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Sep 11, 2024 at 12:18 PM
Apr 1, 2018
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Oct 1, 1989 (Age: 34)
Palms Of The Coasts, FL
Back Office Banker/Supervisor

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Chief Fun Officer, Male, 34, from Palms Of The Coasts, FL

Pyrate Contributor

RIP James Earl Jones Sep 9, 2024 at 2:40 PM

YMO was last seen:
Sep 11, 2024 at 12:18 PM
    1. YMO
      For 10 year as a kid I thought Michael Jackson was a girl. Was six listening to Thriller on tape saying as a six year old was that a girl?
      1. Deep Funk and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. elmoe
        Listen to Jackson 5 and be amazed
        Nov 30, 2019
        Deep Funk, YMO and RobS like this.
      3. YMO
        I'll listen to Jackson 5 doing what Elmo is doing.
        Nov 30, 2019
        elmoe likes this.
      4. JK47
        Michael and LaToya are one and the same.
        Nov 30, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    2. YMO
      Polaris II in the house, anddddd...didn't know IEMs can do this amount of bass, but feels like a buffet that I ate too much from.
      1. netforce, tommytakis and dubharmonic like this.
      2. dubharmonic
        As a Polaris 1 owner, I can relate to this.
        Nov 29, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    3. YMO
      Co-Worker accepted my work invite Wed, Fri Morning Co-Worker passed away in the operation room. So crazy, sad, and happened so fast.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Sad thing was she was a major part of this project, and poof we lost that knowledge without being written down. : /
        Nov 23, 2019
        obsiCO, netforce, tommytakis and 3 others like this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Take care.
        Nov 24, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Sorry for your loss.
        Nov 24, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    4. YMO
      We let new registration in and we have a bot spammer. : /
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Good god, being spammed with Bots?

        Tits... I wouldn't mind so much.
        Nov 14, 2019
    5. YMO
      Nerds and Virgins: Studio Premier Qobuz $14.99 a month first 100,000 people end 1/1/20. Hi-Rez and cheaper than Tidal!
      1. gaspasser likes this.
      2. gaspasser
        I pounced on that when I got the email. I’m proudly a nerd and my nerdy children are proof I’ve made thick in the warm
        Nov 8, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    6. YMO
      Terminator Dark Fate should had been Terminator 3.
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Does that mean that it is good in your opinion? The trailer seemed promising.
        Nov 3, 2019
      2. YMO
        Yes. It will not be T1/T2 good but it's better than anything past T2.
        Nov 3, 2019
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Nov 3, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    7. YMO
      New AMEX Green Card, good enough for travel n00bs. Once I get my 45,000 MR Points, where to travel with Delta?
      1. fraggler
        What dollar conversion for those points?
        Oct 25, 2019
      2. YMO
        Majority of it is 1:1, but sometimes they do deals and you get 1:2 or better than that. I'm just looking to bank my points when I do some minor travel in 2020. Just having your ticket mostly if not all paid is quite useful.
        Oct 25, 2019
    8. YMO
      AEW > WWE So far.
      1. 9suns likes this.
      2. DigMe
        I don't watch wrestling but I did when I was a lad and I've enjoyed the occasional interviews with wrestlers on Ariel Helwani's MMA show lately. A lot of them are pretty interesting guys behind the curtain. Chris Jericho was on last week.
        Oct 17, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. DigMe
        Oct 17, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    9. YMO
      No more rabbit, it became rabbit stew. Yum.
      1. Cakecake, Syzygy and DigMe like this.
      2. tommytakis
        ah yes, the circle of life
        Oct 9, 2019
        YMO, Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
    10. YMO
      Yay I turn 30 today.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. E_Schaaf
        And here I am thinking it'll be a miracle if I get past 27. Congrats on beating your previous record for time spent alive!
        Oct 1, 2019
        Deep Funk, DigMe and YMO like this.
      3. Superexchanger
        @Lyander This made me think of a men's hair dye ad that showed a sexy half-silver fox with a line like "look old enough to know what you're doing, young enough to still do it" or something.
        Anyway good age; enjoy the day YMO!
        Oct 1, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        My belated congratulations! Keep your liver in shape and you can still have parties and drinks ;-)
        Oct 3, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    11. YMO
      Can someone live with just the HD600 as their only headphone?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. monacelli
        HD600 + Vali 2 with a nice NOS tube is more than good enough for me. KSC-75 with headband + Fulla 2 is also a super synergistic pairing. Add in an airplane iem with decent isolation and what more do you need? Why spend $3--5k on a headphone rig?
        Sep 27, 2019
      3. Skyline
        Just repeating the chorus here, but Modi/Vali 2/HD600 is killer. It can absolutely be someone's only headphone.
        Sep 27, 2019
        monacelli likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Yes. I still want to buy a spare. Saving up these days.

        Had the same feeling with the AKG 500s.
        Sep 28, 2019
    12. YMO
      Animu nerds, Robot Carnival plus other 80s animu classics like FotNS movie and Golgo 13 movie on Prime Video free atm. No jokeeee!!!
      1. JK47
        Golgo 13... Yessssssss
        Sep 21, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      2. YMO
        @JK47 will never be as cool as Golgo, or that 3D helicopter.
        Sep 21, 2019
      3. JK47
        Sep 21, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    13. YMO
      Android Dark Mode is in beta, and while it's still buggy, it'll help my eyes once it's live.
      1. Syzygy, hikergrl, Sherm and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I'm completely baffled by the fuss over dark-mode android and its apps. How dificult can it be to do white on black instead of black on white? Why can't it be a single slider in settings? I even have a feeing that some of the alternative ROMs may have done that long since?

        And yet they hum and haw and tease over it like it was a huge upgrade.

        Oh, and I just read Lyander's post. Quite.
        Sep 2, 2019
        Lyander and YMO like this.
      4. DigMe
        @Thad E Ginathom we're talking DARK MODE bro! Its not like this is just some simple brain surgery..dark mode..
        Sep 2, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom and YMO like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Oh my god. Actual DARK MODE?
        I didn't know phones even did that sort of stuff! Should we even be talking about it in public? Think of the children!
        Sep 3, 2019
    14. YMO
      I just discover the board game "Go." It's great. I get why East Asia love it.
      1. Syzygy, Deep Funk and Lyander like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Makes chess look easy. Not joking.
        Aug 31, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    15. YMO
      Ugh, new Grado HF3 with different cable looks good and sexy. Ugh....can't go back to treble land...
      1. Case likes this.
      2. Case
      3. insidious meme
        insidious meme
        Just remember not to blame SBAF if you do the deed.
        Aug 28, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Look at it this way, dBel can mod Grados to sound good so with a bit of ingenuity you can too! Nearly dropped some cash on an SR60 to play with before I got the wireless IEMs :))
        Aug 29, 2019
    16. YMO
      NuForcexDrop Move and my phone at work = EXCELLENT. The Move with my ZX2 is good wireless as well.
      1. Poleepkwa likes this.
      2. tommytakis
        oo nice! any connectivity issues? I plan on using them for daily commute and work outs
        Aug 26, 2019
      3. YMO
        Time to time the only connectivity issues is when I stream The Economist voice articles from my phone. Other than that, no issues.
        Aug 26, 2019
        tommytakis likes this.
    17. YMO
      Feeling sad. Next door neighbor abandoned their cat due to a divorce. Cat shouldn't been punished.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        There are a lot of folks emigrating from South Africa right now and we see this all the time - 'please adopt or we'll be forced to put them down'. f'ing bullshit, you take them with you.
        Aug 22, 2019
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        There was that time that I got custody of the cat. Agreed amicably.

        But for both parties to abandon the animal stinks. One of them must have been the cat person.

        My wife doesn't really like the cats. But if anything happened to me, I trust that she would at least feed them.
        Aug 23, 2019
        hikergrl, GoodEnoughGear and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. ufospls2
        Thats so lame. I've never even owned a pet, I just pretend and am the dumb uncle to my brothers dog. I love him so much, I can't imagine owning a pet and doing this to them :(
        Aug 23, 2019
        hikergrl and Jinxy245 like this.
    18. YMO
      Thanks @purr1n for the rabbit. I'll take good care of it when it comes to dinner time.
      1. Syzygy, rlow, Ash1412 and 5 others like this.
    19. YMO
      Holy poop Hong Kong is crazy ATM. But don't underestimate Xi. They don't give a f**k about what the world thinks of them.
      1. elmoe likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        And they don't have to worry about what their own citizens think of them either.
        Aug 13, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    20. YMO
      I should make a E-Ink reader thread. Seems people might have minor interest in it.
      1. Syzygy, gaspasser, Ash1412 and 4 others like this.
      2. netforce
        Do it
        Jul 31, 2019
        bengo, hikergrl and YMO like this.
      3. YMO
        I will, I'll make a post with my experience with the tech, different products, etc. by Sunday.
        Jul 31, 2019
        Syzygy and gaspasser like this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Seems like it will be an interesting read.....I'll see myself out
        Jul 31, 2019
        OldDude04 and YMO like this.
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  • About

    Oct 1, 1989 (Age: 34)
    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    Back Office Banker/Supervisor
    Gear List:
    Headphones: Senn HD600, Senn HD6XX

    IEMs and TWS: NuForce X Drop Move, Drop x JVC HA-FDX1, Drop x JVC HA-FWX1, Sony WF-1000XM3, Moondrop Starfield, Moondrop Kato

    Desk: Mac Mini M1 > AIO Pietus Maximus (Big PeePee) > OG BF2