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Oct 5, 2015
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How is this ghey card more complex or harder to develop than a 4080 to demand such a price? Jan 17, 2024

Huhnkopf was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 1:58 AM
    1. Huhnkopf
      1. nishan99 likes this.
      2. crenca
        Does not seem like it. Several interesting things, from the depth of the pads (my ears would like that I think) to the recommended 2W per channel with an alleged 95db (per 1mW I assume) sensitivity...
        Feb 22, 2021
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      3. gixxerwimp
        Feb 22, 2021
    2. Huhnkopf
      Liquid Crimson back from the US finally, after 2.5 mo. They sent it stable a. well packed in a Cavalli box too. Happy with the service.
      1. Cryptowolf and Lyander like this.
    3. Huhnkopf
      Can the enhanced I2S of Sonic Frontier DACs be used with sth. else of today or is the protocol too different and would also need a firmware?
    4. Huhnkopf
      Sonic Frontiers Processor 3 is absolutely wonderful. If I listen too much I will be covered in honey and henceforth be called Honigkopf.
    5. Huhnkopf
      Apparently The HD 600 took around 5-6 years of research and testing. Interesting.
      1. brencho
        It paid off nicely haha
        Oct 16, 2020
    6. Huhnkopf
      560S sound great but no HD 600/650 killers as hyped before. Better bass extension, more clarity there. Not as natural, nuanced in the mids.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Huhnkopf
        I haven't heard the MA900 though with all the current gear so I need to unpack it and see it how it actually fares by now. Will do that tomorrow.
        Oct 8, 2020
      3. Huhnkopf
        The Liquid Crimson helped with the Philips Holland E88CC tubes, contrary to the HPA-1 from Pass Labs which is more linear and less soft. Not a good pairing with the 560S.

        Marv still has the Vali I think and I think it's also best to wait for him to tear it all down as I am sure he has ideas for mods.
        Oct 8, 2020
      4. Huhnkopf
        And then of course Evan Schaaf will join in, pulverize the headphone by throwing magic bombs, while cursing and singing and build something new out of all the atoms.
        Oct 8, 2020
        Phantaminum likes this.
    7. Huhnkopf
      Found a HE-4 again, in very great condition too. Woohoo, who needs the latest and greatest when there's such gems.
      1. E_Schaaf likes this.
      2. E_Schaaf
        best mid tone of any hifiman!
        Jul 14, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    8. Huhnkopf
      Is the Heddphone the biggest headphone hype of the year that just ended in a circlejerk? @netforce Any chance for a SBAF review loaner?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ksaurav402
        I guess the weight and fit were the main reason of it not doing great business after launch
        May 31, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. netforce
        HEDD is super small team that has been having a tricky time meeting current demand with covid limiting production. I finally have some units coming in soon, I think I can talk to HEDD about a review tour.

        I have the small yoke version right now and my incoming batch is larger yoke.
        May 31, 2020
        Huhnkopf and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Jinxy245
        I think it was the production version, but can't be sure of course...this was back in February this year.
        May 31, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    9. Huhnkopf
      Is the TH-909 worth looking into? Is it similar to the TH-900 with slightly less bass volume and maybe more even treble, lower mids?
      1. MichaeLeroy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Serious
        Ouch, that looks like I might even prefer the older one. Treble peak looks not-at-all-fixed and instead of 500Hz dip you now get a 1.5-2kHz dip?
        May 30, 2020
      4. Lyander
        I take offence to not preferring 1kHz dips to 500-600Hz! :P

        Kidding aside yeah the 909 fixes some of the 900's issues but doesn't key it all in. I'm mostly curious how the semiopen configuration changes reverb character and resolution, plus "textures"
        May 30, 2020
        Serious likes this.
      5. E_Schaaf
        There's a very simple mod you can do to basically solve the treble peak on the 900s and X00s with most pads other than stock, I know the 909 has the same drivers as the 900 so a similar tweak might work just as well. Been meaning to get open cups built for my 900s...
        May 30, 2020
        Lurker, Lyander and Huhnkopf like this.
    10. Huhnkopf
      Pried a LCD-2 Rev. 1 from the hand's of a very selective owner and it is indeed one of the great ones. Yet...
      1. Empyah and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. Huhnkopf
        somewhere along the road Audeze seems to have given up that magical romance with all the later iterations. Why?
        May 11, 2020
        Empyah likes this.
      3. E_Schaaf
        May 30, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    11. Huhnkopf
      Joseph Tawadros Album "World Music" is just lovely
    12. Huhnkopf
      Have a Furman AC-210 left. Can I hook it up to a Gaming PC for fun or is it not fit for the power demands?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. famish99
        While I agree you should be able to, just can't help but wonder why you'd want to.
        May 5, 2020
        dark_energy likes this.
      3. Huhnkopf
        Got no other use for it right now. Banking on the protection features which might not hurt, though I might be trying too hard to find a use case when electricity in Germany is very stable and reliable.
        May 5, 2020
        dark_energy likes this.
      4. dark_energy
        It might save you your PC PSU in worse case scenario, but these have some surge voltage protection already in them. Other sensitive electronics might benefit when the power company messes around with switches. Mostly still double safety, just in case...
        May 5, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    13. Huhnkopf
      holy crap, the Liquid Crimson is one hell of an amp in the first hour. Need to shop groceries but I can't leave. Will die of hunger.
      1. Empyah, Hammy, atomicbob and 8 others like this.
      2. DigMe
        Good preparation for covid-19
        Mar 5, 2020
        Huhnkopf, YMO and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      3. atomicbob
        You are exceptionally lucky to have found a unicorn.
        Mar 5, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    14. Huhnkopf
      Does the Sapphire Blue TH-900 MK II fix the 4/500Hz suckout and 8kHz peak?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. E_Schaaf
        Also FWIW the low-mid recession strangely disappears on the EARS when you add a bit of pressure. Could possibly just be a seal thing. With different cup stuffing and baffle adjustments, the dip lightens up a bit too.
        Feb 25, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      3. Huhnkopf
        Thanks Evan. It probably is the pads, they are kinda flat for my taste and don't seem to fit as well as all the different pads that the Hifiman game made me amass, which I'm used to. TH-900 are so beautiful and delicate modding them is very new
        Feb 25, 2020
      4. Lyander
        The TH-X00 pads help change things out a lot, someone posted measurements showing how the treble peak shifted from ~7kHz to 10~11k as per the MDxFostexes. I got to try the same in demo conditions and can confirm the pads go a long ways towards making the treble less painful. Tiny ear hole, not a problem for me but might be for others.
        Feb 25, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    15. Huhnkopf
      "However, those of you expecting a Gungnir 2 and Yggdrasil 2 in the mold of Bifrost 2 may be in for a shock."
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        What does the 'mold' refer to? Size? Technology? Modularity?
        Jan 2, 2020
      4. rlow
        I’m thinking the modularity. Something the size of Gungnir and Yggdrasil, not sure it’s possible that everything will be swappable like Bifrost. Like those huge analog boards on Yggdrasil - seems kinda crazy to be able to swap those from the rear of the unit along with the other boards.
        Jan 2, 2020
        GoodEnoughGear, RobS and Huhnkopf like this.
      5. Hammy
        The whole philosophy with the multibits is that there is no interpolation or extrapolation of the bits. This just carries that to the hardware level.
        Jan 2, 2020
        atomicbob likes this.
    16. Huhnkopf
      I considered myself easily able to filter through shit and narcissistic shitposting, until I read the LCD-1 thread on HF.
      1. Jinxy245 and Case like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        There were a few people in that thread infuriating enough to keep me from needing caffeine.
        Oct 19, 2019
      4. yotacowboy
        "There were a few people in that thread infuriating enough to keep me from needing PCP." ftfy.
        Oct 20, 2019
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
    17. Huhnkopf
      Audeze LCD-1 looks like an open Mobius.
      1. Jinxy245 and Bloom like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. netforce
        Buddy was at Audeze HQ yesterday, heard the LCD-1. Described it as so "It's tuned like the x but with more treble presence"
        Oct 16, 2019
        Lyander, Ash1412, Richgard and 5 others like this.
      4. tommytakis
        not sure how accurate this is but found this through metal571's channel. Audeze's GRAS KEMAR Raw Measurement of LCD1:
        Oct 16, 2019
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      5. Zed Bopp
        Zed Bopp
        This needs a closed and truly portable version fast - the over-ear comfy Sine, please.
        Oct 17, 2019
    18. Huhnkopf
      Sold Gungnir Multibit to make space for Yggdrasil. Withdrawal hit me hard in a 1st world problems way. Didn't expect it in that intensity.
      1. atomicbob, hikergrl, spwath and 3 others like this.
    19. Huhnkopf
      Damn, didn't expect Blu Tack to make such a difference. HE-4 bass improved a lot. Such potential. Slapped ZMF Auteur pads on them and done.
      1. hikergrl, Lyander, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
      2. E_Schaaf
        IFL the HE4. Best single-sided planar ever made IMHO. It's a planar ADX5000
        Oct 4, 2019
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      3. Huhnkopf
        Never listened to the ADX5K unfortunately. Not yet. I'm amazed how great the HE-4 remains and how it got even better, cleaner, how capable it is: punchy, fast, yet light and very agile. Gives me more joy than most of all the new Hifiman headphones that followed. What an unsung hero. Now I gotta save the 5LE and its dead screws etc.
        Oct 6, 2019
    20. Huhnkopf
      Having the HE-500 and the HE-5LE, is the HE-6 a worthy upgrade to the latter when not driving it from a speaker amp?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. E_Schaaf
        As someone who owns all three... no. HE6 is a fickle bitch.
        Jul 24, 2019
        Huhnkopf, hikergrl and purr1n like this.
      3. Huhnkopf
        A pity, kinda hoped there was at least a noticable upgrade.
        Jul 24, 2019
      4. E_Schaaf
        You could flip your V281 for a Schiit speaker amp (or two) or a First Watt clone + used OG Saga, which would yield gains with your current headphones and would also give you better drive on the HE6.
        Jul 24, 2019
        Huhnkopf likes this.
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