Elmer Danilovich
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Mar 11, 2024
May 8, 2018
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In the Oak Forest

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Elmer Danilovich

MOT:Earmen, HeadAmp, Bricasti; AKA:MShenay, Male, from In the Oak Forest


Shout out to @Bill-P the mad wizard himself, got me staying up late editing pics and listening to music on this beautifully modded D5K Mar 8, 2022

Elmer Danilovich was last seen:
Mar 11, 2024
    1. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Welp, HD 600 scale is no joke... full night of critical listening and I remain even more deeply impressed!
    2. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      I've got Lyr 3 and Modi 3 for the weekend should be a fun couple of days!
    3. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      @cskippy happy to hear your ok! Sorry to hear about what happened, I'm wish you and your passenger a speedy recovery!!!
      1. Jinxy245 and cskippy like this.
    4. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Been over a week now, I'm finding my self more and more impressed with the HD 600! Might be my new daily go to, shame I waited this long!
      1. Thad E Ginathom, YMO, Sqveak and 2 others like this.
      2. JK47
        Yes, you have been living a lie.
        Apr 29, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        Back when I got the HD 800 I was originally going to get the HD 600. Kinda glad I waited to be honest, I've heard a lot of other Tube & Headphone designs and feel I can appreciate the 600 more so now!
        Apr 29, 2019
    5. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Ok, I will say the HD 650 Cable is built a bit more substantially than the stock 600 cable, an the all black aesthetic is a plus imo
      1. sheldaze, Deep Funk and ufospls2 like this.
      2. imackler
        But does it match the faux marble...?
        Apr 26, 2019
        Elmer Danilovich likes this.
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        I think it does
        Apr 26, 2019
      4. Claritas
        "By looking like shit to begin with, how can you deface it?" — Lao Tzu on the HD600
        Apr 28, 2019
    6. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Bleh spoke to soon, this Crack is DOA... red LEDs on speed ball aren't lit and no time to trouble shoot atm, will revist later
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        well some one suggested letting me back just to see what'd I'd do Hopefully now all have seen just that, Oh it's almost been a year... how time flies
        Apr 21, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom, cskippy and Elnrik like this.
      4. Elnrik
        When in Rome...

        I honestly do hope everything turns out well. I think it will.
        Apr 21, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom and Jinxy245 like this.
      5. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        Yes actually I'm quite enjoying "as the romans do" HD 600 is quite a bit better than I remember. Ever curious to see how it and the crack turn out, oh and what difference the HD 650 cable will make if any
        Apr 21, 2019
    7. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Figured if I'm getting a HD 600 might as well try Crack with Speedball too. Good friend hooked me up, even included a box Tube replacements!
      1. Jinxy245, Deep Funk and cskippy like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        You are so lucky...
        Apr 20, 2019
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        I don't know where every one stands but I'm letting it run with white noise atm, HD 650 cable should be here monday and I'll give it a listen then.

        I don't buy into "burn in" but some do so I figured I'd better cover my bases before I share my thoughts. Still thanks for the comment!
        Apr 20, 2019
    8. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Finally ordered an HD 600 for myself, what is the most basic/straightforward accepted mod to start with
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        I guess the stock cable must really be that bad... Senn site has it. Might as well order it now
        Apr 16, 2019
        DigMe likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        The stock cable is okay. The HD650 is better quality overall from what I have been told. Sennheiser makes decent cables. I have had dozens of headphones. Never issues with Sennheiser cables.
        Apr 17, 2019
      5. Case
        I'd keep an eye out for pad wear. Stock pads apparently are the best.
        Apr 17, 2019
        Elmer Danilovich likes this.
    9. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Got a chance to hear both the Verum 1 today and an original 1st revision Moth 2A3 Tube amp!!! Exciting day for sure
    10. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Finally picked up an RME ADI 2 Dac... quite impressive! Can't see my self upgrading much beyond this
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. m17xr2b
        Best to frame this statement and hang it above your gear to keep the heebie jeebies away.
        Mar 20, 2019
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ... And then he went to the window and looked out into the great big hifi shop that is the universe :)
        Mar 20, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
    11. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Decided to listen to a Valhalla 2 before closing on something nicer... very impressed!!!!!!!!!!!
      1. cskippy and Case like this.
      2. Taverius
        Multiple exclamation points are a sure sign of insanity ;)

        Which is to be expected really, I mean, you're here with us ...
        Nov 29, 2018
        Elnrik, Friday and Jinxy245 like this.
      3. Elnrik
        I don't consider a statement to be true if it has fewer than 11 exclamation marks.
        Nov 29, 2018
      4. DigMe
        “LAWRENCE ATKINS!!!!!!!!!!!”
        “Date of birth?”
        “OCTOBER 2, 1978888!!!!!!!!!!”
        “Sir, that was only 10 exclamation points, I’m gonna need you to be honest with me.”
        “Oh ok.. 1975!!!!!!!!!!!”
        Nov 30, 2018
    12. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Any one have experience with GE 5Star 6211a clear tops?
      1. m17xr2b
        Unless it's on the same amp and most important headphone as yours tube impressions are pretty useless. If you include the amp at least you might get better answers but there aren't a lot of rollers here.
        Nov 27, 2018
      2. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        Excellent point, it's a custom piece so I'll just have to experiment,

        Builder does have the 5814a he's happy to include though!
        Nov 27, 2018
    13. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Dippin my toes into tubes, what's a clear, detailed and spacious 12au7?
      1. m17xr2b
        RCA Cleartop or CBS 5814A
        Nov 22, 2018
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Prepare to make your wallet suffer. Once you get seduced by tubetastic sound you want more. Tubes and booze are the best audio tweaks ever.
        Nov 23, 2018
      3. Elmer Danilovich
        Elmer Danilovich
        How do they differ from something like a GE 5Star 6072a
        Nov 23, 2018
    14. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Wondering why the F*** a lot modern music is mastered so loudly... never noticed on headphones but on my speakers it's quite obvious
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        I'd say it's odd that this is more noticeable on speakers than headphones, but I have effectively zero experience with the former anyway.

        Pick a reason: Things sound better when played louder, consumer gear (e.g. phones, laptops) can barely drive headphones to decent levels.
        Nov 7, 2018
      3. Riotvan
        I notice it on both but find it more objectionable on headphones.
        Nov 7, 2018
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Lyer25, "Things sound better when played louder"

        That's only half the rule. This is the whole thing:

        Louder, /if not already too loud,/ always sounds better.
        Nov 8, 2018
    15. Elmer Danilovich
      Elmer Danilovich
      Making sense of all this measurement stuff is kinda fun, enjoyed reading the why behind a few various "compensation" curves
      1. Lyander likes this.
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    In the Oak Forest
    Gear List:
    Bricasti M3h & Linn CD-T ->(BHSE)/("The Emotion" DHT Amp)/(VM1a)/(GS-X mk2) | 009, 95X w/VesperPads, HD800sdr, HD580bs, SR1a, K1000bh, HE-R10P, Ether CX