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Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
Sep 26, 2015
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Northern Colorado

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Friend, Male, from Northern Colorado


Apparently even walking through a store is enough for sars v2- K3 variants to find you and infect. Weak flu like symptoms, not too bad. Jul 26, 2024 at 9:34 AM

bixby was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 PM
    1. bixby
      Ad Blockers Not Allowed on Youtube. When did this shit start? Been using Adblock Plus for ages. Byebye Chrome!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        I use a Safari extension called Vinegar and it works like a charm and Google can go f**k themselves.
        Oct 5, 2023
      3. Biodegraded
        Seems it's not just Google-owned sites - is now refusing to let me continue with an adblocker on Chrome, whereas previously I'd just get a warning. Chrome's days as my browser might be over.
        Oct 5, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Chrome's days as *everybody's* browser are approaching. Chrome or Chromium-based.

        A monopoly worse than Internet Explorer. Worse, more powerful, more intrusive, more dangerous.
        Oct 6, 2023
    2. bixby
      Moondrop -Shanling Portable CD players, now tell me where is the milk crate to carry around a good assortment of cds to choose from?
      1. RestoredSparda and Tachikoma like this.
      2. Vansen
        I still have a CD booklet filled with of all my discs I used to bring to meets over ten years ago - back when @CEE TEE used to host them in the Bay. Time to dust it off for future meets.
        Sep 29, 2023
      3. Biodegraded
        Memories of plane trips 20 years and more back: carrying a little man-purse size thing that could accommodate a portable player and about a dozen disks. Had to be small enough to convince airline staff that it shouldn't count as an extra carry-on. Still got the player, not the case.
        Sep 29, 2023
      4. Walderstorn
        I would love a small transport if i could find one with good quality, for the right price. Something that i could have on my desk and minimal that i could connect to my yggr.
        Sep 29, 2023
        yotacowboy likes this.
    3. bixby
      Putin Body Doubles?- If so, why aren't we using AI to analyze voice? Seems pretty simple to me, then again I am not CIA.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Voice analysis has been around for a long time
        Sep 7, 2023
      3. Boops
        Still working on the Melania body double
        Sep 7, 2023
    4. bixby
      Expired Covid Test Kits have useful re-purposing. Many of the swabs are just the right size for cleaning IEM tips, eg. on the go.
    5. bixby
      Distortion Check-Is there some distortion on the vocal chorus starting at about the 7:57 to 8:50. Let me know what you hear .
      1. DigMe and Northwest like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        I should say nice DR to mix balance - for the level of detail they’re capturing nice job not squashing or clipping. Ref Tool’s last album for the opposite.
        Sep 6, 2023
      4. Syzygy
        To me it sounded like it was recorded slightly too hot. I hear what you're talking about.
        Sep 6, 2023
        bixby likes this.
      5. bixby
        Thanks to all, at least it is not my ears that are distorting, haha.
        Sep 6, 2023
    6. bixby
      An IEM on tour in India was torn apart by the HF reviewer before reassembling and sending off to the next member. WTF
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ksaurav402
        Not ok if there are others waiting in line to review the same. Although I have only seen him reviewing these kind of IEMs in India.
        Aug 21, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Lyander like this.
      3. Cspirou
        @Qildail - it kinda happened with another loaner. Mods were not happy and the loaner was discontinued
        Aug 21, 2023
        Qildail and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Riotvan
        "Thanks bro!! An update here, HiFiGo agreed to send me another sample so that the tour can continue. I mean the current unit was also working fine but they preferred sending another one for the tour ahead." Nothing to see here rofl
        Aug 24, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
    7. bixby
      Cali Crew, weather nerds predicting the worse, anyone worried about hurricane dumping tons o rain on socal?
      1. penguins
        See my status below yours.

        Have been through a few hurricanes in my youth elsewhere and they weren't bad by themselves, but this is also in proper buildings with infrastructure designed to handle it.

        Somewhat worried because buildings and infrastructure here are not designed for massive rain and 60+ mph winds. Repair times are also not that great - even in good weather.
        Aug 17, 2023
      2. penguins
        On the flip side, it does look like it is supposed to pass relatively quickly.

        Also, not worried per se, but wondering how society here will fare as well. i.e. will people mostly stay inside due to floods or are we going to see mass looting and chaos in LA + San Diego?
        Aug 18, 2023
      3. roshambo123
        We just had like four months of endless rain. Now panik?
        Aug 18, 2023
    8. bixby
      Some site issues seem to have been temporary or Chrome related.
      1. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        I can't seem to post. I get a Cloudflare "checking the security of your connection" error.
        Aug 17, 2023
      2. shotgunshane
        I received a cloudflare security error recently as well. I’ve let the Klingon High Council know.
        Aug 17, 2023
        Kernel Kurtz likes this.
    9. bixby
      Thoughts to our friends in the NWT in Canada. Wildfires are so fierce there now.
      1. Biodegraded
        Bouncing your kind thoughts over to Maui, where, holy shit...
        Aug 17, 2023
    10. bixby
      Returned the Letshouer S12 Pro- A bit too spicy up top. Should I venture to the Tin P1Max?
      1. Biodegraded
        I can't remember, did you ever try 7Hz Timeless? More relaxed from the upper mids up than the S12, but bass can be a bit loose depending on source/tips/ears. Fit is the main issue.
        Aug 11, 2023
        bixby likes this.
      2. Biodegraded
    11. bixby
      I think cables for iems = tires for cars. Tuning potential for desired sound but will not change the character of the car/iem
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Lyander and 2 others like this.
      2. Qildail
        However, this does explain why the speedometer was wrong on all the IEMs I’ve ever tried…
        Aug 9, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Vansen
        And sometimes someone slaps a pair of Goodyear Eagles on a sports car and you think, “WTF is wrong with this car?”… same with some stock cables. Hope Empire Ears has better stock cables these days.
        Aug 9, 2023
      4. Biodegraded
        Wouldn't tips be more akin to tires? Which would make cables, idk... spark plugs?
        Aug 10, 2023
        ajaxender likes this.
    12. bixby
      Don't you love posters on reddit or other places that like to comment on the quality of their IEMS's base (sic)
      1. Qildail and zottel like this.
      2. Claritas
        Tell them to hire a land surveyor to be sure. They just might do it.
        Aug 3, 2023
        Qildail likes this.
    13. bixby
      Letshouer S12Pro vs Tangzu Heyday for walks with LG phone in high power mode?
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. bixby
        Ordered the S12Pro. I might like the spicier treble.
        Jul 31, 2023
        Biodegraded and Kolohe like this.
    14. bixby
      CD sampler music bundle Is it better to do a 15 or so bundle or break it down into 5ers-ship $ go down with bulk
      1. Claritas
        I'd do it by genre in batches of 5 or 6. I've *never* bought a larger batch, because anything larger always includes several discs I'm not interested in. And it's not as if people can't buy more than one batch, as long as you allow that. Are you parting with any classical CDs (or pre-war jazz)?
        Jul 27, 2023
      2. DigMe
        Send it media mail.
        Jul 27, 2023
    15. bixby
      Messi-I know nothing about soccer aka futbol, yet his free kick was sublime. Now to watch the US womern, Yah!
      1. Jinxy245 and jexby like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bixby
        I know nothing about obiwan
        Jul 21, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. jexby
        I'd rather watch Mbappe.
        Jul 21, 2023
        JK47 likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @bixby, this is not the forum that you are looking for
        Jul 22, 2023
    16. bixby
      CD fans, l am going to offer up a good portion of my collection soon.
      1. Josh83, Cryptowolf, zottel and 12 others like this.
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      3. Boops
        When is the drop?
        Jul 20, 2023
      4. Merrick
        Definitely interested!
        Jul 20, 2023
      5. bixby
        These will be vg to exe & scratch free so no 2 buck chuck, but the first tranche will be the lowest priced. Est time 1 to 2 weeks max.
        Jul 20, 2023
    17. bixby
      Lots of youtubers are bassheads. To wit, how many freaking Shure mics with uber bass are used by the more experienced creators?
      1. Cryptowolf and Azimuth like this.
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      3. Azimuth
        And @Lyander you are absolutely correct. The cage actually makes it less versitile to me beause you can't get it close enough and the bass chamber is too much. I wonder if their new SEv7 is a PG58 diaphragm. Certainly cheaper build. I just can't get past their grainy sound and the low-mids is just too much, at least for my voice.
        Jul 19, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Lyander and gsanger like this.
      4. Biodegraded
      5. Lyander
        @Azimuth might be missing something but the V7 isn't a Shure mic so I doubt it has a PG58 assembly; it's just a relatively new mic that I brought up as a way to illustrate how there seem to be lots of viable alternatives to the classic SM57/58 nowadays.

        Could have gotten confused with the Shure MV7, which is like a more "content creator"-oriented SM7B?
        Jul 19, 2023
        Azimuth likes this.
    18. bixby
      without further ado.. the most used youtube phrase and DUMB! And if you say adieu even worse, you are even dumber
      1. Boops, caute and Vansen like this.
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      3. gixxerwimp
        Glad I don't have these problems with the channels I usually watch. You guys just need to be more selective.
        Jul 14, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The worst thing on talk-based youtube videos is... continuous background music.

        WTF... *WHY?*
        Jul 15, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Claritas like this.
      5. Claritas
        @Thad E Ginathom That's true everywhere in America. I have to wear Ety ER20s in several stores.
        Jul 15, 2023
    19. bixby
      UAPP Crossfeed settings- Where to start? What setting do you use?
      1. Claritas likes this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        I used to use UAPP as a source into micro iDSD, but have since moved on to a full size rig. Probably played around with crossfeed at the time, but remember zero. Subbed to see if anyone suggests anything.
        Jul 8, 2023
    20. bixby
      Mastodon-anyone using it?
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      2. zottel
        @bixby No, news is not what Matrix is about. It’s a chat system, like the others I mentioned. Yes, there are rooms where newsfeeds are posted, but the feeling is more like the status posts here.
        Jul 6, 2023
        bixby likes this.
      3. bixby
        @zottel That is what I gleaned after digging a bit more. Thanks for the update.
        Jul 6, 2023
        zottel likes this.
      4. Syzygy
        Nostr, where you own your content, but it can't be changed or deleted. No personal information needed to use it … just have it generate a keypair for you.
        Jul 7, 2023
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    Northern Colorado