ignored) why the 2 measurements in his review of the AFO were different. Thanks! (and apologies to @Scubadude for hijacking his profile post)
        Jul 17, 2018
    10. Scubadude
      Loving my "new" Theta DS Pro Progeny! Not as bright as I recall from distant memory. Transport quality I wonder? Using uDSD as USB bridge.
      1. RiddleyWalker likes this.
      2. RiddleyWalker
        excellent DAC, congrats! I’m rocking a DS Pro Prime IIA (which AFAIK is simply a balanced version of the Progeny) and it’s my favorite DAC that I’ve owned
        Jun 13, 2018
        Scubadude likes this.
      3. Biodegraded
        I usually attribute 'not as bright as I recall' experiences to my ageing ears...
        Jun 13, 2018
        Scubadude likes this.
    11. Scubadude
      Elear at $500 including Dekoni pads and Sommer cable a deal or not?
      1. Riotvan
        You won't get warranty if it's used due to Focal being dicks. Guess the price reflects that...
        Jun 9, 2018
      2. BillOhio
        At $500 I wouldn't be surprised if replacement parts would cost more than what you're paying for the headphones themselves.
        Jun 9, 2018
    12. Scubadude
      Getting more than a little irritated .... Can't seem to activate Sonarworks Reference 3 after replacing my computer
      1. Azteca
        I had activation issues as well but support sorted me out. Get in touch with them. There are some quirks to activation unfortunately.
        May 26, 2018
      2. westermac
        Try the offline activation option. Kind of an annoying process but that usually does the trick for me
        May 26, 2018
      3. Scubadude
        Third time lucky ... Why should this be such as schlep?
        May 29, 2018
    13. Scubadude
      Fully kitted 80 hours 2017 LCD3 at half price. Worthwhile alternative/replacement for 2016 de-fazored LCD2 I wonder?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Scubadude
        @Vtory I have not heard this pair but comes from a friend whose ears I trust.
        May 24, 2018
      3. drgumbybrain
        Don’t recommend
        May 25, 2018
      4. Scubadude
        Why not is I may ask?
        May 26, 2018
    14. Scubadude
      One evening and new laptop sees my NAS, Jriver, Sonarworks and DAC drivers installed. Technology is great when it works!
      1. A1Gear likes this.
    15. Scubadude
      One evening and new laptop sees my NAS, Jriver, Sonarworks and DAC drivers installed, DAC drivers worki Technology is great when it works!
      1. A1Gear
        May 17, 2018
        Scubadude and DigMe like this.
    16. Scubadude
      KingRex Headquarters HQ-1 on loan ... Not bad!
      1. capetownwatches likes this.
    17. Scubadude
      Tried a Graham Slee Solo last night ... Bass light and a little dry but quite nice with HD650.
      1. capetownwatches likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Scubadude
        Jriver 23 -> random USB cable -> Wadia 121
        Apr 21, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      4. capetownwatches
        Solo Ultra Linear, now mine! It hadn't been used for a good few months, day one was indeed underwhelming. Bass light and a little dry describes it perfectly. However...from day two onwards it was a different story entirely...this amp is phenomenal in terms of detail, bass slam and dynamics. Slee recommends leaving it powered up 24/7 btw. Loving it.
        Jun 14, 2019
      5. capetownwatches
        Chain is PC->Wireworld UV->Resonessence Concero via Lindy Gold 75ohm coax into Benchmark DAC1 USB->Solo/PSU1
        Jun 14, 2019
    18. Scubadude
      I love out of fashion quality kit. Like the original Phonitor. Great sound, 50s sports car dash, wicked features. Should I get another one?
    19. Scubadude
      If you had a $2-3000 windfall allocated for audio, what would you spend it on?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        I would get @gbeast 's Mogwai SE. At least it would stay in SBAF that way...
        Mar 17, 2018
      3. Scubadude
        Most suggestions (singer, swingers and sliding drivers apart) are for electronics rather than headphones, which is sort what I was thinking as well. What about a mid-tier Stax setup for some variety?
        Mar 17, 2018
      4. Cspirou
        Given $3000 for estats I would go for L700 and build a KG amp
        Mar 17, 2018
    20. Scubadude
      Despite the lack of love around here I am seriously considering a Leben CS300F to drive HD800, T1 and K1000.
      1. yotacowboy
        No idea about driving headphones, but I heard one paired with Devore 3XLs and thought it was pretty okay. Nothing jumped out as crazy good.
        Feb 5, 2018
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  • About

    Sep 7, 1971 (Age: 52)
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Management and Engineering Professional
    Gear List:
    Wadia 121, Nuprime uDSD, Schiit Modi 2 Uber, Fiio X3, Fiio X3 Mk III, Lotoo PAW 6000, Pi3 + Kali + Piano, Perreaux SXH2, SPL Phonitor, custom Hobkirk-Bouwman 6EM7 SET OTL, PS Audio GCHA, Krell KSA-5 Clone, Bottlehead Mainline, Meier Audio Corda Swing, HD800, HD650, HD600, HD540 Reference II Gold, HD560 Ovation II, HE-560, de-fazored LCD2F, AKG K1000, Stax SRS2170, SRS 5100, IE800, RE-400
    Management, engineering, manufacturing and supply chain practitioner. Father of four kids and happily married for many years ... Poligamy for me is more than one pair of headphones. Enjoy scuba diving (no one saw that coming), wine and the great outdoors.


    Enjoying my cans in sunny South Africa!

    Current kit: JRiver MC 23 || Nuprime uDSD / Wadia 121 / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / Aune X1s || Perreaux SXH2 / SPL Phonitor 2730 / Hobkirk-Bouwman custom 6EM7 OTL SET / PS Audio GCHA / Krell KSA-5 Clone / Bottlehead Mainline / Matrix HPA-3B / Meier Corda Swing || HD800 SDR / HD650 / HD600 / HD560 Ovation / HD540 Ref Gold / LCD-2 De-fazored / HE560 / AKG K1000 / DT880 Pro / Technics EAH-820 / SRS-5100 ... oh and some mobile bits ... Lotoo PAW6000 / Fiio X3 Mk III / Hifiman RE400 / IE800