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Resident Crash Test Dummy, Male, from Eindhoven


Struggling with my tonearm/cart oscillating on a blank record. No amount of VTF/antiskating adjustment seems to help.. Mar 11, 2023

JayC was last seen:
Feb 4, 2025
    1. JayC
      Seems like the forum needs a spam button for conversations. @yunilmeena64 needs to be banned
      1. Lyander likes this.
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Aug 7, 2021
        JayC and Lyander like this.
      3. Merrick
        There is a spam button for conversations, hit “report”. That’s what I did.
        Aug 7, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
    2. JayC
      Acoustic panels are here! Looking forward to hearing what they can do to my room
      1. yotacowboy
        Post up some pics!
        Jun 2, 2021
        Cryptowolf and JayC like this.
      2. JayC
        Definitely, got to borrow a drill to get two panels on the wall and then I'll post up pictures. This weekend most likely :)
        Jun 2, 2021
        yotacowboy likes this.
    3. Snappy
      Hi JayC, is your Sledge STA-400D still available? Mine just stopped working. The light is on but there's no sound
    4. JayC
      Anyone else watching karnivool live (stream) today?
      1. JayC
        I'm watching the EU show and I'm loving it! So freaking happy to see them live.

        Hopefully see them live for real next year
        May 12, 2021
      2. rott
        Dammit, didn't know about it and missed it! Love the Sound Awake album.
        May 14, 2021
      3. JayC
        It was really good! I saw a post on reddit that some people managed to save the stream, maybe you could check that out?
        May 14, 2021
    5. JayC
      I've got the number of the beast on my account \m/
      1. Riotvan
        Aaaand… it’s gone. Go 1337 or go home.
        May 10, 2021
        Lyander and JayC like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        668 --- The number of the beast's neighbour
        May 10, 2021
    6. JayC
      Its sad that Qobuz doesnt sync across platforms. With Spotify I can "listen on" my PS4 (to 2 channel) via my phone, dynamically.
      1. JayC
        Guess i need to get a Pi2AES sooner for something like this? Or a similar streamer
        Apr 29, 2021
        Michael Kelly likes this.
      2. loadexfa
        I don't have Spotify so I'm not totally clear on what you're doing but you can definitely play music via a Pi2AES from your phone or computer. I also use Qobuz and have been happy with it overall.
        Apr 29, 2021
        JayC and Michael Kelly like this.
      3. JayC
        Good to hear! I've got a wtb ad up for a little while already, I'm hoping someone pops up with a unit in the EU, I'm a bit done with paying customs for everything
        Apr 29, 2021
        loadexfa likes this.
    7. JayC
      Forte 3s arrived.. And are going back. They had been opened for a 2 hour demo and were sold me as new, but they've got scratches and dents.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Inoculator
        All helpful info! I know the Fortes are going to be a pretty wild departure for me from the BBC sound with the LS3/5A, but I think the character you describe will be perfect for my living room setup. Will be rare I really sit down in the sweet spot and just listen, more like wanting captivating background music. I am just going crazy trying to figure out what electronics I want to drive/feed them.
        Mar 30, 2021
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        How do you like the LS3/5A? I'd considered the LS6 for a while but then decided to go down the bigger woofer path.

        It looks like I'm out of luck finding a new pair of the Forte 3 in walnut here. The only options are that I switch to black ash (which im not a fan of) or wait for the Forte 4 (which is above my price range at the moment).
        Apr 2, 2021
      5. Inoculator
        @JayC I love the LS3/5A for my small room/nearfield setup. They are a bit picky about placement/stands/chain, but once you get them dialed in, nothing like them. In my small space I don't mind the bass rolloff below 70hz. LS6 was going to be my living room purchase, until new house had a big living room, so started thinking Fortes.
        Apr 2, 2021
    8. JayC
      Klipsch Forte 3 on the way! Big change from the Special 40, but I wanted something more involving. Very excited :D
      1. crazychile, Boops, Syzygy and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JayC
        @rlow, yes that's it for digital. Got some room for improvement with the MB, but I'll take it up in some time.
        Analog is clearaudio concept (with nag mp110) + Mani, but soon will be the top end of the Darlington labs line
        Mar 29, 2021
      4. JayC
        @Inoculator, I thought you already bought them! I'm pretty excited too. I heard them at the dealer but at home is going to be a whole other ballgame. It's going to take me a while with positioning and burn in..
        Mar 29, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      5. Inoculator
        @JayC plan on purchasing after I get settled post-move (moving end of April). I actually decided to put in a Zu Dirty Weekend order as I have always been curious about the sound, and should be a nice little intro a more aggressive, high-efficiency sound, and have similar amp needs as the klipsch stuff. Will see if I decide to keep the Zu after 60 days for a different setup.
        Mar 29, 2021
        JayC likes this.
    9. JayC
      Holy **********, the HD6XX KISS has been giving me ear/mindgasms every single day.
      1. sheldaze, obsiCO, Cryptowolf and 6 others like this.
    10. JayC
      Halfway through Snyder's cut. Character development is better (it is 4 hours long..) but the CGI is terrible..
      1. tommytakis
        CGI is miles better than Whedon version though... remember that fake superman mouth to cover up Henry Cavill’s mustache?
        Mar 21, 2021
      2. JayC
        yeah, it wasnt perfect. But this feels very tacky most of the time, definitely doesnt feel like something I wouldve found impressive 4 years ago either.
        Mar 22, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    11. JayC
      Keith from Darlington Labs is happy to send one of their phono preamps to the EU for a loaner tour!
      1. Gazny and StageOne like this.
      2. JayC
        I'm trying to figure out two things:
        1. is @MrButchi still active on the community? Or is someone else the new gear master in the EU?
        2. Which of the Darlington products would most people be interested in loaning? MM3 / MM5 / MM6?
        Feb 13, 2021
    12. JayC
      Would someone in the US be willing to receive the damplifier sample pack and post the parts I need from it to me (in an envelope)?
    13. JayC
      Anyone out here can help me with some Dynamat/Damplifier? Want to mod my headphones but the smallest piece I can buy costs over 100 Euro :/
      1. Syzygy likes this.
      2. spwath
        I was going to say I can, but it sounds like you are in Europe. I'm in the us, but I've got a lot of extra, and could check on the shipping cost
        Jan 20, 2021
      3. Syzygy
        I have a little. It can be put in an envelope and posted, I have no idea at what cost.
        Jan 20, 2021
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Thanks, that would be great (if its not something insane to post in an envelope)! I sent you a PM
        Jan 20, 2021
    14. JayC
      Was intending to get a headphone that sounded good for WFH music and gaming.. Ended up saying f**k gaming and ordered a 6XX. *facepalm*
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sqveak
        I still stand by the smaller biodynamics as worthwhile options on a budget. Their party trick is sounding larger and more spacious then their cups would suggest. I use mine for handheld gaming but have not tried out of a PS4 controller. The affordable ones are the Creative Aurvana Live! and Massdrop x E-MU Purpleheart.
        Dec 22, 2020
      3. Sqveak
        Are you speakers near your TV? That Modi Multibit of yours is just begging to be hooked up to your console. It takes just one cable! and a loving and understanding missusC.
        Dec 22, 2020
      4. JayC
        Lets take this conversation to the chat, its easier without the character limit :)
        Dec 22, 2020
    15. JayC
      Looking for a gaming headphone that I can also use when working at home for music. Didn't want to spend more than about 200€. Suggestions?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sqveak
        Some downsides:
        -None of these have microphones.
        -The bigger Fostex cans have thick cables that can get in the way unless you custom cable them.
        -The smaller Purpleheart may be better suited to portable duties.

        The larger cans are vented closed backs that stage more like they are semi-open but the newer (current) Denons are closed. I have yet to hear the new Denons so I might be off base here.
        Dec 12, 2020
        JayC likes this.
      3. dubharmonic
        Do you really need something new? I use all of my headphones with a Blue Yeti mic without any trouble.
        Dec 12, 2020
      4. JayC
        Dec 12, 2020
        dubharmonic and LetMeBeFrank like this.
    16. JayC
      Bought a Bose 700 on Black Friday, mainly for the noise cancelation and work from home, etc. Very underwhelming sound, pretty decent NC
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        I didn't bother switching between the two when I decided not to keep them, because I knew the Bose wouldn't stand a chance. I'm the type of person that would accept a bit of discomfort or extra effort to get good sound (I guess that's why I listen to Vinyl too). So I don't mind using my wired IEMs for work and having to take them out 20 times a day than keep the Boses
        Dec 8, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. JayC
        Having said that, the Boses are comfortable, they cancel noise well, I like the touch controls and so on. If you've got the use case and need the NC/wireless I wouldn't tell you to turn them down (the Sony XM3 was just boomy and uncomfortable).

        They just didn't feel worth 240€.. for me.
        Dec 8, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Thanks for that.
        Dec 8, 2020
        JayC likes this.
    17. JayC
      Never watched The Room before, just watched the RiffTrax version and thought it was pretty decent. Couldnt watch the original for sure
      1. crazychile likes this.
      2. Merrick
        I have seen that movie more times than I can count. I discovered it during its initial tiny run in Los Angeles, where Tommy Wiseau was basically running it at random screening rooms for curious people. Despite the fact that at this point no one had heard about the movie, even then there was already a core audience who loved it for how bad it is. I quickly joined their ranks.
        Sep 16, 2020
        JayC and crazychile like this.
      3. JayC
        Yeah, I watched the disaster artist I can totally see why people love it for how bad it is. Its actually a comedy and im probably going to watch the original this weekend haha
        Sep 18, 2020
    18. Pogo
      Milking this for all it's worth?
      1. JayC and Cakecake like this.
    19. JayC
      Wait, what? When did I become a friend?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cspirou
        Long overdue
        Sep 14, 2020
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Pogo
        Did you get the utube link for the secret handshake?
        Sep 14, 2020
      4. JayC
        Sep 15, 2020
        Pogo likes this.
    20. JayC
      Building my system up again, slowly. Do you guys have a recommendation for interconnects in the EU (€20-50 per cable)?
      1. MichaeLeroy likes this.
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      3. MichaeLeroy
        If the Schiit Pyst RCAs are any indication, Straightwire is of good quality and not super expensive. Their dealer network includes a few in the EU; might be worth a look.
        May 27, 2020
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Thanks! I'll check these out. I'm up for doing it myself too, Corona or not
        May 28, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      5. JayC
        Chose to order some Canare L-4E6S cables and Neutrik NF2 CB-2 connectors, after a shit ton of down the rabbit hole reading. Straightwire was way too expensive when I spoke to them and asked for recommendations. Thanks for the suggestions, guys!
        Jun 3, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Portable: Shuoer S12

    Couch: Saga -> Vidar -> Graham LS6f

    Digital: Pi2AES -> Modi MB -> "Couch"
    Vinyl: Clearaudio Concept w/ Nagaoka MP110 -> Darlington MP-7 -> "Couch"