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Jun 1, 1974 (Age: 50)
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Measurbator - Admin, Male, 50, from Irvine CA

Staff Member Pyrate MZR

If anyone is interested in an SR1 Audio Analyzer, long term loan or purchase. Let me know. I don't use it. All proceeds donated to SBAF :) Feb 9, 2024

ultrabike was last seen:
Feb 27, 2024
    1. Thad E Ginathom
      Thad E Ginathom
      Whenever I see your thread, I think, "A sensitive speaker needs a sensitive listener!" :)
      1. Ardacer and Jalsar like this.
    2. ultrabike
      For BWC folks. BC25SC08-04 (Peerless) + Alpha-6CBMRA (Eminence) + GW-1258 (Goldwood) might be a match in heaven.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultrabike
        That Vifa/Peerless semihorn silk tweet I noted above can do 99 and one may still need to tone it down a little for the 15" Pro Kappalite.
        Mar 1, 2019
      3. ultrabike
        LOL! I think the Kappalite even has a heat sink!
        Mar 1, 2019
      4. atomicbob
        I know you mean 200 Liter but it made me laugh to think of a 200 litter box - my god man, that is one damn big cat.
        Mar 1, 2019
    3. ultrabike
      f**k! Where did my deductions go!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        Dear serf: we know you would just waste money on frivolous items such as food, shelter, health care so we have revised the system such that money goes where it is really needed; luxury items for the 0.001%.
        Feb 10, 2019
        Azimuth, dark_energy, Lyander and 6 others like this.
      3. Cspirou
        I've been reading a bunch of tweets addressed to Trump saying "WTF?! I'm paying $4000 in taxes and I voted for you!?!"
        Feb 10, 2019
        Azimuth and ultrabike like this.
      4. Biodegraded
        Ah, right, tax time; I first thought you were having an Einstein moment but I see it was more likely an IRS one.
        Feb 10, 2019
        Syzygy and ultrabike like this.
    4. ultrabike
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jinxy245
        Listening to a recording of speakers is something I have zero experience with...I have no idea how it translates, how much of a difference the mic, positioning, SPL (how closely do they need to be matched?) come into play. That's where my distrust comes from.
        Feb 10, 2019
      3. Jinxy245
        I meant the above as a compliment. Having heard the RF7 yourself probably helps, at least it would give me something to correlate what I'm hearing.

        I honestly never would have thought there was much of value in a recording of speakers until your post. That's why I initially asked if you were being sarcastic...it was true curiosity.

        My bad for not trying to be more clear since you don't know where I'm coming from.
        Feb 10, 2019
      4. ultrabike
        Don't worry. Yes. It's not the same thing as the real deal. But it gives one some idea, specially if two speakers are recorded the same way and one is familiar with one. IMO.
        Feb 10, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    5. ultrabike
      So f**k. Turns out my HDHomeRun tuners are too old and not supported by Kodi, so can't use them w Nvidia Shield. They work with WMC :(
      1. OldDude04 and dark_energy like this.
      2. LetMeBeFrank
        Damn. I'm assuming you tried the official HDHomeRun add-on for Kodi? There is also an unofficial one that might work with older stuff.
        Jan 29, 2019
      3. ultrabike
        There is an HDHomeRun Lite deal but I was not able to get it to work. I was able to get WMC going on my laptop flawless though. Will see... Maybe I'll get another HDHomeRun gizmo. But I don't want to. I hate planned obsolescence.
        Jan 29, 2019
        LetMeBeFrank likes this.
    6. ultrabike
      Love the Nvidia Shield! Just got it setup and ready. Maybe tomorrow I'll add the PVR tuners. Awesome device.
      1. Imraan
        Yeah we love them, really good ongoing support from nvidia. Great for plex, all connected streaming etc. Ended up with four (!)...
        Jan 28, 2019
        ultrabike likes this.
    7. ultrabike
      Shit! I didn't know Paul Klipsch got his EE degree from NMSU. NMSU is UTEPs main rival, and it's like 30 min away from west side ELP.
      1. ultrabike
        And holy crap! He graduated from El Paso High!
        Jan 23, 2019
      2. ultrabike
        I wanna Forte III even more now.
        Jan 23, 2019
        JK47 and Cspirou like this.
      3. crazychile
        I sold truckloads of Forte 2s back in the day. Never heard a F3. As an option, I bet if you picked up a used pair of 2s you could hotrod those to meet or exceed the 3s. Paul Klipsch was a genius.
        Jan 24, 2019
        ultrabike likes this.
    8. ultrabike
      Today I read somewhere that class A was the sex cuz no crossover distortion. Note the operating region of a device is approximately linear.
      1. ultrabike
        So no, there is still distortion. Particularly compression can occur. So even in the absence of cross over distortion, the system can be made more linear with some negative feedback.
        Jan 15, 2019
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      2. ultrabike
        Past the operating region, shit will hit the fan though.
        Jan 15, 2019
    9. ultrabike
      Wow! LOL!!!! A selectable load from @schiit just showed up. LOL! Measurebator's Best Friend!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Priidik
        Jan 10, 2019
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      3. schiit
        I figured you might find it useful, it’s too much of a pain in the butt to mess around with clip leads and external loads...and it also allows you to use a headphone as a load. We use these boards internally, so I figured we should build some up and share them. Marv and AtomicBob got boards too.
        Jan 10, 2019
      4. atomicbob
        I did? Not yet I guess. And here I was hoping for a super secret new atomic DAC helmet.
        Jan 10, 2019
        ultrabike likes this.
    10. ultrabike
      Back in OC :)
    11. ultrabike
      @fraggler... Done (custom title). Can't access PMs at the moment for some reason.
      1. fraggler
        Thanks! Yeah, getting 403 errors on PMs.
        Nov 7, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
    12. ultrabike
      Seems 2i2 DAC outputs are good, both balanced and unbalanced (away from clip). Headamp is mediocre (as heard). More SR1 learning needed.
      1. ultrabike
        Looking at 100 dB THD+N balanced full scale, and about 98 dB THD+N unbalanced a bit shy of full scale (onset of clip). Headamp is more like 77 dB or so. This correlates well with what I heard. I drove higher end headamps with the 2i2 DAC, and it becomes apparent that the headamp is limiting performance. Somewhat of a haze. Lack of clarity. It's not that bad though considering all that one gets.
        Nov 3, 2018
        westermac, atomicbob and Lyander like this.
    13. ultrabike
      SR1 in the house thx to Jason & Mike. Will do some tests this weekend :)
      1. atomicbob
        Oct 23, 2018
      2. schiit
        Enjoy! (I hope the interface doesn't drive you too crazy.)
        Oct 23, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
      3. ultrabike
        Nah. I like that stuff. Like you said. It's BIG. May have to set shop in the garage for this one.
        Oct 23, 2018
    14. ultrabike
      Oh Shitznits! Prism Sound dScope M1 for $3395 MSRP
      1. View previous comments...
      2. schiit
        And I concur, more useful measurements would be welcome.
        Oct 16, 2018
      3. ultrabike
        You guys are awesome.
        Oct 16, 2018
      4. zerodeefex
        I support @ultrabike getting it. He's neurotic enough to go crazy with it.
        Oct 17, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
    15. ultrabike
      I love the song "Samidare" and everything Jiraiya represents.
    16. ultrabike
      1. Thad E Ginathom and Cspirou like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Anything further on this?
        Oct 11, 2018
    17. ultrabike
      Damit. Down with the flu it seems.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ardacer
        Me2. Get well soon.
        Oct 4, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
      3. JK47
        Just getting over mine, nasty one.
        Oct 4, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
      4. Jinxy245
        That sucks dude...I have a head cold kinda thing & I wanna cut out my sinuses. Feel better.
        Oct 4, 2018
        ultrabike likes this.
    18. Ardacer
      RS28F-4 + RS180-4? Appears to be almost perfect. Too good to be true. That tweeter is no longer around?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultrabike
        Just gave it a try: crossing the three tweeters. It is possible but I needed 3rd order all over, and not feeling confident about it. Proly best to keep it RST28F-4 + RS180-4, or if 3-way go for the 2" midrange.
        Sep 28, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
      3. ergopower
        How much do you really gain from the ND13FA-4? 16KHz is about it for me, so an RS180-4 & RST28x-4 would be really tempting. 11 litre sealed box for use with subs, and there's a shallow faceplate for the RST28x-4 that's only 3 1/4" tall, so could make a center channel with vertical alignment that's only 12" tall. Avoids the comb filtering of an MTM center
        Nov 15, 2018
      4. ultrabike
        It's not high frequency extension what you gain with the ND13FA-4. Is dispersion characteristics. A larger sweet spot (45 degree +) and a more omnidirectional response all the way to 16 kHz. In general, I don't like MTM configurations. But for center channels and practical considerations, sometimes it can't be helped.
        Nov 15, 2018
        ergopower likes this.
    19. ultrabike
      Man, that RS180-4 driver is all kinds of awesome in a 32 lt. No need for a sub with that. Salivating on an Amiga like build.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultrabike
        Yes. The DX25 can produce SPL down to a 1.5 kHz, but it is not recommended perhaps due to distortion and maybe resonant impedance. I did look at the RST28F-4 and it is the top contender for a 2-way design. It is not straight forward. The RS180-4 almost begs for a 3-way design with an RS52AN (ZDT3.5). But that would require some distance for driver integration. Still thinking about this.
        Sep 27, 2018
      3. ultrabike
        All that aside, I took a look at what can be done with an RS180-8 vs. an RS180-4. I like the RS180-4 a lot more than the RS180-8. It has lower compliance volume and can go down to 26-29 Hz with the COTS enclosure by Parts-Express cleanly. It fits like a globe and an incredible deal.
        Sep 27, 2018
      4. ultrabike
        Again. I agree with @Ardacer that the new RST28F-4 is the way to go for a 2-way design. With all the compromises, that and switching to the RS180-4 with some slight crossover modifications would likely yield a small step over the Amiga and Core 2-way. I like that better than the TRS-80. And it may integrate and play better than even the ZDT3.5. Hell, I'm actually thinking of 3-way with RST28F-4 + TD20F-4!
        Sep 27, 2018
        Ardacer likes this.
    20. ultrabike
      Man, I guess me and mooncake was not meant to be :(
      1. Case likes this.
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      3. fraggler
        I like a bite to two tops for nostalgia's sake since my mother is Chinese and I had them growing up, but old school Asian sweets just aren't my thing.
        Sep 24, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
      4. Lyander
        I reverse myself. The lotus seed ones are f'ing great and I'm tempted to eat the whole damn cake now.
        Sep 25, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
      5. ultrabike
        Unfortunately I got coconut with yolk that was too heavy and stink the whole kitchen, and a mixed nuts one that tasted like tightly packed fried rice.
        Sep 25, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
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  • About

    Jun 1, 1974 (Age: 50)
    Irvine CA