Sep 26, 2018
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Mar 1, 1990 (Age: 34)

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Friend, formerly known as fp627, Male, 34, from SouthernCA


Do "pro audio" SE / RCA cables eventually "go bad"? i.e. lose the ability to reject or block noise, become noisy, etc. Jun 14, 2024

    1. penguins
      Seems like there's a record breaking heat wave or hot day every year now...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. loadexfa
        Haha, yes, I tend to be understated online to mitigate how things escalate.

        The issue is much broader than those calling for change, too many are interested in keeping a portion of the population ignorant and/or "skeptical" so they can continue on as usual.
        Jun 18, 2021
      3. loadexfa
        (hit character limit)
        One example, the oil industry has known about this issue for at least 50 years and has done their best to undermine popular understanding of this science in the service of their profits.
        Jun 18, 2021
      4. penguins
        Back to the post - a high of 77F (no C today b/c george bush murica) today has never felt this hot to me before nor has it ever resulted in a heat warning as far as I can remember.
        Jun 18, 2021
    2. penguins
      Are individual parts of power tubes (2A3 size/envelope, but not 2A3) salvageable or useful for anything else? Or do we just toss them?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cryptowolf
        While beyond my knowledge and capabilities, some sellers reuse the tube base for converters. I have a set to use a 12B4a tube in a 1626 socket.
        Jun 3, 2021
        penguins likes this.
      3. penguins
        Sounds like they're going into the trash then.
        Jun 3, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Turn them into Xmas lights!
        Jun 3, 2021
    3. penguins
      When every dog, fox, coyote, and random canine in the neighborhood decide to howl loudly together at 1AM. That or ***aliens***.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        That's happened no matter where we've lived. We call it "the chorus of the hounds."
        May 26, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. penguins
        The last time I experienced this in a socal neighborhood was about 8 years ago so. No idea why every canine went off and then all suddenly stopped - was just happy to go back to bed.
        May 26, 2021
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        When I hear the dogs wailing I count my cats.
        May 26, 2021
        Cryptowolf, penguins and Claritas like this.
    4. penguins
      Can you still buy replacement HD600 series frames as a stand alone item? Can't find them new anywhere.
      1. tommytakis
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ^^^ Nice shop, if anyone happens to be in SE England. Easy train ride from Waterloo (iirc) or Richmond.
        May 11, 2021
        penguins likes this.
    5. penguins
      Ugh - Have been waking up between 2-4AM every time I fall asleep before 10PM recently.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        @EagleWings - That's rough. Hope it passes for you. I normally just browse random internet, work, or sometimes PC games before going back to bed.
        May 5, 2021
      3. EagleWings
        Thank you. I hope it passes for you too. I've had this for more than a decade now, so I've learnt to live with it by going to bed after 12. I'll probably visit a sleep clinic at some point.
        May 6, 2021
      4. Claritas
        @penguins, I second @EagleWings' idea of doing a sleep study guided by a doctor in a sleep clinic. Most people moderately benefit from it. And for a smaller subset, the improvements are genuinely *life-changing*—so why haven't I done it yet?!
        May 6, 2021
    6. penguins
      Thinking of moving just b/c next year. Any recommendations? Will try to visit at least 4 or 5 places before making any kind of decision.
      1. Tchoupitoulas likes this.
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      3. penguins
        Lastly, no, I will not california-cate these places if I go. Or at least I'll try to not do so
        Apr 28, 2021
        Syzygy likes this.
      4. Azimuth
        I just say it out for a cheap laugh. It seems the population growth is exploding everywhere here. You can tell by the pop up of new mattress stores here in every other shopping center. It is actually quite a fun city with plenty to do, it is just because of growth the housing prices keep going up and traffic seems to get worse and worse.
        Apr 29, 2021
        YMO likes this.
      5. gixxerwimp
        Moving for the sake of moving?
        Moving house and finding a job are the worst two things IMO.
        Apr 29, 2021
        Azimuth likes this.
    7. penguins
      Does Spotify Premium/paid have better recommendations vs free? All of my recommendations on free are just things I've already listened to...
      1. Lyander
        Curveball recommendation but YouTube Music has actually pointed me in the direction of a LOT of new-to-me tracks that I like. SQ is a step back from Spotify Extreme but I find that I care far less about that when I'm streaming things; it's "acceptable", but I may just have lower standards and worse ears XD
        Apr 18, 2021
        penguins and Imraan like this.
    8. penguins
      It looks like the Holo Spring 2 LVL2/3 doesn't appear used very often and Holo USA is (expectedly) out of stock.
      1. ogodei likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ogodei
        I've seen two pop up in the last few weeks. I will resist all temptation.
        Apr 13, 2021
      4. Erroneous
        Since Spring 3 will be here in a month or so, some Spring 2s will likely hit the market.
        Apr 13, 2021
        sheldaze and penguins like this.
      5. penguins
        @Erroneous - Man I'm sad I missed your post now. That was a good deal.
        Apr 13, 2021
    9. penguins
      1. ogodei, Merrick and Gazny like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ogodei
        I get your point. Three things I was thinking of: 1) Snark 2) The data listed appears to be several days old 3) most politicians at that level are "high net-worth individuals" who have handed off portfolio management to private 3d parties. Why not track those companies instead?
        Apr 7, 2021
        penguins likes this.
      4. ogodei
        BTW, Burr, the only Senator who was even looked at because of his Covid trades, was never charged with anything. DOH dropped the investigation in Jan. The only reason he was even looked at is because he didn't have a buffer between him and the trades. The fact that he was blatantly guilty of the charge has no bearing.
        Apr 7, 2021
      5. penguins
        All 3 points are true, but it's more of a guiding rail.

        Would love to track said companies too, but most of the movements and data is too obscured or info is too delayed. Or, it's things that me and most other "joe plebs" just don't have access to.

        Yes, kind of annoyed Burr didn't get charged.
        Apr 7, 2021
    10. penguins
      Is there a place to a get really good pineapple upside down cake in southern CA that's not ridiculously overpriced? Or just bake it?
      1. YMO
        Bake it
        Mar 31, 2021
    11. penguins
      Debating if I should sell one of my big boy amps... I really like all 3, but 2 of them don't get enough use time. OR - just go to sleep.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I ask myself this question with some of my gear sometimes, but then I listen to it exclusively for like a week and love it all over again. It's possible I'm just an idiot who hoards.
        Mar 24, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. HotRatSalad
        I feel the same If gear sits around. I can't help it have a headphone amp fetish.
        Mar 24, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Sqveak
        So... what's a Crimson worth these days?
        Mar 24, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    12. penguins
      Liquid Crimson + Audeze LCD2.1 = glorious flawed ridiculousness in a very fun way. Thanks @ChaChaRealSmooth !!
    13. penguins
      Every time I listen to the Liquid Crimson I remember the Platinum and wonder "what happened?" Not that the LP is bad, but it's a big gap.
      1. obsiCO, Jerry, Walderstorn and 3 others like this.
      2. YMO
        Indeed. But don't over think this...
        Mar 6, 2021
    14. penguins
      Waking up and posting on SBAF in the middle of the night thanks to retainers... fun.
      1. luckybaer likes this.
      2. rhythmdevils
        I’m doing the same but because I’m so excited to listen to music on my rig! Thanks SBAF
        Feb 27, 2021
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. YMO
        I just got retainers for my teeth yesterday...hard to sleep too.....
        Feb 27, 2021
    15. penguins
      Has anyone else had their Auteurs sound noticibly disjointed before?
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        Yes, when I accidentally reversed phase in a Audirvana audio plug-in. I’ve also made them sound awful with heavy handed EQ.
        Feb 24, 2021
        penguins likes this.
      3. gaspasser
        Check that you don’t have mixed up ear pads on. They are very hard to tell the difference sometimes. Check R to L swap and make both pads same type.
        Feb 24, 2021
        penguins, Cryptowolf and fraggler like this.
      4. penguins
        So it was only on some tracks and not others. Suspected phase as well but it phase reversal button on Yggdrasil didn't help. I try to avoid EQ whenever possible and confirmed it's still off.

        The pads haven't been touched for about 6+ months. I did check them though and didn't see any mix-ups or issues.

        I'm starting to wonder if the Burl B2 kind of "broke the mirror" for me to some degree with ZMFs...
        Feb 24, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    16. penguins
      Anyone have significant experience with gel earpads? After some experimenting, I see some potential with some closed and a few open back HP.
      1. rhythmdevils
        My experience has always been negative they don’t breath at all. But it would be cool if you got them to work.
        Feb 5, 2021
    17. penguins
      Serious back pain for the first time ever this whole week - stuff is no joke.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Syzygy
        Second the motion for a good chiropractor. Mine's amazing. In my mid 40's my body felt like I was 70. Then I found him. Now I feel as I did in my 30's again. Finding the good ones is hard, unless you can triangulate with several recommendations.

        A massage can also help a lot. And/or Tiger Balm.
        Jan 22, 2021
      3. penguins
        It's upper back just below the neck. Mostly muscular tension. Thankfully X-rays didn't show anything odd. Wanted to go for massages but covid...
        Jan 22, 2021
        Deep Funk and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Syzygy
        I've still been getting my monthly massage. The place I go to has a touchless thermometer (to take your temp on arrival), has you sign an affidavit, and everyone wears masks. No problems at all.

        But this is TX, where businesses are open, though restaurants at reduced dine-in capacity still. If CA won't let them open…SOL.
        Jan 22, 2021
        Deep Funk and penguins like this.
    18. penguins
      Any recommendations for erhu (Chinese 2-string instrument) music? Preferably melancholy, sad, or relaxing music.
      1. gaspasser likes this.
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      3. atomicbob
        Thank-you @Gaspasser I didn't know about this Bela Fleck collaboration. On my list now.
        Dec 30, 2020
        gaspasser likes this.
      4. penguins
        Interesting instrument combo in that collab

        Leo - it seems like even most Chinese people I've met in China (much less elsewhere) don't know much about erhu music.
        Dec 30, 2020
      5. Ti_Leo
        Dec 30, 2020
        penguins likes this.
    19. penguins
      Dream last night that an ex came over and smashed all my vacuum tubes 1 by 1 with a baseball bat *shrudders*
      1. Jinxy245, dubharmonic and Gazny like this.
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      3. penguins
        @spawth wimenz angery time not big brain logic time /s
        Dec 22, 2020
      4. atomicbob
        Nightmare, not dream.
        Dec 23, 2020
      5. Claritas
        If that's not symbolic, I don't know what is. Sorry. The good news is the word "ex." Some people never get there. Good on you mate!
        Dec 24, 2020
    20. penguins
      Why do I randomly want another oreo milkshake right now?
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jinxy245
        Because they're yummy?
        Dec 18, 2020
      4. penguins
        Random for me yes considering I almost never want to eat after dinner time, much less midnight munchies etc.

        Was this close to driving to grocery to buy oreo milkshake stuff until I realized the blender would wake everyone up at ~3AM.
        Dec 18, 2020
        Jinxy245 and imackler like this.
      5. imackler
        I have a half-off Sonic coupon for a shake in the app. Been saving it for when I really need it.
        Dec 18, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
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  • About

    Mar 1, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Gear List:
    PC or pi2aes to:
    DAC: Yggdrasil A2 // Holo Spring 2 L2 // modded MMB1, MMB2
    Amps: DNA Stellaris // SW51+, Vali2+ and Piety for CIEMs and casual use
    Headphones: (Bocote) Auteur // Utopia // JAR600 v1// HD6xx
    Portable: UE5 w/ Shanling M0