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Jul 18, 1969 (Age: 55)
Southern New Mexico
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Friend, Male, 55, from Southern New Mexico


Almost forgot: What audio related is worthy on this Amazon Prime Day? You folks picking anything up? Jul 17, 2024

crenca was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 12:43 PM
    1. crenca
      Almost forgot: What audio related is worthy on this Amazon Prime Day? You folks picking anything up?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AlPastor
        The $93 IE200 seems interesting.
        Jul 17, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. wbass
        Sort of poking around for a dedicated HQPlayer Mac Mini or equivalent PC. Nothing really jumping out as a screaming deal though.
        Jul 17, 2024
      4. RestoredSparda
        Got some Airpod Pro 2 for $169
        Jul 17, 2024
        joch and SoupRKnowva like this.
    2. crenca
      Caught covid at a swim meet this past week, 3rd time for covid, second time catching it at a swim meet...
      1. YMO likes this.
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      3. JK47
        What sub variant are we dealing with these days?
        Jul 17, 2024
        YMO likes this.
      4. Biodegraded
        *Sub* variant... swimming... LOL. Hope you recover quick though @crenca .
        Jul 17, 2024
        zottel, JK47, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
      5. crenca
        I don’t pay attention anymore to the variants, and it’s been at least a year sine my last vaccination. Maybe I will get rhe jab this fall…maybe…
        Jul 18, 2024
    3. crenca
      An IEM with 5 ohm resistance (qualified with "+- 1 ohm"!) for $6k...I think maybe there is something I'm not getting about this market :)
      1. zottel and Biodegraded like this.
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      3. crenca
        @Lyander its the "PMG Audio Apx SE" , @Hrodulf yea the advertisement I was sent lists the cables/connectors at "0.1 ohm", because it must be relevant, @Biodegraded , 11 drivers - 2 planer, 8 BA, 1 DD
        Jul 9, 2024
        Biodegraded and Lyander like this.
      4. Lyander
        I scarcely understand IEMs, and this reinforces why I have no desire to expand my comprehension any further lmao
        Jul 9, 2024
        zottel and crenca like this.
      5. Riotvan
        I already feel mildly uncomfortable with a 10th of that in my ears. Luckily they're small and stealthy.
        Jul 9, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    4. crenca
      Alright, I'm just going to say it: ZMF pad system sucks. I can't believe I have not ripped one yet putting it on/off...
      1. Slade01, Qildail, YMO and 2 others like this.
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      3. Phantaminum
        It's a slight pain on the normal ZMF but I've gotten used to it. The Bokeh though; you'll need to use a surgical bot to put on those pads if you somehow take one off. I don't have the dexterity and my wife was throwing expletives had me laughing while she tried to put them on. I got a, "Don't you dare take them off!" after she was successful.
        Jun 11, 2024
        ckhirnigs and crenca like this.
      4. ckhirnigs
        Like anything, you get better with practice. I don’t have issues rolling ZMF pads anymore, though it was nerve-wracking at first.

        Another thing to remember is ZMF sonically matches each pair of pads, so it’s best to keep purchased pad sets together versus just putting any two pads of the same variety together. Before the ZMF pouches were released, I just kept my various pad sets in labeled zip lock bags.
        Jun 11, 2024
        ilikebananafudge_ likes this.
      5. Josh83
        The ZMF system makes quick-switching harder, but the plastic peg-type systems cause me anxiety. I worry about snapping them.
        Jun 14, 2024
    5. crenca
    6. crenca
      Auteur vs Universe pads for Atrium open - what do you say?
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      2. jnak00
        I’ve been using Caldera ultra perforated in lambskin. They’ve been on for about six months, so I can’t even remember how they’re different, but I never took them off so must like them. I also liked Auteur and Universe, don’t like BE2.
        Jun 3, 2024
        rlow and crenca like this.
      3. RestoredSparda
        Auteur x10000
        Jun 4, 2024
        Fenris and crenca like this.
      4. rott
        I find Zach/ZMF's recommended pads for each headphone match my taste, so Universe for me.
        Jun 4, 2024
        crenca likes this.
    7. crenca
      Plugged in the loaner Supernaut and I have a hum (similiar to mains but not exactlly) on the left channel, and I think some DC as well...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Guess like you can't nut tonight Sorry for your loss.
        May 28, 2024
        Case likes this.
      3. purr1n
        I had the hum on one channel when I had it while using efficient headphones. However, I'm old school and tend not to care about stuff like that.
        May 28, 2024
        RestoredSparda, crenca and YMO like this.
      4. crenca
        Ok, I have another rectifier on order so we will see if that's the source in 2 days or so. I will just listen in the mean time ;)
        May 28, 2024
    8. crenca
      Install HQPlayer Client on your tablet and see if you can make heads or tails of it...go ahead, I dare you
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        I have a life, I’m good
        May 12, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I use a screen share to my workstation so I can change settings in HQplayer. It's easier. I have a minimalist Nordic mind, and I still don't get the client software :-)
        May 13, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. zottel
        I’m using HQPlayer Client for exactly this use case. I don’t even remember putting in the IP, I guess it would take some time to configure it correctly again. :)
        But, once set up, it works, at least as long as you don’t restart HQPlayer (Embedded, in my case), you’ll have to restart the Client then, too. :o) (On an iPad, at least.)
        May 13, 2024
    9. crenca
      The latest Lyr (Lyr+ I think it is called) does not get enough love
      1. schiit and fraggler like this.
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      3. purr1n
        That's what I have been saying, but no one believes me.
        May 10, 2024
        Cryptowolf, atomicbob and Lyander like this.
      4. Mithrandir41
        Agreed. The current Lyr is a killer sounding amp and very respectable preamp
        May 10, 2024
        Slade01 likes this.
      5. Wilewarer
        I hear Lyr3 as an amp that disciplines unruly headphones, which raises the question of why you want an unruly headphone in the first place. I wonder if people just don't see that as the most logical path to system synergy.
        May 10, 2024
    10. crenca
      Just spent the last 2 hours going through various drawers & bins looking for a doodad to connect the thingamajigger to the computer...
      1. zottel likes this.
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      3. yotacowboy
        "doodad to connect the thingamajigger to the computer" DUDE!! I've got one of those! you can borrow it from me, srsly.
        Apr 25, 2024
        crenca and joch like this.
      4. joch
        From my experience, you’ll only find stuff only when you’re not searching for it.
        Apr 25, 2024
        Qildail and crenca like this.
      5. Armaegis
        My problem is I can't find the exact doodad, so I wind up stacking several different doodads until I eventually get the combination that I need.
        Apr 25, 2024
        crenca likes this.
    11. crenca
      Anyone know if an updated (v 2.0) Verite is in the works? I know some follow HF product pages and what not
      1. crenca
        Loved the technical qualities of v1, a different FR would be intriguing…
        Apr 23, 2024
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        As far as I know, no. If this is in the works though, I don't think I'd be sending mine in for the update unless technicalities improved and it moved in a direction I enjoyed
        Apr 24, 2024
    12. crenca
      bit of smoke from a house couple of doors down. 4 firetrucks showed up, though the last one turned around pretty quick
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Christ, I hope you and yours all stay safe and sound. I hope it doesn't spread; poor people. Thinking of you.
        Apr 19, 2024
        joch, zottel, crenca and 1 other person like this.
      3. crenca
        well, several flare ups later they might have it under control now. It started slowly, the owner was able to tell my neighbor she accidently left the gas grill on after cooking last night - she admitted she had it pushed up against the house! House is a total loss, even though the walls are still mostly standing. I will have signifcant smoke stench in the house...
        Apr 19, 2024
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Dreadful. I guess that is what domestic fires are about: one simple mistake. And all is lost. What the flames don't destroy, the water does.

        I'm very sorry for them, and for the poor woman who has to remember a not-turned-off gas grill for ever.

        Glad you are ok.
        Apr 19, 2024
        atomicbob, Qildail, crenca and 3 others like this.
    13. crenca
      After looking at streaming prices for Dune 2 on Prime, thought I would stop by Walmart & just get soup for me until 23rd...
      1. BenjaminBore and rhythmdevils like this.
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      3. Cspirou
        Blu-ray sales are actually going up again because people are fed up with streaming companies
        Apr 18, 2024
        Grattle, Qildail and crenca like this.
      4. wbass
        Lisan al Gaib!
        Apr 18, 2024
        HouseOfTheEd and crenca like this.
      5. BillOhio
        I considered renting Dune 2 for the $20 but decided to buy an IMAX ticket instead for basically the same price. It was a good decision even though I had to pee through the second half of the viewing.
        Apr 21, 2024
    14. crenca
      1. Azimuth, rott, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
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      3. Slade01
        yo - thanks for reminding me about this. i completely forgot to do this. let's get that....15 bucks! lets gooooo...
        Apr 14, 2024
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        That is enough for a new CD, so totally worth it
        Apr 15, 2024
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      5. YMO
        Jokes on you, I never gave Verizon money for their overpriced plans.
        Apr 15, 2024
    15. crenca
      Holo Cyan 2 arrived today a day early. Sorry, there will be no unboxing video...y'all will just have to live with the disappointment
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        Not sure how it sounds compared to the Spring 2... but I would have sold you the Spring 2 if you wanted it.
        Apr 6, 2024
        wbass and crenca like this.
      3. YMO
        Apr 6, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      4. penguins
        Apr 7, 2024
    16. crenca
      Why does the Frito-Lay company think they can slip me a Mickey?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        A Mickey Finn?
        Apr 2, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. YMO
        Why you are being fat in the first place?
        Apr 2, 2024
      4. crenca
        They're not for my fat ass, they're for the God the children...
        Apr 2, 2024
        Grattle and YMO like this.
    17. crenca
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Mar 18, 2024
      3. crenca
        I admit I want Roon on my DAP's for in house use (my most common use location), so I want Android. I agree, tube DAP's seem a stretch, about as weird as that new quarter with a goofy looking George Washington looking the wrong way...
        Mar 18, 2024
        YMO likes this.
      4. Merrick
        Nutubes work nicely in DAPs, but with the tubes in this, it seems like such a waste of time and money.
        Mar 18, 2024
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    18. crenca
      My HS freshman daughter kicked butt at the state swim finals this weekend, competing effectively against the juniors/seniors...
      1. crenca
        Mar 12, 2024
        Walderstorn and joch like this.
    19. crenca
      I have a hankering to try a new source, so I just ordered a Holo Cyan 2 (the entry level DAC)
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      2. JK47
        Leave it in the cardboard box it comes in
        Feb 21, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. Sqveak
        Anticipating your impressions! Curious as to how it stacks up vs. the usual suspects. Also want to know how the auto source switching behaves. No manual selection is a major WTF. Especially if it auto selects away from what you are listening to because something else got turned on.
        Feb 21, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      4. crenca
        No real info as to how that auto switching behaves, and I even pushed all the way through that HF thread :( I suspect I will try I2S & USB, choose whichever sounds best and just leave it so I don't *think* it will be an issue for me.
        Feb 21, 2024
        Sqveak likes this.
    20. crenca
      @yotacowboy & I ask: Are ROHM based DAC's worth investigating?
      1. yotacowboy and JK47 like this.
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      3. GanGreinke
        It looks like the iBasso DC Elite and DX320 are ROHM based. I think @jexby and a few others here have some experience with the iBasso DC Elite
        Feb 20, 2024
      4. Wilewarer
        I've been curious about these, but the BD34301EKV is a really, really expensive part, the most expensive of all the audio DACs I thought to check on Mouser by a good margin. I figure that limits a lot of manufacturer enthusiasm.
        Feb 20, 2024
      5. JK47
        Feb 20, 2024
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  • About

    Jul 18, 1969 (Age: 55)
    Southern New Mexico
    Business Manager
    Gear List:
    depends on the week ;)