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Feb 15, 2025 at 2:12 AM
Feb 10, 2019
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Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
London, UK

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Friend, Male, 45, from London, UK


"He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling? Jan 20, 2025

wbass was last seen:
Viewing latest content, Feb 15, 2025 at 2:12 AM
    1. wbass
      Suitcase living for the next few months, at least. Elex, CTH+SDAC, Campfire Andromeda, Audeze iSine-20.
      1. Qildail, Cryptowolf and Lyander like this.
    2. wbass
      These fantasy titles are a bit wordy. How about RING LORD, POWER RINGS, THRONE GAME, and DRAGON HOUSE?
      1. Jinxy245
        I guess you're allergic to the word "of"?
        Sep 1, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Next up: "The Quest For Magic And Power" and then keep as options "witches, merlin, knights, last dragon, war, eternal, eternity" and prepare for some interesting anime adaptations.
        Sep 1, 2022
        wbass and Jinxy245 like this.
    3. wbass
      I wonder if HP world has become "mature." Sure, things like the Raal have come along, but it seems like most folks here are running HD800,
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      2. E_Schaaf
        Ironic, I feel like in my own personal pursuits I've barely begun to scratch the surface of design elements I want to explore and haven't yet seen on the market ;) takes a lot to get people to move away from their mainstays though, I get it. What was good 10+ years ago is still good now. Folks have tried enough to settle or become jaded about what's new
        Aug 30, 2022
      3. wbass
        Could be a signal of an unfilled segment of the market. Something new and exciting that isn't $$$.
        Aug 30, 2022
      4. JeremiahS
        In my experience planar dynamics have improved a lot in recent years but it seems that this type of driver technology is not very popular in this forum.
        Aug 31, 2022
    4. wbass
      About lifestyle vs. hi-fi: Currently visiting a buddy in LA, where he has a modest (by LA terms) house he's putting tons of work into.
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      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Electronics aside: I'm not that fussed, as long as it isn't downright ugly...

        I'd never buy a pair of speakers that wasn't good to look at, and my ideal absolutely would be beautiful woodwork. (In light or golden English Oak ;) )
        Aug 14, 2022
      3. wbass
      4. zottel
        I love how the back side of those speakers, like with a lot of other stuff of the era, looks like crap, and nobody cared. Today, everything has to look “good” all around even in places nobody ever sees.
        Aug 14, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom and wbass like this.
    5. wbass
      Sometimes I think we should have a thread about our favorite **lo-fi** listening experiences.
      1. sheldaze, zottel, Qildail and 7 others like this.
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      3. Lunk_Wray
        Re. Sleigh Bells' mixes, Tom Waits says (semi-jokingly?) that he always listens to rough mixes on his vintage car stereo, because he doesn't trust the studio monitors.
        Aug 9, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Taping songs off the TV: I recorded all the songs from Singing In The Rain on a cassette.

        I guess that's low-fi. But, actually, In later years, I used to run the headphone-out from my TV to my amp. It was higher-fi than the TV speakers, albeit mono. I even did that with a cheap radio alarm.
        Aug 9, 2022
        Merrick and wbass like this.
      5. zottel
        Songs of my own band in the late 90ies, recorded on a shitty tape deck in a much too small rehearsal room.
        Aug 9, 2022
    6. wbass
      Think I've sorted out my living out of a suitcase + for a few months system: 1) HD800S 2) HDVA600 3) Bifrost 2 4) Bluesound Node 2.
      1. wbass
        I know there are, like, zero fans of the HDVA600 here, but I think it's solid, and, also, it's dual voltage (for UK use).
        Jul 23, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      2. wbass
        Welp, never mind. I took the above and a couple other like-size things to UPS to ship and the total was about $900. Anyone have tips for cheaper shipping options? DHL and FedEx online quotes seem about the same.
        Jul 26, 2022
    7. wbass
      Art Pepper, Straight Life, Galaxy, 1979. Good late Art, and a real sonic stunner (audiophile cliche) on LP. Relatively cheap pick-up, too.
      1. monacelli
        I also love the album he recorded with George Cables, Goin' Home. From the same era, released in '82, I think.
        Jun 22, 2022
        wbass likes this.
    8. wbass
      1. Tchoupitoulas and ColtMrFire like this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        I hope it's some dude simply making these out of IKEA storage cubes who donates the proceeds to cat shelters.
        Jun 18, 2022
        Case and ColtMrFire like this.
      4. Gazny
        looks good though
        Jun 18, 2022
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It looks... like a decent idea to work up into some DIY if so inclined, not to spend $,$$$ on!

        Being practical: can one really beat the square-box-bookshelf model for a big LP library? Keep it simple!
        Jun 18, 2022
    9. wbass
      Continuing the revisit of HP gear out of storage. HDVA600 is defo not the best amp for HD600/800. It's a bit plasticky and smoothed over.
      1. wbass
        But it's certainly not bad. Was on deep clearance for a while. Starlett, no surprise, is better. Better tone, deeper, better bass.
        Jun 15, 2022
    10. wbass
      Dragged some old rigs out of storage ahead of needing some kind of simple and semi-portable for living out of a suitcase for a few months.
      1. Rustin Cohle likes this.
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      3. Qildail
        Good luck with the extended remote living thing.
        Jun 12, 2022
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Hey, thanks. Moving to London, so time to down-size from Maggies to... who knows what. Quad ESLs maybe. It'll be headphones for a little while whichever way.
        Jun 13, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
      5. wbass
        Now re-auditioning... the HD600. Damn, I like this hp. Way more than the 650.
        Jun 13, 2022
    11. wbass
      Kenobi, the show, did you really not think twice about the prospect of offering up the possible torture of a 10-year-old child?!
      1. crenca likes this.
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      3. DigMe
        Glad to hear this. Probably will pass with my son who is very sensitive to that kind of stuff.
        Jun 8, 2022
        crenca likes this.
      4. wbass
        FWIW, it never quite feels like anyone's in real danger in the ep. I'm not particularly squeamish about screen violence, but I just don't care for children being menaced so cheaply and casually. It's also a weird scene. A Sith-type trying to get tactical info out of a child.... Weird.
        Jun 8, 2022
        Cryptowolf, crenca and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      5. crenca
        This scene is not just done "causually" or poorly (though this is certainly true), it's a symptom of the *inhumanity* and banality-of-evil of Disney's/writers/directors/actors take on Star Wars/Force mythology,. If your gong to artistically portray something as fundamental to the human condition as good and evil, you first have to have a real sense of it...this deserves a more lengthy comment in the movie thread...
        Jun 9, 2022
        Cryptowolf, ColtMrFire and DigMe like this.
    12. wbass
      The new Predator movie, Prey, looks interesting. Or, at least, like something different. Going straight to Hulu. A smaller entry cd be good.
    13. wbass
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Excuse me if I missed something, but it looks just like another episode of Magazine Just Publishes Press Release.
        May 22, 2022
    14. wbass
      I think someone raised this recently, but what is up with the limited extension on these high-end JBLs? Is 48hz really where they drop off?
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      2. wbass
        Hmm, interesting. And I guess maybe the big Altec VOTT speakers don't really do sub-bass either. Anyway, I can see horns like these as a destination, and I have the subs.... And maybe they need subs. Just surprising to see a modern, $$$ speaker roll off that high.
        Apr 29, 2022
      3. E_Schaaf
        My system has dual 15" subs and 14" woofers in the mains and it rolls hard below 60hz. Sounds good anyway. Frankly I actually prefer the sub bass presentation out of a good pair of headphones, but speaker mid- and upper- bass is quite satisfying
        Apr 29, 2022
        Jinxy245 and wbass like this.
      4. Armaegis
        Almost anything with a port will have that low end roll off, especially with such a small volume cabinet.
        Apr 29, 2022
    15. wbass
      Miles, Live Evil. How has this one escaped me so long? I like this more than Bitches. Except for the dumb poems, this is hitting so hard.
      1. Case, Qildail, Jinxy245 and 6 others like this.
    16. wbass
      SBAF: neighborhood dive // What's Best Forum: cigar bar // Head-Fi: TGIFriday's
      1. Lyander likes this.
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      3. penguins
        "What's Best = cigar bar" - either I've been to "crappy" cigar places or they're not as posh as you think.
        Dec 3, 2021
      4. wbass
        Hey, yeah, I've never actually been to a cigar bar. I guess I just associate them with places guys go to brag about expensive toys, but maybe not.
        Dec 4, 2021
      5. wbass
        There are some good resources and friendly types on What's Best Forum. And several to many high-end turntables and horn systems to drool over. There also seems to be some serious $$$ paraded around, so not everything so relevant over there, to me anyway.
        Dec 4, 2021
    17. wbass
      DL103 and DL103R, the HD650 and HD600 of cartridges?
      1. The Life likes this.
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      3. wbass
        Just been messing around with a DL103R and alternately quite liking it and feeling, like the Senn, that it can be a bit wooly on the low end. Not the last word in detail, at all, but, also like the Senn, it gets the tonality basically right.
        Apr 18, 2021
      4. wbass
        I'd like to hear the Zu DL103R or even what Anamighty Sound does with the cart. Or perhaps a more advanced tip than the conical from one of the re-tippers out there.
        Apr 18, 2021
        yotacowboy likes this.
      5. yotacowboy
        I'd love be able to borrow a Zu before committing. Very interested to hear since, I agree, DL103R gets tonality and timbre so right. Would be great to get some incisiveness added to the mix.
        Apr 19, 2021
        wbass likes this.
    18. wbass
      Damn, Roy DuNann could make a record.
    19. wbass
      Anyone have any suggestions for a readily available oscilloscope? Something on Amazon or easy to get on the web. Say, $350 or below.
      1. ogodei likes this.
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      3. Biodegraded
        Its help documentation is really good. Spend some time reading before you do anything.
        Feb 10, 2021
        wbass likes this.
      4. Hands
      5. wbass
        @Hands Specifically for azimuth adjustment? Thanks.
        Feb 10, 2021
    20. wbass
      Gungnir Multibit-->BHA-1-->HD800 sounding excellent. When the HD800 are good, I like them as much as anything else I've heard.
      1. wbass
        Also, Rickie Lee Jones, s/t, is one of the few audiophile-approved albums I really like. It gets a touch cheesy in places, and then a song takes another turn and just slays. And, yes, the sonics are A+.
        Jan 29, 2021
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    London, UK