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Feb 25, 2017
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Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Philippines, The

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Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer, Male, 31, from Philippines, The

Pyrate Contributor

Does anyone have any experience running the official ER4 cable with an ER2XR? The ER2 cable is HORRIBLE for durability but sounds fine. Jul 26, 2024 at 12:47 PM

Lyander was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 5:29 PM
    1. Lyander
      Got a paperback copy of Sanderson's Oathbringer from my best friend. Effing hell this paperback is YUGE.
      1. zerodeefex likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Dec 25, 2017
        captkirk likes this.
      4. zerodeefex
        I was a purist until I had a job where I was traveling at least 2-3 weeks every month. I got on the ereader bandwagon quickly after that. I love both the new oasis and the aura one. Great devices these days.
        Dec 25, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        Yeah, my e-book collection's been growing too. Still, for ones like these I prefer having a physical copy I can spend my off days loafing around the house reading. Much more relaxing, and it's nice to not have my eyes glued to a screen (for a change XD).
        Dec 26, 2017
    2. Lyander
      Merry Christmas from rainy-as-hell Philippines!
      1. powermatic, brencho, A1Gear and 7 others like this.
      2. obsiCO
        Going to hijack your post and wish everyone a Merry Christmas from hot-as-hell Thailand as well! Cheers!
        Dec 24, 2017
        Lyander, 9suns and Riotvan like this.
    3. Lyander
      All the Sennheiser kerfuffle has helped me decide on one thing: I'm getting an HD650 of my own before getting an HD800. Or keep my friend's.
      1. Ringingears likes this.
    4. Lyander
      Holy shit I wondered why the forum looked slightly different. Still think I'm not quite worthy of the title, but WOO!! Thanks XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 9suns
        Well deserved buddy :)
        Dec 17, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      3. obsiCO
        In a short time here you've shown to be more level-headed and a better communicator than, well, me despite being at about the same age (not a good comparison at all I know, just wanna get the point across). You definitely deserve it! :D
        Dec 17, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Thanks, @Ringingears! That means a lot, really.

        Much appreciated, @9suns! XD

        @obsiCO Eh I'd not say so, I tend to lay the fat on a little thick as far as my writing goes, but I'm flattered all the same. Thank you :)
        Dec 17, 2017
        obsiCO likes this.
    5. Lyander
      I'm amazed at how often @zerodeefex changes titles. I remember I had a laughing fit when I saw him go from sassy to ornery, for some reason.
      1. zerodeefex likes this.
      2. jowls
        No idea how I got my title...
        Dec 17, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        HAHA! I will admit I'm more than a bit curious about some of the titles I've seen, and yours is definitely one of them XD
        Dec 17, 2017
    6. Lyander
      Last day of term yesterday, I distinctly remember being puke-drunk for the first time ever in my life. Grad school is fun. Good friends.
      1. sheldaze, Case and BillOhio like this.
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      3. Lyander
        I lost track of maybe a few minutes. But I remember leaving and leaving a bit of a trail. Agh. That's humiliating.
        Dec 15, 2017
      4. bengo
        Been there, done that... earned the nickname "sickboy" ... FOR A YEAR. 18 year olds don't know their limits yet.
        Dec 17, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        @bengo HAHA, not exactly 18, but yeah, I'm not really the type to go out and party so as far as drinking experience goes I'm probably closer to 18 than to my actual age.
        Dec 17, 2017
    7. Lyander
      I was bullied like shit as a kid, this hit close to home. f'ing ace, this kid is tough.
      1. Thad E Ginathom, Dino, 9suns and 6 others like this.
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      3. Lyander
        @Ringingears Agreed. the world is exceedingly beautiful but people can be less so. Kids nowadays (people younger than me, anyway) seem to value their online presence a lot, so having the internet shitpost about you canNOT be good. Can't wait til I'm an old fart so I can dish it out with impunity :P
        Dec 11, 2017
        Ringingears likes this.
      4. Lyander
        @DigMe Thanks for the heads up! Weird that there was a kid that looked like him in the one photo with the flag, but perhaps it's a doppelganger? Argh, this is confusing. I just want all facts to come to light in an orderly manner, no more freaking subterfuge and half-truths. As if the world were that easy.
        Dec 11, 2017
      5. Lyander
        What I hate about all this is how fast news travels on the net. No wait, that's good, but what sucks is that very few people think to get the whole story before chiming in, and even worse, these same people start flaming others over something that may or may not be true.
        Dec 11, 2017
    8. Lyander
      Cramming 50 pages of assessments and manuals into four days. That's what procrastinating gets ya. Sigh.
      1. FallingObjects and Deep Funk like this.
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      3. Lyander
        @Ringingears I was mostly kidding about wanting to experience hallucinations— not a fan of mushrooms (or, well, drugs in general, haha). Thanks! I'll probably be off all this week after this, out of necessity XD

        @spwath Good luck with that! Interesting topic. Sparrow approves.
        Dec 9, 2017
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Four days? Procrastinate properly man! Start tomorrow. Or the day after!
        Dec 10, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        @Thad E Ginathom HAHAHA. I wish I could but I'd probably die and flunk if I tried, not necessarily in that order XD
        Dec 10, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    9. Lyander
      Asking for a friend who's super shy: portable (foldable?) closed circumaural cans, neutral and around $100? I'm straining to reco :))
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        @DigMe Gah, I can't believe I forgot about the MDxEMU Purplehearts! LOL, I remember wanting a pair cuz @Hands kinda sold me on them with his review. Well within budget too, as is the CAL! 2.

        But she's considering the Senns just because it's Senn. Eh, reliable brand I guess, haha. Should also isolate better. Thank you!
        Dec 5, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
      3. DigMe
        I’m considering the senns just because for my purposes I need better isolation than the EMU’s offer.
        Dec 5, 2017
      4. Lyander
        I bring my X00s to school, and the minimal leak but low isolation took a bit of getting used to. Useful in certain settings, but I can see how there being basically no attenuation might be a problem for many.

        Whichever she ends up getting, I'll get to listen to anyway, so yay for trying new stuff out :))
        Dec 5, 2017
        bixby and DigMe like this.
    10. Lyander
      So I have mild tinnitus (f**k you McCormick) but have intact high freq hearing up to ~17kHz. Weird.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. spwath
        That is exactly what i have.
        Nov 30, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        I shelled out for some okay-ish IEMs pretty much just for hearing protection purposes (I don't really like listening to music through IEMs, for whatever reason). Guess I might as well invest in proper plugs though.

        @Cspirou Heck YES they should. Or at least make sure not to crank volumes up to obscene levels just because they can.

        Hmm, those Etymotics look cool.
        Nov 30, 2017
      4. Grahad2
        My hearing aid automatically attenuates whenever ambient noise is too loud - useful as hell until someone tries to talk to you in a server room and you can't hear them at all.
        Nov 30, 2017
    11. Lyander
      At what age do you become too old to learn an instrument for the first time?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        Secondhand market it is. As with all things, value proposition is usually better than buying new, unless you're dead-set on supporting the manufacturer or whatever. Thanks, @FallingObjects!
        Dec 5, 2017
        FallingObjects likes this.
      3. GanGreinke
        Be very careful with buying a used instrument from random people. There are a lot of really crappy used instruments that people try to sell, and these instruments are either junk from the moment they are made or need lots of professional work (and hundreds of dollars) to not be junk because they have been neglected for such a long time.
        Dec 6, 2017
      4. ButtUglyJeff
        You live in a very humid part of the world. You want to buy from someone who is aware of how important that is to wood instrument care. Ask if the case has a hygrometer, that might help sort the musicians from the wet noodles...
        Dec 6, 2017
        FallingObjects likes this.
    12. Lyander
      Has anyone ever measured the effects of rotating the foam discs on Fostex TH-series cans? I mean damn, drastic differences.
    13. Lyander
      Someone selling a Nano iDSD Black Label for just under $138 in local groups. Huh. That was fast.
      1. jexby
        for anyone that owns decent, higher end IEMs, the nano iDSD BL is a good unit and comes close to GO2A for single ended hook ups.
        Nov 19, 2017
        Aleatorius, Lyander and FlySweep like this.
      2. Lyander
        GO2A remains superior then? That, plus less bulky form factor edges the iFi out if I ever decide to invest in a portable setup. Thanks, @jexby!
        Nov 19, 2017
      3. jexby
        If using balanced headphone jack of GO2A and NOT overly sensitive headphones, then yes perhaps. but the IEMatch built into nano iDSD BL is super quiet, one device that can run off USB or battery power. compared to two models: GO2A needs USB power, the different GO2Pro uses battery power.
        Nov 21, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
    14. Lyander
      Turns out NIOSH actually made a SPL measurement app for iOS. Shame it's not on Android, but might be good for on-the-fly measurements.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Biodegraded
        For Android, check the Bosch iNVH app. As you scroll through the pages and pages of licence agreement, you might find the list of phones it's been tested with to see if yours has been calibrated, or you can do it manually.
        Nov 16, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @Biodegraded Awesome, that one's new to me. Will get on that! Thanks :)
        Nov 16, 2017
      4. Lyander
        Bother, incompatible with my device. Ah well, could just use the freebie one I currently have installed and calibrate it another time.
        Nov 16, 2017
    15. Lyander
      GDI why is ZMF stuff so hard to audition here. In other news, I spilled 0.6L of hot tea on myself and my bed. Non-bed-wetting streak broken.
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      2. ButtUglyJeff
        I was think more about establishing contact, express an interest in an audition, and see what happens...
        Nov 14, 2017
      3. Lyander
        Huh. Honestly, I didn't think people actually managed to pull that off without some bit of heavy clout behind them. I'm a lot more outspoken online than I am in person (unless someone talks straight up stupid then I go full asshat), so I might be a while dredging up the confidence to arrange that.
        Nov 14, 2017
      4. Lyander
        Then again, the PH audio circle is pretty deep in, so maybe I could make it a group thing so they know it's legit and that there's a better chance someone will keep em!

        Thanks for the idea, @ButtUglyJeff! Will see if anyone else local is curious about these.
        Nov 14, 2017
        ButtUglyJeff likes this.
    16. %20 Oddity
      %20 Oddity
      I love those games and I can't gush about Nier as a story enough. Especially with a character limit in place. :P
      1. Lyander likes this.
      2. Lyander
        I KNOW! Never mind how it ties in with Drakengard too, yeah? Man, this is why I'm a JRPG fan. That, and quirky sidequests that give you overpowered and overly ornate superweapons, haha.
        Nov 12, 2017
      3. Lyander
        Oh, and Kainé is just one of the best party members in an RPG, save for the one "trapped princess" segment.
        Nov 12, 2017
    17. Lyander
      ... Left channel on the HD650 I'm borrowing from a friend stopped working. Praying to digital Jesus it's a cable thing (just using stock).
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        Nice! A new spring is less then $1 i think so if the problem returns it is an option.
        Nov 10, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        By the way, thanks for the video @Riotvan! Was pretty useful— I'm not timid about tinkering, but whether or not I can put something back together... well suffice to say my biggest concern was that these weren't my cans and that buying a replacement would be a bit of a stretch, haha.
        Nov 10, 2017
        Riotvan likes this.
      4. Riotvan
        No worries :)
        Nov 10, 2017
    18. Lyander
      Just found out a local burger place has a Carolina Reaper-sauce burger. Not great with spicy food, but morbidly curious.
      1. monacelli likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Having said that, similar trepidation about the Carolina Reaper, but eh, as long as I survive the experience I can think back on it as a fun experience.
        Nov 9, 2017
      4. monacelli
        I agree. I think it's a great show and Sean is one of the best interviewers period, not just on the Internet. It's a cool format, and usually makes you come away looking at the guest a little differently than you did before
        Nov 9, 2017
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        No arguments from me, the man is in his element (i.e bastard-level hot sauce, haha). Best example of hot sauce disinhibition off the top of my head is probably the Chris Jericho episode, or Bobby Lee XD
        Nov 9, 2017
        monacelli likes this.
    19. Lyander
      Finally letting go of the iDSD. Mediocre, perhaps, but has a lot of sentimental value. Sigh, well, it's an excuse to finally go Eitr+Modi Multibit.
      1. DigMe likes this.
    20. Lyander
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Philippines, The


    A curmudgeon before his time.

    Schiit Modi Multibit 2>Schiit x Nitsch Magni Piety/Magni Unity/Massdrop x Cavalli Tube Hybrid>Sennheiser HD600/Yamaha YH-100(dBel mod);
    FiiO BTR7>Etymōtic ER2XR/Andromeda 2020