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Feb 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM
Oct 23, 2015
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Nation's Capital of failure

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Secretly hates other millenials - Friend, Male, from Nation's Capital of failure


Any fellow American civil servants, I commiserate during these truly fucked times. Alcohol intake increasing. Feb 7, 2025 at 7:15 AM

rott was last seen:
Feb 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM
    1. rott
    2. rott
      Not generally a fan of horror genre, but Haunting of Hill House was really good. Hype is justified IMHO.
      1. Erikdayo, Lyander and brencho like this.
      2. brencho
        October is for horror
        Oct 27, 2018
      3. Lyander
        Been getting mixed signals about it, but I'm not a fan of jumpscare fests. Is it that, or more subtle @rott?
        Oct 27, 2018
      4. rott
        @Lyer25 it has its share of jumpscare moments (which isn't something I enjoy either), but they're more or less integral to the storyline, which deals with familial issues apart from the supernatural stuff.
        Oct 28, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
    3. rott
      How much would it cost, and where can I get non-DIY "Cinemag CMLI 15B line level transformer"-based XLR to RCA converter box?
      1. ButtUglyJeff
        I know Ampsandsound does the boxes, but I don't know what transformers are typically used in them.
        Oct 25, 2018
      2. rott
        Thanks, will follow up with them!
        Oct 25, 2018
    4. rott
      Really enjoying Gonick's Cartoon History of the Universe series.
      1. Lyander likes this.
    5. rott
      After 15 years it's time to cut the disc rental part of my Netflix subscription...RedBox or purchase for Blu-ray going forward.
      1. Erikdayo and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. rott
        As a relatively heavy disc renter, it has become progressively harder to receive popular titles without multiple week delays. Netflix rental allocation algorithm favors those who keep discs out longer.
        Oct 10, 2018
      3. zonto
        I didn't know they still did that!
        Oct 10, 2018
        bengo and Mystic like this.
      4. rott
        rott - not sure how much longer that'll be around. I still prefer Blu-ray for the uncompressed sound and best PQ, but streaming is usually good enough. Favorite flicks (not shows) I end up buying on disc anyway.
        Oct 10, 2018
    6. rott
      WTF Newcastle now brewed in Holland? Not everyone's favorite, but a taste profile I like in my rotation...hope not too diff from UK brewed
      1. Case likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        They should change the name
        Sep 28, 2018
      3. JustAnotherRando
        Fosters is brewed in the UK. If you could call that stuff brewed.
        Sep 30, 2018
    7. rott
      Hired Gun on Netflix - another interesting rockumentary on studio/session musicians that have left their mark on music we've heard
      1. Jinxy245, Erikdayo and JK47 like this.
      2. Mithrandir41
        Yep, it was pretty solid. it's really fascinating for people who are interested in BTS stuff.
        Sep 25, 2018
    8. rott
      Thought finding my ideal headphones was hard...looking for a worthy violin upgrade that daughter likes within budget is much harder...
    9. rott
      Didn't realize it was the Winter Soldier playing Jeff Gillooli in the movie I, Tonya until the credits rolled. Entertaining.
      1. JK47
        Good movie
        Sep 11, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    10. rott
      If only I spent as much time figuring out how to earn more money as I do on scheming and agonizing over what to buy next...
      1. obsiCO, BillOhio, Jinxy245 and 8 others like this.
      2. Kunlun
        Start a blog about it and include hair tips for teens, get 4,000,000 subscribers in a day, punch Logan Paul, retire the next day. Done.
        Sep 6, 2018
    11. rott
      Came across the word 'penumbra' in a book, sparked memory of 'Umbra', ordered Mighty Orbots DVD...cannot escape my 80's childhood
      1. Elnrik likes this.
    12. rott
      Thank you, car audio system, for making today's mis-mastered music sound so good.
      1. Lyander, Jinxy245, Case and 1 other person like this.
      2. rott
        And yes, I do realize it's mastered/brickwalled that way for a reason.
        Jul 3, 2018
    13. rott
      Damn you, Michael Connelly, just finished my 13th novel of yours and can't the Bosch inner monologue.
      1. Riotvan and Case like this.
    14. rott
      While ago I created a stupid "son of HD650" thread. Tuesday receiving what's said to be a true successor from ZMF...hope Lyr3 is good enough
      1. Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jinxy245
        I've been drooling over the Auteur as well, I look forward to your impressions
        Jun 16, 2018
      4. EagleWings
        I loved the Lyr 3 for what it did. Its a great allrounder and a versatile amp that works well with both DDs and Planars. While it does help headphones scale well based on the upstream gear, IMO, it doesn't help unravel the hidden potential of the High-Z DD HPs.
        Jun 16, 2018
      5. rott
        Big Boy amp upgrade will need to wait till next year. This tapped out my audio budget, might need to let go of LCD2C.
        Jun 17, 2018
    15. rott
      I too can't figure out what all the Blank Panther hype was about. A bit better than average compared to rest of MCU. I prefer the Cap movies
      1. Poleepkwa likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rott
        I think the Nolan trilogy set the bar for the genre, Dark Knight was a masterpiece. I do have a nostalgic soft spot for the M.Keaton Batman. V for Vendetta was good also, am a Hugo Weaving fan. Unabashed fan of The Matrix trilogy, though hard to top the first.
        May 30, 2018
        Mystic likes this.
      4. Merrick
        @Mystic I love Iron Man 3, it feels unique among the Marvel movies.
        May 30, 2018
      5. Merrick
        And I used to love the Nolan Batman movies but I don’t think they’ve aged well. Especially Dark Knight Rises, but even the ending of Dark Knight is extremely problematic.
        May 30, 2018
    16. rott
      I guess it's inevitable, but why the demand/push for autonomous passenger vehicles? We're headed down the path for humans depicted in WALL-E
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jinxy245
      4. Cspirou
        I wish there was dislike on comments
        May 26, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      5. Merrick
        Mass transit is IMO the best solution, but those are almost always city and state funded projects. Autonomous cars are all the private sector, who would love to sell each individual their own car, plus rental cars, selling cars to businesses, etc. Not nearly as much money in mass transit for them.
        May 29, 2018
        Mystic and Jinxy245 like this.
    17. rott
      Revisited "The Real Thing" by Faith No More. Seems like he's channeling Tina Turner at times with his unique vocal range. Classic in my book
      1. DigMe, Lenroot77 and Mithrandir41 like this.
      2. Mithrandir41
        Mike Patton has always had one of the most versatile voices in rock
        May 2, 2018
      3. rott
        Also happens to be one of the very first CDs I bought. BMG Music Club! Good musical times, to counter the awkward high school years...
        May 2, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
    18. rott
      Binge-watched Bosch season good. Need to continue the book series, from book 7.
      1. Melvillian likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JK47
        True Detectives is better
        Apr 15, 2018
      4. Melvillian
        The first season was great. Second season not so good
        Apr 15, 2018
      5. Elnrik
        I tried hard to like it, couldn't get past episode 4.
        Apr 15, 2018
    19. rott
      Lyr3 on the way, avoided cable nervosa and bought used pair of Oasis 7 interconnects
      1. Elnrik and dmckean44 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rott
        Is cool. Not into cable rolling. In my mind it's like tweaking the last few possible % of performance.
        Apr 6, 2018
        fraggler likes this.
      4. fraggler
        Just messin around. I'm called to action when someone says they are "done" or avoided a nervosa.
        Apr 6, 2018
        Merrick likes this.
      5. rott
        The only nervosa I entertain these days is career-related...pivot to this or pivot to that.
        Apr 6, 2018
    20. rott
      Wouldn't it be interesting if the headphone market had pricing corrections like the stock market...
      1. BenjaminBore
        Entirely depends on whether I get to sell all my gear before it happens ;)
        Feb 6, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom and Melvillian like this.
      2. Kunlun
        We could have SuperBestAudioCoin and then manipulate the crap out of it
        Feb 6, 2018
        bengo likes this.
      3. Dino
        I guess we will if enough potential buyers decide some prices are too high (causing companies to not make enough profit). Seems like we should be in a bubble on some headphones/iems but I guess we are not there yet.
        Feb 6, 2018
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    Nation's Capital of failure
    Gear List:
    Auteur, HD650, HD600, LCD-X, Schiit Gungnir Multibit A1 & Bifrost 2, Schiit Lyr3, HeadAmp Gilmore Lite mk2