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Sep 27, 2015
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On planet
acoustic research scientist

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dScope Yoda, Male, from On planet

Pyrate BWC MZR

Volume Control Resistance Stability thread has been updated with a "vintage" P&G pot: Aug 23, 2024

atomicbob was last seen:
Sep 13, 2024
    1. atomicbob
      New habit includes regular listening sessions just for enjoyment rather than spend time measuring and posting. Then *shit* ...
      1. Jinxy245, Kernel Kurtz and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. atomicbob
        Studio B right channel makes a slow fade. PX300B filament died. New tubes ordered but good thing the lab has numerous high quality alternatives. SW51+ and T4 are going to get a lot of use right now.
        Oct 8, 2021
    2. atomicbob
      Wife is improving from internal infection but remains on a restricted diet for the foreseeable future. Looking up though.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Case
        Sending thoughts of healing to your wife, Bob.
        Sep 29, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Best wishes.
        Sep 30, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        Thank-you all for the well wishes. The worst restrictions are no red meat, no wine, no high fiber foods. Then when infection has subsided lots of high fiber foods but still no red meat and no wine. Saturday night steak nights are off for awhile. She can have chicken and pork if ground or cooked until it falls apart.
        Sep 30, 2021
    3. atomicbob
      Originally meant to take only two or three weeks to recharge and avoid burn-out, but ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        Best wishes, Bob!!!
        Sep 2, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Very best wishes to you both, Bob.
        Sep 2, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        Thank you for the well wishes. She is improving to the point of insisting on resuming some household tasks and looking after our grand children twice weekly. Still a ways to go to avoid need for a surgical solution. Corporate offered several paid weeks off and at least one a month for the rest of the year.
        Sep 2, 2021
    4. atomicbob
      Have been on a self-imposed time out as I am BTO II track 8 IRL ...
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      2. Cryptowolf
        Enjoy! You know I’m a fan of a nice red or amber beverage to enhance the listening experience.
        Jul 31, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        Just Give it Time.
        Jul 31, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        Thank-you all, I am enjoying this transition greatly. Seriously going to limit future corporate to less than 25 hrs / wk. I'm getting to old for 90 mph hair-on-fire schedules.

        @Kernel Kurtz Welcome Home
        Aug 1, 2021
        Kernel Kurtz and Cryptowolf like this.
    5. atomicbob
      PNW denizens are weather wimps, myself included. Hot day, was planning to writeup gamma2. Was diverted to offspring A/C issues.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        Thad and I look down our collective noses with disdain. What you call unbearable is a walk in the park even for that Brit. ! :))
        Jun 28, 2021
        atomicbob and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        My wife is a huge weather wimp, especially considering that she spent her life in this climate. None the less, I'm very fond of our AC machines!

        I remember one 40C-plus day, no electricity, I was barely conscious! On the other hand, on another 40-plus day, I was charging around temples and monuments with a tourist friend.
        Jun 28, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        I think the hottest I've ever been was an April afternoon in a hotel in Bodh Gaya when the power went out.
        Jun 28, 2021
        atomicbob and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    6. atomicbob
      amb gamma2 measurements mostly complete. Now listening. AB comparison with ODAC. Like comparing St-Emilion Grand Cru with MD 20/20.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. purr1n
        St-Emilion Grand Cru = good. Harder and harder to find Bordeauxs these days.
        Jun 23, 2021
        atomicbob and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. M3NTAL
        Are you able to compare USB only (bus power / data) vs. the wall powered coax option? My work setup is the Gamma2 Lite - Curious on the compromise.
        Jun 23, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        @M3NTAL yes, both will be included in the technical measurements thread when I post. Have spent a long period tracking down an intermittent problem with the power supply sent with the gamma 2. It has transient indiscretions which affect both the measurements and the sound. Replacing with an iFi 5V supply solves both.
        Jun 23, 2021
        M3NTAL likes this.
    7. atomicbob
      New challenge ... AC died. Right at the beginning of a hot period. Can't use equipment or wear headphones. Sweating profusely. FWP.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        That is about the climate here @Thad E Ginathom. Although this winter did not get nearly as bad as Texas. Summer humid heat, and that will just roll into tornado season
        Jun 22, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and atomicbob like this.
      3. atomicbob
        Turned out to be a bad compressor start capacitor. Amazing how much better one feels at 10 °C lower in temp. Now in the queue to replace an 18 yo system, but in a controlled way, not panic driven.
        Jun 22, 2021
        Syzygy, Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and 4 others like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        How nice it is when these problems have a quick and easy fix!
        Jun 23, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    8. atomicbob
    9. atomicbob
      Putting a wrap on Rockna Wavelight measurement data collection.
    10. atomicbob
      Working on another ABX comparison per request of @Hands
      1. Marvey, CEE TEE, Cryptowolf and 6 others like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Poor you, got sucked into another Hands "X-off" ... LOL
        Jun 9, 2021
        atomicbob, Jinxy245 and Cryptowolf like this.
    11. atomicbob
      Reverse Midas Touch day ... I need to just stop and go back to bed.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        @JayC look in the Urban Dictionary for Reverse Midas Touch
        Jun 4, 2021
        JayC likes this.
      3. JayC
        Haha I know, I was trying to make it a bit lighter by being silly. Hope that was a solitary bad day!
        Jun 5, 2021
        atomicbob and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. atomicbob
        Everyone has days like that. It was my turn in the barrel. Things have improved greatly, though I am not nearly as energetic as many years ago. The system is less energetic if domains of opposite direction alternate ...
        Jun 8, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    12. atomicbob
      Again a short drive-by post. By the end of May I will have finished the IP transfer and once again be semi-retired. Back to fun stuff soon.
      1. Josh83, Syzygy, abraxas666 and 20 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. atomicbob
        @Koth Ganesh No wish to communicate with a con man. Nothing to gain and likely everything to lose.
        May 27, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Koth Ganesh like this.
      4. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        @atomicbob, it’s not Amir himself that will give you grief, it’s his minions.
        May 27, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        @Koth Ganesh yes, it is a losing proposition to engage any of them no matter how you approach the situation.
        May 28, 2021
    13. atomicbob
      This is a drive-by post ... life has been extraordinarily crazy for the last three weeks ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cryptowolf
        If you are calling the lawyers involved elephants, I've been called far worse. :) Take care and please avoid getting stepped on.
        May 3, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        @Cryptowolf : Dancing elephants comprise many participants including lawyers, VPs, policy makers (often human resources) and (gasp) other technical types. The specific phrase " crushed by the process" was carefully chosen.
        May 3, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Senorx12562 like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        Well said, I seldom encounter such artful turns of phrase outside usage by my fellow legal colleagues.
        May 4, 2021
    14. atomicbob
      Working in corporate is much like working with a bull...
      1. Deep Funk, Lyander, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
      2. atomicbob
        Sometimes you are in front of the bull, butting heads and getting gored. Most of the time you are behind the bull wading in bullshit. Occasionally you are on top of the bull for a wild ride. But when you fall off you must be careful not to get trampled in the process.
        Apr 7, 2021
      3. Azimuth
        And they like to chase after the wavy red flag for whatever reason. And you can't stop them most of the time.
        Apr 7, 2021
        atomicbob and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        And some people think getting gored or trampled by the bull is an indication of character, while most of us do our best to avoid the sharp or tramply things.
        Apr 7, 2021
    15. atomicbob
      Loaner dac2541 measurements concluded finally. Moderna vaccination #2 tomorrow. May be out of sorts for awhile.
    16. atomicbob
      Performing basic research today. Decoder: basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing.
    17. atomicbob
      Running dac2541 warm-up measurement sequences. T=0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72 hrs ... Thousands of measurements will be acquired.
      1. Azimuth, JayC, Walderstorn and 11 others like this.
      2. Azimuth
        I would Epic this if I could.
        Mar 15, 2021
      3. atomicbob
        Results so far (on my lab unit) indicate most important burn-in is the first 100 to 500 hours. After burn-in there isn't much measurable warm-up change past the first hour. I'm going to repeat with the loaner unit over the next several days. My apologies to all those after me on the list. My lab unit has more than 1700 power on hours. I'm not certain how many hours are on the loaner.
        Mar 15, 2021
    18. atomicbob
      Out of the blue our health care provider called and offered C19 vaccines if we could show up in short order. On a 45 day path to 94% free.
      1. sheldaze, Jinxy245, Skyline and 22 others like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Guess the Best Before date was coming up fast ...

        Glad you're getting one. My mom just got her first.
        Mar 3, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        @gixxerwimp : you win the cigar. I learned vials of vaccine hold many doses. Once seal is broken the 6 hour time to expiration begins. Appointment cancellations result in wasted vaccine doses. We were fill-ins at the beginning of the vial seal puncture.
        Mar 4, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    19. atomicbob
      Attended an AES zoom meeting tonight with Bob Ohlsson and John Windt discussing their engineering at Motown Records and the room acoustics.
      1. Josh83, Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and 4 others like this.
    20. atomicbob
      Next several days will be consumed with corporate cultural unfreezing.
      1. Azimuth, Syzygy and Koth Ganesh like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. atomicbob
        Search for Senn Delaney for an example
        Feb 23, 2021
      4. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        Send me the picture of the "kumbaya" moment when you get a chance
        Feb 23, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        Currently listening to Hallelujah Train, Mark "Mr. B." Braun Joybox album
        Feb 23, 2021
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  • About

    On planet
    acoustic research scientist
    Gear List:
    See information section for my opinions
    My enjoyment of particular recreational music systems is inextricably intertwined with my personal preferences. The following lists are representations of my tastes in music, components and listening levels. The section on music is only a sample of my library but should provide sufficient insight into my musical preferences. I am rigorous and exacting with component measurements. That doesn’t automatically make my opinions worth anything without context. Use the following information to decide how well your own preferences converge or diverge with mine when I make comments about equipment in the forum. DO NOT blindly assume a positive comment from me about some component or headphone will automatically translate to auditory happiness on your part. Likewise you may find yourself enjoying something that I don’t. Consider (learning) your own personal preference.

    50s, 60s & 70s jazz
    Louis Armstrong, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Cannonball Adderly, Les McCann & Eddie Harris
    Recorded by Columbia (Frank Laico, Fred Plaut), Bluenote (Rudy Van Gelder), Contemporary Records (Roy DuNann)

    More recent jazz artists
    Wynton Marsalis
    Dave Grusin
    Dave Brubeck
    Bela Fleck
    Chick Corea
    Christian McBride
    Wycliffe Gordon
    Ingrid Jensen
    Steve Treseler
    Terell Stafford
    Ronnie Earl
    Steve Gadd Band
    Charlie Haden
    Brad Mehldau

    Medeski, Martin & Wood
    Medeski, Scofield, Martin & Wood
    Ill Considered
    Snarky Puppy
    Pat Metheny

    Artfully deviant
    Steve’n’Seagulls - Thunderstruck
    Two Cellos - Thunderstruck

    A class by himself

    60s & 70s rock
    Emerson Lake & Palmer
    Blood Sweat & Tears
    Pink Floyd
    Jethro Tull
    JJ Cale
    Little Feat
    Dave Matthews Band
    Cat Steven – Tea for the Tillerman
    Grateful Dead
    Lead Zeppelin

    Tangerine Dream
    Bruce Becvar
    Gary Stroutsos

    Classical composers

    Canadian Brass

    Listening Levels dBSPL
    60~70 quiet, background listening
    70~80 recreational and critical listening
    80~90 rocking out, often with libations at hand
    90~100 Santana Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen, ELP Tank - drum solo

    I tend to listen at quieter levels where electroacoustic transducers exhibit greater linearity. Higher levels are more likely to have greater distortion and require higher power amplification. The result is substantial deviation in opinions by listeners attempting to compare headphones when they are listening at different levels.

    Holo Audio KTE Spring 2 / 3
    Holo Audio Cyan 2
    Schiit Bifrost2
    Matrix Audio X-Sabre Pro
    Lavry DA11

    Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Schiit Gungnir MB A2
    Soekris dac2541

    Work (recording, editing, acoustic measurements)
    Lavry DA11, AD11
    RME ADI-2 Pro

    Rather not listen
    Auralec Vega
    Resonessence Labs Concero
    Topping D30
    Objective DAC

    Universal Turd
    Audio-gd S19

    Eddie Current Studio B
    Eddie Current Zana Deux SE
    Schiit Vali 3 with GE JAN 5670w
    ECP Audio DSHA-3F
    ECP Audio T4
    Shortest Way 51+
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson

    Cavalli Liquid Platinum
    Schiit Lyr3 with PSVane 6SN7
    EC ZDT Jr after hum reduction modifications
    BottleHead Crack (PS modified, no speedball, e80cc driver)
    Cavalli MCTH
    Schiit Magni3+
    Schiit Vali2 with 6CG7
    Project Sunrise with 12BH7 and Linear Power Supply

    Rather not listen
    Objective 2
    Topping anything


    Sennheiser HD800-JAR
    Sennheiser HD800-Jmod
    Focal Stellia
    Sennheiser HD600

    Sennheiser HD650
    Focal Clear
    HiFiMan HE-500

    Rather not listen
    Most anything planar except for the HE-500

    I developed a VST chain dubbed Immersion Virtualization System which I employ for my recreational listening. This has a substantial influence on my perception of component performance. See the IVS descriptions in the following links:




    Organizing chaos for seven decades.