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Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 35)

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Almost "Made", Male, 35, from Philippines

Sent my Jot R for repair last year and local amp guru only finished it now. He's lending me some 2A3s for the Stellaris though so all good. May 28, 2024 at 6:19 AM

Taguro was last seen:
May 31, 2024 at 8:25 AM
    1. Taguro
      After the live event I went to last week, we and our gear choices really are shaped by our experiences.
      1. Taguro
        It sounds so simple, but aspects of music reproduction that I find important don't usually match with that of other people's. Been working towards improving my chain with the goal of reproducing the kind of music and experiences I've been to. Not sure if I'm there yet, but getting closer I guess.
        Aug 28, 2023
        gsanger likes this.
      2. Taguro
        Just some random babble going on inside my head. Going on that trip after 3 yrs of being tied to at home messes with the mind.
        Aug 28, 2023
        gsanger likes this.
    2. Taguro
      Pulled out the RAAL SR-1a again for tonight.
      1. zerodeefex likes this.
      2. Taguro
        Jot R died on me ugh
        Aug 25, 2023
      3. zerodeefex
        Now you have an excuse to buy a Tyr
        Aug 25, 2023
        Qildail and RestoredSparda like this.
    3. Taguro
      Back from my Japan trip. Got to try the Yamaha YH-5000SE at e-earphone Akihabara. Will post impressions later.
      1. Taguro
    4. Taguro
      Flying to Japan in 2 days for a concert. So excited to be going back after the pandemic.
      1. zottel, Cryptowolf, bixby and 9 others like this.
      2. bixby
        I was only there once in the 80s, beautiful country. Have a blast!
        Aug 15, 2023
        Taguro likes this.
      3. Taguro
        Aug 15, 2023
    5. Taguro
      A-B'd the Ferrum OOR with the EC SJR last night. Was left scratching my head how the SJR sounded so much clearer. Like a veil was taken off.
      1. Taguro
        Tbf, the Ferrum had the "cleaner" sound, but elements in the mix were flatter, while the SJR had more depth to the sound. I'm not too good at explaining the entire experience, but this is probably that "tube magic" thing going on.
        Aug 11, 2023
      2. joch
        What tubes are you using?
        Aug 12, 2023
      3. Taguro
        @joch Elrog ER300B-Mo, WE396a and Amperex 5AR4
        Aug 13, 2023
        joch likes this.
    6. Taguro
      I think I can live with the RAALs. Bass aside, they do a lot of things well for me, particularly the tactility, immediacy and engagement.
      1. Lyander
        Use em with a massive sub? XD
        Aug 6, 2023
        Taguro likes this.
      2. Taguro
        @Lyander I think I'm going there down the line. Will be looking for a sub anyway for my nearfields so might as well make it do double duty with the RAALs. As it stands though, the SR-1a's are for specific use cases only. I think the Utopias are still better all-rounders. esp for the usual stuff I listen to (anisong, Jpop, etc)
        Aug 6, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        It's a good thing you stuck with it since the newer Utopias seem to be a net downgrade. Also likely saved a mutual friend from overextending to save up buying them off you, haha. Having said that, I get why— they're damned good all-rounders, and definitely neat for anisong :P
        Aug 6, 2023
        Taguro likes this.
    7. Taguro
      Local Customs held my RAAL SR-1a package for inspection. Confident it gets to me without any tax losses, but was hoping to try it out today.
      1. joch and Lyander like this.
    8. Taguro
      Moved the Holo May KTE to my desk setup and the Yggdrasil A2 to the home speakers. Been wanting to do this for months now.
      1. JK47
        First impressions?
        Jul 26, 2023
      2. Taguro
        @JK47 Personally the May plays at a higher level, albeit if you don't like NOS, it won't be for you. I personally like the strong center image and density of the May. There's a more tangible, almost tactile, way the May renders notes.
        Jul 27, 2023
        JK47 likes this.
      3. Taguro
        @JK47 While the Yggdrasil isn't bad, the note weight isn't as realistic and you feel like the edges are more sharpened on the Yggdrasil, giving it a more incisive character, despite the May actually resolving more macro and micro detail. As to aspects of Yggdrasil that are more positive compared to the May, it would probably be speed and air, the second of which is naught if May is fed with upsampled material.
        Jul 27, 2023
        JK47 likes this.
    9. Taguro
      Managed to get a RAAL SR-1a and a Schiit Jotunheim R for a stupidly good price. Don't know whether I'm keeping it tbh, but curiosity got me
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taguro
        Jul 24, 2023
        M3NTAL likes this.
      3. internethandle
        I've considered this many times from both showing up semi-frequently on HifiShark. Given that you have an SJR with dynamics and an Yggdrasil, which is similar enough to my setup, really interested in your impressions either here or in the SR-1a thread when you get the chance. I've basically kept telling myself I can't use Raal's with my Studio B so I should just forget it, but they still call me from time to time...
        Jul 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. internethandle
        Double post, sorry.
        Jul 25, 2023
    10. Taguro
      Around a year more of waiting for my DNA Stellaris, but then again, the 3 months since ordering just passed by.
      1. Qildail, joch, Lyander and 1 other person like this.
      2. joch
        Good things come to those who wait
        Jul 12, 2023
      3. Claritas
        When I order something, somehow I usually forget that ordered it. (I get busy.) And then it's a big surprise when I get it.
        Jul 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
    11. Taguro
      Passed by the local store today. My god, the Hugo TT2 sucks balls. I've never heard the Atrium and Utopia sound so thin and lifeless.
      1. Cryptowolf, RestoredSparda and DigMe like this.
      2. Taguro
        Also A-Bd the OG Utopia with Utopia 2022 for a second time. Only reinforced what I heard the first time. New one is definitely warmer, but sacrifices that ultra precise imaging and is less transparent to my ears. Staging is slightly better on the new one (might be because of the larger grill holes). Still prefer the sparkle and top end extension of the OG, esp with tubes.
        Jul 2, 2023
    12. Taguro
      Getting into car audio soon. Bringing the car into the shop on Monday for installation and tuning.
      1. bixby and Qildail like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        Cool. I looked at Focal but none of their 6x9 speakers were shallow enough to fit in my doors and I was installing myself so I didn’t really want to get too complicated with modding and whatnot.
        Jun 28, 2023
      4. caute
        please make a thread (if there isnt one already) on your findings when you get your car setup. people, including myself, would love to hear abt it
        Jun 29, 2023
      5. Taguro
        @caute I'll try. I fear my impressions might be a bit too basic since I'm exploring uncharted territory, but I'll do my best
        Jun 30, 2023
        caute likes this.
    13. Taguro
      Haven't had much time on audio lately. Life came in like a speeding truck the past 2 weeks, both good and bad.
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
    14. Taguro
      Out of curiosity, what's the general take on Abyss AB-1266 TC? (Our local shops don't carry any units for testing)
      1. wbass likes this.
      2. JeremiahS
        I think along with the Susvara, they are the most technical planars that currently exist. It has a V-shaped character (but excellently tuned), soundstage and bass are probably one of the best. Abyss tune the TC in the fun side (like their other headphones) rather than reference / neutral.
        Jun 8, 2023
        nishan99 and wbass like this.
      3. JeremiahS
        The TC is comfortable but the sound changes according to how you adjust the headband so can be problematic. Very, very hard to drive, SS is probably the wiser choice for ultimate control unless you have something like the Riviera AIC-10 or WA33.
        Jun 8, 2023
        nishan99 and wbass like this.
      4. dubharmonic
        It has a unique, opinionated presentation that's big and intense. Most love it or hate it but it's worth a listen.
        Jun 8, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    15. Taguro
      Passed by local audio store yesterday. Planned to drop by to try stuff but then asked myself if anything was an upgrade to what I have.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taguro
        @caute was eyeing the Warwick Bravura or the RAAL SR-1A so I have different driver options as I already have a dynamic and planar. but I find more enjoyment trying to perfect what I already have right now than adding more stuff to the stable.
        May 15, 2023
      3. Taguro
        @Thad E Ginathom I think this makes a lot of sense. I'm still curious about the new stuff coming out, and it's fun trying things out. I just have to restrain myself from pulling out the wallet hastily which I don't have a lot of confidence in, which is why I just avoid situations where I can get myself into trouble.
        May 15, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Ahhh.... Very wise! :)
        May 15, 2023
    16. Taguro
      1. Vansen, JK47, Lyander and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JK47
        I paid $1200 for what looked mint and came with all the boxes in 2018
        May 5, 2023
        Vansen likes this.
      4. JK47
        Interesting that the owner originally had them posted over on HF, then closed the listing, and said it was going on Yahoo Japan...
        May 5, 2023
      5. Vansen
        And here I thought Yahoo! was only used for fantasy football these days.
        May 6, 2023
    17. Taguro
      Swapped out the GE5670 driver tube for a WE396a. Didn't expect such a massive improvement. Much more liquid and has a greater ease to it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        I'm scared to publicly comment on my favorite tubes because it makes the prices go way up and they become "holy grail" tubes all of a sudden... pm me if you want. ;)
        May 2, 2023
        JeremiahS, Taguro and internethandle like this.
      3. Taguro
        @yotacowboy @internethandle thanks for the suggestions. I currently have a Sylvania JAN 2C51 here given to me by the guy I got the ER300B from. I will try this one later tonight. Will also look for the Bendix to try.
        May 2, 2023
      4. Taguro
        May 2, 2023
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    18. Taguro
      Had a great day with the local hobbyists yesterday. Got myself a pair of the Elrog 300B-Mo too. Impressions coming later.
      1. caute
        Apr 30, 2023
      2. Taguro
    19. Taguro
      Achieved a personal milestone today! That new house is looking just a bit closer now.
      1. Case, Ksorota, insidious meme and 6 others like this.
      2. DigMe
        You got a stronger pair of binoculars? :P
        Apr 26, 2023
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Did you place a corner stone?
        Apr 26, 2023
        Claritas likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Walked a mile?

        Anyway, congrats, and best wishes for covering the final miles.
        Apr 26, 2023
    20. Taguro
      Thinking of either getting a pair of new 300Bs or getting a new DAC. I'm leaning towards the 300Bs, but a DAC seems more sensible in price?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taguro
        On the other hand, I've been enjoying the SJR so much since I got it. A huge chunk of my evenings have been dedicated just to this chain. Maybe it's time to stop the side/downgrades and get onto the TOTL tube train (Elrog?)
        Apr 17, 2023
      3. Gazny
        Get a rack
        Apr 17, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      4. caute
        And then add heater for glowy, pretty n v toxic mercury rectifier. Elrog is resolution king tho.
        Apr 17, 2023
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  • About

    Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Gear List:
    Headphones: Focal Utopia, Hifiman Susvara
    Speakers: Focal Sopra N1, Focal Solo6 Be
    DACs: Holo Audio May KTE, Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Amps: Eddie Current Studio Jr., Ferrum OOR/HYPSOS, Luxman L-509f
    Streamer: Bluesound NODE 2021