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Oct 26, 2015
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Resident Crash Test Dummy, Male, from Eindhoven


Struggling with my tonearm/cart oscillating on a blank record. No amount of VTF/antiskating adjustment seems to help.. Mar 11, 2023

JayC was last seen:
Feb 4, 2025
    1. JayC
      Its been funny going from a nice audio system to just the speakers from my TV. Still enjoying the music though!
      1. Lyander, Riotvan and SeanT like this.
      2. JayC
        Had an eureka moment when I hooked up the Riva Turbo X to the TV.. Put an instant smile on my face and really got me moving! Nice little speaker, this one..
        Feb 26, 2020
        cskippy and Riotvan like this.
    2. JayC
      replaced my integrated Creek evolution to a Saga+Vidar. Also have a Mani. Want a Sol. All aboard the Schiit train!
      1. Azimuth and rlow like this.
    3. JayC
      Need to buy new earplugs.. Custom or universal? is it really worth the price jump?
      1. Bloom
        What's your budget? What are you coming from?
        Aug 14, 2019
        JayC and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. JayC
        I live in the Netherlands. Budget would be universal: 20-30euro, custom: 150-175 euro
        Aug 14, 2019
    4. JayC
      SVS customer service is amazing! they're sending me a replacement amp for my sub that I have no bill or warranty proof for.. for free
      1. JayC
        If anyone wants the old amp (for free of course) for a project or something, let me know - you probably just have to replace the filter caps.
        Jul 2, 2019
        Case likes this.
    5. JayC
      Amazes me to see how many metal bands are adding ambient or orchestral parts to their music. So cool, didnt imagine this 10 years ago
      1. Psalmanazar
        Burzum and Beherit have had ambient parts since the early 90s... these modern band are just shit with no creativity at writing guitar riffs. Metal is guitar music so you better be able to write Demonomancy or Key to the Gate before you add in gimmicks...
        Apr 2, 2019
    6. JayC
      Been hearing some annoying hum these last weeks, just found out it's coming from my saga..
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. JayC
        Seems to be a bit of a common issue online and in some cases people have been asked to send their unit back? Anyone here know more about this and can help me out?
        Mar 20, 2019
        Cakecake likes this.
    7. JayC
      Really eye opening to sit back and enjoy music coming through my speaker setup, even though its not 100% perfect (it probably will never be)
      1. JayC
        Just need to write this down and remember because I've been looking for "better" speakers for some weeks now, scouring through forums and used listings but realized I wasnt really even using what I had. Need to stop and sit back
        Mar 16, 2019
    8. JayC
      Got my first ever piece of schiit! Thanks @m17xr2b
      1. rlow, Deep Funk, Syzygy and 2 others like this.
    9. JayC
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jinxy245
        I have been curious about them...an IEM over ear hybrid should have excellent isolation at the very least.
        Nov 4, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Hrodulf
        These IEM's don't really fit as proper ones, it's a very shallow fit. Also the bass is enhanced by a motion feedback driver of some sort. Surprisingly enough, the isolation wasn't that good, compared to say the newest Sony cans. That ear measurement gimmick did improve the sound, but I can't really tell how much it was due to a measurement and how much due to a nasty EQ default setting.
        Nov 4, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. Jinxy245
        Sounds even more gimmicky than I thought. If i get a chance to try them, what the heck, but otherwise I think I'll pass.
        Nov 4, 2018
    10. JayC
      People with no headphone jack phones - do you go Bluetooth or get a usb c to 3.5mm converter?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. WNovizar
        I do LDAC, since all Android phones with Oreo has it. Using MUC-M2BT1 connected to XBA-N3
        Oct 9, 2018
      3. FatBurritoEater
        I use Radsone EarStudio ES-100 with my Pixel XL (LDAC bluetooth). I think it sounds better than the headphone jack w/ my Andromeda. The thing is impressively small, which I find to be convenient.
        Oct 9, 2018
      4. JayC
        Frig it, this is too much work to plug in headphones. I'm gonna buy the older model with the headphone jack. Its on discount too :)
        Oct 10, 2018
        Elnrik and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    11. JayC
      Need a little advice here - I cant seem to get my svs sb12 sub to extend anywhere near it's rated limit.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Elnrik
        Have you fed it the souls of 5 virgin trebleheads? If not, try it and report back please.
        Apr 17, 2018
        JayC likes this.
      3. fraggler
        Any updates? I was thinking of getting one of these if more stock is found.
        May 1, 2018
      4. JayC
        Well, i think i had issues with the measurement setup i was using (so even a nearfield measurement right up to the cone wouldn't help me figure anything out), because I went by ear and to me the roll off sounded like it began at 41Hz so I guess that's not too bad but I can only tell how things change when I try it in another room which I haven't had the time to do.
        May 1, 2018
        fraggler likes this.
    12. JayC
      OMFG. Subwoofer = best decision ever.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fraggler
        Which did you get? Nvm. Saw your previous post.
        Apr 13, 2018
        JayC likes this.
      3. drgumbybrain
        Sub with headphones? O.O
        Apr 13, 2018
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Apr 14, 2018
    13. JayC
      Not sure there's a thread for this: I'm going to be getting an SVS SB12NSD and wanted to enjoy it by limiting annoyance to the neighbours..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        Yeah i dont expect things to be easy, but so far I've only had one of my two neighbors complain once, and that was when the music was so loud that I literally said "sorry, gimme a minute I can't hear you over the music" when she came by to complain :p

        So yeah, I'm trying to make sure I never really start the complaints, it's always the case that once that gate opens up there's no going back.
        Apr 12, 2018
        LetMeBeFrank likes this.
      3. Cspirou
        Good luck with blocking out 20 Hz. I think using sand is probably the only way to go, and highly impractical.
        Apr 13, 2018
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Yeah I'm looking to minimise, not completely block. Not going to spend that much effort. Plus, most of my audio is music (rock/metal/jazz/etc) so I dont expect to be putting out waves that low
        Apr 13, 2018
    14. JayC
      Anyone have experience with receiving money via PayPal Friend/family and then the person attempting a chargeback from their CC company?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        It seems either way has issues based on what I've seen/heard. Pay the fee and they usually side with the seller.. Use the gift payment method with a CC, they do a chargeback and PayPal just takes the money from you to give it back to them
        Apr 5, 2018
      3. JayC
        To give context - this just happened to a friend who shipped an amplifier from the Netherlands to someone in Eastern Europe. Because it smelled a little scammy we thought it was safest going the gift route in case they made a false claim but apparently not.
        Apr 5, 2018
      4. %20 Oddity
        %20 Oddity
        Paypal will almost always side with the sender of money during a gift dispute. Or, well, that's what a lot of furry artist drama taught me.

        Also, getting "gift money" on regular intervals (as in, not using business transactions for business) will result in a swift investigation closure.
        Apr 6, 2018
    15. JayC
      Wow, Steven Wilson really does a good live show! Second time I've seen him and I'm left impressed yet again
      1. Elnrik likes this.
      2. Elnrik
        Was he doing his own stuff, Blackfield, or Porcupine Tree?
        Mar 7, 2018
      3. JayC
        Own stuff and PT! And a decent amount of it too.. i didn't look at the setlist before the concert on purpose so i was happily surprised
        Mar 7, 2018
    16. JayC
      Super curious why the price of the BW-ES1 went up 33% since last week.. Is this variation normal on banggood/aliexpress?
      1. JayC
        Not that 3 euros (9 -> 12 euros) is a deal breaker, I'm just surprised about such a large relative variation
        Feb 26, 2018
      2. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Irrespective of the price it sounds just crap. Mods do tighten the bass but midrange onwards it sounds really bad.
        Of all cheap options only ksc75 has sounded worthy .
        Feb 26, 2018
      3. JayC
        hmm, well I already ordered them a week ago along with the sorbothane and everything so lets see. Worst case, its a waste of 20 euros and mod time
        Feb 26, 2018
    17. JayC
      Anyone here have a cheap Bluetooth speaker suggestion under €50? Need it to break the silence when alone at the gym downstairs..
      1. Vansen
        Anker soundcore.
        Feb 13, 2018
        imackler, JayC and fraggler like this.
      2. Melvillian
        Bought a JBL Clip for my mom a couple of years ago and she loves it. It sounds pretty good for it’s size
        Feb 13, 2018
        powermatic likes this.
      3. JayC
        Thanks for the recommendations, guys! Picked up the anker, it's actually pretty decent for the money
        Feb 20, 2018
    18. JayC
      Bought a 43" TV, but one HDMi port didnt work. Took it back to the store and they replaced it with a 55" by mistake..
      1. Lenroot77 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JayC
        I'm hoping I run into the same guy at the service desks, so that neither of us have issues
        Jan 26, 2018
      4. Kattefjaes
        Yeah, Amazon got pretty confused when I told them that they'd sent me an extra Raspberry Pi plus case, PSU etc. by mistake at one point.

        @jayeshrc - wow, you're a patient man. all credit to you!
        Jan 26, 2018
      5. JayC
        all done, got my 43" back, and a 20 euro gift card for being honest and bringing the TV back to the store :)
        Jan 26, 2018
        Merrick and captkirk like this.
    19. JayC
      Speakers stands? Check. Room treatment panels? On the way! Thank you cryptocurrency :D
      1. 9suns, brencho and Riotvan like this.
      2. Riotvan
        Be sure to post some pics :)
        Jan 10, 2018
        JayC likes this.
      3. JayC
        its going to be messy in my somewhat awkward 1-room studio apartment, but definitely!
        Jan 10, 2018
        Riotvan likes this.
      4. JayC
        The stands forced me to place the speakers further apart and closer to the listening position with a lot of toe in (i have a desk between them), which i thought would be utter shite.. but no. The imaging is amazing! I havent heard these speakers do this ever. Just wow
        Jan 10, 2018
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    20. JayC
      Pretty cool how I never had any audiophile friends before.. And then today at work I overhear 3 guys talking about dacs and amps!
      1. Dino, Deep Funk, Case and 1 other person like this.
      2. JayC
        Now I need to move them towards the good stuff. One guy's insanely proud of his new Centrance dac :/
        Nov 21, 2017
        Riotvan likes this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Portable: Shuoer S12

    Couch: Saga -> Vidar -> Graham LS6f

    Digital: Pi2AES -> Modi MB -> "Couch"
    Vinyl: Clearaudio Concept w/ Nagaoka MP110 -> Darlington MP-7 -> "Couch"