Sep 26, 2018
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Mar 1, 1990 (Age: 34)

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Friend, formerly known as fp627, Male, 34, from SouthernCA


Feeler thread is up for possible socal meet this fall / winter. Sep 3, 2024

    1. penguins
      Feeler thread is up for possible socal meet this fall / winter.
      1. theveterans likes this.
      2. penguins
      3. YMO
        Depends if you lend me your bed.
        Sep 3, 2024
    2. penguins
      Do "pro audio" SE / RCA cables eventually "go bad"? i.e. lose the ability to reject or block noise, become noisy, etc.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        It’s a Friday night and this is what you are posting?
        Jun 15, 2024
        k4rstar likes this.
      3. penguins
        Says a top 10 by post count poster lololololol.

        But for real now, full week and weekend, loaner coming to end, still had to troubleshoot before listening + impressions.
        Jun 17, 2024
      4. YMO
        Sure Fugu
        Jun 17, 2024
    3. YMO
      Your new name is Fugu.
      1. JK47 likes this.
      2. YMO
        Jun 17, 2024
    4. penguins
      Not sure where to post this but can any French or EU members explain - how can National Assembly be dissolved just b/c a "other" party won?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        So nothing changed in the French parliament itself, but I read this morning that government is already a minority party.

        Ooooh... I guess we're not supposed to be talking about politics, now! Perhaps... if we pretend that we're *really* talking about the acoustics of national assembly buildings???
        Jun 10, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. Biodegraded
        Jun 10, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Cspirou
        it dates back to Napoleon. and sometimes it backfires on the president when the new body actually increases the opposition party
        Jun 10, 2024
        penguins, Priidik and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    5. penguins
      Anyone using qobuz have an excessive number of "logged in on another device" errors lately?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crenca
        I think it was Sunday night it (in Roon) was giving me an error with it, but I ignored it and it was normal the next day…sorry no help
        May 15, 2024
      3. crenca
        Oh, I second the suggestion to change ur password …
        May 15, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. penguins
        Changed pw hopefully it works. However, I did notice that even after changing my pw other devices still stayed logged in for quite a while.

        Also a quick google search that I should have done earlier said this was a common error a year or so ago even on several trial accounts...
        May 15, 2024
    6. penguins
      Still find it odd how we can so easily spend $$$$ on some hobbies and be so hesitant to spend $ on other, likely more valuable things.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, atomicbob and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penguins
        So even in this hobby I've had a Holo May at the bottom of my wants list for more than a year or two. Still can't bring myself to buy it even used at a good price knowing it will retain at least 50% value.

        At the same time, I REALLY needed to refresh my wardrobe and have already spent more on clothes and shoes, which I don't like buying, than a used May would have cost.
        May 8, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. penguins
        Also read something (unverified) that the average American buys new underwear once every 5 or so years. Yet a lot of people have no problem spending $100 drinking on a night out or $1000 on new audio gear, car stuff, vacation (probably with said old underwear), etc.
        May 8, 2024
      5. YMO
        So size up your undies @penguins after getting KBBQ.
        May 9, 2024
    7. penguins
      Anyone else have driver exertion issues on a HD650/6xx before? This is at low volume, under 9 o'clock, on a few small amps.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        What are you hearing? If it’s some kind of buzzing it might be a hair touching the diaphragm.
        Apr 19, 2024
        JK47 and Lyander like this.
      3. penguins
        It's buzzing that sounds exactly like the Focal driver exertion issue to me, but here it's only happening at about mids and higher. Low mids and below it's fine.

        Happening on Piety, Vali2+, and a few small amps my friend had when he borrowed them for a few hours. Not happening with SW51 and Stellaris.

        Investigated amp power source by swapping sockets around and removing stuff from surge protector to no avail.
        Apr 20, 2024
      4. penguins
        Turns out it's most likely a weird power issue I'll have to investigate further.

        Sometimes audio is so. much. fun.
        Apr 21, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    8. penguins
      Desktop speaker comparison finished earlier this week. Neutral monitors for near-field and colored speakers in bigger room or vice versa?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rlow
        Neutral is going to work better with more gear. Coloured, if v-shaped, better for low level listening as @Armaegis mentioned.
        Feb 15, 2024
        penguins likes this.
      3. Gazny
        If you got the cash maybe the Dutch & Dutch Bacch
        Feb 15, 2024
      4. penguins
        Decision has been made!
        Feb 15, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom, Qildail and rlow like this.
    9. penguins
      Informal desktop speaker shootout started earlier today. Enjoying this more than expected.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        porn under a wanderin' star.

        On the desktop.
        Feb 8, 2024
      3. Cryptowolf
        My partner is in the market for desktop speakers so I'm invested in whatever you share. Thanks
        Feb 9, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. penguins
    10. penguins
      Socal people - if I were to arrange one meet in 2024, would most of you prefer spring or fall?
      1. penguins
        Nov 29, 2023
      2. YMO
        Fall is good chance I could fly and see you sweet cheeks.
        Nov 30, 2023
    11. penguins
      These new ankle biter mosquitos just don't quit.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rlow
        Remedy: Socks + Sandals.

        Bonus: Major coolness factor.
        Nov 14, 2023
      4. Collusion
        I don't like chihuahuas either
        Nov 14, 2023
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I'm usually bare-foot in the house. Socks would not be cooler.

        Chihuahuas (Gosh, is the really how it spelt? It seems so) might eat a few mossies.
        Nov 14, 2023
    12. penguins
      Florida crew - hurricane touching down here in a few days. Been a while since I've been through one - what are some things to prepare?
      1. gsanger likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. YMO
        Virgins, @penguins the Autist lives in LA. It is going to be a shitshow regardless. He keep saying to me on private video calls nude that he doesn’t wanna be a Florida Man. Well guess what! He will have to turn into one!
        Aug 18, 2023
      4. penguins
        Sounds like I have the basics covered then.

        @gsanger - Didn't know about the attic - I'll keep that in mind.

        Don't think FEMA or whatever alphabet agency has a hurricane plan in place for southern CA though. Like how Lousiana probably doesn't have anything in place for earthquakes or wildfires.
        Aug 18, 2023
      5. penguins
        Seeing the roads here after heavy rains though (10+ years ago) - I suspect most people won't be able to go anywhere once the weather gets bad.
        Aug 18, 2023
    13. RubyTiger
      Hi, help a friend out? I bought a used wavelight and have been trying to pair it with my dna stratus. I just discovered the review/impressions here and see there is an issue. That was with the Stellaris but the dna amp's are built much the same. Do you know if a fix was ever found? I'm thinking of trying a balanced to se convertor but not sure if that's what's needed.
      1. penguins
        Sorry - I didn't end up with a WL and haven't been following along with the WL / WD so I can't give a good answer.

        However, anecdotally, I have used other WD without issue on various amps since then and all of the amps worked on the various WD without issue.
        Jul 11, 2023
        Jinxy245 and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. loadexfa
        Do you have a link to the issue you're referencing? I've used a WaveDream SE with my V3 Stratus and it was a fabulous combo, worked without any issues. (Yes I realize the WaveDream is not the WaveLight).
        Jul 11, 2023
    14. penguins
      Goodbye my sweet unicorn
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        Ya I have a rough idea in mind for the replacement. DIY-ish project for fun - may be great, may be a total waste of time and money, but that's much later.
        May 23, 2023
      3. YMO
        Stop being a virgin
        May 23, 2023
      4. gixxerwimp
        Crap, I wish you'd put it up FS here and I was the first to see it. No plans to upgrade anything, but woulda snatched that in a second.
        May 23, 2023
    15. penguins
      Apparently today is World Penguin Day.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Pingu cartoons coming up.
        Apr 25, 2023
      3. CEE TEE
        Apr 25, 2023
        caute and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. YMO
        And fat people day as well
        Apr 26, 2023
    16. penguins
      Should post in food thread but more traffic here: any canned tuna brands in the US that are not twice-cooked and is still ethically fished?
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. YMO
        @penguins discovering the one with the Shamu.
        Mar 11, 2023
      4. JK47
        I canned my own tuna with one of these...
        I got 8 canned wide mouth pint jars of yummy Blue Fin Tuna, half in olive oil, the other half in water. I preferred the olive oil as it kept the tuna moister I think
        Mar 11, 2023
        penguins likes this.
      5. penguins
        @bixby it's only on occasion, not regularly. regardless, properly canned tuna is still delicious with certain foods beyond "tuna sandwich". and yes, i have other canned seafood too for "other dishes".
        Mar 11, 2023
    17. penguins
      Yamaha 5000 - Anyone else have thoughts on it? I found it kind of ehhhhh but I can't 100% rule out the chain I demo'd on.
    18. penguins
      Aside from the 110ohm spec on AES cables, is there a significant difference between a AES/EBU cable and a "normal" XLR interconnect?
      1. JK47 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Vansen
        @CEE TEE and I accidentally used a pair of AES/ EBU cable when setting up an amp at one of our houses recently. We couldn't get the system to sound right and gave up. When breaking it down, I noticed the cables were AES/ EBU. Swapping over to normal cables fixed the off-sound.
        Feb 1, 2023
      4. penguins
        @YMO - give me some free money and I could just blind buy all the cables instead of double checking this stuff on SBAF
        Feb 1, 2023
        YMO likes this.
      5. YMO
        No @penguins I'll give you money for hookers.
        Feb 2, 2023
        JK47 likes this.
    19. penguins
      Just can't get into the music tonight :(
      1. GuySmiley'sMonkey
        Don't force it. Come back later.
        Jan 15, 2023
        Qildail, Jinxy245, sheldaze and 2 others like this.
      2. YMO
        Cause you didn't call me last night.
        Jan 17, 2023
    20. penguins
      Feds debating banning gas stoves.... RRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE level maximum
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      2. gixxerwimp
      3. penguins
        Meanwhile the developing world has 4-6x as many people (depending on definition) with near 0 regulations (in practice) about how they can cook and heat their food...

        In b4 developed world has more carbon footprint anyways - yes we do, but I bet it's not due to our use of gas stoves... and would a ban really fix much of anything?
        Jan 13, 2023
      4. penguins
        I also wonder if this is going to negatively impact health in the long run in terms of how things are able to be cooked and having to have (even) more processed foods which will probably hurt more than a marginal amount of gas stove pollution.

        But IDK and maybe this is a bit of a stretch.
        Jan 13, 2023
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  • About

    Mar 1, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Gear List:
    PC or pi2aes to:
    DAC: Yggdrasil A2 // Holo Spring 2 L2 // modded MMB1, MMB2
    Amps: DNA Stellaris // SW51+, Vali2+ and Piety for CIEMs and casual use
    Headphones: (Bocote) Auteur // Utopia // JAR600 v1// HD6xx
    Portable: UE5 w/ Shanling M0