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Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
London, UK

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Friend, Male, 45, from London, UK


"He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling? Jan 20, 2025

wbass was last seen:
Feb 18, 2025 at 4:14 PM
    1. wbass
      Susvara and Verité Closed a total study in contrast. Susvara is laidback, reserved, a bit delicate, and an absolute detail/layering monster.
      1. brencho, zottel, yotacowboy and 3 others like this.
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      3. wbass
        I read that even beefier amps/speakers amps bring more slam to the Sus. Something to experiment with down the line. I also have the feeling the VC will take to tubes nicely. No doubt a Feliks Envy would serve both nicely, but I don't think I'm that nuts.
        Apr 15, 2023
      4. wbass
        Like, Susvara offers up detail I'm not even sure the Utopia or HD800 can dig out. It's just all... there. As in, tracks I've heard hundreds of times revealing parts I never clocked before. Pretty astonishing. Via the Ferrum, bass doesn't hit particularly hard, but it's also there, including sub-bass.
        Apr 15, 2023
      5. wbass
        It's also a bit of a ten rows back kind of experience. Stat-like, as many have remarked. It doesn't reach out and grab you. You sort of come to it, which I prefer for longer listens with HPs anyway, but everything is there when you want it.
        Apr 15, 2023
        zottel and Tchoupitoulas like this.
    2. wbass
      Just arrived via international post, the alpha and omega of head-fi: Susvara and Porta Pro.
      1. TazerMonkey, joch, Case and 11 others like this.
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      3. wbass
        Now just working on the DAC. I think I need something a little warmer/bassier than the ESS9038-based VMV (SMSL) I have in now. Current candidates are Bifrost 2 (OG), Gustard R26, maybe Orchid.
        Apr 14, 2023
      4. Philimon
        PX-100. Good memories. My first hifi purchase. Purchased twice! Used them each until they died (broken cables because I took them every where) then switched to Porta because PX100 (mk1) went OOP.
        Apr 14, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        I stockpiled a couple pairs of PX100-ii, but, naturally, they're in storage.
        Apr 14, 2023
    3. wbass
      Interpol's Antics, sounding pretty tuff on VC.
      1. Cryptowolf, edd, caute and 2 others like this.
      2. wbass
        The rare album where the bass is almost the lead instrument.
        Apr 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. Case
        Not Even Jail FTW
        Apr 11, 2023
        jexby, yotacowboy and wbass like this.
      4. yotacowboy
        just don't catch an STD from carlos!
        Apr 11, 2023
    4. wbass
      How did the heck do you tell ZMF pads apart? I accidentally mixed up default VC pads and the Universe pads when changing over.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail and Ti_Leo like this.
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      3. Qildail
        When I get them I mark on the back ring with a silver marker. Might not be the most elegant solution, but it's the one least frustrating personally. https://i.imgur.com/wJqzJzI.jpg
        Apr 6, 2023
        Cryptowolf, zottel and wbass like this.
      4. wbass
        About as elegant as one could get. Thanks. Good tip.

        Also, I think I got mine paired wrong, again.
        Apr 6, 2023
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Interesting. In a way, you are giving yourself a blind test.
        Apr 6, 2023
    5. wbass
      Well, now I've scored a good deal on a Ferrum Orr/Hypsos. Maybe there's a Susvara in my future after all. Doh.
    6. wbass
      Well, after a lot of auditions, I got a pair of Verite Closed (post in used deals for $1600). The best I heard was Susvara, but...
      1. Cryptowolf and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
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      3. Ksaurav402
        Ya weight is an issue but you can use Crescent Snap and BBB strap for better weight distribution.
        Apr 5, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Thanks. Might check out the Crescent Snap.
        Apr 5, 2023
      5. wbass
        The VC are polarizing, for me, thus far. On certain tracks, the dark, warm, bassy sound is really appealing, and there's still a nice sense of detail and space. On other tracks, they're a bit congested. Too much warmth. This is with Universe pads.
        Apr 7, 2023
    7. wbass
      Auditioned the Final D8000 Pro and Yamaha YH5000 today. Former struck me as solid U-shaped tuning but maybe not as resolving as I’d like.
      1. 9suns, zottel, Philimon and 1 other person like this.
      2. wbass
        Unfortunately, I could only hear them through a Mojo 2. Probably not ideal. The Yamaha was… I dunno, different? Warm? Wooly? Not unresolving but also not screaming DETAIL? Hard to tell really, as only had 5 minutes.
        Mar 28, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas, 9suns and penguins like this.
      3. wbass
        Whichever way, my conclusion is that, at this price range, I might as well go Susvara.
        Mar 28, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas and 9suns like this.
    8. wbass
      Happened to be near Headamp today, and they kindly let me listen to X9000 and 007mk2 on Blue Hawaii. Not sure which I preferred.
      1. Qildail and Lyander like this.
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      3. Josh83
        They’re in my town. Great folks.
        Mar 24, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Yeah, really friendly. Great looking amps, too. I lived in C-Ville from 2005-2008 and was back for a job interview. Construction everywhere, and restaurant prices kinda went bananas.
        Mar 24, 2023
      5. Josh83
        I’ve only been here for six years, but housing prices went crazy right at the beginning of the pandemic.
        Mar 26, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    9. wbass
      Senn PX100 discontinued. Any recs for cheap but good open-back on-ears for running? I'd go PortaPro, but hard to get w/ Apple controls in UK
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      2. wbass
        Took the Link Buds out on a (literal) test run today. No occlusion effect/foot pounding. Stay in my ears. Not super comfortable, but need to try different tips. Decent sound, but not terribly convincing bass, even with a boost. Will have to play around with them more.
        Mar 24, 2023
        Philimon likes this.
      3. Philimon
        I bought a set and can concur that bass is pretty non-existent. However I didnt get for music but for podcasts and audiobooks. The open-ness is nice for that no occlusion effect as you describe, and soundstage feels much larger and outside of head compared to my Galaxy Buds Live.
        Mar 28, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. Philimon
        Mar 28, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    10. wbass
      Last (?) round of HP auditions: 1) LCD-4Z. More comfortable than LCD-4 and 5 and sound remarkably like the 5. Much more so than the 4.
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      2. wbass
        Meze Elite a strong all-rounder and easy to drive. LCD-4 just a basshead delight, but it's damned heavy. Verite Closed a fine closed back, comfy, and isolates well, but I think I want that last little bit of detail/clarity that comes from an open back.
        Jan 26, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      3. caute
        So... whatcha gonna rock in the end? Major contenders?
        Jan 26, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        See rankings in post 4 above. I think I’m reluctantly concluding that I’ll go Susvara. It’s the best I’ve heard. Very annoying that probably will need a new amp, but hoping the Topping LA90 integrated will suffice. Put on my radar by @Vtory
        Jan 26, 2023
        Vtory likes this.
    11. wbass
      Wonder if anyone's heard the new Yamaha flagship, YH-5000. They seem to be coming into stock now in the UK.
      1. rhythmdevils and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. M3NTAL
        Would love a loaner on that bad-boy. Too bad the price is out of play for me. I'd have to sell all my shit.
        Jan 24, 2023
        Philimon and wbass like this.
      3. caute
        some noises on reddit about brief demos, a what hi-fi review, nothing out there so far that seems trustworthy. what hi-fi does call them "analytical" (it should be noted they said the yamahas were driven solely by a RME-ADI-2—assuming the hp out) though, which was a little disappointing to me, but I'll wait to pass judgement until better ears here have had some time with them.
        Jan 24, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Wasn't a loaner for that one already in the cards @purr1n? Genuinely curious to see what folks here make of that.
        Jan 24, 2023
        M3NTAL and wbass like this.
    12. wbass
      Hey, I made Friend status! Thanks to whomever makes these decisions. Appreciate y'all and this excellent site.
    13. wbass
      Yet more headphone auditions: 1) Susvara through Feliks Envy. Most tonally correct I've heard. Made a 2022 Utopia sound very closed in.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. internethandle
        Agree, great series.

        Remind me, how are you doing this? Cable Company lending library? Dealers? Beg, borrow, and steal? ;)
        Jan 22, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      3. wbass
        Glad the posts are of some interest! It's pretty much all been at dealers in and around London. Mega-city with lots of small flats = lots of HP listeners? I've been a little surprised myself at how much there is to hear near-ish to me.
        Jan 22, 2023
      4. wbass
        If I wasn't restricted to HPs myself for serious listening, for the next long while, I probably wouldn't be entertaining such summit-fi explorations. I'm sort of hoping I get along with a used pair of LCD-4Z or maybe Stax 007, but I expect I'll find them compromised in comfort and FR respectively.
        Jan 22, 2023
    14. wbass
      To continue the extensive HP auditions, tomorrow I'm planning to go hear 1) Abyss 1266 Phi 2) Stax 009S 3) 007 4) LCD-4Z.
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      2. Tchoupitoulas
        @wbass - it's worth taking a 5-10 minutes to futz with the Abyss headband contraption. Unlike the LCD-4/z, you don't want the pads to seal tightly against your head; the pads should rest lightly against your head and even break the seal slightly to get the bass to sound right. You can also rotate the pads clockwise/anti-clockwise to get the right fit.
        Jan 17, 2023
        Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      3. wbass
        So, my Utopia/HD800/Starlett/EC Studio Jr. set-up is in storage for at least the next 6 months, maybe year. So, I'm looking for something till then but also a pair of HPs that won't feel redundant when I get stuff out of storage finally. Since I can't listen to speakers in this flat, I'm head-fi for quite some time, so want to go TOTL or close to it.
        Jan 17, 2023
        gaspasser likes this.
      4. gaspasser
        Makes sense, good luck in your search!
        Jan 17, 2023
    15. wbass
      Are pretty much all Stax set-ups, regardless of model and amplification, going to lack in bass heft/slam next to a dynamic or planar?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dubharmonic
        Pretty much.
        Jan 15, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      3. Gazny
        Maybe it is all about moving mass and QTS
        Jan 15, 2023
        E_Schaaf and wbass like this.
      4. Vansen
        Yes. Even with an HE-60 or HE-90, you’ll still get a touch of paper bass texture. The compromise is worth it for many and it has its place.
        Jan 15, 2023
        joch, wbass and Vtory like this.
    16. wbass
      Moar headphone auditions: Stax X9000 thru SRM-700T (for fun, b/c $$$$): 1st take: whoa, never heard *this* kinda micro-detail before CLARITY
      1. Cryptowolf, Vtory, zottel and 2 others like this.
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      3. wbass
        Focal Stellia: pretty correct sounding for a closed-back. Controlled bass. Nice sense of detail, decent stage width. Pretty reminiscent of Utopia, minus some of the magic. Comfortable and light, esp. after the LCD-4. Fugly color. Makes me want to quote Streetcar Named Desire. Stellia!!!
        Jan 11, 2023
        zottel likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        You didn't notice a mid-bass bump with Stellia? That's my only issue with it. Love it otherwise, for a closed back.
        Jan 11, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        Could be! It was a five-minute listen at a not pristinely quiet hi-fi shop, so drew no strong conclusions other than, Pretty good! I seem to make up my mind pretty quick these days and felt that I'd prefer the Verite Closed, which is probably more colored but also more fun.
        Jan 12, 2023
    17. wbass
      What's the story on the Abyss Diana? Worth auditioning? Do the originals sound anything like the V2 or Phi or TC? Dekoni pads good swaps?
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      2. wbass
        Or I'll circle back to the HE1000SE or V2 or the new V2 Stealth.

        Or I'll just lose my mind in the all-consuming vortex of consumer choice.
        Jan 10, 2023
        zottel, rhythmdevils and Gazny like this.
      3. wbass
        But have fun doing it.
        Jan 10, 2023
        zottel likes this.
      4. Gazny
        Probably the latter option
        Jan 10, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    18. wbass
      More headphone auditions! Stax 007: totally detailed with merely okay bass. Meze Empyrean (non-Elite): pretty dark. DCA Ether 2: *very* dark
      1. edd, RestoredSparda and Entropy like this.
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      3. zottel
        Where did you get the chance to listen to all those headphones? I think it was ZMFs recently? In Europe?
        Jan 10, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Turns out there are some excellent headphone shops in and around London.
        Jan 10, 2023
      5. zottel
        Ah! Hm, I’ll do a city trip with my daughter later this year. Maybe I can convince her to go to London, not to Paris. 0:-)
        Jan 10, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    19. wbass
      Heard some ZMFs today. Verite Open and Closed. Caldera. Atrium. Aeolus.
      1. zottel, Jinxy245, Vtory and 4 others like this.
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      3. wbass
        Atrium: Didn't have enough time to really form an opinion. Had them described to me as HD800-like. A bit brighter than other ZMFs. Could be very appealing. Connected with the V.C. more readily.
        Jan 8, 2023
      4. wbass
        Aeolus: Not enough time to form a proper opinion.
        Jan 8, 2023
      5. Vtory
        Nice. What a ZMF day!
        Jan 8, 2023
        fraggler, RestoredSparda and wbass like this.
    20. wbass
      Anyone spend time w/ Raal CA-1a? I'm intrigued. Certainly be something very different to Utopia, HD800, etc. But I still need some bass heft
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      2. wbass
        Mostly purchased used or on heavy discount, so luckily I've been able to make some savvy buys and not too many missteps. Started with HD650 and Jot 1 (never much liked it) and researched and auditioned most things along the way.
        Jan 6, 2023
        internethandle likes this.
      3. Vtory
        @wbass I'd rank Utopia the first for the overall bass quality (note that I hate to discuss heft only ignoring other quality components of bass) among the three you mentioned (IDK about o2 because I have zero idea). If you meant bass heft as weightness/density without sacrificing delicate expressions, Utopia was better to me among anything equal to or cheaper than its price. Quantity might be compromised tho.
        Jan 8, 2023
        Lyander and wbass like this.
      4. Vtory
        @wbass I don't mean ca-1a is bad. It sounds great and tasteful in its own light. But for various reasons I don't quite feel like it can serve as a primary reference in evaluating music and audio.
        Jan 8, 2023
        wbass likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    London, UK