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Jul 26, 2024 at 12:43 PM
May 26, 2017
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Jul 18, 1969 (Age: 55)
Southern New Mexico
Business Manager

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Friend, Male, 55, from Southern New Mexico


Almost forgot: What audio related is worthy on this Amazon Prime Day? You folks picking anything up? Jul 17, 2024

crenca was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 12:43 PM
    1. crenca
      I put the full mesh on my atrium and I am liking it... Apparently I did not spend enough time with this when I first got the headphones
      1. Cryptowolf and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. crenca
        I need to order 1 (or perhaps 8 ;)) extra sets before I start mangling but your right, some modding is the prescription
        Feb 18, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        You could also try putting some masking tape over some holes on the stock Atrium mesh. Won't be perfect but might give you an idea of what you'd want to do and it wouldn't be permanent
        Feb 18, 2024
        Tchoupitoulas, Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
      5. ilikebananafudge_
        I cut a small hole in the center of the solid mesh and I've enjoyed it. I definitely liked it more than the solid mesh with no hole.
        Feb 18, 2024
        Tchoupitoulas, Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
    2. crenca
      I understand SF public schools are going to teach algebra again. Is this not what fascism looks like?!
      1. YMO likes this.
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      3. crenca
        In no small part to dissident social phychs like Jordan Peterson ( love them or hate them). IQ is very predictive, that's just a reality
        Feb 17, 2024
      4. Claritas
        It’s “the return of the repressed.”
        Feb 17, 2024
        YMO likes this.
      5. Case
        I think algebra is the least of children's problems today.
        Feb 18, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    3. crenca
      Heee'ssss Baaacckkkkkk....well, after more than a year I thought I would say HI! :)
      1. atomicbob, Qildail, Jinxy245 and 20 others like this.
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      3. Gazny
        On the dl, most are rocking FMC to their streamers. Outside of that some are modding a few “vintage” fpga dacs from 2011
        Feb 2, 2024
        crenca and JK47 like this.
      4. yotacowboy
        Happy to see you back!!
        Feb 2, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      5. YMO
        I can wait to have our 1:1 shirtless videos @crenca with other real men on the forums.
        Feb 2, 2024
        Gazny likes this.
    4. crenca
      Tagging @Bina , I want to confirm that Roon is "still broken" on your new players including M6 Ultra
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        I pinged him in the loaner thread, too. radio silence. I will say, the M6 Ultra is dead silent into Andro. Still haven't put more than 12-15 hours on it so withholding long form impressions for now, BUT, I'm glad I picked it up regardless of software dumb shit; hot take is a little lumpy in the upper bass, but great treble resolve and micro dynamics/dynamic shading.
        Nov 1, 2022
        Cryptowolf, crenca and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      3. crenca
        I have the loaner and I'm to write the 'intro' post. I wanted to be sure before I reported it. Yea, has more bass oomph (though still AKMish but not as bad) than my pre AKM fire M6 Pro...
        Nov 1, 2022
      4. Bina
        @crenca So far Roon still broken, no update from software team on this.

        @yotacowboy Sorry, I didn't get notification for your post tagging me in the loaner thread, I guess because you did it as edit?
        Nov 1, 2022
        Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
    5. crenca
      I read today's statement by Musk as one of those attempts to reconcile laissez faire with public good as a conceptualized by a shallow...
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      2. crenca
        That said, I might set up a twitter account now that Big Woke is reigned in just a little bit there...maybe...probably not...
        Oct 27, 2022
      3. crenca
        That passed quick, there just no way I'm bothering with Big Social Media lol :)
        Oct 27, 2022
        yotacowboy likes this.
      4. yotacowboy
        "cutting edge" intellectualism masking a profit motive is likely just ethical confusion.
        Oct 27, 2022
        crenca likes this.
    6. crenca
      Anyone here on Starlink? What's your experience, particularly around latency (bandwidth is supposedly good)?
      1. MisterRogers
        Not a Starlink user, but follow with interest. Read an article the other day saying that users are frustrated as speeds (latency and mbps) are slowing as they add more people to the network (which make sense). I'll see if I can find that article
        Sep 30, 2022
        Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        Arstechnica has good coverage of the topic, but I'm on traditional satellite with no Starlink experience.
        Oct 3, 2022
    7. crenca
      I remember that nice place we stayed just south of Fort Meyers a few years back...yikes.
      1. YMO
        I can't wait for people to bitch about hurricane after they just paid serious $$$ to live near the water.
        Sep 28, 2022
        crenca likes this.
      2. crenca
        What's the forcast for you - what is peak windage supposed to be and is it higher then your toilet velocity?
        Sep 28, 2022
      3. YMO
        TS level for Jax, enough to go outside shirtless only wearing my undies.
        Sep 28, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom and DigMe like this.
    8. crenca
      I want a HD pickup, but the grills are too small. Heck, I bet an average driver can see 400 yards in front of him, maybe even 350...
      1. crenca
      2. yotacowboy
        Don't blame Chevy, blame their marketing research focus groups.
        Sep 26, 2022
      3. YMO
        Including making pickups priced like Lincolns.
        Sep 27, 2022
    9. crenca
      Anyone here ever get ears on a Sugden "Headmaster" HP amp?
    10. crenca
      Goodness, went to order a Forza cable, a non-value tax of almost 25%!...anyway besides used market to avoid this?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ksaurav402
        Ya I guess VAT is for EU and not for non EU address
        Sep 7, 2022
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        I received a pigtail from Forza just the other day and DHL was fine. Not the horror show I'd heard it to be.
        Sep 7, 2022
      4. RestoredSparda
        Recently ordered 3 Forza cables over the last month and DHL was quick and just fine. But, the $40 shipping is pretty brutal.
        Sep 7, 2022
        Claritas likes this.
    11. crenca
      Trying out Lyr + as pre for Starlett. @Riotvan , was it you that was interested in this? I don't know anything about the circuit...
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. crenca
        No Claritas this is my first Lyr, which I briefly heard at the Austin show, just enough to determine it would replace my Asgard 3. I always figured I would end up with an DSHA3F but it did not impress me enough (again, show conditions) so I just went with the Lyr +
        Sep 6, 2022
        Claritas likes this.
      4. crenca
        I just need an "auxiliary" SS as the Starlett is my goto, and so far the Lyr + is doing how I justified "needing" two relatively $expensive$ amps ;)
        Sep 6, 2022
      5. Claritas
        I can understand it. I use four desktop amps regularly (for Paradox, HD-600, ESP-950, and IEMs). So, I'm unwilling to spend more than ~$1,250 on any single headphone amp. And, in any case, I'm going to buy speakers eventually.
        Sep 6, 2022
    12. crenca
      New ZMF headband design - I admit I did not know. Is the old design still availiable @zach915m ? Going grom memory I think I prefer it
      1. crenca
        I can be such a pain in the ass... ;)
        Sep 2, 2022
        Cryptowolf and Gazny like this.
      2. dasman66
        I switched by my Eikon and Auteur to the new band and probably have the old ones laying around. Let me know if you want one
        Sep 2, 2022
        Vtory, Lyander, Claritas and 4 others like this.
      3. YMO
        The only reason for your pain in the ass is the fat rolls.
        Sep 2, 2022
    13. crenca
      Atrium loaner & Lyr + in the house on same day. First Impressions of combo: An HD 650 with bass, separation and veil mostly lifted...
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
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      3. Lunk_Wray
        @crenca , Did you mean Lyr+ ? Not Lyr 2?
        Aug 31, 2022
        crenca likes this.
      4. crenca
        Yes @Lunk_Wray , I meant this just out "Fusion Architecture" Lyr, which I think we are calling "Lyr +" (to distinguish it from an unamed circuit update of the OG Lyr we called Lyr 2?) though on Schiit's site it's just "Lyr"....branding can be so confusing ;)

        Edit: I see Jason is calling it "Lyr +" as well
        Sep 1, 2022
        Cryptowolf and Lunk_Wray like this.
      5. Lunk_Wray
        Not as confusing as ifi's Zen Signature Air V2 Drop sooper dooper edition Dac branding. . .
        Sep 1, 2022
    14. Puma Cat
      Puma Cat
      @wbass: "But does that noise get passed on to the endpoint?" Absotutely. In 2 ways: the SMPS cause impedance leakage current, resulting in "threshold jitter", and this is very audilble as it impacts timing, which our brains are very sensitive to. Also, ground-plane noise, whiich is rampant on digital devices, adds audible distortion, "blur & slur" to the presentation.
      1. Cryptowolf and Gazny like this.
      2. wbass
        Ah, right, but is that only an issue if/when a computer is on the same circuit as your audio stuff?
        Aug 28, 2022
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "timing, which our brains are very sensitive"

        Mostly, I don't even know what day it is.
        Aug 28, 2022
        yotacowboy likes this.
    15. Puma Cat
      Puma Cat
      The advantages that the Roon Nucleus, Sonore Sonictransporter and "built to purpose" NUCs have over the Roon core running on a laptop or desktop computer is there's less "crap" (subsystems, high-bandwidth graphics or "soundcard" chips, etc) on the computer that add noise to the presentation. It turns out that digital, in particular, is very prone being affected by a number of different noise factors.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. wbass
        Interesting. But does that noise get passed on to the endpoint? I guess I've found that there's a convenience factor. Your desktop/laptop probably isn't always on and ready to stream, and it's sometimes (very slightly) annoying to have to get up and wake it up. A Nucleus, etc. is always on by design.
        Aug 28, 2022
      3. Ksaurav402
        Convenience was one major factor why I built NUC based core. Also I don’t have a desktop and my laptop is what I use for work and I can’t install lot of software due to security policies and even if I can, I run lot of CPU intensive software and applications and hence I wanted to keep my music related stuff out of my laptop. ROCK OS is perfect for roon.
        Aug 28, 2022
        Puma Cat likes this.
    16. crenca
      Anyone here run a Roon Nucleus? If so what's the "gotcha's" running Nucleus/Roon OS as opposed to core on desktop/laptop?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cryptowolf
        I run an Innuos Zen Mini as my Roon server. It compares favorable with a Roon Nucleus.
        Aug 27, 2022
        crenca likes this.
      3. crenca
        Thanks for the comments guys. I'm running Roon core now on my regular desktop PC, and am thiking of offloading it to a dedicated box and was just looking at options. Nucleus is just a one stop fanless option (at a $premium) I was looking over...
        Aug 29, 2022
        Cryptowolf and YMO like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        another option; small green computer sonic transporter. I run one as my HQPlayer embedded device (fanless, self contained pc)
        Aug 29, 2022
        crenca likes this.
    17. crenca
      Maybe the only thing I miss about cable/commercial TV is the occasional re-run of Gilligan or Star Trek OG...
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      2. crenca
        WCW, is that what used to be WWF before some save the baby seal types ruined it for everybody?
        Aug 18, 2022
      3. YMO
        No @crenca, it used to be the Mouth of the South’s baby.
        Aug 18, 2022
      4. Syzygy
        Isn't Star Trek OG still on Netflix?

        I miss Hogan's Heroes and I Dream of Jeannie.
        Aug 19, 2022
        Biodegraded likes this.
    18. crenca
      Driving by the windmills out here in West Texas. They're turning, so with any luck we'll have power at the show ;)
      1. Jinxy245, sheldaze, schiit and 5 others like this.
      2. schiit
        We had a fun little glitch this morning in Corpus Christi. See you at the show!
        Jul 20, 2022
        Jinxy245 and SoupRKnowva like this.
    19. crenca
      Is there voice-to-text dictation software other than Dragon worth considering?
      1. crenca
        I need to try what's built into Win 10 (but my experience tells me I will get what I paid for ;) ), but I'm thinking other paid/supported software that's a serious product.
        Jul 8, 2022
      2. atomicbob
        I haven't kept current but back when exploring the various vendors for a corporate research project Dragon almost always performed the best.
        Jul 8, 2022
        crenca, Cryptowolf and Senorx12562 like this.
    20. crenca
      "Dear DEA-Registrants: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is providing the following guidance...
      1. YMO likes this.
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      3. Qildail
        Jun 28, 2022
        crazychile likes this.
      4. Senorx12562
        Iirc, the first federal statute dealing with mj was called the Marijuana Tax Act (1927?), so Iowa was just following suit. Ofc, at the time the Federal Courts still pretended the 9th and 10th Amendments hadn't been repealed. Oh wait, they havent?
        Jun 28, 2022
        Cryptowolf, Qildail and crazychile like this.
      5. Senorx12562
        Sorry, 1937.
        Jun 28, 2022
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  • About

    Jul 18, 1969 (Age: 55)
    Southern New Mexico
    Business Manager
    Gear List:
    depends on the week ;)