Sep 24, 2015
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Aug 1, 1968 (Age: 55)
Padre Island CC TX

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Desire for betterer is endless., Male, 55, from Padre Island CC TX

Staff Member Pyrate BWC

Was that an SNL skit? You are a moron. Well you suck. You're a felon. Your son is a felon. LOL Jun 28, 2024

    1. Audio Zenith
      Audio Zenith
      Hi Marv
      I wanted to go to Canjam but it's too expensive. You probably feel the same way so wanted to ask if you could talk to Craig to maybe share the cost of one table with me there. I can do all the leg work for Eddie Current while demoing my cans with their amps. Please let me know if there is interest.
      Best regards.
      1. purr1n
        We're skipping this one. Not worth it because there is more demand than we can supply at this point in time.
        Mar 14, 2016
    2. purr1n
      Yup, no more noise, but readership has dropped! People love drama.
      1. chakku
        So basically you need to say something controversial or get somebody upset once a week to rake in the adbux
        Feb 20, 2016
        purr1n likes this.
      2. zerodeefex
        I am calling you out on your bullshit, Marv. Let's have an internet duel! You've offended my house for the last time.
        Feb 20, 2016
        MoatsArt likes this.
    3. purr1n
      Keep it going with the nonsense posts! We hit a record number of sessions yesterday.
      1. ultrabike, OJneg and MoatsArt like this.
      2. Kunlun
        Audio argle-bargle
        Feb 19, 2016
      3. Colgin
        Maybe each week a different member can set up a designated troll account to spout nonsense and get banned and thus drive traffic to the site. Any volunteers for week one?
        Feb 19, 2016
      4. ultrabike
        Feb 20, 2016
    4. purr1n
      What's going on? Why are there 400 on tonight?
      1. No_One411 likes this.
      2. BioniclePhile
        Reverse psychologolistic promotion. They're all here from facebook because they heard all about how terrible we were. Same thing happened to Trump.

        Which means Marv is the new Donald.
        Feb 18, 2016
        Kunlun and OJneg like this.
    5. purr1n
      Well, that was a little bit too creepy and personal for me. Like having an obsessed former fan. Hope he doesn't go Guy Pearce (Ironman 3).
      1. OJneg, jexby and zerodeefex like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TMoney
        He is too busy shoving tubes up his a$$
        Feb 17, 2016
      4. Kunlun
        What did I miss, or did Marv find my photo gallery of pics of him sleeping (he looks so...peaceful)?

        Ohhhh, I see. Chafer got all red and irritated and Marv had to apply the soothing ban salve.
        Feb 17, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
      5. jexby
        can we start the SBAF death chart of folks that were banned and why? ya know, to fondly look back in 10 years or so.
        Feb 17, 2016
        purr1n likes this.
    6. purr1n
      Gratz to the best regular season QB ever!
      1. Smitty, SoupRKnowva and JoshMorr like this.
      2. Claritas
        I always knew you were a Tom Brady fan. "f**k the rules! I'm gonna go home and f**k my hot wife."
        Feb 8, 2016
        rott likes this.
      3. jexby
        Uggs can blow me. Whiny little bitch when he gets hit.
        Feb 8, 2016
    7. deepak sahu
      deepak sahu
      Can u please share your MDR-1R Mod ??
      1. purr1n
        Basically, Dynamat internal cups and surfaces. Generously stuff internals with fiberfill (speaker stuff, not cotton balls), and one ply of TP over the driver.
        Jan 29, 2016
        deepak sahu and Smitty like this.
      2. deepak sahu
        deepak sahu
        I want a Portable USB DAC ;is audioengine d3 is good for music listening ;strictly do not need to be analytical by the way?

        For desktop Use is korg DS-DAC 100 is better than asus essence muse one "or" ifi micro idsd ??

        Jan 30, 2016
    8. purr1n
      I miss Googleli and his whores
      1. SoupRKnowva and Smitty like this.
      2. Kunlun
        All awkwardly wearing his LCD-2 by the pool
        Jan 25, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
      3. sphinxvc
        LOL purrin. That takes me back.
        Jan 25, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
      4. Kunlun
        You know those whores stole all his bitcoin

        He's poor now, without even an LCD-2 to put on his Mercedes steering wheel.
        Jan 25, 2016
    9. purr1n
      Hi! I ate too much for lunch!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SoupRKnowva
        whatd you eat though? too much xiao long bao?
        Jan 21, 2016
      3. zerodeefex
        I made that hateful comment because I was gassy this afternoon and wanted to feel like I wasn't the only one. I apologize to the community.
        Jan 21, 2016
      4. lm4der
        Yeah, but we all thought it. You just used your outside voice.
        Jan 21, 2016
    10. purr1n
      RIP Glenn Frey :(
      1. brencho and OJneg like this.
    11. purr1n
      Enigma Dharma measurements today
      1. Kunlun, FlySweep, PoochZag and 2 others like this.
    12. purr1n
      Do you guys ever get the feeling that there are not enough hours in the day to do everything you need to get done?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Colgin
        It would be a lie if I said every single day, but yeah, most days. Wasn't like that before having a child but now I have almost no left over time for myself and struggle to manage work and family responsibilities.
        Jan 7, 2016
        FlySweep likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Yes, even a strong coffee has its limits. A well timed nap has proven to be super effective for me.
        Jan 7, 2016
      4. The Alchemist
        The Alchemist
        for sure
        Jan 7, 2016
    13. purr1n
      Merry X-mas. If government were to make itself useful, it should legally mandate a few more off days like this every year.
    14. purr1n
      Wow, this forum has been really awesome for the last few days. I guess the cleansing helped.
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        To quote the late Bill Hicks: "did I miss a meeting?"
        Dec 23, 2015
    15. purr1n
      HEX in the house but I am sick. Leaving headphones in the box for now.
      1. The Alchemist
        The Alchemist
        Seems like something is going around. My son is sick, I am sick, (I think I caught it from my son), and now you're sick. I hope you feel better really soon.
        Dec 19, 2015
    16. purr1n
      Hmmm, I feel balance in the Force here tonight. Something I have not felt in a while.
    17. Psalmanazar
      The drunk rant that morphed from a drunk Windows sound protocol test is up. Move/delete it if you want.
      1. lm4der likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Good read.
        Dec 9, 2015
      3. lm4der
        Well done, you were in the zone. Ballmer peak FTW.
        Dec 10, 2015
    18. JK47
      If my recently repaired LCD2.2F's still hold their measurements til January I'll send them to you for measurements if you're interested, or maybe early Feb, I'll be in SoCal then and can get them to you.
    19. purr1n
      RIP Scott Weiland
      1. audiofrk, OJneg, aufmerksam and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. aufmerksam
        I remember when he was a fugitive from justice for months at a time like it was yesterday. Jokes aside, it sucks when the tragically gifted die.
        Dec 4, 2015
      4. drfindley
        One of the greats of the 90s. Tough loss.
        Dec 4, 2015
      5. AustinValentine
        I think we need to get some people out to John Frusciante's house as a precaution at this point. Rule of threes man.
        Dec 4, 2015
        audiofrk likes this.
    20. purr1n
      Magnum v5 drivers this weekend
      1. The Alchemist likes this.
      2. The Alchemist
        The Alchemist
        Not to be stupid, but what are the v5 drivers for (which headphone) - and geez purrin -at least follow me on my profile page lol
        Dec 3, 2015
      3. kapanak
        I thought you were ordering the V6 Symphones drivers with the transparent lens?
        Dec 3, 2015
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    Aug 1, 1968 (Age: 55)
    Padre Island CC TX