Jan 13, 2021
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a friendly land

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Friend, from a friendly land


MQA thread is sooo Head-Fi. High on emotional venting and conventional wisdom. Soooo low on content and insight. Apr 8, 2023

    1. Woland
      Wanted: community of tubers guided by measurements and engineering, and indifferent to getter shapes.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Tubes? Oh my, what you want is difficult to say the least. Find your favourite tubes and stop there.
        May 9, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Gazny
        Getter shapes are just a way to determine age/factory. I just stick to my favorite brands based on longevity. RCA, Raytheon, Philips Siemens
        May 9, 2021
      5. Woland
        @Gazny And age/factory is just a way to determine.. what?
        May 12, 2021
    2. Woland
      My current guestimate is that online discussions of tubes are 94% delusional, 5% scams.. How does that compare to the rest of audio?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        Does complaining about tubes count as delusional?

        I like tubes but most of my tube posts are me complaining about tubes in one way or another.
        May 8, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Gazny like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Gazny, I need delusions to hear stereo, whatever the source. Unless it is actual people playing in front of me. :)
        May 8, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Gazny like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        yes, a bad tube does make a difference, but at least in my Kenzie Ovation, short of mu, other signal chain parameter matter far more.
        May 8, 2021
    3. Woland
      So much online soul searching about the 8-16kHz octave. So little love for the 16-32Hz octave.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Syzygy
        Stupid people wanting to keep their windows and walls intact!
        Apr 29, 2021
      3. Woland
        It's musical down there! An ordinary piano starts at 27Hz.
        Apr 29, 2021
      4. gixxerwimp
        I hear ya. 8-16kHz is overrated compared to da bass.
        Apr 30, 2021
    4. Woland
      Impulse bought 'my first planars' HE400SE.. USD70 for an open-box mainland version. Aside from the cable, seems like the 'Global' version.
      1. dllmsch and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. Woland
        A little annoyed Focal cable plugs don't mate with the HE's recessed sockets. I was hoping to use them for a balanced connection.
        Apr 28, 2021
      3. Woland
        I thought these would be good at the desk. But after an hour I'm really missing my dt1350s. Lighter, deeper bass, more comfortable (with replacement pads) and far less likely to annnoy anyone sitting nearby.
        Apr 28, 2021
        Baten likes this.
      4. dllmsch
        I impulse bought HE560 as well, waiting for it to arrive.
        Apr 28, 2021
        Woland likes this.
    5. Woland
      I setup Volumio streamer with a relay that flips on power to the MJ2 when playing, and off after a long pause. Surprisingly awesome.
      1. Merrick and Gazny like this.
      2. Woland
        It should save on energy and reduce idle tube burn. Also an atmospheric night light comes on for ambiance.
        Apr 24, 2021
    6. Woland
      I have some tips to share about setting up Volumio on a Pi. Where would be the right place to post?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Woland
        Thanks @Biodegraded , but some are specific to Volumio so a pi thread is too broad. Also volumio can run happily on a netbook etc
        Apr 23, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and Biodegraded like this.
      3. rlow
        Maybe start an RPi music OS setup and troubleshooting thread. A lot of that stuff is buried in the Pi2AES for dummies and other threads
        Apr 24, 2021
        Michael Kelly likes this.
      4. Michael Kelly
        Michael Kelly
        Agree with @rlow. Maybe one for each player?
        Apr 24, 2021
    7. Thad E Ginathom
      Thad E Ginathom
      Just wondering if your name is connected with Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita?

      One of my top favourite books. Any other fans here?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        A friend from Russia, on another forum, sent me DVDs of the Russian film, happily with English subtitles. A real treat!
        Apr 21, 2021
      3. Woland
        Apr 21, 2021
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Thanks, @Woland. I think that I have seen that site, some years back.
        Apr 22, 2021
    8. Woland
      6n3p-dr So musical in Mj2. Maybe the apex of tube tech. And so cheap.
    9. Woland
      1. Cryptowolf, SSL, Azimuth and 5 others like this.
      2. Azimuth
        Even Zeos approves of thus video.
        Apr 15, 2021
    10. Woland
      Running through the test tracks from Golden One's A90 review: Gungnir Multibit is certainly 'too smooth' on the 'More than you know' sibillance test.
    11. Woland
      Seeing the view that Amp matters more than DAC, but that's not my experience. The step up from Modi to Gungnir Multibit was profound.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Woland
        @Avantech My thinking was that maybe all $100 DACs are not good. I didn't really notice any step up from Samsung Galaxy S9's jack to Modi 3.
        Apr 9, 2021
      3. Biodegraded
        Might not be so much 'good/not good' you're noticing, but the different character of multibit vs DS.
        Apr 9, 2021
        Woland and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Woland
        Fair call, @Biodegraded . I really like it when comments make me rethink. Audio experience is hard to pin down and articulate well.
        Apr 9, 2021
    12. Woland
      John Martyn / Small Hours sounds remarkably different - expansive - with an upgraded digital source.
    13. Woland
      Upgraded from Schiit Gen 5 USB to Unison, and want to sell your Gen 5 Card? I'm still on Gen 2!
    14. Woland
      Finding Vali 2 nicely rounds off the harshness from Topping & Dragonfly DACs
      1. Gazny likes this.
    15. Woland
      HRTF > gear for staging.
    16. Woland
      Enjoying his Topping e30.. and wary of mentioning it on sbaf..
      1. rlow and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Huhnkopf
      4. purr1n
        You don't have many cheap DAC choices in HK.
        Jan 26, 2021
        nishan99 and rlow like this.
      5. rlow
        As long as you don’t say it’s the best one because the Cult of SINAD (ASR) said so, you’re fine - enjoy what you like. But also be open to other possibilities (if they exist where you live that is, as per Purr1n’s comment)
        Jan 26, 2021
    17. Woland
      Conversations I would like to have on SBAF: DSP vs hardware. Measuring tube characteristics cheaply. Are tubes a substitute for acoustics?
      1. bixby
        1. dsp, 2. ears, 3. no
        Jan 18, 2021
        OJneg, dubharmonic, obsiCO and 4 others like this.
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    a friendly land
    Gear List:
    [ Roon -> Pi4 w. HQPlayer | Spotify -> CCA ] -> Gungnir Multibit A1 -> Mjolnir 2 w. LISST / 6n23p / 6n3p-e -> BWC Speakers / Focal Clear / LTS v1

    Audirvana w. Waves NX -> Dragonfly Red -> Vali 2 w. Gold Lion -> HE6se v2

    NW-ZX2 -> DT-1350 / LTS v1

    Echo Show
    I like round numbers.
