Apr 15, 2020
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Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
Home Page:
Bay Area, CA
Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor

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MOT: rhythmdevils audio, Male, 40, from Bay Area, CA



    1. rhythmdevils
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bixby
        you mean lets get rid of the dead garbage inventory day?
        Jul 14, 2024
      3. bixby
        I bought some (hopefully) nice pens from Target today.
        Jul 16, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        @bixby thats fun. The little things :) I've got nothing against buying things but national holidays devoted to it is a bit much.
        Jul 17, 2024
    2. rhythmdevils
      Anyone else having trouble paying on eBay with PayPal? eBay doesn't go through PayPal checkout, they just charge like a CC and it fails evr
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Senorx12562
        Not a big eBay buyer, but isn't paypal owned by eBay, or otherwise related corporately?
        Jul 9, 2024
      3. rhythmdevils
        Jul 9, 2024
      4. Sqveak
        Happened to my dad on his phone recently. Tried another device (laptop) when we got home and worked first try. Something is up on your device causing a loop or failure to load. Might be time to clear your cache.
        Jul 9, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    3. rhythmdevils
      This would work as an AES switcher right? I want to Compare Yggdrasil A2 - MIB and realized I need to switch the AES too.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        Jul 2, 2024
      3. atomicbob
        Jul 2, 2024
        Pocomo, MellowVelo, PsiPhi and 4 others like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        Thank you @atomicbob ! I bought the one you use and have tested. :)
        Jul 2, 2024
        internethandle likes this.
    4. rhythmdevils
      Whats' the best place to buy new stock HD800 earpads? Sennheiser website?
      1. joch likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Slade01
        Jun 29, 2024
      4. internethandle
        Yeah I used Hifi Heaven.
        Jun 29, 2024
        rhythmdevils and Slade01 like this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        Thank you!
        Jun 29, 2024
        internethandle likes this.
    5. rhythmdevils
      Anyone have an extra 4pin XLR HD800 cable I can borrow? It's for science! :D
      1. internethandle likes this.
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      3. internethandle
        @rhythmdevils I'm sure plenty of us would be interested in a RD800... I know I would!
        Jun 21, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. yotacowboy
        Cool I'll send something out tomorrow!
        Jun 21, 2024
        Riotvan, Case and rhythmdevils like this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        Thanks Clay!
        Jun 21, 2024
    6. rhythmdevils
      Anyone ever have a good experience with Fivre tubes? I've bought a couple cheaper models and been unimpressed.
      1. rhythmdevils
        But every tube company seemingly except Mullard has their good models and some models they don't do as well at. Mullard somehow seemed to do every single tube model one of the best in the industry. Anyways, maybe I've just missed the good Fivre tubes? Their 2a3's go for like 2k. :-0
        Jun 7, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. k4rstar
        Mullard was purchased by Philips in the late 1920s. Dutch engineers at Philips invented the pentode tube and from there would go on to introduce many new vacuum tube types as audio amplification technology progressed. Mullard would become the principal manufacturing house and brand for the export of Philips tube designs to the rest of the western world.
        Jun 7, 2024
      3. Souldriver
        It all depends on the tube. Are those fivre 2a3s very early models or single plates or have something unique to their build? I persondlly am not the biggest mullard fan outside the ole' GZ34 rectifiers. The more balanced holland and US tubes do it for me. Just like some say GEC is the top of all, well yeah if you like the british heavy mid focus sound, but there are tons of other wonderful things out there i prefer.
        Jun 22, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    7. Nicholas LTA
      Nicholas LTA
      Hi, Whitney. I thought I had an account here already, but I suppose not. Just saying hi. :)
      1. Souldriver and Pocomo like this.
      2. rhythmdevils
        Hi Nicholas! :)
        May 31, 2024
    8. rhythmdevils
      Could anyone from the EU help me buy a small amp from marktplaats.nl? I would be most grateful and could pay extra for your time.
      1. internethandle likes this.
      2. rhythmdevils
        I can’t buy it myself because registration requires an EU phone number. Thanks!
        May 26, 2024
      3. Riotvan
        Sure i can help i have an account there, dm me
        May 27, 2024
        Souldriver, zottel, gsanger and 18 others like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        @Riotvan bought the amp for me! Thanks so much! <3
        May 27, 2024
        zottel, Sqveak, Case and 5 others like this.
    9. rhythmdevils
      Has anyone tried these KLEI banana plugs? I’ve unfortunately heard significant differences between connectors not always favoring $$$
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        I picked some KLEI banana connectors from PartsConnexion. I like them better than the gold plated brass or copper plugs.
        Apr 15, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. Armaegis
        Connectors are always a weak point. Bananas are even worse if they are the screw down type because that's such a weak point of contact. Anything with a welded spade would have the best surface contact by a longshot.
        Apr 15, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. Souldriver
        I really like the KLE rca connectors.
        Apr 24, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    10. rhythmdevils
      The problem with buying tons of tubes for a new amp is…you have to try every single one of those tubes!! :-0
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Or maybe don't do t00bs.
        Apr 15, 2024
      3. rhythmdevils
        I’d rather die than listen to SS shite @YMO
        Apr 15, 2024
        YMO likes this.
      4. YMO
        You got cursed with t00bs. I like b00bs over t00bs.
        Apr 15, 2024
        crenca likes this.
    11. rhythmdevils
      What's up with the used market? Everything I bought used 1 year ago is worth 70% of what it was then.
      1. BenjaminBore likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        Maybe it is like cars. Supply chain issues pushed up the price of new, and so made used command a premium. Now the supply chain is fixed and used cars no longer have that premium anymore.
        Apr 9, 2024
        bixby and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. bixby
        @rhythmdevils - Not saying you are chasing new toys, rather that those now buying are, hence the lack of demand price for your really good slightly older stuff. Peeps often chase new even when new is not better.
        Apr 9, 2024
      5. rhythmdevils
        @bixby oh cheers! Yeah I'm buying some new amps but a lot of older or obscure stuff that's definitely not FOTM! haha. I wish I could go to meets, it would free me from most of these purchases and the loss from resale. And then I could buy more orthos to modify! :D
        Apr 12, 2024
    12. rhythmdevils
      Initial Impressions: Vali 3 is a significant upgrade over Vali2++., better in every way. Not as good as the Drop TA-84 but half the price.
      1. Azimuth, Jinxy245, zottel and 6 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. joch
        Apr 7, 2024
      4. yotacowboy
        Stock tube is serviceable, but a bit flat. granted, i didn't put more than 8-10 hours on the stock tube, but unless there are more than the normal sonic gains associated with a tube burning in, the stock Russian tube is safe, if a bit boring.
        Apr 7, 2024
        Pocomo, Sqveak and joch like this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        @joch no the WE369a in the Vali 3 I haven’t tried the stock tube because I have a big bag of NOS 2C51 tubes. :)
        The Drop TA-84 is such a great amp for the price I’m going to get a review sample for SBAF as soon as possible.
        Apr 7, 2024
        yotacowboy, internethandle and joch like this.
    13. rhythmdevils
      eBay seller: “Lets pray like all hell that your tubes make it to your address in one piece and functioning correctly.” :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crenca
        @Thad E Ginathom , sorry to hear about your gods missing hands...I can pray about that.
        Apr 7, 2024
      3. Slade01
        @rhythmdevils as soon as I saw the note, I was 99% sure it was him, that tone is so him, unmistakable! I’ve been buying tubes from him for years. A great seller. He’s funny, but with an old school feel to his character.
        Apr 7, 2024
        internethandle and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I didn't know if he was being serious or not but either way it gave me a good laugh :D
        Apr 7, 2024
    14. rhythmdevils
      Anyone use Text to Speech services and can make a recommendation? Looking at Speechify and NaturalReaders right now to make voiceovers
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        Depending on the volume of work you could get away finding someone to record audio for cheaper than the cost of one of those TTS services. That's ignoring the whole "using robots when you can pay a (voice) artist" debacle, but I will readily point out that a lot of folks' audio is just outright bad.
        Apr 1, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        @Lyander id love to have a human record my writing but I don’t have time. I’m tweaking my writing right up to when I post it. It would take a few days to organize someone recording a voice recording for me. Unfortunately
        Apr 1, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      4. BenjaminBore
        The irony being that although audio makes things seemingly more accessible in terms of initial cognitive demand, as it is a passive vs active activity, I find it more demanding on limited energy reserves vs reading.
        Apr 18, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    15. rhythmdevils
      I hope someone finds a Shangri-La hidden in the bushes in their backyard this morning :)
      1. Tchoupitoulas
        They are egg-shaped headphones!
        Mar 31, 2024
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        A hidden city is the last thing I want in my bushes.

        Hmmm... Wait... OK, maybe!
        Mar 31, 2024
        Ti_Leo, crenca and rhythmdevils like this.
    16. rhythmdevils
      Paypal payment holds are such bs. They don't cover the buyer they just save PayPal money. But I've been with Paypal for 25 yrs WTF.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        ^ hence why I think this is yet another way for IRS / gov to try to control us.

        OTOH we also cannot underestimate some of the stupid things that companies will do to "make money" ... even if they do not actually make money from it.
        Mar 26, 2024
        crenca and rhythmdevils like this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        @penguins well PayPal makes money off this because they don’t pay sellers until the item is confirmed to have arrived. So if there is a problem they just don’t give the seller the money. Rather than paying the seller upfront in a possible scam where the seller makes out with it and PayPal has to pay themselves to make it right with the buyer.
        Mar 26, 2024
      4. rhythmdevils
        But that’s soooo unlikely with a user who has zero questionable incidents over 25 years.
        Mar 26, 2024
    17. rhythmdevils
      With all the advances in AI, why isn't text correction better? I think Apple doesn't care about improving iOS bc they don't make $ off it
      1. Thad E Ginathom and rlow like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Boops
        Mar 22, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Pocomo and Lyander like this.
      4. Lyander
        ROFL. If there ends up being a language learning model patterened after MY writing the internet's gonna run out of space just from all the purple prose that ends up churning out /s
        Mar 22, 2024
        Boops and Serious like this.
      5. Serious
        LOL, would probably end up being true for me, though.
        Then again those LLMs already generate way too long texts with lots of disclaimers. But in this case it's best to ask a professional who can better judge how long a text a LLM would create. Whether the internet would run out of space depends not only on the amount of content being written, but also based on the compression and total storage space available.
        Mar 22, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    18. rhythmdevils
      Can the "balanced" trend in portable devices be over? No one needs bal when on the go, and the space used would make the SE out much better
      1. Qildail, atomicbob, Jinxy245 and 10 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cellist88
        Balanced hd800 sounded better from the phonitor vs Se he 800 when using stock cables for both. I guess ymmv.
        Mar 20, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        @Cellist88 well the Phonitor has tons of space to make a balanced design. Potables sacrifice a ton of needed internal space for the huge 4.4mm female plug. I’m just curious if that space was used in an SE circuit if it would sound better. But the Phonitor can just make the amp bigger to accommodate bal connections and circuits so it’s not quite the same situation. <3
        Mar 20, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. joch
        The problem with most implementation of balance plugs is that they’re not even truly balanced. It’s a waste. It’s for convenience and marketing as suggested above. If they’re gonna do true balance, I think XLR4 or miniXLR4 should be the way to go. Straight 4-5 poles are not really good designs for balance. If you need small…go wireless :P
        Mar 20, 2024
        Cryptowolf and rhythmdevils like this.
    19. rhythmdevils
      I have a broken Studio B and ZDS and Edwin Villareal isn't responding to my emails. Is there any other way to get these amps repaired?
      1. internethandle likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. yotacowboy
        Would it be too sacrilegious to reach out to someone like steve deckert head honcho at decware?
        Mar 16, 2024
      4. rhythmdevils
        @yotacowboy i can’t imagine him being interested in trying to fix someone else’s design instead of making his own amps. I guess I could try though. There has to be a way this is like 5-6k invested here. Not to mention precious works of art.
        Mar 16, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. archer88
        Maybe its worth contacting a custom amp builder like Oliver Sayes, James Burgess or Ming Yang and ask if they would be willing to repair?
        Mar 17, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    20. rhythmdevils
      Does anyone know where I could buy a 105mm metal ring for magnetic pad attachment? I have a new Chifi ortho that is missing the ring.
      1. rlow likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. fraggler
        Outside of trawling Aliexpress or a custom metal shop, you could see if there are any magnetic step up rings for lens filters that would work. I see some in the 105mm range but no idea if the polarity would be right.
        Mar 12, 2024
        Cryptowolf and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. Cspirou
        Mar 12, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. atomicbob
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  • About

    Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Home Page:
    Bay Area, CA
    Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor
    Gear List:
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson



    Pi2AES with Sigma11 LPS -> Yggdrasil A2/og ->

    —iem rig—

    Yggdrasil -> EC Studio B -> RD-S12 (modded Shouer S12 ortho iem's)

    —ORTHO RIG #1--

    Minimax tube preamp -> First Watt F4 -> RD-4 (modified LCD-4)

    --ORTHO RIG #2--

    Jottenheim A -> RD-R (modded LCD-R)

    --ORTHO RIG #3--

    Liquid Gold X -> Various modded Audeze's below

    ----ORTHO RIG #4--

    Cavalli SOHA1 maxed out by @fallenangel -> modded Hifiman HE6SEv1


    EC Studio B
    Cavalli Liquid Glass
    Cavalli Liquid Gold X
    og Cavalli Liquid Gold
    Jottenheim A
    @fallenangel Cavalli SOHA1
    Vali 2+
    Schiit Magni 3+
    Nitsch Piety


    All orthos are modded or in the queue to be modded...

    Audeze LCD-5
    Audeze LCD-4
    Audeze LCD-R
    Audeze LCD-MX4
    Audeze LCD- 4z
    Audeze LCD-3
    Audeze LCD-X
    Audeze LCD-2F
    Audeze LCD-2 Classic
    Hifiman HE6se V1 and V2
    Hifiman HE560 V4
    Fostex T50rp (very involved mod, one of my best orthos)

    --Vintage Orthos--

    Aiwa HP-500
    2 NAD RP-18 Kapton
    3 TDS-15
    Fostex T20v2
    Fostex T20v1
    3 Yamaha HP-1 Anistropic
    4 Yamaha YH-3
    Yamaha YHD-1


    Pi2AES -> Gungnir A1 -> Khozmo Passive Preamp -> Mackie HR624 mk1 active reference monitors (not the 824 or MK2 version)
    When I'm not listening to music I'm a Photographer & Filmmaker