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Nov 19, 2016
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Jan 26, 1989 (Age: 36)

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Gear Master (retiring), Male, 36, from Seattle

Staff Member Pyrate

Sorry for disappearing over the last month. Supporting a family of six through RSV, a cold, and then COVID has taken all of my time. Jan 9, 2025

Vansen was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025
    1. Vansen
      Warning: iOS 12 dials 911 by default if you press the lock button five times... I pocket dialed 911 at an all hands standup today!
      1. Lou Casadonte likes this.
      2. jexby
        quit fingering your button in a company meeting!
        Oct 5, 2018
      3. Vansen
        Haha, I wish that was it. I think I may have a bad lock button.
        Oct 5, 2018
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Get a phone case so your phone does not break. So many f'ing hipsters walk around with their iPhones without protection case as if it is unbreakable. Then it gets damaged and it is an emergency and they will get a replacement (with our without insurance). No wonder they end up broke every few months...
        Oct 6, 2018
    2. Vansen
      Loaner LCD2c going up for sale next week! This is one of the better sounding LCD2c out there.
    3. Vansen
      The Marías - Superclean Vol. II. Check it out.
      1. Vansen
        Sep 27, 2018
        captkirk likes this.
    4. Vansen
      Since everyone’s removing 3.5mm from phones, I want a 4.4mm lightning or USB-C dongle. Not for SQ, but for convenience.
      1. ButtUglyJeff, Dr. Higgs and Lyander like this.
    5. Vansen
      XenForo does not allow me to edit posts larger than a paragraph on mobile. This is why I rarely update loaner positions on original posts.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vansen
        A paragraph is an arbitrary length, but loaner posts always cause this.
        Sep 22, 2018
      3. BenjaminBore
        This has had me screaming bloody murder. But I just discovered that it is bound to the cursor, not the last paragraph. So editing text should be doable, if cumbersome, but using the toolbar won’t be for anything too far down.

        It’s about the most useful my iphone’s 3D touch has been..
        Sep 24, 2018
      4. BenjaminBore
        Using the dumb editor seems to negate the issue, too.
        Sep 24, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
    6. 9suns
      "My side chick got pregnant by her main dude and I'm offended"
      1. Vansen and Griffon like this.
      2. Kunlun
        I heard this happened at Taco Bell. The baby was first said to be almost here 3 years ago, then announced to be arriving 11 months ago, should be here by late October, is the latest report.
        Sep 4, 2018
      3. Case
        So LH bought Taco Bell.
        Sep 4, 2018
        atomicbob and 9suns like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I'd like to make my side chick pregnant, but I flew to China to source the sperm and, after extended foreplay, everything went wrong at the last minute. Might come in October.
        Sep 5, 2018
        Case likes this.
    7. Vansen
      Campfire Audio is the literal description of listening to music in Seattle right now due to all these damn wildfires.
      1. Griffon
        Vancouver pressed like button
        Aug 24, 2018
        Imraan likes this.
      2. Lyander
        I'm lucky I wasn't drinking coffee just now.
        Aug 25, 2018
    8. Vansen
      My Modi Multibit has started making a bad wind chime sounding distortion in left channel. Other DACs do not. Suggestions?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
      3. Cspirou
        Send it in for service. It's a good excuse to update to v2 firmware.
        Aug 24, 2018
        Senorx12562 likes this.
      4. Vansen
        @Mystic @atomicbob Thanks. Rebooting helps significantly. The distortion goes away completely, but a lesser version comes back after a bit occasionally. The lesser version (still just the left channel) will go away when I cycle the source button, but the wind chime distortion will not. Perhaps it's time to email @schiit.
        Aug 24, 2018
        YMO and Ringingears like this.
    9. Vansen
      My digital source is an RPi with Volumio. I have it enabled for Spotify. Apple Music sees my Spotify source. Sweet.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hands
        Which HAT are you using?
        Aug 16, 2018
      3. Vansen
        Digione SPDIF Output. I haven't compared it to any other hats, but it blows the doors off any USB I've heard.
        Aug 16, 2018
      4. Hands
        Cool! I just picked up the DigiOne player myself a few weeks ago and am very impressed with its sound. Also impressed how easy it is to install the Roon Bridge and get that working seamlessly with Roon (first time trying Roon myself).
        Aug 16, 2018
    10. Vansen
      Hiking and kayaking in Yosemite and then drinking beers at Mammoth in Mammoth. Will get back to you next week. Blah blah blah.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. skem
        I’m with @Wilson. The week between Christmas and New Year’s is spectacularly quiet. Awahanee all the way.
        Aug 3, 2018
        Case and Vansen like this.
      3. Vansen
        Every August my friends and I take a trip to Tuolumne Meadows. The valley is best in the off season IMO, too.
        Aug 3, 2018
        skem likes this.
      4. captkirk
        Seeing how you’re on the “East Side”, if you have an opportunity, check out the Whoa Nellie Deli in Lee Vining. Good foods!!!
        Aug 3, 2018
    11. Vansen
      Any Seattle audiologist recommendations? Earliest appointment I can find is end of August right now.
      1. Kunlun
        Jul 17, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
      2. atomicbob
        Dr. John Young presented at our AES section a few years back. Many of our members utilized his services until he moved to Western Washington University where he teaches audiology. Anyone trained by him might be very good.
        Jul 18, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
    12. Vansen
      LF Thunderbolt 3 dock with >= 130W of power delivery through TB3 port. Any suggestions?
      1. Torq
        Pretty sure that TB3 *ports* are limited to 100 W of power delivery. Docks can supply more than that for graphics cards, etc, but not over the cable.
        Jul 5, 2018
        Vansen and Case like this.
      2. Vansen
        Hmm. The Dell TB16-240W quotes up to 130w over their cable for their laptops. Other TB/ USB devices are stated at 60w. Was wondering if there were any others up there. I’ll probably just do a two cable solution if I run into issues.
        Jul 6, 2018
      3. Torq
        That’s because Dell are leveraging the “vendor specific alternate power modes” part of the USB-C PD spec (rather than it being something Thunderbolt 3 specific). That 130w is only available using a specific cable and into devices that specifically support Dell’s alternate power mode (likely just a subset of their own laptops).
        Jul 6, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
    13. Vansen
      RIP SCOTUS. Enter the hunger games.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Boops
        Sorry that happened Marv.
        Jun 29, 2018
      3. Claritas
        Three questions to ask about any political candidate: 1) Is X competent? = Can X do the job well? 2) Can X win? 3) Is X ethical? I seldom get to asking whether the person agrees with me.
        Jul 3, 2018
        a44100Hz likes this.
      4. Azimuth
        I think the question most answer is ignoring all of those and answering, "Does this person align up with my beliefs and world view."
        Jul 3, 2018
        a44100Hz likes this.
    14. Vansen
      ...however, the 64 Audio U12t is really nice for an IEM. The price is stupid silly though.
      1. Jinxy245 and Artasia like this.
      2. Vansen
        The U12t is easily my all time favorite 64 audio IEM.
        Jun 13, 2018
      3. jowls
        64 have never been on my radar as their pricing is off the hook. I am interested in N8t after reading @La Cenric’s brief impressions on HF though
        Jun 14, 2018
      4. jowls
        How did U12t fare against PP8?
        Jun 14, 2018
    15. Vansen
      My Amazon Echo is more enjoyable to listen to than the 64 Audio Tia Trio. That is all.
      1. purr1n, elguapo, Soups and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. zerodeefex
        HOLY SHIT. Serious shade.
        Jun 13, 2018
      4. Vansen
        There are some impressive technicalities, but the FR is screwed. Very metallic harmonics on vocals. Recessed fundamentals on vocals. Awkwardly boosted bass, nice impact, but not very linear not cohesive.
        Jun 13, 2018
        Soups likes this.
      5. Soups
        Go home everybody, no abrupt pic of poo to see here.
        Jun 14, 2018
    16. Vansen
      1. Azimuth, brencho, Kunlun and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. jowls
        How are the ergonomics? I haven’t tried anything from 64 Audio, but next to the currrent gen universal ‘CIEMs’ like PP8, the shells look whack.
        Jun 8, 2018
      4. Vansen
        They’re weird, but comfortable. I would rank them low in security, so no running with them.
        Jun 8, 2018
      5. Cellist88
        I thought the trios were better balanced than the fourte, but something about the sound was too diffuse and not focused enough. I don't know about technicalities but i have a feeling the pp8 will come out ahead.
        Jun 9, 2018
    17. Vansen
      FYI for loaners etc., I will be in Colombia until 5/7 and will have limited to no access here. See you on the flip side SBAF!
      1. Kunlun
        Some say that breasts were invented in Colombia.

        Also, I once asked a Colombian patient what he missed most about his country. He said the cocaine was "very fresh" there. So, yeah, more organic, free range drugs...
        Apr 26, 2018
      2. Case
        Hahaha, @Kunlun , you are one funny SBAFr!
        Apr 26, 2018
        drgumbybrain likes this.
      3. drgumbybrain
        Apr 26, 2018
        Kunlun likes this.
    18. Vansen
      Special requests on loaners should be up to date. PM me if I missed something you asked for.
      1. ButtUglyJeff, Case and Elnrik like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Case
        All good, moving is hellish. It's a privilege to even have a loaner program.
        Apr 25, 2018
        powermatic, ButtUglyJeff and Elnrik like this.
      4. Elnrik
        Exactly, and thanks for being gear master! (I'd rather hide a body than move again. GL!)
        Apr 25, 2018
        Vansen and Case like this.
      5. Vansen
        @Elnrik this was my fourth move in under four years. Nevada > Georgia > Connecticut > Seattle. Not moving cities again. Seattle is here to stay.
        Apr 25, 2018
        Lou Casadonte, Case and ButtUglyJeff like this.
    19. Vansen
      Essentially been on the road since December... Just got settled into my new place in Seattle this week. Will update loaners, etc. soon.
      1. Lenroot77, DigMe, 9suns and 14 others like this.
      2. Elnrik
        Welcome home!
        Apr 17, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        Welcome back to the PNW.
        Apr 17, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
    20. Vansen
      M83 - Junk. How did I miss this album? Simply amazing. Go listen to "Go!".
      1. Vansen
        f**k it. I'm going to start a music blog.
        Mar 26, 2018
        Xecuter, Ziva, L'Orfeo and 10 others like this.
      2. Poleepkwa
        I discovered them with their " Oblivion" soundtrack. Good stuff.
        Mar 26, 2018
        Vansen likes this.
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    Jan 26, 1989 (Age: 36)