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Feb 15, 2025 at 12:36 PM
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Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
London, UK

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Friend, Male, 45, from London, UK


"He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling? Jan 20, 2025

wbass was last seen:
Viewing thread Yamaha YH5000SE orthodynamic headphones (HP-1 successor), Feb 15, 2025 at 12:36 PM
    1. wbass
      "He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling?
      1. Tchoupitoulas likes this.
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      3. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Anything D'agostino is untastefully ORFAS in my opinion (tries too hard to look like retro audio gear or luxury watches):

        Jan 20, 2025
        JK47, Thad E Ginathom and wbass like this.
      4. zottel
        @ChaChaRealSmooth I actually kinda like the look of the device on the front page. Green + bronze, nice. (Not that I’d ever buy such a thing, though.)
        Jan 21, 2025
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        The D'agostino is a bit better looking in person, to my eyes, but, yeah, the aesthetic isn't my thing. Seems very well made (or cased) anyway. I tend to like the utilitarian aesthetics of, say, Audio Research Corp.
        Jan 21, 2025
    2. wbass
      Picked up a ModWright LS 36.5 tube pre for $1k today. Very nice guy who's gone to a solid-state integrated and just wanted to move it along.
      1. zottel, MellowVelo and Riotvan like this.
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      3. wbass
        I was trying to get away from tubes, also, and into class A. But, on the other hand, I tend to like a certain fatness or wetness or dimensionality that tubes bring to the table, and there's an argument for pairing a tube pre with a solid-state power amp, so maybe that's what I'll look into.
        Jan 11, 2025
        Riotvan likes this.
      4. wbass
        The LS 36.5 only uses three tubes, so it's not a huge investment in glass either. I was initially looking for an amp I could leave on all day, but maybe that's not really class A either. It's not like Class A isn't a bit of a lifestyle choice also.
        Jan 11, 2025
        Riotvan likes this.
      5. Riotvan
        Well i think the sound quality is worth any “inconvenience “. I switched away from tubes as well but luckily i’m still very happy with the preamp i have(phonitor x). Though a modwright… well well well.
        Jan 11, 2025
        wbass likes this.
    3. wbass
      HD58X + Enleum a great pairing. Big $ differential, tho I got the amp used. SBAF didn't like the Bakoon, but Amp 23-R has been good to me.
      1. gaspasser, joch and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
      2. ilikebananafudge_
        I was on the Bakoon loaner and I wouldn't buy the Enleum based on my experience, but the most important thing in this hobby is enjoyment, so it doesn't matter what others think as long as you're enjoying your setup.
        Jan 10, 2025
      3. wbass
        I hear a lot of stuff differently than SBAF does, and I’m totally fine with that.
        Jan 10, 2025
      4. gaspasser
        There are some trusted ears that like the 23-R
        I’m glad you are enjoying it!
        Jan 10, 2025
        gsanger and wbass like this.
    4. wbass
      The recording (and performane) of Kahil El'Zabar and the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble's "All Blues" has really been blowing me away.
    5. wbass
      Guy on CAM using photos from a listing from a few weeks back. This is a scam, right? First listing:
      1. Gazny likes this.
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      3. JK47
        Ask for pic with today's newspaper
        Dec 15, 2024
        Tchoupitoulas, roshambo123 and wbass like this.
      4. Slade01
        The 2nd guy seems to have bought it from the 1st guy. You can tell as they left each other feedback on that item.
        Dec 15, 2024
      5. wbass
        I passed in the end. I already have an HM-7 based SUT. I would've liked to have tried the HM-3, but, oh, well. The guy was legit, and no hard feelings, it seems.
        Dec 16, 2024
        Slade01 likes this.
    6. wbass
      Tons of ear candy in the new Floating Points. Good bass workout, too.
    7. wbass
      Any amp suggestions for the ZMF VC? Maybe solid-state specifically. It’s hit and miss on my Phonitor. My Starlett still stuck in storage.
      1. theveterans likes this.
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      3. ilikebananafudge_
        I highly recommend DSHA-3F
        Dec 9, 2024
        wbass and joch like this.
      4. theveterans
        I remember trying out the VC on my Bifost 2 OG / Midgard stack that I brought on Rosson's former place back in Jan 2024 meet and thought it was pretty good for a SS amp. The VC warmth really pairs well with the neutrality of Midgard
        Dec 9, 2024
        wbass likes this.
      5. Cryptowolf
        I like my Phonitor X combined with any ZMF, but only after disabling the crossfeed and using HQPlayer embedded.
        Dec 30, 2024
        wbass likes this.
    8. wbass
      Didn’t buy a damn thing on Black Friday. Were there even any deals worth having? Anyone pick up anything?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        Stuff for most of my other hobbies usually only goes on sale 1-2x a year with one being BF. Got a decent but not huge amount of miscellaneous things I had been holding off on for a while.
        Dec 5, 2024
        Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      3. yotacowboy
        i bought 3 bags of salad. none were on sale.
        Dec 5, 2024
        joch and wbass like this.
      4. Mystic
        Picked up a couple bottles of bourbon. Would have picked them up at full price but I didn’t know they even had them until I saw the ad.
        Dec 5, 2024
    9. wbass
      Blast from the past. AKM4493 RME ADI-2 FS off ebay. Rec'd for HQPlayer. Should be fun to try DSD256 eventually. Also for an AIO for travel.
      1. zottel and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
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      3. wbass
        I really should experiment more with the Neo Stream and HQPlayer. I'm just not in a place right now where I have the computer set-up to be able to run any of the better settings. Hopefully some time within the next few months. But I'm just finding the Neo DAC un-engaging right now. It's annoying that iFi doesn't tell you which DAC it uses.
        Oct 22, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      4. wbass
        RME arrived the other day. It's actually the older AK4490 chip, but I guess most reports say there's not terribly much daylight between it and the 4493. It's kind of hard to know what you're getting buying secondhand, as the serials are confusing. Top plate is a bit scratched, and the dude sent it the most ludicrously unpadded box.
        Oct 24, 2024
      5. wbass
        But I got an okay price, and I'm not really in the mood to try a return, etc. And, well, having gotten it set up, it's immediately way better than the Neo Stream internal DAC. Now I have to work my way through the million options in the RME. Even volume settings aren't immediately obvious. Ha.
        Oct 24, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    10. wbass
      The LCD-4 rules. Dark/bassy Audeze old house sound with excellent resolution. It layers really well, too, esp. front to back. Bring it back!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rthomas
        Totally agree. Listen to Warriors Dance by Prodigy. The LCD-4 takes you there like almost no other headphone!
        Sep 24, 2024
        Tchoupitoulas and wbass like this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        Listened to mine the other night from the Mjolnir 3 and it was pure pleasure. I'm getting mine RD modded but there are moments like the other night when I remember that I like the stock one a great deal too.
        Sep 24, 2024
      4. roshambo123
        I'd own one if each cup wasn't carrying 80 lbs of magnets. They aught to include vouchers for a chiropractor
        Sep 24, 2024
        Ti_Leo likes this.
    11. wbass
      Where do the EC Super 7 and ECP Black Diamond sit in the amp hierarchy these days? How close to the DHSA-3F is the Black Diamond?
      1. wbass
        And the Super 7 is... around the quality of a DNA Starlett? Below? Just different?
        Sep 17, 2024
      2. purr1n
        Different. S7 is better than Starlett if you have the right OPT (there were two versions) and mods.
        Sep 17, 2024
        Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      3. wbass
        Cool. Thanks for that. How do you tell which version has which transformers? And which are considered preferable?

        I tried going back through the threads, but sort of lost track in all the talk of various mods.
        Sep 17, 2024
    12. wbass
      Audeze giveth & taketh away. LCD-4 driver died, somehow. Just from a crosstown move it seems. But... I'm reminded how good the iSine 20 are.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. wbass
        Hmm, this appears to have worked! As the rep suggested, it made a god-almighty crackle in the left driver, but it does seem to have unstuck, and sounds like it's back in action. No clue whether this would've degraded the driver. Hopefully, the LCD-4 drivers can take a bit of abuse.
        Sep 12, 2024
        zottel, Ti_Leo and Soups like this.
      4. wbass
        Back to running them with the Phonitor SE, a surprisingly good match, and the internal DAC in my iFi Neo Stream, which I don't care for, as I feel it sounds insipid. But I might try upsampling through HQP and see if that helps anything.
        Sep 12, 2024
      5. Ti_Leo
        Either the rep is really good at it, or Audeze knows about this for a long time, of course I take the latter. So glad to see they are back alive!!
        Sep 12, 2024
    13. wbass
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Aug 8, 2024
        wbass likes this.
      3. Slade01
        Aug 8, 2024
        roderickvd, Tchoupitoulas and wbass like this.
      4. wbass
        Yeah, I don't love bank transfer, but he lists it in all his ads (and annoyingly in this case, I can't to PayPal) as a preferred payment method. 1802 A'gon transactions and 99.5% positive. I think it's a reasonable risk, but wanted to check. A lot of folks seem to be going over to PayPal F&F and bank transfer. No doubt for tax reasons. In this case, I think it's fine. But I don't love the trend.
        Aug 8, 2024
        joch, Slade01 and Tchoupitoulas like this.
    14. wbass
      Longing dream comes true Flagship pedigree of exquisite sound
      1. joch likes this.
      2. wbass
        Courtesy of Luxman's website.
        Jul 30, 2024
        ilikebananafudge_ likes this.
      3. fraggler
        Missed opportunity for a haiku
        Jul 31, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    15. wbass
      Are there any trusted builders making KG Carbon 'stat amps for reasonable prices? Couldn't find an obvious existing thread on this.
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      2. MellowVelo
        Although I haven't used an electrostatic amp, I bought a Dynalo from Birgir and had a very positive experience. We had a lengthy email exchange prior to purchase, and he took care of me a couple of years later when the volume pot started having issues. Birgir sells a bunch of used amps on his site, including Tyll's old amp, which @Rthomas mentioned. That might be a place to start without breaking the bank.
        May 21, 2024
        wbass likes this.
      3. wbass
        I visit Mjolnir's used amp page often and have been mighty tempted. Still a fair spend over there. I think I got starry-eyed visions of a cheap DIY Carbon and a used pair of 007 for under $3k, which has gotten me tempted again. In my big TOTL-ish audition last year, including a visit to HeadAmp in C-Ville, I ended up not being sure if stats are for me.
        May 21, 2024
        MellowVelo likes this.
      4. wbass
        But I do see plenty of reports that 007 and 009(S) properly amped hang in there with or beat the Sus. And the X9000, in a brief audition, were just a detail monster. Basically, in casting around for something "different," I've got curious about stats again.
        May 21, 2024
    16. wbass
      Chatting w/ front desk person at gym and got onto LPs. Her: "Players are $400!" And I'm just about to spend way more than on a LP *cleaner.*
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I wondered at using the word "players." We never did. But I did an Oh-wait: we did call them "record players."
        Apr 21, 2024
        Sqveak and wbass like this.
    17. wbass
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SoupRKnowva
        yeah mscaler + Dave. HQP also offers a lot of tweaking potential to find the exact sound you want if you're into that
        Apr 2, 2024
        wbass likes this.
      3. wbass
        Yeah, just started experimenting with HQP. Solid results thus far. Dave + M Scaler prolly not in reach tho.
        Apr 2, 2024
      4. SoupRKnowva
        it might be interesting for me to compare just Dave vs the HQP'd May next time since the price there is more similar if you include the cost of the high end pc needed for the HQP
        Apr 2, 2024
    18. wbass
      Man, scammers everywhere these days, and they can be hard to spot. I got my money back via PayPal G&S, but it wasted a ton of time.
      1. joch
        The PayPal tax is for your safety. Friends don’t ask friends to do friends.
        Mar 30, 2024
        gsanger, wbass and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. Azimuth
        Yes, and yes. They have your money tied up for a month.
        Apr 1, 2024
    19. wbass
      Think I might have been scammed. Saw a Chord TT2 for a v good price on Kijiji (Canadian classifieds site). Did my due diligence, by asking
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      2. Tchoupitoulas
        I dealt with a dodgy dude on US Audio Mart not long ago and disputed the payment with PayPal after he ghosted me. I think I may have pdf'd email correspondence and included it in my dispute, not sure, but keep documentation, inc. the email bounce back.

        I got my money back fine, but it took 10 days after they gave him time to ship/respond. Sorry this is happening to you
        Mar 19, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Pocomo and wbass like this.
      3. wbass
        Thanks for sharing that experience. I feel this is definite confirmation to always use PayPal G&S, even with the people who seem to get all huffy when you even mention it. If this breaks my unbroken run of solid internet purchases, I'll be annoyed, but it's probably worth it for future gut checks.
        Mar 19, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. wbass
        It's just weird to me this this guy would bother to carry on a detailed, enthusiast-level conversation if he always attended to ghost me. Just odd.
        Mar 19, 2024
    20. wbass
      Well, I think I found a suitable flat here in London. It has an attic (loft they call it here) that can be converted to a room, and I think
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, atomicbob and 8 others like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Forest Gate has some lovely areas. Manor Park and Forest Gate overground are only about twenty minutes from Liverpool Street.

        The lizzie line is, I think, after my time.

        the North London Line, and it's eastern branch, used to be a little-used gem: it is now better known and offers all sorts of connectivity.
        Mar 12, 2024
        wbass likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I haven't set foot on Britain since 2019. And it's some years since I had the London tube network embroidered in my head. Now I stand with the other tourists, looking, puzzled, at the map
        Mar 12, 2024
        Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      5. zottel
        Slanted walls should actually be great as the waves are reflected into different directions and cannot as easily build up resonances. I think. :) Anyway, my attic is the best room I have, acoustically, by far. Rather too dry than prone to resonance.
        Mar 12, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom and wbass like this.
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    Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    London, UK