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Resident Crash Test Dummy, Male, from Eindhoven


Struggling with my tonearm/cart oscillating on a blank record. No amount of VTF/antiskating adjustment seems to help.. Mar 11, 2023

JayC was last seen:
Feb 4, 2025
    1. JayC
      Struggling with my tonearm/cart oscillating on a blank record. No amount of VTF/antiskating adjustment seems to help..
      1. JayC
        Okay, I got this cleared up from people on VE. Blank records are not representative of AS setting. Time to just listen to music!
        Mar 11, 2023
        Qildail and Gazny like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        So, my initial idea to reply "Why are you /playing/ blank records?" wasn't so silly after all! :)

        Wishing you and your stylus joy of the music.
        Mar 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf, gixxerwimp and JayC like this.
    2. JayC
      Secretly ring shopping for the girlfriend, will be getting down on a knee in April during a weekend away..
      1. Josh83, zottel, FlySweep and 36 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Armaegis
        I'll bet dollars to doughnuts she knew.
        Mar 7, 2023
      4. JayC
        Nah, I’m sure she didn’t. But let’s give you your bet money and say
        she did, enough time has gone by that she’s given up expecting something
        Mar 7, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        A cartoon response set against the current British economic problems: "If you really loved me you'd have bought me a tomato."

        Mar 8, 2023
    3. JayC
      Any experiences here with isolation feet under speakers? IsoAcoustics Gaia for example?
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      2. bixby
        4 decades of spikes and then Herbies Fat Pucks, ears opened. Both give different effects, but I like the bass better de-coupled. Using floorstanders with a sandwich of high mass and dense foam at the moment. It is fine. Lots more important audio things to worry about than speaker feet. Floating floor.
        Mar 3, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Mar 3, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. JayC
        Thanks! I think I’m just going to try the svs soundpaths and see where it goes.

        For reference, I’m in a house from the 40’s with laminated floor. Probably wood or so underneath, since it creaks and groans..
        Mar 5, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    4. JayC
      Hanging onto the last days with the Yggdrasil before I put it on sale.. it’s been amazing and an eye opener but it’s far beyond my budget
      1. Qildail, HotRatSalad, Gazny and 6 others like this.
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      3. JayC
        Yeah for sure, it was always meant to be a loaner of sorts. Bought it used to not lose much and It’s been really good getting to know what the top of the hill looked like. I’ve been in audio bliss for a month but it crosses my boundary in terms of money..
        Feb 19, 2023
        yotacowboy likes this.
      4. MellowVelo
        I certainly don’t presume to tell you where your boundary should be, but I can say that I went through a similar debate before ultimately deciding to buy the Yggdrasil. For me, it was so good that I decided to prioritize it over other purchases for years to come. Seven years later, I’m still enjoying the hell out of it, and I haven’t dropped a single dime on my digital setup.
        Feb 20, 2023
        ColtMrFire, JayC and yotacowboy like this.
      5. yotacowboy
        I think it's important to venture to the mountain top occasionally in a financially responsible way. Not knowing what's possible just beyond self-imposed limits often results in mid-fi gear churn and lack of focus on a specific type of system building.
        Feb 20, 2023
        ColtMrFire, JayC and MellowVelo like this.
    5. JayC
      I've always been a bigger speaker guy but tonight I really dug into why i prefer it over headphones...
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      2. JayC
        I can see why, and for me the modi to Yggdrasil step opened the music from a relatively 2D plane between the speakers to a 3D stage backwards and also forwards. They feel completely different and its very addictive.

        I wonder if you think that your LS6s present their sound from further away with your Yggdrasil once you try a modi in your chain haha (even though the modi is also really good, for the price its insane!)
        Feb 4, 2023
      3. LetMeBeFrank
        The pressurized room is exactly what I love about speakers. You don't just hear the music, you feel it in your whole body.
        Feb 4, 2023
        JayC, JK47 and rlow like this.
      4. SoupRKnowva
        I completely agree with all that, I only use headphones while I’m working
        Feb 4, 2023
    6. JayC
      Being spontaneous: looking for a loaner Yggdrasil, finding one on sale instead and bringing it home.
      1. JayC
        Calling it an “Extended loaner” makes it less irresponsible and more spontaneous.. In my mind atleast. Girlfriend does not agree
        Jan 23, 2023
        zottel, Jinxy245, Qildail and 3 others like this.
      2. RestoredSparda
        I think most of my gear ends up being an extended loaner. Lol.
        Jan 23, 2023
        JayC likes this.
      3. Gazny
        Its practically a lease
        Jan 23, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    7. JayC
      Karnivool was amazing last evening! The Ocean had some really good songs too, ended up buying an album (Pelagial) on vinyl
      1. rott, Cryptowolf and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rott
        I love the "Decade of Sound Awake" live blu-ray, anxiously waiting for a new album after their last single release.
        Jan 20, 2023
      4. JayC
        Yeah I watched the livestream during Covid, it was really good! I thought we would hear more new stuff with this show (or just hear fade live one time) but unfortunately not.
        Jan 20, 2023
      5. JayC
        @SoupRKnowva i agree, i did not dig the other albums much on the days leading upto the live concert, nor did i dig them that much during.

        it just happened that they played a few songs in the second half of their set that I really liked.. so i went to the counter after one of them and asked "what album was that song from?". He pointed to Pelagial and I walked away with it in my hands
        Jan 21, 2023
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
    8. JayC
      Does anyone have a Yggdrasil/Gungnir in/around the Netherlands? I'd like to setup a mini meet and give it a shot, will bring food and beer!
      1. Cspirou, Mdkaler, JK47 and 3 others like this.
    9. JayC
      Chip shortages are insane - my order of OPA2156 is delayed until April 2024.. 1656s are in though!
      1. Vansen, Merrick and nishan99 like this.
      2. Vansen
        Just be glad that you don't have a business use case where the finances/ ROI say that you can pay up to $1200 per chip on the black market for a $4 chip. It's been an interesting few years.
        Jan 9, 2023
        JayC likes this.
      3. OmarCCX
        You still got some of those 1656s? 2156 are still backordered
        Aug 15, 2023
      4. JayC
        I do. Can send you some! Send me a message with your address and how many you need
        Aug 18, 2023
    10. JayC
      What's a "better" choice - a BF MB with the op amp mods, or a Yggdrasil A2 but only SE (since I have a Saga, single Vidar..)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        Thanks, thats exactly what I needed (wanted?) to hear haha. But it seems that I missed out on the deal unfortunately.. Should have not thought about it as long
        Jan 7, 2023
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. brencho
        Yggdrasil LIM is non gimped single ended, if you dig it’s sound.
        Jan 7, 2023
        JayC and joch like this.
      4. JayC
        I'll keep a lookout for any of these that come my way on the FS market. Thanks for the input!
        Jan 8, 2023
    11. JayC
      Special 40s never made it to the new owner, UPS claims they are lost..
      1. LetMeBeFrank
        That sucks man. Hope they reimburse you soon!
        Dec 23, 2022
        Cryptowolf, JayC and zottel like this.
      2. rlow
        Wtf? Sadness…
        Dec 23, 2022
    12. JayC
      1. gixxerwimp and yotacowboy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JayC
        yeah that's how i found it! its been a while since I heard some polyphia, I loved their first album but not as much the stuff after for whatever reason.. Loved everything I heard today from the new album but was also a little surprised at how different they guys look now and the endorsements.. and Vai!
        Dec 22, 2022
        yotacowboy likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Thanks for helping me discover Polyphia! I think I prefer the older stuff to the latest album with pop-crap intershmingled.
        Dec 26, 2022
        JayC likes this.
      5. JayC
        haha i definitely understand that from a purist perspective - but the newest stuff is both technically insane and also a nice cross between genres that feels fresh. I catch my girlfriend enjoying it too because of the electronic beats - makes it easier for her to accept the nonstop finger flying. Having said that, Champange is back running on repeat in my head for a few days in a row haha
        Dec 27, 2022
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    13. JayC
      Dynaudio Special 40 on the way to its new owner. Held onto that for 2.5 years - longer than any other speaker I've had in the last 7 years.
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      2. JayC
        @rlow I think they're similar in some ways to what I remember you described the LS6 to be - the stage a bit further away (something I found was tweakable to an extent based on placement), a lot of details especially in the highs and really good stage width/depth. The S40s was really good as well so just based on this the LS6f wasnt a huge step up because I liked/was missing a bit more (stage) forwardness..
        Dec 16, 2022
      3. JayC
        The extension and the detail in the LS6f's bass were really eye openers tho. I wasnt dissatisfied with the S40 bass, but switching back after a couple days I realized that there was a feeling of it being perhaps popcorny - perhaps due to the bass bump. Also the portrayal of note weight was so much better on the Grahams, it just felt like an overall experience upgrade that I found myself not switching back to the Dyns
        Dec 16, 2022
      4. JayC
        It may sound like I'm taking a dump on the Dyns but thats not the intention. I'm just happy with the change and I'll wait for the honeymoon period to pass before really posting about them so I can also nitpick things I dont like as much haha (like the stage being further away/mids being less forward)
        Dec 16, 2022
    14. JayC
      F me.. Half my record collection is warped to the point that it throws the needle off and causes skipping
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      2. PTS
        May 24, 2022
      3. shotgunshane
        May 24, 2022
        JayC and Merrick like this.
      4. shotgunshane
        I’ve flattened 5 records with it and it’s groovy pouch.
        May 24, 2022
        JayC likes this.
    15. JayC
      Does anyone know how to set bubbleupnp to continue playing a folder after the song I selected is done? (Rather than looping the song)
    16. JayC
      Amazing night of music rediscovery ruined by shutting my laptop and the MagSafe somehow ending up between the screen and keyboard..
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      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Oh crap! There's a half inch band of slight shadow, sometimes, on the right side of my monitor, but it can be lived with, even for photo work. But my carelessness is a 3-inch scratch from the tip of a scalpel blade. Luckily it shallow and can only be seen against light background. Not even a very expensive monitor, but expensive enough.
        Mar 19, 2022
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Can you get the screen replaced? Or is it <shudder>: new laptop time?
        Mar 19, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. JayC
        It's estimated to be a 500€ repair, so unfortunately shuddering is the answer :/
        Mar 19, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    17. JayC
      Is it fair to ask if people here are interested in sharing a Qobuz family subscription?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        They didn’t say it had to be a physical roof!
        Jan 11, 2022
      3. JayC
        We can start a subscription if there are 3 more people interested (I've got 3 at the moment)
        Jan 11, 2022
      4. rhythmdevils
        I already share a subscription with a Friend here :) Go for it IMO
        Jan 11, 2022
        JayC likes this.
    18. JayC
      Contemplating giving the yume midnight a blind buy, bite the bullet for the community and maybe find a keeper for myself
      1. Wilewarer likes this.
      2. Wilewarer
        The Yume's tuning was already amusingly similar to the Blessing 2 Dusk, right? Lots of IEMs aiming at that.

        They say the main point is to fix technicalities. I'm not convinced fixing the Yume's core technical issue (noticeable slowness) would be an entirely positive change, having listened to it versus some similar stuff. So I'd be curious.
        Jan 6, 2022
      3. JayC
        I'm not sure about how similar it was to the B2D. I've stayed away from that because I've heard it wasnt really great for rock/metal, which is my bread and butter. I was interested in the 7Hz Timeless because it had a touch more (mid)bass than the Kato, but I wasnt keen on the staging and so on. Midnight doesnt seem like the perfect match for what I'm looking for but I figured I'd look at what the Crin hype is about
        Jan 7, 2022
    19. JayC
      TR-X00 mahogany back on (Mass)Drop, $549
      1. Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JayC
        Yeah, but this is the detachable cable version.
        Nevertheless, I was excited when I got the email and disappointed when I saw the price.
        Aug 24, 2021
      4. Case
        Those pads have small ear holes, uncomfortable as hell. Had to go with Brainwavz pads but lost some focus on the low end.
        Aug 24, 2021
        JayC, JellyRhino and spwath like this.
      5. Sqveak
        The price didn't seem to deter anyone. Out of stock already.
        Aug 24, 2021
    20. JayC
      Discovered that my car was vandalised last night; rear window shattered and I found bits of shot bottle(s) amongst the broken glass
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Bugger. I've had cars broken into for theft of radio etc, but the most depressing is when some idiot just wants to smash something.

        Getting the glass repaired isn't the biggest thing, but you'll be finding bits of glass for ages.
        Aug 7, 2021
        JayC likes this.
      3. Claritas
        A guy is driving to pick his children up at the schoolhouse. But some young hooligan in a Mustang suddenly weaves into his lane, and the poor fella crashes and ends up in the E.R. I was pretty aghast when he told me what'd happened. But then he said, "And I know that it was *God* who made me crash that car. Because, if it had happened just ten minutes later, my kids would both be dead right now."
        Aug 7, 2021
      4. Cryptowolf
        That sucks and the storm was adding insult to injury.
        Aug 7, 2021
        JayC likes this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Portable: Shuoer S12

    Couch: Saga -> Vidar -> Graham LS6f

    Digital: Pi2AES -> Modi MB -> "Couch"
    Vinyl: Clearaudio Concept w/ Nagaoka MP110 -> Darlington MP-7 -> "Couch"