Dec 27, 2017
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Jan 17, 1985 (Age: 39)
NYC / Berlin

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Friend, Male, 39, from NYC / Berlin


Just moved to NYC for a year. How to get plugged into the local SBAF community? Nov 13, 2023

    1. saint.panda
      Just moved to NYC for a year. How to get plugged into the local SBAF community?
      1. gsanger, Jinxy245 and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. purr1n
        Just keep pinging them and sending out notices here. Many aren't as active on the site, but they are still there. NYC has a GREAT crowd!
        Nov 14, 2023
        YMO and saint.panda like this.
      4. AdvanTech
        I'm around! PM me, some stuff I want to check out in the city. Listening spaces/bars/restaurants with really interesting 2-channel setups.
        Nov 14, 2023
      5. Tchoupitoulas
        I moved to PA last year but work near NYC and lived in the city for many of the past 14 years. Feel free to PM me if you'd like recs for places to go or things to do.

        It'd be good to have a meet before long. There was one in September 2022. Time for another before long!
        Nov 14, 2023
    2. saint.panda
      Failing to replace Hd6xx earpads. They don’t clip back in no matter the amount of force. Anyone had same problem and solution?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ext1
        Then perhaps it's because of the foam disc having to be broken in (basically punctured) through the contact points. I have some tips on my site on how to install the pads
        Feb 13, 2023
      3. saint.panda
        yeah, doesn't even go in without foam discs but let me check your site again!
        Feb 13, 2023
      4. ext1
        Let me know if it doesn't work out, PM me. Will be happy to help you! :)
        Feb 13, 2023
        Philimon, gixxerwimp and saint.panda like this.
    3. saint.panda
      Schiit Tyr ordered. So excited. Can't wait
      1. leafy, porkosphere, Merrick and 10 others like this.
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      3. rlow
        Nearfield P3ESR with dual Tyr?! Wow. That’s like putting a jet engine in a VW Golf. Enjoy!
        Mar 31, 2022
        yotacowboy, saint.panda and Riotvan like this.
      4. zonto
        Let us know what you think when you get them!
        Mar 31, 2022
        saint.panda likes this.
      5. yotacowboy
    4. saint.panda
      Really impressed by the new Macbook Pro's speakers. Goes loud, nice soundstage effect and decent bass (for a laptop).
      1. yotacowboy
        There's gotta be some dsp jiujitsu going on with these.
        Dec 23, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. YMO
        Dec 23, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    5. saint.panda
      Just bid 23k EUR on a HE90/HEV90 system and lost out on the auction. Giving up now, at these prices I'll invest in speakers instead.
      1. m17xr2b
        Or modern custom high end tube amp for headphones for far less. A tube amp appreciation meeting might be in order.
        Aug 10, 2021
        Cryptowolf and saint.panda like this.
      2. AdvanTech
        The things you could do with 2-channel for 23K EUR, mmmm.
        Aug 10, 2021
    6. saint.panda
      Spotify Hifi with lossless is coming! So excited
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crenca
        Will Spotify, Deezer, etc. (Amazon is probably the odd man out) have to play with demands of the new user market, example being myself who wants better interoperability with other UI such as Roon, etc.?
        Feb 23, 2021
        Gazny likes this.
      3. crenca
        If Spotify insists on their own walled garden ecosystem like Deezer, they won't get my business...but perhaps that's "ok" with them, who knows.
        Feb 23, 2021
      4. saint.panda
        Spotify has made my music discovery 10 times easier. Kind of locked in now with my playlists but don't mind (yet).
        Feb 23, 2021
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    7. saint.panda
      Found a cheap, used pair of RS1e. But wow, I don't remember the sound being so weird. Will need to give it more time.
      1. Lyander likes this.
    8. saint.panda
      So far still preferring Valhalla 2 over Jot 2 for HD650. Slam & clean but with a touch of tube sweetness.
      1. obsiCO, Syzygy, JellyRhino and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Syzygy
        Hmm, I love my Val2, but the Jot2 has such a wider, bigger stage, and clarity and layering.

        Maybe I need new tubes. Also need to go back & listen to Val2 again, now I'm used to Jot2 & 3F+Ni.
        Feb 3, 2021
      4. saint.panda
        Agreed on layering, wide soundstage & clarity. I just like the bit of tube sweetness the Val 2 adds, especially with the HD6xxx, but also need more time with the Jot 2.
        Feb 3, 2021
      5. Syzygy
        Yeah I'm using HD6xx KISS modded. But I've been off Val 2 for a couple of weeks at this point.

        I know when I first compared it to the 3F it seemed much more laid back, and veiled. But I haven't compared it since the Jot 2 showed up on Thursday or Friday last.
        Feb 3, 2021
    9. saint.panda
      Honestly, BF2 via USB + Valhalla 2 + HD6xx is all one needs.
      1. rhythmdevils
        I personally need Rockna Wavedream! But I’m happy with my RDAC or Gungnir
        Jan 27, 2021
        saint.panda likes this.
    10. saint.panda
      Does anyone know what the best way is to get hold of a HE90 besides watching ebay and HF? What are going prices these days?
      1. ogodei
        1) Use Hifishark to find past \ current sales. Remember the posted ask price is almost always higher than the sell-through price 2) Determine which past sales were by dealers; contact those dealers directly. I regularly drill through ebay ads to get to foreign dealers of products.
        Jan 22, 2021
        Jinxy245, nishan99 and saint.panda like this.
      2. saint.panda
        Thanks, amazing tip! [edit: removed, hehe]
        Jan 22, 2021
        ogodei likes this.
      3. ogodei
        Shhh, its a secret ! And of course standard due diligence on buying expensive gear from individuals in foreign countries. I'm always a little leery of those smaller foreign marketplaces.
        Jan 22, 2021
        saint.panda likes this.
    11. saint.panda
      Impressed by Buchardt A700. Incredible simplicity: no cables, dac, pre- and power amp needed. App room correction. Sounds pretty great, too.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rlow
        Yep agreed. The main problem is for the audio obsessed, being locked into 1 DAC and 1 amp (and class D at that) can be too restrictive. But if you love the sound and happy with the various sound profiles they offer, it certainly simplifies things.
        Jan 7, 2021
        JayC, Cryptowolf and saint.panda like this.
      3. JayC
        I'd heard of bass distortion being too high and some other minor things so I stayed away from the A500. Curious how the A700 fares there
        Jan 8, 2021
      4. saint.panda
        No bass issues, especially post room correction. Actually find the bass integration to be one of its strengths. Weakness is slight lack of midrange richness, probably due to DAC and class D
        Jan 22, 2021
    12. saint.panda
      Modded new HD6xx with KISS after listening to stock for a week. Beautiful reminder of what a difference a $20 mod can make vs. $1k on tubes
      1. Syzygy, obsiCO, famish99 and 8 others like this.
    13. saint.panda
      1 week with Utopia. Great clarity & details. Knew soundstage was gonna be small but it's really small. Prefer the Verite Closed, more fun.
      1. obsiCO, jexby, Jinxy245 and 8 others like this.
      2. zerodeefex
        I'll trade you my donmodded HP1000 and you can go back to VC, hah.
        Oct 12, 2020
        saint.panda likes this.
      3. dark_energy
        It seems ZMF fnatics were right(including me), I need to hear the new ZMFs otherwise I am lost in the HPs world. Id like to know I want a pair of HPs
        Oct 12, 2020
        saint.panda likes this.
      4. saint.panda
        The Verite is really special. Haven't had this much consistent joy since getting the HD650 14 years ago. Will give the Utopia another 3 weeks, especially with the DEQ2496 arriving in a few days. It's special on some tracks.
        Oct 12, 2020
    14. saint.panda
      Neighbors complain when I turn up the speakers at home to replicate the "distortion"/artefacts I'm hearing with the Wavedream at work
      1. Huhnkopf likes this.
      2. Huhnkopf
        Lad sie zum Kaffee ein und erklär' ihnen die Hintergründe. Lass dabei ihre Lieblingslieder spielen und schmachte theatralisch vor dich hin während dein DAC sie in nie geahnte Sphären verführt. Sie werden dich lieben und bei dir einziehen.
        Jul 20, 2020
        dark_energy, saint.panda and Jinxy245 like this.
      3. famish99
        Shame you took the Wavedream to work lol
        Jul 20, 2020
        Melvillian and saint.panda like this.
      4. Jinxy245
        @Golmang Google translate butchered it of course, but it's a wonderful sentiment IMO.
        Jul 20, 2020
        saint.panda and Huhnkopf like this.
    15. saint.panda
      After getting used to an ok speaker setup like Vidar/P3ESR, switching back to Stellaris/Verite feels like a step down on many levels
      1. JK47 and AdvanTech like this.
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      3. saint.panda
        Yes, positively surprised by how well the Harbeths' strengths in resolution and imaging scaled with the better source. Too bad they're too inefficient for something like an Aegir or XA25. Need to look into other amp options.
        Jun 15, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      4. EagleWings
        @saint.panda , have you considered the Accuphase amps? Even their class-AB Integrateds apparently are very good.
        Jun 15, 2020
      5. famish99
        Can always look for other speakers too ;)
        Jun 16, 2020
        RobS likes this.
    16. saint.panda
      Did some extended comparisons between itunes and spotify. Spotify is a lot more 2D.
      1. EagleWings likes this.
      2. crenca
        It's 256 AAC (Apple) vs. 320 Ogg Vorbis (Spotify - if you are paying for highest bit rates), assuming everything else is apples to apples, which is probably too much to assume...
        Jun 12, 2020
      3. dark_energy
        It might be. I would try to A B this a lot to rule out confirmation bias.
        Jun 12, 2020
    17. saint.panda
      Wavedream in the house and it's 100% what I was hoping for. Shows me everything I was missing after switching from Yggdrasil to Morpheus
      1. Phantaminum, Xecuter, 9suns and 8 others like this.
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      3. saint.panda
        Thanks. Awesome club to be in. Still honeymoon period but right now I'd pick the Rockna over Stellaris if I could only make one major hifi purchase
        Jun 10, 2020
      4. purr1n
        Ahh, source first. You should get into vinyl. It's a headache though.
        Jun 10, 2020
      5. saint.panda
        Colleagues already think I'm from another planet with my Rednet/Rockna/Stellaris setup. Might be fun to see their reactions when I show up with a turntable.
        Jun 10, 2020
    18. saint.panda
      Just ordered a Wavedream Signature Balanced. Corona not helpful for audio addiction.
      1. Xecuter, purr1n, Zhanming057 and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Hrodulf
        Your Yggdrasil is giving a lot of joy!
        Apr 22, 2020
        saint.panda likes this.
      4. saint.panda
        The dealer just cancelled my demo unit order while at the same time offering me a new unit at 50% off. Weird but I'll take it. Anyone interested in a similar deal in Germany, PM me. Speaks volumes about the margins though.
        Apr 22, 2020
        Xecuter, Saleh84 and GoodEnoughGear like this.
      5. famish99
        Pretty much the world of hifi for you there.
        Apr 22, 2020
    19. saint.panda
      Corona home office >> bought speakers for first time in 15 years. Harbeth P3ESR / Aegir. Not bad but I really miss my Verite C / Stellaris
      1. Thad E Ginathom, raif, wbass and 3 others like this.
      2. raif
        I know the Harbeth are supposed to be scooped, but man do I have a special place in my heart for the "bbc" sound. Congrats!
        Mar 26, 2020
        saint.panda likes this.
    20. saint.panda
      Sonnet Morpheus tonality reminds of the Ray Samuels SR71. Honeymoon phase going strong.
      1. jexby, famish99, MisterRogers and 2 others like this.
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  • About

    Jan 17, 1985 (Age: 39)
    NYC / Berlin


    NYC: Modi Multibit > Magni Piety > ETA Mini C // iLoud Micro
    Berlin work: RedNet 3 > Wavedream Signature XLR > Stellaris > Verite Closed / HD 6xxM
    Berlin home: Bifrost 2 > Schiit Tyr > Harbeth P3ESR + 2x Rel T/5x // Buchardt A700 // lots of Sonos