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Feb 18, 2025 at 4:14 PM
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Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
London, UK

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Friend, Male, 45, from London, UK


"He loves gold, only gold." How about a thread displaying the most tasteful golden hifi? And the most wretched oligarch-chic bling? Jan 20, 2025

wbass was last seen:
Feb 18, 2025 at 4:14 PM
    1. wbass
      Anyone have a record hunting/carrying bag they like? I've gotta take about 30 or so crate-digging scores on a couple flights.
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      2. wbass
        Aug 8, 2023
        Biodegraded likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "Is 19" x 19" big enough to fit LPs now adays?"

        Aren't they the same size as they always were?

        It's been a long time (like decades), but... 12"?

        (I'd have to climb to a ladder-access cupboard to measure one)
        Aug 9, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        I think of a jacket as 13" x 13", which leaves room for over-sized jackets. Those flight/helmet bags look really handy, but maybe a bit big. I also like the roll-top backpacks for LPs, but I need a shoulder bag in this case.
        Aug 9, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    2. wbass
      In addition to being interesting to excellent post-Rachael's crossover/classical/ indie/whatever, Balmorhea is often quite well recorded.
      1. bobboxbody and yotacowboy like this.
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      3. wbass
        Not sure if there's a direct connection--oops, didn't mean to imply that--but they definitely cite Rachael's as an inspiration. And Mogwai and Tortoise. A lot of acts have been hip to those bands, but Balmorhea have been more interesting than most IMO.
        Jul 8, 2023
        DigMe likes this.
      4. yotacowboy
        If i were to recommend any one album of theirs as a jumping off point, it'd be Stranger. Then move through Clear Language and The Wind. Then move back through their earlier catalog. I'm still parsing out their newest, tho. There are portions that I'm still trying to understand how they fit with the overall sensibility of the album as a whole.
        Jul 8, 2023
      5. yotacowboy
        I very much appreciate how most of their work grows in intricacy through familiarity, where that's usually not the case with a lot of music. At first blush things sound rather simple, but generally there's more going on, and the nuance is in what we don't notice, almost as if an intention of the group.
        Jul 8, 2023
        bobboxbody and wbass like this.
    3. wbass
      Should be getting my hands on Enleum Amp-23R this week and shooting out w/ Ferrum stack + Susvara and Verité Closed (via Gustard R26).
      1. gsanger, jexby, zottel and 7 others like this.
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      3. Armaegis
        Very curious to hear about the Enleum. A friend of mine had that as his last rig (only sold it all because he had another kid).
        Jul 8, 2023
      4. wbass
        Yeah, very curious to hear the Enleum. Ferrum is excellent but not always toe-tapping. Susvara is great, but can sometimes be slightly reserved dynamically, so more power might be the ticket. I think the Enleum is meant to have a mild mid-bass hump, which I think will also compliment the Sus well.
        Jul 8, 2023
      5. Taguro
        @wbass Will wait for your impressions on the AMP-23R. My Susvara has been sitting here for weeks because of the lack of "toe-tappiness" as you've said. As much as I want it to be an all-rounder, it's been limited to select genres + non-music listening (YouTube, podcasts, etc). Hopefully more power really does the thing. Been triangulating findings with fellow local hobbyists, and they've also said the same thing.
        Jul 8, 2023
    4. wbass
      Anyone else shift genre choices when they're listening to HPs as opposed to 2ch? My go-to HP listening lately has been minimalist electro.
      1. Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      2. wbass
        Electronic music/production seems to favor hard-panned detail, texture, deep bass, lots of panning effects. In short, ear candy. Probably b/c most of its made and mixed on HPs. I prefer band stuff and acoustic instruments on 2ch. And 50s-70s recordings on vinyl.
        Jul 2, 2023
        lithium and Biodegraded like this.
    5. wbass
      Okay, for fun, help me build a new, somewhat down-sized system?? New, smaller apt means my two-box ARC pre and Allnic phono might need to...
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      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        P3ESR-XD (not the original P3ESRs), Heed Obelisk SI MKIII, a smallish REL turned way down for fill and staging. They'll fill a medium sized room at a distance or pull them in for pretty striking staging in nearfield. Very very natural sounding.
        Jun 30, 2023
        Johnny Opps, wbass and Inoculator like this.
      3. Inoculator
        @wbass I somehow missed that you are also looking for something for the Susvara. While I have not heard that combo, folks rave about it. AMP-23r is too perfect of a fit for a small profile device for Forte+Susvara.
        Jun 30, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        @Justin S Probably not moving away from the Klipsch Forte III. I'm not a huge mini-monitor fan, personally, and the Forte's do well at lower volumes, which I might be forced to embrace. But thanks for the suggestion.

        Mostly just trying to figure out the amp/phono pre situation. Down the road I might check out Quad 57s though, as had a pretty amazing audition of those a few years ago.
        Jul 1, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    6. wbass
      Flat hunting (in London) as an audio-nut has been an interesting process. A lot of places have gardens, and a lot of people put fancy sheds
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      2. wbass
        I plan to keep bike commuting. In fact, I liked this flat, b/c it has a relatively calm route to work. And storage enough for 2-4 bikes. Been cycling quite a bit lately and want to do some touring and gravel soon. But I really don't like to cycle when it rains, and it does, of course, rain.
        Jun 27, 2023
      3. wbass
        So, tube access will be nice. And, of course, there are cross-city trips best done via train. Also, 20 minutes to King's Cross and trains to Brussels, Paris, and beyond. And it's the same line out to Heathrow, too.
        Jun 27, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. wbass
        But I'll probably have to turn my subwoofers way, way down. Ha. Priorities.
        Jun 27, 2023
        Biodegraded likes this.
    7. wbass
      I don't like shit in my ears, but somehow have accumulated a little IEM collection, all bought on heavy discount, but one really saves by
      1. Cryptowolf and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        SBAF will do that to you :-). When I joined I didn't even have a headphone rig never mind a DAP and multiple IEMs. They do all sound really good though...
        Jun 8, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Hey, thanks for buying the Noble X and FD-X1 that I worked on. Appreciate it. :) (Side note: I have been re-buying up used FD-X1 for my oldest/best friends...)
        Jun 9, 2023
        Joshvar and wbass like this.
      5. wbass
        Ha ha, your technical and marketing prowess worked on me. I like the FD-X1 and find them a solid to strong listen, especially for the price. The Noble X I'm a bit divided on. Have had some good sessions, but they don't like to stay in my ears. Beautifully made though.
        Jun 9, 2023
        CEE TEE likes this.
    8. wbass
      Well, at least Apple's VR headset will make the giant pair of headphones you wear look less dorky.
      1. CEE TEE and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. yotacowboy
        Can't wait to try these with all my Excel Spreadsheets!!
        Jun 5, 2023
        Qildail, YMO, zottel and 2 others like this.
      4. DigMe
        Bro.. apple VR + Dyson headphones mask and suddenly all those 1970’s characterizations of “the future” don’t seem so far off.
        Jun 5, 2023
      5. gixxerwimp
        My first reaction: "Is there an Apple Vision non-Pro? The only thing "pro" about it is the price."

        Guess they could come out with the Apple Vision Plebe later.
        Jun 5, 2023
    9. wbass
      What do folks think about a converted attic/loft for listening room. Sloped sides=non-parallel=good? But maybe low ceilings are bad?
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      2. zottel
        The attic is by far the best room in our house, acoustically. Maybe a bit too dry, even, although untreated. I guess this is due to the materials: Wooden floor with PVC coating, only one relatively small stone wall and window, the rest including the ceiling is plasterboard with some stone wool or glass wool isolation behind.
        May 30, 2023
      3. zottel
        Clap your hands and you’ll hear no reverb whatsoever, and I didn’t have any problems with bass, either.
        May 30, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom and wbass like this.
      4. Priidik
        Low ceiling and lightweight walls? Hard sell to anyone wanting bass and good tonality. Other than that it can be dialed-in in other areas.
        May 31, 2023
    10. wbass
      What was the golden age of recording? For jazz, I'm gonna say late-50s to mid-60s. For rock, the 70s. Classical? 50s?
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      2. dubharmonic
        We're living in the golden age, though there's so much more content being recorded today that it takes more effort to find it.
        May 26, 2023
        Justin S, Pocomo and zottel like this.
      3. Claritas
        @dubharmonic In every period of the history of recording, there are excellent boutique labels. Occasionally, a talented engineer does fine work at one of the big labels. E.g. of each: The Bis label does record a little better than Decca ~1958–1969. Riccardo Chailly's Brahms on Decca (2012–2013) too. But these are exceptions. Our is not a golden age.
        May 26, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. dubharmonic
        @Claritas maybe yours isn't but mine sure is!
        May 26, 2023
    11. wbass
      Notes with Attachments pretty neat sonically in addition to being a clever, pleasingly woozy set of instrumentals and studio fun.
      1. StageOne likes this.
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      3. wbass
        Spoon, "The Way We Get By," sounding fat on Susvara.

        Nutty HP. Sometimes sounds a bit thin, sometimes as big and bottom-heavy as you want. Never sounds bad though.
        May 24, 2023
      4. StageOne
        That’s a fantastic album, Ekute is my favorite song.
        May 24, 2023
        yotacowboy and wbass like this.
      5. wbass
        I first heard it at Axpona of all places. It's almost like a conspiratorial thing going into a room and they're actually playing interesting music.
        May 24, 2023
    12. wbass
      Okay, iFi, you've got me curious about the Phantom. The new design language is... different.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and zottel like this.
      2. wbass
      3. wbass
        @iFi audio Can you drop some specs on us? Will this drive Susvara?

        My recent semi-nutty auditioning of every high-end-ish HP I could get my hands on got me interested enough in e-stats to want to own some one day. But not enough to want to get a separate amp, so this is interesting.
        May 20, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      4. Armaegis
        Interesting move to replace their current flagship with one that's a combo of that plus the iESL and a significantly higher pricetag... I wonder if that means they'll have a separate non-electrostat "flagship" amp incoming soon.
        May 20, 2023
    13. wbass
      Spent a pretty good chunk of the day listening to Jakob Bro. Improvised minimalism not a crowded category. Really hit the spot.
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      2. wbass
        Brah... Bro.

        Any other minimal jazz recs? Putting together a playlist.
        May 17, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      3. bobboxbody
        ECM catalog is packed full. Have you tried John Surman? Upon Reflection is a good album to start with. Forgot to add Jakob Bro is great, nice choice.
        May 19, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Oh, yeah, love ECM. It's such a huge catalogue, I'm always discovering new stuff. Latest is Bengt Berger, Bitter Funeral Beer.

        I've never really gotten along with the likes of Ralph Towner or Jan Garbarek. Too new-agey and edge-less for me. I skip them by reflex now and go for the deeper cuts.
        May 19, 2023
    14. wbass
      Boy, Ad Astra is dumb and dour, but it sure does look pretty.
      1. Qildail and TazerMonkey like this.
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      3. Azimuth
        The parts that were interesting was not the actual plot of the movie. As soon as Tommy Lee Jones showed up on screen, it sucked from there. The other stuff was cool AF. Like the moon scenes, etc.
        May 15, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. wbass
        Yeah, a lot of the visualization of space travel and living is excellent. I like, especially, the Mars stuff, where everyone is just depressed. Interesting mix of dreamy imagery and sudden violence. But the plot is so, so dumb. Every other line of dialogue is a wince. Some cool moments, but they're linked together in the most perfunctory way.
        May 15, 2023
      5. Azimuth
        It's hard to identify with the character's struggles when they are so far out there.
        May 15, 2023
    15. wbass
      Man, reading HQ Player threads makes my head spin. So many options and settings.
      1. Riotvan
        It's tube rolling for zoomers
        May 13, 2023
      2. SoupRKnowva
        miss me with all the HQ Player neurosis. this is why I like the Mscaler, you just plug it in and it does the thing
        May 13, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      3. wbass
        Definitely like the idea of the MScaler, but not the cost. Be nice if someone came along and made an upscaling box for something more like $1k. I was sort of hoping that was what the Syn would end up being.
        May 13, 2023
    16. wbass
      Lots of cool deep bass stuff happening in Little Dragon, "Cat Rider." Sounds great and bottomless on the VC via Ferrum and R26.
      1. RestoredSparda
        I listened to a few Little Dragon albums for the first time thanks to your status. Not my usual genre, but I really enjoyed them!
        May 10, 2023
    17. wbass
      Anyone try the Susvara on a vintage McIntosh tube amp?
      1. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Might be good- I liked Susvara on my Moth 2a3 even though it wasn't the ultimate in bass control. Rich overall which I thought was pretty nice on short listen.
        May 6, 2023
        dubharmonic and wbass like this.
      2. wbass
        How many watts does the Moth push?

        Edit: Easy to find. 3 watts.
        May 6, 2023
    18. wbass
      Susvara: so many +s, but tends toward lean/ethereal. This SMSL DAC, nice as it is, prolly a bad match. Bifrost 2 real hard to get now tho.
      1. Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
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      3. rlow
        Hey hadn’t thought of the Gustard, but that seems like a really good alternative as well.
        May 4, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      4. JeremiahS
        Yeah. I really like the tuning of Gustard R26 too. Very modern but has some R2R qualities, I like it better than Schiit Yggdrasil.
        May 4, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      5. wbass
        Okay, a couple *really* nice listening sessions with the R26 thus far. I hate comparing DACs. Mostly find that if I'm feeling it, then it's good.
        May 6, 2023
    19. wbass
      Crate digging in Berlin a bust. Granted, was looking for jazz, but was hoping for good ECM, MPS, Japo, Enja. Nothing. Totally picked over.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. wbass
        I might have done better in Berlin digging for electronic/techno, but that ain't my thing. Have had some luck in smaller cities (in the US), but also have seen a lot of small shops pricing in the stratosphere. A lot of people, dealers and customers both, treating LPs like black gold, even when the stock is crap.
        Apr 26, 2023
      4. wbass
        Ah, Record Store Day... there was just nothing I was interested in this year. *Another* Bill Evans re-discovered "holy grail"? On so-so pressed vinyl cut from digital files? Yawn. I'll stream it.
        Apr 26, 2023
        Biodegraded likes this.
      5. Biodegraded
        Been doing the same in London last couple of days. Interesting to see a different flavour in the used selection vs North America, but but holy f**k the prices... And the staff don't seem to need RSD to be arrogant, I suspect it's a permanent state.
        Apr 26, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    20. wbass
      Great listening session with VC and Junior Boys, Begone Dull Care.
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1979 (Age: 45)
    London, UK